
Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Your stomach is not in good shape, Xiao Li." Doctor Li Minghua looked at the physical examination report and said to the young man opposite with a frown.
Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

The story begins on a sunny Tuesday, when Li Xiaogang, a 32-year-old company employee, went to the bank last week to apply for a large-value certificate of deposit, and was lucky enough to win a medical examination coupon. With the mentality that he didn't want money anyway, he made an appointment for a physical examination. Unexpectedly, this trip to the hospital allowed him to discover the health problems he had hidden for many years.

Li Xiaogang is a typical office white-collar worker, with a busy work, a fast pace of life, and a very casual diet. In the morning, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I ordered a takeout for lunch, and I often had a casual deal with dinner after working overtime.

His eating habits are also very simple, and his favorite food is dry rice - rice and noodles are his favorites. Gruel? That's something you drink when you're sick.

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

"How is that possible?" Li Xiaogang looked at the doctor with a puzzled expression, "I've always been in good health, how can there be a problem?" ”

Doctor Li Minghua pushed his glasses and explained: "Your gastroscopy showed that your gastric mucosa had some erosion, and your intestines also showed signs of chronic inflammation. Although these problems are not serious, if you do not pay attention to your diet and lifestyle habits, they may develop into more serious digestive diseases in the long run. ”

Li Xiaogang was even more puzzled: "But I've always eaten like this, how can there be a problem?" Could it be that there is something wrong with the way I eat? ”

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

The doctor nodded and said, "That's right." Compared with people who have eaten dry rice for a long time and those who have been drinking porridge for a long time, the health of the stomach and intestines will indeed be different. You usually eat mainly dry rice, which lacks enough water and fiber, which can easily lead to indigestion and constipation. Porridge, on the other hand, is rich in water and easily digestible carbohydrates, which help the peristalsis and absorption of the stomach and intestines. ”

Hearing this, Li Xiaogang suddenly realized, but he still didn't believe it: "But my colleagues and friends around me, don't everyone eat like this?" Why do I have a problem and they are fine? ”

The doctor smiled, picked up a medical journal on the table, flipped to a research report, and said, "It depends on the differences in individual constitution and eating habits. Here's a study that looked at people who had been eating dry rice and drinking porridge for a long time, and found that there was indeed a significant difference in gastrointestinal health between the two. The incidence of digestive disorders was 30% higher in people who had been eating dry rice for a long time than in those who drank porridge. The problem is especially obvious for office workers who lack exercise and work under pressure. ”

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

Li Xiaogang frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Do I want to drink porridge every day in the future?" So how am I going to live? ”

The doctor saw his concern and continued, "You don't need to completely change your eating habits. On the basis of dry rice, you can add some liquid food, such as porridge, soup, or eat more vegetables and fruits, which can help your stomach and intestines better digest and absorb. ”

In order to give Li Xiaogang a more intuitive understanding of the severity of the problem, the doctor also shared several specific case stories.

The first case was Li Xiaogang's colleague, Zhang Wei. Like Li Xiaogang, he is also a company employee, and his eating habits are similar. But the difference is that Zhang Wei has the habit of drinking porridge, especially a bowl of eight-treasure porridge for breakfast. As a result, Zhang Wei's physical examination report showed that his gastrointestinal health was much better than that of Li Xiaogang, without any signs of inflammation or erosion.

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

The second case was a friend of the doctor, Sister Wang. She was also a lover of dry rice when she was younger, but due to prolonged indigestion and constipation, she later had to switch to porridge as a staple food. Over the years, her gastrointestinal problems have improved significantly, and now she has basically no digestive problems.

After listening to these stories, Li Xiaogang began to seriously think about his eating habits. He remembered that he was often troubled by constipation, and that gastrointestinal discomfort occurred from time to time, and that it was really time to change his diet.

So, on the advice of his doctor, Li Xiaogang began to try to add more porridge and vegetables and fruits to his diet. At first, he felt a little unaccustomed and even resistant, but slowly, he found that his gastrointestinal discomfort was reduced and his constipation improved.

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

A few months later, Li Xiaogang came to the hospital again for a follow-up, and the doctor Li Minghua happily told him: "Your gastrointestinal condition is much better, and if you continue to maintain such a diet, your health will be significantly improved." ”

Li Xiaogang smiled, he finally understood the doctor's words: "Eating habits are really important. ”

This experience made Li Xiaogang not only change his eating habits, but also began to promote the importance of healthy eating to his colleagues and friends. He used his personal experience to tell everyone: "Although dry rice is good, we should also drink some porridge and eat more vegetables and fruits, so as to have a healthy stomach." ”

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

On this basis, Li Xiaogang also began to pay attention to other health knowledge and constantly tried new healthy lifestyles. He found that health is not only a matter of diet, but also includes many aspects such as exercise, rest, and psychological state. Through this check-up, he learned a lot and truly realized the importance of health.

At the end of the story, Li Xiaogang has become a health expert in the office, and everyone likes to ask him for advice on various health problems. And he is also willing to share his experience and insights to help more people pay attention to health and improve their quality of life.

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

In the process of this physical examination and dietary adjustment, Li Xiaogang also raised a derivative question: "So, will people who drink porridge for a long time lack certain nutrients because of this?" ”

Doctor Li Minghua's answer was: "Indeed, drinking only porridge for a long time may lead to nutritional imbalance, especially a lack of protein and some trace elements. Therefore, you can add some protein-rich ingredients to the porridge, such as eggs, milk, soy products, etc., or with some vegetables, nuts, etc., so as to ensure the balance of nutrition. ”

"In addition, a healthy diet is not just a question of one food, but of the overall diet," the doctor added. Whether it is dry rice or porridge, we must pay attention to diversification and ensure that we consume enough nutrients, so that we can truly achieve the purpose of health. ”

Who has a healthier stomach compared to those who eat dry rice for a long time and those who drink porridge for a long time? The doctor will tell you the answer

After Li Xiaogang listened, his heart suddenly brightened, and he decided that he would not only drink porridge in the future, but also pay attention to the diet to ensure balanced nutrition. He believes that as long as he adheres to a healthy lifestyle, his stomach will get better and better, and his body will become healthier and healthier.

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