
Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Uncle Liu, your physical examination report is out, you need to pay attention to it."

Doctor Liu Ziming looked at the report and looked up at Uncle Liu in front of him.

Uncle Liu is a retired middle school teacher, and when he went to the bank to apply for a large deposit certificate last week, he won a physical examination coupon by lottery, and today he came to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Uncle Liu pinched the physical examination report in his hand, and couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive:

"Doctor, am I okay with this body? When I'm old, I'm always afraid of this and that. ”

Liu Ziming smiled and said, "Uncle Liu, don't be nervous, it's not a big problem, it's just a bit of fatty liver, high cholesterol, and mild hypertension." The main thing is that your kidney and liver function are abnormal, which is related to your usual eating habits. ”

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

"Eating habits?" Uncle Liu was a little surprised, "I usually pay attention to it, three meals are timed, meat and vegetables are matched, especially I love to eat fish, how healthy the fish is!" ”

The doctor nodded and said:

"Uncle Liu, you are right, fish is indeed healthy, but it should also be in moderation, especially at your age, you should pay more attention to the balance of your diet. Sometimes I would rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, especially fish, because eating too much can easily hurt the kidneys and liver. ”

When Uncle Liu heard this, his brows furrowed: "How can this be?" I always thought that eating more fish was good for my health, but the result was not good? ”

Doctor Liu Ziming patiently explained: "The metabolic ability of the elderly decreases, excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, and at the same time, fish meat contains high purines, which will increase the metabolic pressure on the liver and lead to abnormal liver function." Coupled with some heavy metal pollution that may exist in modern aquatic products, long-term consumption of large amounts will also cause adverse effects on the body. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Liu finally came to his senses. It turns out that there is actually a misunderstanding in his long-standing concept of "healthy eating".

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

This reminded him of the situation of his neighbor, Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang usually pays attention to health preservation, often drinks green vegetable porridge, and her health has always been very good, even colds are rare.

In order to let Uncle Liu understand thoroughly, the doctor Liu Ziming decided to tell a case to corroborate:

"Uncle Liu, do you know Uncle Zhang? He is in a similar situation to yours. Uncle Zhang used to like to eat fish, and he had to eat fish almost every day. He always felt that fish was rich in protein and that eating it was good for his body. As a result, one day he suddenly felt weak, went to the hospital for a check, and found that it was kidney failure. The doctor told him that it was because he had been overeating fish for a long time, which caused his kidneys to be overburdened, which eventually caused the problem. ”

"I see." Uncle Liu nodded, thoughtful, "Then should I eat less fish and more vegetables in the future?" ”

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

Doctor Liu Ziming smiled and said, "Yes, Uncle Liu." The diet should pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, especially for the elderly, to be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy food. It is better to drink green vegetable porridge than to over-supplement high-protein, high-fat foods. ”

When Uncle Liu left the hospital, his mood was much more relaxed than when he came. He decided to adjust his eating habits after he went back, and no longer blindly thought that eating more fish and meat was good for his health.

When he got home, Uncle Liu immediately told his wife, Aunt Wang, about his physical examination. After hearing this, Aunt Wang also agreed with the doctor's statement: "I have long said that we should not make up for it at this age, and usually eat more green vegetable porridge, which is light and nutritious, and it is not easy to get angry." ”

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

So, from that day on, Uncle Liu's table had a lot of light vegetables, but there was a lot less fish. A few months later, Uncle Liu went for a follow-up examination and found that his liver function and kidney function had improved significantly. This made him even more convinced of the importance of a healthy diet.

However, Uncle Liu can't help but have some questions: "Since the elderly should eat less fish and meat, should they also eat less other animal proteins?" ”

Doctor Liu Ziming said:

"Indeed, the overall intake of animal protein in the elderly should be moderate, and excessive intake should be avoided to overburden the kidneys and liver. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the diversity of the diet, and not blindly rely on one type of food. ”

For example, eggs are a good source of protein, but eating more than two eggs a day can increase cholesterol intake and adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Although milk is rich in calcium and protein, excessive consumption of milk can also cause indigestion and diarrhea in older people who are lactose intolerant.

