
Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In the car, a radio program is playing about healthy eating, and an expert is talking about dietary precautions for uremia patients. Chen Wei was particularly impressed by the fact that "certain vegetables may increase the burden on the kidneys" mentioned in the program.

Soon after, Chen Wei's mother proposed that the whole family go for a comprehensive physical examination, thinking that it was time to check the physical condition. In the waiting area of the hospital, Chen Wei saw a poster that read, "Prevention is better than cure, regular physical examinations to ensure health," which reminded him of a radio discussion. He decided to take the opportunity to consult with his doctor, especially about diet and kidney health.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Chen Wei raised his questions with Dr. Lee, specifically mentioning the information he had heard on a radio program about certain vegetables that might affect kidney function. "Dr. Lee, I recently heard that certain vegetarian diets may not be good for kidney health, especially shiitake mushrooms. Is this true? ”

After hearing this, Dr. Li smiled and waved his hand, "This question is very common, but the answer is not so straightforward. Let's talk about it in detail. He first explained the basics of uremia, and then went into detail about how food affects kidney health.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Although shiitake mushrooms are rich in nutrients, their high potassium properties may cause a burden on the kidneys for uremia patients. Dr. Lee explained slowly, making sure Chen Wei understood completely.

Dr Lee also emphasised the importance of potassium monitoring and advised Chen Wei to check his blood potassium levels regularly if he has a family history of kidney disease. For uremia patients, dietary modification is a must, and Dr Lee provides a detailed dietary checklist that emphasises the importance of balanced intake and moderation.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

During the conversation, Chen Wei also raised questions about other vegetables and fruits, and Dr. Li also provided specific advice and explanations. In particular, he mentioned that when choosing vegetables and fruits, patients should avoid those with high potassium content, such as bananas, oranges, etc., and choose those with relatively low potassium content, such as apples and pears.

Chen Wei benefited a lot from this consultation, and he felt that he knew more about how to protect his and his family's kidney health through diet than before. He thanked Dr. Lee for his patient answers and decided to take these valuable suggestions home with him and follow them with his family.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

When discussing the effects of shiitake mushrooms on the health of uremia patients, first of all, shiitake mushrooms, as a very common and popular ingredient, can be seen on many family tables.

Shiitake mushrooms are rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin D and selenium, which are necessary for the maintenance of good health. However, for uremia sufferers, some of the ingredients in shiitake mushrooms may pose potential risks.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Shiitake mushrooms have high levels of potassium, and regular consumption may cause abnormally high levels of potassium in the blood, which can be fatal for uremia patients, as high blood potassium can directly affect heart function and even trigger cardiac arrest.

Patients with uremia should pay special attention to the phosphorus content in their diet. We all know that phosphorus is very important for maintaining the health of bones and teeth, but the problem is that if the kidneys do not give strength, they will not be able to excrete excess phosphorus from the body as normal, and this phosphorus accumulation is not a joke. Slowly, this will make the bones brittle and the joints may ache.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Take shiitake mushrooms, for example, although they have high nutritional value, they also have a lot of phosphorus. Therefore, friends with uremia should be careful when eating this food, so as not to let high phosphorus add blockage to the body. So, can uremia patients eat shiitake mushrooms?

The answer is yes, but with great caution. For example, you can choose to soak shiitake mushrooms in water and change the water several times before cooking, which can effectively reduce the potassium and phosphorus content in them. While following a low-potassium and low-phosphorus diet, it is important to ensure that foods are varied and balanced to meet the nutritional needs of other aspects of the body.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

In practice, uremia patients can try to reduce their intake of shiitake mushrooms as an adjunct to dishes instead of the main ingredient. For example, you can chop shiitake mushrooms in moderation, with other low-potassium vegetables such as:

Stir-fried vegetables or soup can be used to enjoy the unique flavor of shiitake mushrooms and effectively control the intake of potassium and phosphorus. We can see that although uremia patients face many dietary restrictions, proper adjustments and innovative cooking methods can still allow them to enjoy their food while protecting their kidney health.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

This balanced strategy is key to fighting the challenges of uremia and requires patients, families and the healthcare team to work together to ensure a safe diet and a quality of life.

To keep your kidneys healthy and avoid kidney failure, there are a few other vegetarian diets that you need to pay special attention to, in addition to controlling your salt and protein intake. The four vegetarian diets I'm going to mention here may not have been considered by many people, but they also need to be severely limited for uremia patients and people with renal insufficiency.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

When it comes to tomatoes, everyone knows that they are a treasure trove of vitamin C, and eating them can be antioxidant, which is good for everyone. However, if the kidneys are not good, you need to be careful.

Because the potassium content of tomatoes is actually not low, the kidneys of patients with kidney disease have a weak ability to excrete potassium, and too much potassium can easily cause high blood potassium, which is not a trivial matter, and the heart may not be able to stand it if it is high. Therefore, friends with bad kidneys have to weigh and weigh when eating tomatoes, so as not to let good things become a burden.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Next, spinach, a leafy green, has almost no rival status in health foods because it is rich in iron, calcium, and multivitamins. However, spinach is also a high-potassium and high-phosphorus ingredient.

People with uremia may be at risk of elevated blood phosphorus and potassium levels after consuming too much spinach, which is an additional burden on the kidneys. People with kidney disease should reduce their spinach intake, especially if it has not been evaluated by a doctor.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

Thirdly, mango is not only sweet in taste, but also has high nutritional value and is loved by many people. But like the aforementioned tomatoes, mangoes are also very high in potassium. For those with renal insufficiency, excessive intake of mango may lead to high blood potassium levels, triggering a health crisis. Mango should be strictly limited in the diet of uremia patients.

Finally, we would like to mention dried fruits, especially almonds and walnuts. These dried fruits are rich in healthy fats, proteins, and other trace elements, but they are also high sources of potassium and phosphorus.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

In patients with uremia, high intake of these dried fruits without adequate medical supervision may increase the burden on the kidneys, so the intake of these foods should be limited in the daily diet.

For people who want to avoid kidney failure, it is very important to understand the characteristics of these foods and adjust their diet appropriately. It's not just about simply avoiding a certain food, it's about learning to make balanced choices in your daily diet. With the advice of your doctor and dietitian, you can develop a diet that meets your nutritional needs while protecting your kidneys.

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets

In conclusion, the key to kidney health is to monitor and control the intake of foods that can place an additional burden on the kidneys.

What do you think about uremia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets


[1] Zhong Juan. Effect of Personalized Dietary Care on Blood Indexes and Renal Function in Uremic Hemodialysis Patients, Dialysis and Artificial Organs, 2022-06-30

Shiitake mushrooms are the "culprit" of uremia? Doctor: Don't want kidney failure, stay away from 4 vegetarian diets