
confessed to her last night, she thought the object was not her? No wonder he didn't resist him, thinking he was a stand-in

author:Sunshine sheets
confessed to her last night, she thought the object was not her? No wonder he didn't resist him, thinking he was a stand-in

The picture comes from the Internet

Lan Xi returned to the familiar room.

The quilt cover was replaced with a new one, pale pink, exactly the same as the one in her apartment, the little uncle had never been to her room, how could he know, wouldn't it be said by Guan Guan again.

Lu Shiguan: "......"

Yes, yes, it's me again.

The toiletries in the bathroom, from soft towels to delicate toothbrushes and mint-flavored shower gel, were carefully prepared by Lu Zhan.

Lan Xi was treated with care, and there were tears rolling in his eyes.

Lu Zhan followed behind her, not leaving an inch.

The two got too close, and when they turned around, Lan Xi accidentally crashed into Lu Zhan's arms, and the man grabbed her waist with a big hand, "Soft, be careful, I can't be behind you every time." ”

He will always stand behind her if she wants to.

Lu Zhan lowered his head, his breath spilled on her face, and a warm breath hit her face.

Lan Xi's cheeks were slightly hot, and she accidentally crashed into her little uncle's arms again.

Push your hands against the chest of the landing battle.

"I'll pay attention, little uncle." Lan Xi's fingers were slightly bent, hanging down at his side, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he hung his head embarrassed to look at Lu Zhan.

It was amazing to get along with my little uncle, and every time she got close, she was always a little overwhelmed.

Lan Xi exuded a shy and lovely aura around his body, mixed with a faint mint fragrance, which entered the tip of Lu Zhan's nose.

"Follow me." Lu Zhan pulled her out.

An already red face, this will look like a ripe apple.

Trying his best to restrain his inner emotions, Lan Xi's breathing gradually calmed down.


The wardrobe doors were all open, and they were filled with the latest clothes of the season, from coats to trousers and bras.

Lan Xi has some social deaths.

She can really prepare her own underwear.

Cheeks flushed.

That night, her face had not returned to its normal color.

"See if it's the right size?" Lu Zhan hadn't touched it, and he didn't know either, but he just glanced at it, and after a quick gesture, the clerk understood.

Lan Xi: "......"

Is this for her to look in front of him?

"Little uncle, I'll see it later." Lan Xi's eyes were full of water.

She suddenly raised her head and said to Lu Zhan seriously: "Little uncle, thank you for preparing this for me so carefully." ”

Lu Zhan stared at her with lowered eyes, and there was a trace of affection hidden in his eyes.

Lan Xi couldn't see it, and simply thought it was the elders' concern for the juniors.

"Squish, can I hug you?" Lu Zhan's thin lips opened lightly.

Lan Xi knows.

Uncle misses the guy he likes.

She wrapped her arms around Lu Zhan's waist, "Little uncle, it's okay." ”

Lan Xi's soft voice overflowed from Lu Zhan's arms, "Little uncle, if you think about the person you like in the future, don't be sad, I'll give you a hug and comfort you." ”

Land Warfare: "......"

Who does he like?

Stupid, the person I like is you, soft.

Lu Zhan didn't want to spoil the warm atmosphere, so he hugged Lan Xi into his arms.

So when he hugged her from behind last night, including when he confessed to her, he thought that the object was not her?

The corners of Lu Zhan's mouth rose slightly, and he felt inexplicably funny.

No wonder Squishy didn't resist him, thinking he was a stand-in.

"You don't care?" Lu Zhan asked softly.

"Little uncle, I don't care, liking the same sex is not a shameful thing, I think no matter what kind of relationship it is, as long as you like it, you don't have to care about the world's eyes." Lan Xi replied very seriously.

Land Warfare: "......"

It was the first time he was so speechless.

It turned out that Squishy thought he liked the same sex, and it seemed that the rumors in Beijing over the years had a great impact on him.


Lu Zhan didn't plan to explain for the time being, and a plan suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Then every time I think about her in the future, can I find soft comfort?" Lu Zhan wrapped his arms around her and said close to her ear.

Lan Xi leaned against the chest of the landing battle, and his powerful heartbeat was clearly heard.

She hesitated.

"No, it's okay, I know that my feelings are not accepted, but suddenly I can feel her warmth in you, it's me who is greedy." Lu Zhan rested his chin on her shoulder, his dark eyes were dull, and his voice was low with a hint of tremor.

Between the lines, there is a sense of helplessness and loneliness, and a deep sense of loss.

Lan Xi listened and felt pity.

She felt very sorry for her little uncle.

Just like the same sex, why is the world's eyes so harsh.

She patted Lu Zhan on the back and comforted: "No, little uncle, I promise, I hesitate because I want to go back to the apartment in the future, and I can't comfort you in time." ”

"I can go to the apartment and find you." The land war retreated to the next second.