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

Doctor Liu Ziming also mentioned that you can usually eat more legumes, such as tofu and soy milk, which are high-quality sources of plant protein, which can not only meet the body's protein needs, but also will not cause excessive burden on the kidneys and liver.

After hearing this, Uncle Liu nodded frequently: "It turns out that there are so many things to pay attention to in the diet, it seems that I have to pay more attention in the future." ”

In order to help Uncle Liu better understand, doctor Liu Ziming continued to explain a detailed case:

"There is a patient named Aunt Li, she usually likes to eat meat, and she must have meat at every meal, thinking that this is the only way to be nutritious. As a result, her physical examination report showed that her blood lipids and blood pressure were high, and her liver function was also abnormal. After the doctor's advice, she began to adjust her diet, reduce her meat intake, eat more vegetables and fruits, and after a while, her health improved significantly and her weight also decreased. ”

This case made Uncle Liu more aware of the importance of a balanced diet. To ensure the health of himself and his family, he decided to start now and create a healthy eating plan.

Uncle Liu not only practices healthy eating himself, but also actively promotes this concept to his friends and neighbors. He specially organized a community health lecture and invited doctor Liu Ziming to explain the importance of healthy eating.

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

On the day of the lecture, the community room was full of seniors who had come to listen to the lecture. Dr. Liu Ziming explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of various foods from the perspective of nutrition, and combined with actual cases, vividly described the harm of improper diet to the body.

"Uncles and aunts, the diet of our elderly should be light, less oil and less salt, and eat more vegetables and fruits. For example, green vegetable porridge is a good choice, which is not only easy to digest and absorb, but also provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals. ”

Uncle Liu also added on the side: "Everyone should remember that although fish is good, you can't eat too much, especially for us elderly, it must be in moderation and not over-supplemented." ”

After this lecture, the elderly in the community have said that they have benefited a lot. Uncle Liu worked with everyone to make a healthy eating plan, and met regularly every week to share the experience and experience of healthy eating.

As time passed, the health of Uncle Liu and his neighbors improved significantly. Not only are they physically healthier, but they are also in a happier mood.

However, problems also arise. One day, when Uncle Liu was chatting with his friends, someone suddenly asked: "Uncle Liu, since the elderly should eat less fish and meat and more vegetables, how can we ensure the protein and other nutrients that our bodies need?" ”

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

This question has caused everyone to think deeply. Doctor Liu Ziming was invited to explain again:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most important thing is to have a variety of food and a reasonable mix of food. In addition to fish, we can also get high-quality protein from foods such as beans, eggs, and milk. In addition, eat more fruits and vegetables of various colors to ensure the intake of vitamins and minerals. For example, eating a handful of nuts every day can be rich in high-quality fats and proteins. ”

He continued: "The nutrient interactions in food and we can't rely on one food alone. It is necessary to pay attention to the diversification and balance of the diet, and the reasonable combination can fully meet the nutritional needs of the body. ”

Uncle Liu nodded and said with emotion: "It turns out that healthy eating is not only about eating less certain foods, but more importantly, about learning to mix scientifically and balance the intake of various nutrients. Thank you, Dr. Lau, we learned a lot today. ”

Since then, Uncle Liu has not only strictly followed the principles of healthy eating, but also actively led the people around him to eat healthily together. Their lives have become more colorful and their physical health has improved well.

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs

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Ancient Oasis

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs


[1] Ning Shuxian, Zeng Jinxiu, Sha Xiaomei, et al. Comparative analysis of volatile composition of bighead carp meat from different habitats[J/OL].Science and Technology of Food Industry,1-21[2024-07-01].

Should the elderly eat less fish? I'd rather drink green vegetable porridge than make up for it, as it is easy to hurt two internal organs