
Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Your health problems may be related to armpit hair, so I recommend that you consider getting it checked." Dr. Li's words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, exploding in Li Qiang's ears.
Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

It is said that that morning, Li Qiang had messy hair and worn-out slippers, and hurriedly went out to the convenience service center to run errands. As an ordinary office worker, he always feels itchy under his armpits and irritable these days. As soon as he arrived at the door of the service center, he met his neighbor Uncle Wang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Xiao Li, how can you have time to come out today?" Uncle Wang was in good spirits and smiling.

Li Qiang responded with a wry smile: "Hey, uncle, I haven't been feeling well recently, and my armpits are always itching badly, so I'll come out today to do some errands, and go to a doctor by the way." "

Uncle Wang's eyes lit up and patted Li Qiang's shoulder: "At your age, you have to pay more attention to your body." Itchy underarms can be a minor problem or a major one. "

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

So, the two stood at the door of the service center and chatted. Uncle Wang's topic is as healthy as ever, from foot massage to finger exercises, to the meridians on the top of the head, he talks endlessly, like an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Li Qiang didn't pay much attention to Uncle Wang's health theory, but while chatting, he suddenly remembered his armpit hair problem. In recent years, his armpit hair has become much thicker than when he was younger, and not only has the number increased, but the length has also increased. Is this related to your recent physical condition?

So, he decided to consult Dr. Li. Dr. Li is a veteran doctor in the community health center, with rich experience and a good reputation. Li Qiang was in the consultation room and told about his troubles, and after listening to it, Dr. Li nodded and said seriously: "This may have something to do with armpit hair." ”

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

Dr. Li went on to explain, "The degree of thick armpit hair in people is related to androgen levels, and people with thick armpit hair tend to have higher androgen levels. Androgens not only affect body hair, but also other health indicators such as muscle mass, metabolic rate, and even mental state. ”

As soon as this point of view came out, Li Qiang was a little surprised. He never thought that armpit hair would have such a direct relationship with his health. Dr. Li further explained, "The thickness of armpit hair can reflect certain endocrine conditions in the body. For example, thick armpit hair may indicate a high level of androgen production, which can lead to a number of physical and psychological advantages. ”

In the following explanation, Dr. Li used a very interesting example to illustrate the relationship between armpit hair and health. He talked about a patient named Liu Wei, who was a fitness instructor with very thick armpit hair, high androgen levels, and was usually energetic and muscular. However, Liu Wei recently found himself in mood swings, irritability, and even insomnia.

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

Through a detailed examination, Dr. Li found that Liu Wei's androgen levels were too high, which led to a series of health problems. By adjusting his diet and lifestyle habits, Liu Wei's condition has improved.

Dr. Li's explanation made Li Qiang suddenly realize that thick armpit hair is not only a physical feature, but also a health indicator. There is a direct correlation between the thickness of armpit hair and the level of androgens, which play an important role in the human body, affecting not only body hair, but also muscles, reproductive function, and even psychological state.

Dr. Li also mentioned some data to support his point. He cites a study on the relationship between androgen levels and health, which showed that people with higher androgen levels performed better in terms of strength, endurance and metabolism, but were also more likely to develop mood problems and sleep disturbances.

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

The study's data analysis was very detailed, covering multiple age groups and different occupations, and the results showed that the impact of androgen levels on health is comprehensive, not just limited to one aspect.

Next, Dr. Li also shared some ways to adjust androgen levels, including moderate exercise, balanced diet, and maintaining good work and rest habits. In particular, he stresses that too high or too low androgen levels are bad for your health, and that the key is to find a balance.

After listening to Dr. Li's explanation, Li Qiang's heart suddenly brightened. He decided to adjust his lifestyle from today and try to improve his health. First, he decided to start regular workouts to maintain moderate androgen levels.

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

Second, he will pay attention to his diet, increasing his intake of foods rich in protein and vitamins while reducing his intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods. In addition, he plans to adjust his sleep schedule to ensure that he gets enough sleep every day.

After ending the conversation with Dr. Li, Li Qiang walked out of the consultation room and felt much more relaxed. Uncle Wang was still waiting for him at the door, and seeing the smile on Li Qiang's face, Uncle Wang was also happy: "Xiao Li, it seems that you have found the root of the problem." "

Li Qiang nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it turns out that armpit hair can also reflect health problems, which is really insightful." "

Uncle Wang patted him on the shoulder: "Then take good care of your body, health is the most important thing." "

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

The two chatted for a few words, and Li Qiang said goodbye to Uncle Wang and went home with a new health plan.

Since the thickness of armpit hair can reflect androgen levels and, in turn, affect health, are there ways to control and optimize androgen levels in the body to achieve better health results?

In response to this problem, Dr. Li provided some professional advice. First and foremost, maintaining a moderate amount of exercise is key. Studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise and strength training can help maintain normal androgen levels, strengthen physical fitness, and improve immunity.

Secondly, eating habits are also very important. Protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, lean meat, etc., contribute to the normal secretion of androgens.

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article

Foods rich in vitamin D and zinc, such as milk, nuts, seafood, etc., also have a positive effect on androgen levels. Avoid excessive intake of foods high in sugar and fat, as these foods can interfere with the endocrine system and affect the normal secretion of androgens.

In addition, good work and rest habits and psychological state should not be ignored. Adequate sleep and a low-stress living environment help maintain normal endocrine function and prevent androgen levels from becoming too high or too low.

Men with thick armpit hair, what's the difference? Or is it more "capable"? Make it clear in one article
Studies have shown that staying up late for long periods of time and working in a high-pressure environment can lead to androgen levels that can lead to a range of health problems.

By combining the above methods, Li Qiang can better regulate the level of androgens in the body and improve his health. At the same time, these methods are also suitable for other people who want to stay healthy.

Maintaining moderate androgen levels not only provides physical benefits, but also improves overall quality of life.

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