
It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"It's not a watermelon or a pear, eating it can clear away heat and detoxify."

The doctor's words echoed in Li Ming's ears.

Li Ming, a civil servant working at the city's convenience service center, has just finished a busy day of work and is about to go home.

The sun has set in the west, and the summer heat is still not subsiding. He wiped his sweat and thought to himself how nice it would be to be able to go home and blow the air conditioner and drink a cup of cold mung bean soup.

At this moment, he met his neighbor Uncle Wang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Uncle Wang is a retired old Chinese medicine doctor who likes to walk in the community and chat with people about health topics.

Seeing Li Ming, he greeted him with a smile: "Xiao Li, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you busy with?" ”

Li Ming hurriedly stopped and greeted politely: "Oh, Uncle Wang, how are you doing lately?" I just got off work and I'm getting ready to go home. ”

Uncle Wang nodded and asked with concern: "Xiao Li, look at you sweating profusely, have you been feeling particularly hot lately?" It's getting harder and harder. ”

Li Ming sighed: "It's not, Uncle Wang, it's so hot that I can't even eat this day, and my stomach always feels uncomfortable." Tell me, what can you eat comfortably on such a hot day? ”

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

Uncle Wang listened and smiled slightly: "Xiao Li, let me tell you, what to eat on a hot day is good for your health, this is exquisite." Many people think that eating watermelon and pears can relieve the heat, but in fact, these are not the ones that can really clear away heat and detoxify. ”

Li Ming leaned over curiously: "What is that, Uncle Wang, tell me about it." ”

Uncle Wang looked around, mysteriously approached Li Ming's ear and said, "Actually, eating bitter melon in summer is the best choice." It can clear away heat and detoxify, cool off heat and reduce fire, especially suitable for this kind of sultry weather. ”

When Li Ming heard this, he asked in surprise: "Bitter gourd?" I've never heard of that. Uncle Wang, tell me more about it. ”

Uncle Wang nodded and began to talk about the benefits of bitter gourd: "Do you know that bitter gourd is rich in vitamin C and bitter gourdin, which can effectively help the human body clear heat and detoxify and enhance immunity. Moreover, bitter gourd also has the effect of lowering blood sugar and lipids, which is especially suitable for summer consumption. ”

Li Ming listened carefully and nodded from time to time. Uncle Wang continued:

"Not only that, but bitter melon also has a miraculous effect, it helps the body detoxify. In summer, the human body is prone to accumulating toxins, and eating bitter gourd can boost metabolism and help remove toxins from the body, making you feel more relaxed. ”

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

Li Ming listened attentively, and suddenly asked, "Then Uncle Wang, how to eat this bitter gourd with the best effect?" ”

Uncle Wang smiled and said, "Actually, there are many ways to eat bitter gourd. The easiest way to do this is to stir-fry bitter gourd.

You only need to slice the bitter gourd, put it in an oil pan and stir-fry, add a little salt to taste, and you can retain the nutrients of the bitter gourd. Moreover, scrambled eggs with bitter gourd are also a very good home-cooked dish, which is not only nutritious but also tastes good. ”

Li Ming nodded when he heard this: "This sounds good, I'll try it when I get home." ”

Uncle Wang continued:

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

Li Ming couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Wang, I drooled when you said it." Is this bitter gourd really that magical? ”

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

Uncle Wang nodded seriously: "Of course, Xiao Li, don't underestimate this bitter gourd." Once upon a time, there was a patient who ate a lot of chilled watermelon in the summer because he was greedy for cold, and his stomach hurt badly. I advised him to eat some bitter gourd and within a few days his symptoms were relieved. So, this bitter gourd is really a summer baby. ”

Li Ming was convinced and said gratefully, "Thank you, Uncle Wang." Looks like I'm going to have to hurry up and buy some bitter gourd and try your method. ”

Uncle Wang nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, Xiao Li, health is the most important." In the future, let's communicate more, learn more, and take care of our health. ”

After the two said goodbye, Li Ming hurriedly walked to the vegetable market, thinking that he wanted to buy some fresh bitter gourd and make delicious dishes according to Uncle Wang's method.