He wanted to say bluntly that she would live in Rose Manor forever, but he knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, he was scared of the soft, and she would only get farther and farther away.

"Yes, little uncle." Lan Xi agreed.

The corners of Lu Zhan's mouth rose slightly, hooking the evil smile after his success.

The surrounding air seemed to have softened, the room was very well heated, and Lan Xi was a little hot, "Little uncle, then I'll clean up first?" ”


Lu Zhan took the initiative to let go of her and turned to leave the room.

Now that he knows that Soft Soft has misunderstood him, the next thing is to see what purpose she has for living in Rose Manor, and if he has the opportunity, he can push behind his back.

After Lu Zhan left, Lan Xi locked the door of the room.

Dada ran into the cloakroom and pulled open the drawer containing the bra.

All kinds of styles, all kinds of colors, the only thing that is the same is lace fabric, the little uncle knows that she likes to wear lace bra, it's so embarrassing, Lan Xi wants to dig a hole in the ground.

I don't have a face to see people.

Such a private thing was prepared for her by an elder, and in this life, apart from her mother, there is only a little uncle.

I took it out and looked at the size, put it on the outside of the sweater and tried it on, the size was just right.

Cheeks are getting hotter.

The sudden ringing of the phone startled Lan Xi.


"How's it going?" Lu Shiguan gossiped and asked.

There was a sound of movement in the earpiece, and Lan Xi frowned, "Guanguan, are you in the bar?" ”

"Come and play, Brother Yan Yu is here, don't worry."

"Guanguan, what's wrong with you?" Lan Xi could hear her unhappy voice.

"Is it my little uncle who came to pick me up?" Lan Xi is more sensitive, just think about it a little.

"Xixi, I'm not jealous of you, I'm angry that my little uncle is so ruthless to me, hmph, I don't plan to ignore him." Lu Shiguan was unhappy because of Lu Zhan, not because of Lan Xi's vinegar.

Lu Zhan: I'm here to find you a little aunt as soon as possible.

"I'll go find you." Lan Xi walked out.

walked to the door of the room, put his hand on the doorknob, and was just about to press it down, when he heard Lu Shiguan refuse, "No, I'm going back soon." ”

Come here, and the little uncle will follow.

When the time comes, don't say that she can't play, it is estimated that she will have to listen to Lu Zhan's 'earnest teachings'.

Forget it.

looked at Yan Yu who was sitting opposite, "Brother Yan Yu, you can't tell my little uncle that I come to your bar to play, otherwise I will go to another bar next time." ”

Yan Yu made an OK gesture.

"I'm the same generation as your little uncle, called uncle." Yan Yu wanted to take advantage of her.

Lu Shiguan shook his head, "Don't, call you Uncle Yan Yu, I'll come to play with you, you have to teach me a lesson with the elders." ”

Yan Yu leaned back on the sofa and frowned slightly, she had come so many times, when did he tell Lu Zhan?

The little girl had no trust in him.

Lu Shiwan remembered that incident, lowered his voice and explained to Lan Xi, "Don't forget important things, find out if the little uncle is 1 or 0." ”

She was afraid that Yan Yu would hear it.

When he heard it, it meant that the little uncle knew that her plan with Xi Xi would not be able to continue.

"I'll try as soon as possible, and when I know if the little uncle is 1 or 0, we can help him." Lan Xi nodded heavily, his voice soft.

The two thought simply.

Whether it's 1 or 0, it's possible to find the same wife.

The two simply thought that only 1 would find the same wife, so they had the idea of living in the Rose Manor and digging out the secrets of the land war.

Outside the door.

Lu Zhan's face darkened.

It turned out to be this reason.

Knowing if he's a 1 or a 0, and then what to help him?

The land war intends to wait and see.

Slap ——

He knocked on the door.

Lan Xi stood behind the door, she hung up the phone, opened the door, and met the dark and deep eyes of the land battle, "Little uncle." ”

"Come down and eat."

"Oh......" Lan Xi followed him.

in the dining room.

Lan Xi felt that the maid's eyes were not quite right when she looked at her, and her smile was a little penetrating.

"Would you like to go swimming later?" Lu Zhan wiped the corners of his mouth after eating.

"Swimming? Is there a room temperature pool in the estate? Lan Xi asked with a wink.

She loves swimming, and in Shanghai, her father built a swimming pool for her, and she goes there almost every week.


Originally, I didn't, but I knew that Lan Xi liked it, so Lu Zhan specially found someone to build it.

"Then after eating and digesting for a while, I'll go swimming." Lan Xi didn't count the land war, and he didn't say he was going.


The servant carried the tray to Lan Xi's room.

