
Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Uncle Zhang, have you been a little tired lately?"

Doctor Director Xu glanced up at the physical examination report in front of him and gently tapped the table with his hand.

"Yes, Dr. Xu, I always feel tired and dizzy these days."

Uncle Zhang had a sad face, and he was still holding the physical examination coupon that he had won in the bank lottery last week.

Uncle Zhang, who was a middle school teacher before retirement, is usually quite strong and has no major illnesses or disasters. But since retirement, my daily routine has been completely disrupted, I often stay up late to watch TV, I can't get up in the morning, and I have less time for activities.

"The results of your physical examination are not satisfactory, especially the blood pressure and blood sugar are a little high." Director Xu said as he picked up the report, "However, I found that you have a particularly bad habit that needs to be changed. ”

"Huh? What habits do I have that I don't have? Uncle Zhang was a little puzzled.

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

"Do you like to go out to buy groceries at 10 o'clock in the morning, or go out for a walk at 9 o'clock in the evening?" Director Xu asked with a smile.

Uncle Zhang slapped his thigh, "Yes, I think there are few people in these two time periods, it's cool, and it's not easy to get heat stroke." ”

"Here's the problem," Director Xu smiled mysteriously, "I suggest that you would rather do more housework and exercise more than go out during these two time periods." ”

Uncle Zhang looked puzzled, and Director Xu patiently explained.

Case 1: I was shopping for groceries at 10 o'clock in the morning, and I was dizzy and almost fell

Uncle Zhang's neighbor, Aunt Li, is a living example.

Aunt Li likes to go to the vegetable market at ten o'clock in the morning to buy vegetables, and she feels that there are fewer people and the vegetables are fresh at this time. However, one day she was carrying vegetables when she suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he was supported by the vendor next to him, so there was no major incident. Later, I went to the hospital to check, and it turned out to be a hypoglycemic reaction caused by a sudden drop in blood sugar.

The doctor said that more than 10 o'clock in the morning is the time when the blood sugar level of the human body is the lowest, especially for the elderly, who eat less breakfast and consume physical strength, and it is especially easy to have problems when going out at this time.

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

Case 2: Walking at 9 o'clock in the evening, he suddenly had a heart attack and was sent to first aid

Let's talk about Uncle Zhang's community security guard, Uncle Wang, he is used to going out for a walk after eating at 9 o'clock in the evening, and thinks that taking a walk after dinner will help digestion.

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

In-depth analysis: the hidden dangers of traveling in the morning and evening

Uncle Zhang was terrified when he heard this, and Director Xu continued to explain: "According to the statistics of our hospital, 10 o'clock in the morning and 9 o'clock in the evening are the high incidence periods for the elderly to have health problems. ”

First of all, at about 10 o'clock in the morning, after a night's rest, the blood pressure gradually rises after waking up in the morning, coupled with the physical exertion after breakfast, the blood sugar level drops, and going out to do activities at this time is easy to cause the risk of hypoglycemia and high blood pressure.

Especially the elderly with a history of high blood pressure and diabetes are more dangerous.
Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

Secondly, at nine o'clock in the evening, the human body enters the night rest mode, the heart rate gradually slows down, and the blood pressure decreases.

When you go out for a walk immediately after dinner, the blood is concentrated in the stomach to digest food, and the blood supply to the heart is insufficient, which can easily induce heart disease, angina pectoris and other problems. In addition, there is not enough light at night, and the elderly have reduced eyesight and are prone to falling.

Temporal distribution of health problems in older adults

In order to make Uncle Zhang more convincing, Director Xu cited a set of data:

"According to the national health monitoring data for the elderly, nearly 40% of accidents caused by hypoglycemia in the elderly over 60 years old occur around 10 o'clock in the morning;

Cardiovascular events that occur around 9 p.m. account for more than 30% of the total number of elderly people. These data are enough to show that choosing the right time to travel is crucial for the health of older people. ”

Doctor's advice: Healthy lifestyle

Director Xu gave Uncle Zhang a few specific suggestions: "First of all, you can consider going out to buy groceries at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, when the air is fresh and the sun is soft, which is suitable for morning exercise and shopping. Secondly, you can do some light housework at home after dinner, or simple indoor exercise to avoid overwork. ”

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

"It's also important to maintain a regular routine. Go to bed early and wake up early, avoid staying up late, and get enough sleep to help the body recover various functions. ”

Derivative Question: Diet and Health of the Elderly

After listening to Director Xu's explanation, Uncle Zhang was thoughtful, but raised a new question: "Then Dr. Xu, is there anything that needs special attention in the diet of the elderly?" ”

In response to this problem, Director Xu carried out a detailed analysis:

"The diet of the elderly should be light and nutritionally balanced, and avoid foods high in salt, fat and sugar.

It is recommended to consume enough vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein and whole grains every day. ”

Specific recommendations:

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods
  1. Increase dietary fiber: Dietary fiber helps gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevents constipation. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  2. Calcium supplementation: The elderly are prone to osteoporosis, so it is recommended to consume more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, soy products, green vegetables, etc.
Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

Case story: High blood pressure from a high-salt diet

There is an Uncle Chen in Uncle Zhang's community, who usually likes to eat pickles, but the physical examination found that his blood pressure was frighteningly high. When the doctor checked, it turned out to be caused by a long-term high-salt diet.

After the doctor's advice, Uncle Chen began to control salt intake, and in less than half a year, his blood pressure dropped significantly, and he became more energetic.

Director Xu finally concluded: "Uncle Zhang, healthy living habits need to be developed slowly. I'd rather move more and go out less, and a healthy body is more important than anything else. ”

The best time for seniors to exercise

After listening to Director Xu's suggestion, Uncle Zhang suddenly thought again: "Then Doctor Xu, when is it better for the elderly to exercise?" ”

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

In response to this question, Director Xu gave a detailed answer:

"According to medical research, the best time for seniors to exercise is at seven to eight in the morning, or four to five in the afternoon. The temperature is moderate during these two periods, and the air quality is better, which is suitable for moderate exercise. ”

Detailed explanation:

  1. 7-8 a.m.: The air is fresh and the sun is mild, which is conducive to the absorption of vitamin D, promotes calcium absorption, and enhances bone health. At the same time, moderate morning exercise can promote blood circulation and increase metabolism.
  2. 4 to 5 p.m.: After a day of activity, the body enters a relatively stable state, and moderate exercise at this time can help digest dinner and promote sleep quality.

Director Xu also reminded in particular: "Whether it is in the morning or afternoon, the exercise of the elderly should be based on light aerobic exercises such as walking, tai chi, jogging, etc., and avoid strenuous exercise, so as not to cause unnecessary health risks." ”

Finally, Director Xu did not forget to emphasize: "Maintaining good living habits, scientific diet and moderate exercise are the keys to the health and longevity of the elderly." ”

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

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Ancient Oasis

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods


[1] Liu Yu, Zhao Fang, Wang Li, et al. Research on the influence of health education based on patients' social network on the self-management ability of elderly patients with chronic diseases in the community[J/OL].Chinese Journal of General Practice,1-7[2024-07-01].

Older people should listen to persuasion! I'd rather cook and do laundry and exercise more than go out during these two time periods

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