
The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools.

If you want to become a strong and powerful country, a sergeant is especially important.

China's military is not only highly disciplined, but also has one of the best internal affairs, which is very impressive.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Among them, the "stacked tofu blocks" have also attracted the attention of the US military, making them scramble to learn.

But they didn't persevere, and gave up in just half a year.

It was commented that "it is useless to give".

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Why did the U.S. military learn from the mainland army's "stacking tofu blocks"?

What exactly did they learn? Why did you give up in the end?

China's housekeeping "stacking tofu blocks"

At the beginning of recruits entering the army, they need to learn to "fold tofu blocks".

"Stacking tofu cubes" is a requirement explicitly stipulated in military regulations, and it is mandatory in the legal sense for military personnel.

"The bed should be neatly laid out, with the quilt folded 3 vertically and 4 folded horizontally, with the fold facing forward, placed in the center of one end of the bed."

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Many people's first impression of the army comes from the quilt that is folded like an angular tofu block.

But in the face of such a different task, in the face of the "soft and tumble" quilt, the recruits often show a "mask of pain".

"Isn't it okay to do a good job of daily exercises, why are the requirements for folding quilts so high", recruits often have such questions, thinking that these are formalism.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Go out to see the queue, go in and look at the housekeeping.

Whether or not the quilt can be folded into a "tofu block" has become an important symbol that distinguishes qualified soldiers from ordinary people.

Why "stack tofu cubes"?

Source: Huaxia Graticule December 06, 2023Why do you want to stack "tofu blocks"? A "quilt turmoil" renews our understanding
The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Not only to cultivate discipline and absolute obedience, but from the point of view of being conducive to combat readiness, "stacking tofu blocks" also allows soldiers to spend as little time as possible sorting out their belongings.

At critical moments, these daily training qualities are likely to become the key to victory.

The seemingly simple operation is actually the standard and requirement of our army's discipline.

Not only Chinese soldiers, but also military training is carried out when students enter college or high school.

Military training often starts from internal affairs, and "stacking tofu blocks" is also the foundation of the foundation.

Source: 2023-08-29 From "tofu dregs" to "tofu blocks" The "8+1" training mode in military training
The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

After the instructors' patient explanations and demonstrations, the freshmen also changed from "tofu dregs" to "tofu blocks".

Not only can you learn, but you will also carry out a "competition".

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

The freshmen will also develop a tenacious will and grow up in the experience again and again.

At the same time, it also lays the seeds of neatness in later life, which can allow students to enter the life of learning faster.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

In addition, education also starts from the baby, and this learning mode is often carried out for children on vacation to cultivate children's self-discipline.

Source: China News Network 2024-03-14 Wenchuan No. 1 Kindergarten cute babies "immersively" experience firefighting life
The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Through visits and hands-on experience, children can learn more knowledge and have a different life experience in such a different atmosphere and immersive playful exercises.

Plant the seeds of "fearless of hardships" and "gratitude" in the hearts of children.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Folding quilts is never a single training, but a front end to improve the spirit of soldiers.

What does the United States do?

In 1972, in order to ease Sino-US relations, Nixon's visit to China was also the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

As the first U.S. president to visit China, his visit to China was not unrefined.

Not only did we meet our national leaders and learn about Chinese culture at scenic spots, but we also visited the military camps of the People's Liberation Army on the mainland.

After seeing China's neat "tofu blocks", it was also very shocking.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Nixon also fought in Korea and was well aware of the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army.

He also saw the "spirit of internal affairs" of the Chinese sergeants, adhering to the idea of "taking the best from it", and wanted to imitate the sergeants of his own country after returning to China.

After returning to the United States, he started with folding quilts, advocating that the US military should also fold quilts into "tofu blocks", and also formulated his own standards, and American officers would check them with rulers.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

In the beginning, the U.S. military was often criticized by its own commanders because it was not familiar with this operation.

But as a soldier of a world power, it didn't take long for him to learn to "fold tofu blocks" and master the skills.

But only half a year later, such a huge and reorganized task of "stacking tofu blocks" was canceled.

"Stacking tofu cubes" is something that requires a lot of patience.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

As a matter of fact, the US side knows very well that such a requirement is a project that can enhance the self-discipline of the armed forces, and it will be of certain benefit to the troops.

However, many leaders still feel that such tasks are "unnecessary behavior".

It's not that they don't want to do this kind of improvement, it's that they "don't want to do it".

Not all countries want to train their armies to be "people's soldiers".

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

For their army, their ideal and goal is "combat effectiveness".

Compared with such a "gentle" and "tactful" way, they are more inclined to improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and create a combat effective army.

Everyone's characteristics are different, and after understanding this truth, the U.S. military gave up the requirement to "fold tofu blocks".

Although many people think that the US military is very arrogant, undisciplined, and does not care about the existence of the collective.

But in fact, the internal affairs of the US military also have their own set of requirements.

China's internal affairs pay more attention to "stacking tofu blocks", and the US military requires them to "shine their shoes".

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

The requirement of shoe shine is not only to simply wipe the shoes clean, but also to reflect the shadow of people on the shoes.

If you find that your shoes are not clean, you will not only have to wipe them clean, but you will also undergo a general "hellish" drill.

And their quilts are not messy on the bed, but have the standard of "five-star hotel".

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Most of their quilts are eiderdown quilts or blankets, which need to be laid flat and neatly organized without wrinkles.

In their opinion, they have their own standards and requirements in housekeeping, and there is no need to learn other people's systems and do time-consuming and labor-intensive projects.

Now that the purpose is understood, there is no need to waste more time.

Over time, such a thing as "stacking tofu cubes" will not be a problem.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

Nixon himself did not mention it again.


Just as each country has its own national anthem, each country has a different way of cultivating internally.

A team with discipline and goals can be invincible.

The U.S. military can't imitate it! The behavior of the Chinese soldiers made them envious, and netizens: It is useless to give it

The army is a special collective, which is strictly managed and has many requirements.

They have always strengthened everyone's collective consciousness and collective spirit, and take collective action as the main body.

It is also this spirit that has shaped China's unique military spirit!

The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.

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