
Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"You know what? Celery turned out to be a 'boon' for kidney patients! When Wang Longjun was running in the park in the early morning, he happened to hear an excited conversation between the two old men. This sentence is like a life, growing quietly in his heart.

Wang Longjun, a department head, is passionate about life and likes to focus on health topics outside of work. He has no chronic medical conditions of his own, but is always attentive to any health information that can improve his quality of life.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Hearing about celery this time made him a little worried and a little curious. After all, he eats celery regularly, but never realizes that it may have special benefits for a particular condition.

Not wanting to let this worry and curiosity stay in his mind for too long, he decided to take advantage of the time after his morning run to go directly to the hospital for professional advice.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

The atmosphere of the hospital always has a serious sense of oppression, especially in this situation where you don't understand but need to understand. In the outpatient department, he met Dr. Han, a gentle doctor with deep experience in the field of nephrology.

"Dr. Han, I heard someone in the park today say that celery is a 'gospel' for people with kidney disease, is that true?" Wang Longjun asked eagerly.

Dr. Han smiled and nodded, and said seriously, "Celery is indeed good for some patients with kidney disease. Mainly because it is present in large amounts of potassium and low sodium, which is very useful for maintaining blood pressure balance. ”

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

He continued, "Celery is also rich in a compound called eugenol, which helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is one of the common causes of deterioration of kidney function. ”

Wang Longjun listened very carefully, and often nodded his head to indicate that he could understand. Seeing this, Dr. Han added some more specific suggestions: "Celery also contains more dietary fiber and antioxidants, which are good ingredients to help patients with kidney disease reduce their body burden. ”

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

"However, celery is relatively high in potassium, and if kidney function is already severely impaired and cannot effectively excrete potassium from the body, excessive intake may lead to an increase in blood potassium, which is very dangerous for the heart."

"So, for people with kidney disease, eating celery can indeed bring some benefits, but the key is to do it in moderation. And, it is best to do it at the discretion of a doctor. Dr. Han concludes by stating this.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

When he left the hospital, Wang Longjun's mood was obviously much lighter. Not only did he understand his doubts, but he also gained knowledge that was good for his health. He decided to pay more attention to these details in his diet in the future, and plans to share the results of this learning at the next departmental meeting.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

This experience made Wang Longjun deeply understand that correct knowledge can sometimes indeed change people's lifestyles and even the quality of life. For him, this is not only a lesson about celery, but also a deep reflection on how to face all kinds of information in life and how to choose a lifestyle that suits him.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

In order to maintain kidney health, in addition to regular medical check-ups and reasonable lifestyle habits, diet also plays an indispensable role. Today, we're going to talk about what other vegetables besides celery are especially good for the kidneys.

Not only is the red pepper attractive in color, but it is also very nutritious, especially its vitamin C content. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the number of harmful free radicals in the body, which, if too present, can accelerate the aging process of the body's organs, including the kidneys.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Red peppers are rich in vitamin A, which is just as important for maintaining good vision and skin health, but what is often overlooked is that vitamin A also promotes kidney function and helps the kidneys work more efficiently in the process of filtering blood. Red peppers also contain high amounts of B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc, which are necessary for maintaining kidney health.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Onion is a low-potassium ingredient, which makes it ideal for patients with renal insufficiency, it has natural diuretic properties that help prevent edema, which is one of the common problems in patients with kidney disease.

What's more, sulfides and other compounds in onions have been shown to reduce high blood pressure and control blood sugar levels, two of the main factors contributing to kidney disease. Onions also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammatory states in the kidneys and throughout the body, thus protecting the kidneys from further damage.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Broccoli is a very beneficial vegetable that is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and phytonutrients such as sulfurin, which is a known anti-cancer ingredient. For kidney health, the antioxidants in broccoli can effectively help reduce harmful substances in the body and reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

What's more, broccoli helps regulate the body's acid-base balance, which is essential for maintaining kidney health. Because the kidneys are one of the main organs that regulate the acid-base balance in the body, proper acid-base balance can reduce the working pressure of the kidneys and delay the process of disease.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

By incorporating these vegetables into our daily diet, we can not only provide our body with stable nutrients, but also support and improve kidney health to a great extent. On the road to maintaining kidney health, a reasonable diet is only one part, and it also needs to be combined with appropriate exercise and good lifestyle habits to truly achieve the best effect of health management.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

When discussing the diet of people with kidney disease, it is equally important to know which vegetables to avoid, in addition to knowing which foods are beneficial. Patients with kidney disease need to pay special attention to the potassium and phosphorus content in vegetables when choosing vegetables, because patients with impaired kidney function are difficult to effectively excrete too much potassium and phosphorus, which can easily cause the accumulation of these minerals in the blood, which can lead to a series of health problems.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Although potatoes are a very common ingredient with a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, they are also beneficial foods. Potassium is normally important for heart and muscle function, but when kidney function is problematic, excess potassium can accumulate in the bloodstream and can lead to heart disease or even cardiac arrest.

Although spinach is considered to be an extremely nutrient-dense food, high in vitamins A, C, K, and iron, it is the perfect health food for the general population. However, the high phosphorus content in spinach can be harmful for people with kidney disease.

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

Therefore, patients with kidney disease need to be extra careful in their dietary choices, consume some vegetables in moderation, and avoid or limit vegetables that are high in potassium and phosphorus. Each patient's specific situation may be different, so it's best to discuss it with a dietitian or doctor to develop a diet plan that is in line with your personal health condition before adjusting your diet.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on what to look out for in patients with kidney disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly



[1] Cheng Banglan. Correlation between quality of life and psychological resilience, social support, and self-perceived burden in elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis with renal failure, Geriatrics and Health Care, 2024-02-25

Is celery a "boon" for kidney patients? Reminder: If you want to have a healthy kidney, these 3 vegetables can be eaten regularly

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