
The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

author:A strong country is a sword

Many people understand the most obvious truth: The Taiwan issue is not only a mother-son relationship between the two sides of the strait, but also a part of the great power game between China and the United States, and a strategic chess piece forcibly set up by the Americans in order to consume China.

Lao Mei, it's so bad!

How many flesh and blood separations in the world, and even cannibalism, are all things that Lao Mei can't do.

But everything is as we Chinese often say, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, Lao Mei has been idle and bullying men and women in the past 20 years, becoming the son of the global village, and finally wasted too much time, making China successfully overtake in corners.

With this background, Taiwan's return to the motherland is only a matter of time and method.

Lao Mei can't stop it if she wants to!

If the Taiwan independence elements headed by Lai Ching-te continue to resist stubbornly, they are destined to become the rebel clique mentioned by Ambassador Lu Shaye, and there will be less room for international maneuver, and the practical basis for their de jure existence will be even more embarrassing, until they will completely lose their future.

Isn't this a situation that many diehard politicians in the international community are inevitably facing today?

When their beautiful dad has been completely reduced to a wreck chased and beaten by the Houthis in Yemen, and at the same time has to act as a slave to wipe the ass of the Netanyahu government at any time, what future will those ponymen and lackeys who originally counted on the United States have?

Society is so cruel and realistic.

Strengthen the country and the sword, accompany you to witness the evolution of the world's great changes unseen in a century, if you have something to say, please leave a message in the comment area, thank you!

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

Let's get down to business.

Let's start with Lao Mei.

Since the beginning of this year, due to the rising sentiment of the global anti-hegemony and anti-US movements, the United States has encountered more and more trouble in the Middle East, Europe, and other major strategic nodes.

The rationale behind this is simple.

When the name of the IDF's invincible little bully in the Middle East is completely smashed, the United States must cover for them, otherwise, the United States will not only lose the Middle East, but also lose the petrodollar hegemony, which is a pain that the Biden administration, which is arrogant on the surface but is actually very weak, cannot bear at all.

If they drink this pot, it means that the hegemony of the US empire is basically over, so they must face it head-on, knowing that there is a quagmire ahead, and they have to wade into it.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

What about Europe?

Although the United States has united many European countries to engage in Russia, hoping to blow up Russia to show their hegemonic existence, furthermore, the United States wants to make NATO, a war hooligan criminal organization, above any country in the world.

In their wishful thinking, if Russia is blown up, only China will remain, and they will be able to do whatever they want when the time comes.

But they were slapped in the face by Russia!

Dozens of NATO countries were stunned that none of them dared to really go against Russia, watching Russia teach Ukraine a lesson, but basically maintained the despicable operation of watching from the sidelines, and had long forgotten that Ukraine was fooled by them at the beginning.

Proper scumbag! It's exactly the same policy they have in the Philippines.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

For the international pattern, we Chinese have always paid attention to the priority of strategy, and the so-called strategy is in the middle of the strategy, and the decisive victory is thousands of miles away, which is the truth.

When the overall situation of the world becomes more and more unfavorable to US imperialism, we can solve the affairs around us very calmly.

In addition, it can interact with other spheres of influence to form an effective strategic containment against the United States, so that they will not dare to completely let go of the Middle East and Russia, thus plunging the United States into the greatest strategic trouble.

How so?

All three areas are ambitious, but each region is at an absolute disadvantage.

In the end, they will be boiled to death.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

It is also under the current international situation that netizens clearly see a dynamic that is obviously different from the past, and Brother Long is using more active and bold means to integrate the order of the entire East Asian region.

Among them, the Taiwan issue was originally the top priority, but as the overall situation has become more and more favorable, for Brother Long, this major principle has undergone fundamental changes.

Everyone can see the new principle clearly: either we don't move, or we do it, we will definitely solve the Taiwan issue and the South China Sea issue in one go, directly sweep away all the troubles in the first island chain, and completely turn the layout of the United States into a bubble over the years.

It is precisely under these circumstances that the two major news that have recently come out of the mainland have aroused widespread concern from the outside world.

In particular, the media and scholars on the island believe that the mainland is ready to take action at any time, but they are still willing to give those diehards on the island a last chance and goodwill.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

On the one hand, we have promulgated 22 opinions on punishing Taiwan independence diehards, and the draft regulations suggest that extremely bad Taiwan independence diehards can be tried in absentia and held accountable for life, up to the death penalty.

As soon as the regulations were promulgated, they were universally approved by the whole society and applauded.

This just shows that every Chinese with a conscience has an accurate judgment on the cross-strait situation, that the Taiwan issue must be resolved, and that it will certainly not continue to drag on, and that Taiwan independence diehards cannot be allowed to continue to cause trouble for the great rise of the Chinese nation.

If they do not repent, they can only be liquidated by justice and swept into the dustbin of history to repent of their heinous crimes.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

On the other hand, Lu Shaye, the Chinese ambassador to France, who is very popular with the majority of netizens, specifically mentioned a legal and rational issue.

On behalf of the Taiwan independence diehards and the few powerful countries in the United States and the West that stand for them, he thoroughly explained the historical reasons and current situation of the Taiwan issue.

According to Ambassador Lu, China is still in the stage of civil war, and the reason why the mainland adheres to the principle of one country, two systems is to show the greatest goodwill to the Taiwan compatriots.

The current overall international situation is really too favorable for us, we must act boldly, if they do not know what to do and continue to make trouble, they will only be treated as rebels, and we have the right to completely clear them out and then take back the jurisdiction of the Taiwan region.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Drums must be hammered!

For those diehards who pretend to be confused, they must be given this kind of enlightenment-style warning.

However, the sad thing is that under such circumstances, Lai Qingde still did not repent and even started the rhythm of frenzied back-pulling, saying that not only the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on the island is Taiwan independence, but also the Republic of China faction, and the reason why he said this is to completely pull the Kuomintang into the water.

Furthermore, Lai Qingde even quibbled and claimed that the current policy is supported by all Taiwan compatriots on the island.

It's just a stinky fart!

It is nothing more than an attempt to use the happiness of all Taiwan compatriots to endorse their political ambitions.

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

Any friend who is familiar with cross-strait relations knows that this is purely Lai Ching-de's own reamification, and that he has received less than 40 percent of the support for being the leader of Taiwan Province, and that the overwhelming majority of Taiwanese are centrists or pragmatists who oppose Lai Ching-de's blind tossing.

Against such a backdrop, if the Cai Lai clique still turns a blind eye to the final goodwill unleashed by the mainland, it can only be treated as the leader of the rebels.

In the face of history and justice, we are acting for heaven, and they will be condemned by heaven!

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

In short, Sino-US relations and even cross-strait relations have reached a critical juncture in time, and the resolution of the Taiwan issue is only a matter of time.

It is a blessing in life for our generation to be fortunate to see the true rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and we praise the great wisdom and responsibility of our decision-makers.

Come on, China!

Come on, Brother Long!

The United States is too busy to take care of itself, but Lai Qingde doesn't know what to do, does he really want to be the leader of the rebel army and be punished by God?

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