
The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!

author:Pentium Media

In 2024, there will be 71 in Ximeng

The old residential areas in the town have all been started

It involves Xilinhot City and Taifu Temple Banner

West Uzhumuqin Banner

Zhenglanqi, Duolun County and other 5 regions

Up to now, the investment of 47.66 million yuan has been completed

Everywhere is well organized

Increase speed and strength

Realize the transformation of water, electricity, heating and so on

Integration is advancing simultaneously

The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!
The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!

In 2024, the old community of Ximeng will be renovated

The central government and autonomous regions have been strife

All kinds of subsidies amounted to 240 million yuan

More than 8,600 households have benefited

The average household is 27,500 yuan

Swipe to learn about the latest progress of projects in various places

The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!

●Xilinhot has completed the renovation of about 730 meters of heating pipelines, about 1,900 meters of water supply and drainage pipelines, about 1,960 meters of strong and weak current pipelines, 50 sewage wells, and about 230 square meters of external wall insulation.

● Xiwuzhumuqin Banner has completed the transformation of about 3,200 meters of gas pipelines, about 7,200 meters of heating pipelines, about 8,200 meters of water supply and drainage pipelines, about 4,500 meters of strong and weak electricity pipelines, about 22,000 square meters of original ground hardening, and about 2,800 square meters of ground paving.

● Duolun County has completed the renovation of about 1,800 meters of water supply and drainage pipelines, about 980 meters of heating pipelines, about 4,800 meters of strong and weak current pipelines, about 11,000 square meters of ground paving, and about 2,800 square meters of paved roads.

● Taifu Temple Banner has been renovated to complete about 400 meters of heating pipelines, about 450 meters of water supply pipelines, 416 corridor doors and windows repair, about 2,000 square meters of corridor painting, and about 5,100 square meters of original ground hardening.

● Zhenglanqi has completed the renovation of about 270 meters of drainage pipes, replaced and repaired 14 sewage wells, and broken about 2,100 square meters of original road hardening.

The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!
The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!
The average household is 27,500 yuan, and Ximeng strives for 240 million yuan in subsidies for the renovation of old communities! 71 communities started!

The renovation of old urban communities is a practical matter of people's livelihood and a key project at the league level in the autonomous region, Ximeng has increased the efforts of special funds for the old communities of the central government and the autonomous region, supervised and guided scientific planning and careful implementation of policies, and on the basis of the implementation of basic renovation content such as water, electricity and heat, road paving, building energy conservation, etc., combined with the relevant standards of complete community construction, reasonably determine the construction content of elderly care and childcare, parking and charging, greening and other ancillary facilities, and actively strive for financial support for various old community projects in plans and batches. Efforts should be made to make up for the shortcomings of urban construction.

Source: Compiled from the WeChat public platform of Ximeng Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau