
Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Uncle Li, you look good lately!"

Zhang Xiaohua met his neighbor Uncle Li, who he hadn't seen for a long time, at the convenience service center. Uncle Li is 75 years old this year, with gray hair and a tough body. Zhang Xiaohua is a primary school teacher who is busy teaching on weekdays and rarely has time to chat with her neighbors.

"Haha, Xiaohua, I've been in good health recently, thanks to the doctor's words." Uncle Li said with a smile.

"Doctor? What do doctors say? Zhang Xiaohua asked curiously.

"Doctors say that bathing too often is not good for the elderly. Did you know that I only take a shower once a week now, and my body feels more comfortable. Uncle Li said proudly.

"Is that still the case?" Zhang Xiaohua's mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Yes, the doctor also said that if you want to live a long life, you have to abide by the '3 do's and 3 don'ts'." Uncle Li continues to share the secret of his longevity.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Uncle Li's "3 wants and 3 don'ts" longevity rule

Uncle Li's "3 wants and 3 don'ts" sounds simple, but it contains a lot of health knowledge and health preservation principles.

In order to let Zhang Xiaohua understand better, Uncle Li explained this set of longevity rules in detail.

Don't bathe too often

Doctors explain that frequent bathing takes away the natural oils and protective layers on the skin, especially for the elderly, when the skin becomes more fragile and dry.

Studies have shown that the microbiota on the skin plays an important role in maintaining skin health, and frequent bathing can upset this balance.

In a Japanese study, older adults who bathed less than three times a week had significantly better skin health than those who bathed daily.

In addition, excessive cleansing can also lead to the occurrence of skin diseases, eczema, and other problems.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Exercise moderately

Uncle Li would jog around the community every morning to move his muscles.

He said that moderate exercise can strengthen physical fitness and improve immunity. Many older people reduce their exercise because they are afraid of falling or feeling weak, which is not good for their health.

Research from the Mayo Clinic in the United States states that moderate exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Doing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, not only builds physical strength, but also improves mood and relieves stress.

Don't stay up late

Uncle Li goes to bed on time at 10 o'clock every night and gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning. He believes that a regular sleep schedule is very important for health.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Staying up late not only affects the body's metabolism, but also leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of disease.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Eat a balanced diet

Uncle Li's eating habits are also very particular, he eats whole grains, vegetables and fruits every day, and tries to eat less greasy and high-sugar foods. Doctors recommend that older people should eat more foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals to maintain a balanced diet.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Proper control of red meat and processed foods can help you live longer.

Don't rely too much on medications

Uncle Li rarely takes medicine unless specifically advised by a doctor. He believed that over-reliance on drugs would make the body resistant to drugs, and that the side effects of drugs could be more terrible than the disease itself.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Maintain your mental health

Uncle Li chats with his old friends every day, plays cards, and keeps a happy mood. He believes that mental health is just as important as physical health.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

An 80-year-long study from Harvard University found that good relationships and a positive mindset are essential for longevity. Mental health not only affects the immune system, but also regulates the body's stress response, which reduces the risk of disease.

Uncle Li's actual case

In order to make Zhang Xiaohua more convinced, Uncle Li also told a story about his friend. Lao Wang is a good friend of Uncle Li, and he is also 75 years old this year. Two years ago, Lao Wang's skin became very dry due to frequent bathing and excessive medication, and he also suffered from eczema. Later, Lao Wang listened to the doctor's advice, reduced the number of baths, controlled the amount of medication, and increased the amount of exercise, as a result, the skin problems gradually disappeared, and his body became healthier.

Extended discussion: More questions about the health of older adults

After Uncle Li shared the secret of his longevity, Zhang Xiaohua felt deeply benefited, but he also had more questions. He asked, "Uncle Li, what should the elderly do if they don't like to exercise and are unwilling to change their eating habits?" ”

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Uncle Li thought for a while and said, "Actually, everyone's situation is different, and the most important thing is to find a healthy way that suits you." You can start with small things, such as reducing the amount of time you sit, standing up more often, and slowly cultivating your interest in exercise. You can also eat gradually, and you don't have to change a lot all at once. ”

Uncle Li's words made Zhang Xiaohua suddenly brightened, and he decided to try Uncle Li's "3 wants and 3 don'ts" longevity rule after returning home, adjust his lifestyle, and lay a solid foundation for a healthy and long life.

In-depth analysis: how to make the elderly who do not like exercise and change their eating habits live a long and healthy life

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

For older people who don't like to exercise and change their eating habits, a long and healthy life is still achievable. Here are some practical suggestions:

1. Start with your interests

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

2. Increase your daily activity

You don't have to schedule a specific time for exercise, and you can increase the amount of activity in your daily life. For example, do simple chores at home, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do simple stretching exercises while watching TV.

3. Improve your eating habits

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

4. Regular physical examinations

Seniors are encouraged to have regular check-ups to understand their health status and adjust their lifestyle according to their doctor's recommendations. Timely detection and treatment of health problems, prevention is more important than cure.

5. Psychological support

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Through these measures, even the elderly who do not like to exercise and change their eating habits can unknowingly improve their health and move towards a long life.

The conversation between Zhang Xiaohua and Uncle Li not only allowed him to learn some simple and easy health secrets, but also inspired him to think about healthy living. Everyone has their own way of health, as long as they find what suits them, they can reap the fruits of longevity in ordinary life.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

Key Points:

(1) Moderate exercise can enhance physical fitness and improve immunity. Many older people reduce their exercise because they are afraid of falling or feeling weak, which is not good for their health.

(2) Increase the amount of activity in daily life:

For example, do simple chores at home, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do simple stretching exercises while watching TV.

(3) Reduce the number of baths, control the amount of medication, and increase the amount of exercise.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Ancient Oasis

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"


[1] Ou Jinfeng. Shanxi Elderly,2023,(08):60.

Don't like to take a bath, what are the benefits for the elderly? Doctor: If you want to live a long life, abide by the "3 do's and 3 don'ts"

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