After returning home, Li Ming immediately started to wash the bitter gourd and slice the stir-fry. With the aroma in the pot, his mood was much happier.

The next day, Li Ming went to work with homemade scrambled eggs with bitter gourd and shared them with his colleagues to try.

After tasting it, his colleagues were full of praise, praised his cooking skills, and began to wonder about the miraculous effect of this bitter gourd. Li Ming told everyone Uncle Wang's words one by one, which aroused everyone's interest.

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

Colleague Xiao Zhang leaned over and asked, "Li Ming, is this bitter gourd really that good?" I've always found it bitter and don't like it much. ”

Li Ming said with a smile: "Actually, Xiao Zhang, although bitter gourd is bitter, its nutritional value is very high. You can try to make it into a coleslaw, it will taste much better. ”

Xiao Zhang nodded and decided to try it when he went home in the evening. So, under Li Ming's recommendation, bitter gourd gradually became everyone's favorite in the office.

As the days passed, Li Ming found that he not only felt more relaxed in his body during the summer, but also had a lot fewer gastrointestinal problems. This made him more convinced of the benefits of bitter gourd, and he recommended this summer dish of "clearing heat and detoxifying" when he met people.

However, the story is not over yet.

Li Ming's friend, Lao Chen, is a veteran food lover. After hearing Li Ming's story, he decided to do an investigation without believing in evil. He consulted a lot of information and found that bitter melon does have a lot of medical research to support its health benefits.

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

According to a paper in the Chinese Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, bitter gourd contains a variety of active ingredients, such as bitter melon, saponins and flavonoids, which have significant effects in clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering blood sugar and lipids.

In addition, bitter gourd is also very high in vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity.

Chen also found data from a clinical trial. Trials have shown that patients with type 2 diabetes have a significant drop in their blood sugar levels after consuming a moderate amount of bitter melon every day. This is further proof of the health benefits of bitter melon.

Seeing these data, Lao Chen was finally convinced. Not only did he start eating bitter gourd himself, but he also shared the good news with more friends.

For a while, bitter gourd became popular in the circle of friends. Everyone tried different bitter gourd recipes, from stir-fried vegetables to cold salad to bitter gourd juice. Some people have also researched bitter gourd tea, which is soaked in water with bitter gourd slices to drink, which is both relieving the heat and healthy.

This craze for bitter melon not only improves everyone's health, but also makes the summer diet more colorful.

Li Ming felt extremely relieved to see that everyone benefited from the bitter gourd. He understands that this summer, because of the bitter melon, everyone's life has become healthier and happier.

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

However, new problems have also arisen.

Many people are beginning to wonder, in addition to bitter gourd, are there any other heat-clearing and detoxifying foods? So, they found Uncle Wang and asked him to teach everyone some more health knowledge.

Uncle Wang smiled and said, "Of course, there are many good things to clear heat and detoxify in summer, such as mung beans, winter melon and mint." These foods all help us get through the hot summer. ”

As a result, Li Ming and his friends began a new round of exploration and attempts. They found that a healthy diet not only makes the body stronger, but also brings endless fun and surprises.

Through this story, we can see the importance of scientific diet in daily life.

Heat-clearing and detoxifying foods not only help us get through the hot summers, but also improve our overall health. The key to health lies in a varied diet and scientific choices.

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

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Ancient Oasis

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify


[1] Zhang Qiuhua. Study on the effect of self-made "dampness, heat and detoxification decoction" combined with tranquility on clinical symptoms and anxiety and depression in patients with gout[J].Clinical Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine,2022,14(01):116-119.)

It's too hot, what is good for your body? Doctor: It's not watermelon or pear, eating it can clear heat and detoxify

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