
Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number


About the Organization Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Commend the second session of the "Tianjin Top Ten Villages Party Organization Secretary".

and the decision of "Secretary of the Top Ten Community Party Organizations in Tianjin".

Liu Tianmin, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Guangliang Village, Nancai Village Town, Wuqing District

Kou Zhiming, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Shaoqidi Village, Huanghuadian Town, Wuqing District


Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

To work hard to drive income and get rich

Do a good job in rural revitalization

Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

In the nearly 12 years he served as the secretary of the village party branch, Liu Tianmin dared to think and act, did good deeds, vigorously developed modern urban agriculture, and led the villagers to increase their income and become rich. Faced with the problem of poor village foundation, Liu Tianmin led the village "two committees" to study the road of industrial rejuvenation of the village, determined the development orientation of the "one-hour fruit and vegetable garden" in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, built an intensive facility agricultural base, mobilized party members and villagers to actively participate, and established the collective economic organization of "Tianmin Vegetable and Fruit Professional Cooperative".

In order to promote the empowerment of science and technology and invigorate characteristic agriculture, Liu Tianmin actively connected with external resources such as Tianjin Agricultural University and Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and introduced more than 100 new varieties of fruits and vegetables; Explore and carry out the experiment of "southern cane planting and northern planting", independently develop the "sugarcane interplanting watermelon" planting model, increase the land yield rate by 5-6 times, and change from "relying on the sky to eat" to "relying on science and technology to increase income". Actively build a brand of high-quality agricultural products, and the sales output value of "Jinnong boutique" fruits and vegetables such as "Xiaoque Dengzhi" taste tomatoes has reached more than 40 million yuan, and the village collective has increased its income by 600,000 yuan, with an increase of 24,000 yuan per capita.

A single flower blooming alone is not spring. Relying on the agricultural park, Liu Tianmin established the "Tianjin Farmers' Employment and Entrepreneurship Incubation Training Base", trained more than 2,000 farmers free of charge every year, and drove the surrounding villages to build modern facilities with an agricultural area of more than 20,000 mu, absorbing more than 300 people from the village and the surrounding villagers, and driving more farmers to embark on the road of getting rich with science and technology, brand agriculture, and industrial rich farmers. I have won the honors of the National Top Ten Farmers and the National Agricultural and Rural Model Worker.

The "errand secretary" who warms the hearts of the people

Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

In the more than 10 years he served as the secretary of the village party branch, Kou Zhiming endured hardships and was willing to contribute, and always regarded himself as the "waiter" of the villagers.

At the beginning of his tenure, in the face of the current situation of many problems left over from history in the village and the tension between cadres and the masses, Kou Zhiming took acting in strict accordance with policies and rules as the first principle, consciously disciplined himself strictly, and took the lead in setting an example. Taking the land division work that has not progressed for a long time as a breakthrough, he took the lead in stressing principles and being willing to suffer losses, doing work and explaining the law door-to-door, and efficiently completing the land distribution work of more than 1,300 mu, which won the trust of the villagers. He focused on building a "service-oriented party branch", innovated and established a working mechanism of "Shao Qidi does not leave the village", set up a volunteer service group, cared about the villagers, responded to requests, and strived to achieve "one consultation, one time completion", and gradually transformed the village into a harmonious village with harmonious relationship between the party and the masses and strong cohesion.

In last year's flood fighting and rescue work, Kou Zhiming organized the safe relocation and resettlement of 626 people in the village in the shortest possible time, led the left-behind party members to patrol the embankment and guard the embankment, buy and deliver medicine to the people in the resettlement site, and strive to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property. In the post-disaster reconstruction, we carried out house-to-house surveys and filings, promoted the reinforcement of 134 C and D houses, rebuilt 30 greenhouses, and repaired 38 facilities, so as to restore production and life in a timely and effective manner. I have won the honors of advanced individual in flood fighting, rescue and disaster relief in Tianjin, and outstanding communist party member in Wuqing District.

Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

  Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have thoroughly implemented the "Ten Actions" to promote the high-quality development of Tianjin, and the secretaries of the party organizations of the villages (communities) in the city have consciously been the "leaders" of grassroots organizations and the "backbone" of the grassroots people, advanced models recognized by the masses.

  In order to commend the advanced, encourage the majority of grassroots party members and cadres to perform their duties and start a business, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of keeping in mind the entrustment, taking responsibility, and forging ahead, and play a good leading role in the study and education of party discipline, on the occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, with the approval of the municipal party committee, the organization department of the municipal party committee decided to award Tian Bingsheng, Hao Qingshui, Zheng Yuqing, Shi Shang, Liu Tianmin, Kou Zhiming, Wang Zhiguang, Yin Jinge, Lian Chunying, Liu Meijiao and other 10 comrades for the second session. The honorary title of "Secretary of the Party Organization of Tianjin Top Ten Villages" was awarded to 10 comrades including Wang Fengrong, Zhao Jinmei, Yan Ping, Wang Yang, Wang Ling, Bian Hui, Liu Wei, Wang Fang, Chen Ying, and Lin Zeyin.

  The comrades who were commended this time are outstanding representatives of the ranks of leaders in rural areas and communities. The majority of party members and cadres, especially grassroots cadres, should take them as an example, learn their political character of loyalty to the party and firm beliefs, deeply study and apply the party's innovative theories in the new era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and action; Learn from their spirit of courage and hard work, take root at the grassroots level, work hard, unite and lead the masses to overcome difficulties, and promote the development of various undertakings at the grassroots level to continuously achieve new progress and new results; Learn from their feelings of caring for the masses, being close to the people and loving the people, keep in mind the purpose of the party, eliminate all difficulties to solve the people's worries, make every effort to warm the hearts of the people, make achievements to benefit the people's livelihood, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security; We should learn from their fine work style of being strict with oneself and being honest in performing official duties, learn from discipline, know discipline, observe discipline, perform duties and use power in accordance with laws and regulations, endure hardships first and enjoy them last, and adhere to the political nature of communists. It is hoped that the commended comrades will cherish their honors, make persistent efforts, forge ahead with determination, work hard, and make new and greater contributions to the cause of the party and the people.

  Party organizations at all levels in the city should conscientiously organize and study the typical deeds of the second "Tianjin Top Ten Village Party Organization Secretaries" and "Tianjin Top Ten Community Party Organization Secretaries" in carrying out party discipline learning and education, and adopt a variety of ways to widely publicize and guide the majority of party members and cadres to benchmark advanced, see the wisdom and wisdom, and unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, stick to the original mission, be loyal, clean and responsible, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist metropolis and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Tianjin!

Wuqing 2 village party organization secretaries, the city's top ten!

Source: Tianjin Daily