"Miss Lan, this is the swimsuit that Mr. has prepared for you." The maid put the tray down and smiled at her aunt.

Lan Xi was surprised, this is all ready.

Uncle Xiao is so caring.

"Thank you." Lan Xi thanked him.

She picked it up and gestured on her body, it was a suspender one-piece swimsuit, changed into a pair of suspenders, stood in front of the mirror and looked at it, the swimsuit perfectly wrapped her softness.

With her back to the mirror, her open back reveals her butterfly bones.

Luckily, she was the only one in the pool.

Otherwise, she will be shy when this figure is looked at......

The maid took Lan Xi to the swimming pool, "Miss Lan, we can't go in, so we'll send you here." ”

"Okay, thank you." Lan Xi thanked him politely.

Pushing the door in, the indoor temperature was no different from summer, Lan Xi took off the bathrobe that wrapped her and put it on the chaise longue.

Squat on the edge of the pool and reach in to test the temperature of the water.

The water temperature in the pool was just right.

Do a good stretch before exercising, step on the pool escalator, and go down slowly to let your body adjust to the temperature of the pool.

Hands slapped on the surface of the water, and the surface of the water rippled in circles.

Lan Xi shuttled through the pool with a light body, swimming like a mermaid.

The arms are rhythmically paddled on the water, bringing a crystal splash, and the slender and white legs kick hard behind him, and the body is flexible and free like a professional player.

A figure slowly walked at the door of the swimming pool.

The man wears swimming trunks, his body is long, his tight and shaped abdominal muscles are exposed, and the muscle lines are as clear as carving, and each piece is full of tension.

Lan Xi surfaced, took off his swimming cap, and his long black hair floated in the water, reflecting a faint light under the refraction of the light, and walked lightly from the water to the shallow water.

His gaze inadvertently swept to Lu Zhan, who was sitting on the recliner.

He got up and walked over to her.

Lu Zhan stretched out his hand and wanted to pull her up.

Lan Xi's face was red, the little uncle's abdominal muscles were so tense, and the magnificent little face was full of delicate shyness.

Thinking of something, she covered her chest with her hands in a panic, her swimsuit was too revealing, her softness was outlined in a deep ravine, and her face was full of shyness in the face of land war.

"Little uncle, why are you here?" She was nervous.

"I didn't say I wouldn't come."

Lu Zhan's outstretched hand was empty, looking at her shyness, a little cute, and a little dazed.

"I'll pull you up."

"I can come up on my own, little uncle, can you turn around?" Lan Xi never dared to look into Lu Zhan's eyes.

Lu Zhan laughed lowly, "Don't be shy, you look beautiful." ”

The low and magnetic voice made Lan Xi's face even redder.

She also knew that she looked beautiful like this.

It is......

Somewhat shy.

Lan Xi hesitated and didn't move.

Lu Zhan's outstretched hand did not retract.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Lan Xi took a deep breath, put down his hand, and when he was about to go up the handrail, his foot suddenly cramped, and the whole person fell backwards.


Make a splash.

Seeing this, Lu Zhan jumped down without the slightest hesitation, and firmly buckled Lan Xi in the crook of his strong and powerful arm.

Lan Xi's back was tightly pressed against Lu Zhan's solid abdominal muscles, skin to skin, and heat came from Lu Zhan's chest, and her body seemed to be burning.

Lan Xi's heart was beating wildly at this moment.

In the past, the touch was not so strong through the fabric, which made her breathing become very rapid, although in the pool, the whole person seemed to be wrapped in a blazing flame.

"Little, little uncle......" Lan Xi's voice was not only soft, but also had a hint of coquettishness that she had never heard of.

Lu Zhan's Adam's apple continued to roll up and down, as if he was swallowing indescribable forbearance and restraint, and the hand holding Lan Xi tightened more and more, and the green tendons on his forehead flared up.

Trying to keep himself calm and sanity, Lu Zhan's restrictive voice sounded in Lan Xi's ears, "Soft, I'm still so careless, my worries are really right, I can't let you alone." ”

The breath sprinkled at the base of his ears, Lan Xi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his voice was aggrieved, "Little uncle, my feet are cramping." ”

"Okay, hold me, I'll carry you up." Lu Zhan did not miss any opportunity to get in close contact with Lan Xi.

Lan Xi obediently did as he was told.

Lu Zhan's powerful arms held her, swam to the shore, and carried her out of the water, moving softly, as if treating a precious treasure.

Gently place Lan Xi on the recliner.

"I'm sitting on it."

After Lu Zhan finished speaking, he turned to leave.

When he returned, he brought hot water and a bottle of safflower oil.

Lu Zhan squatted at her feet, wet the towel and put it on her feet, his wide and warm palms supported Lan Xi's slender feet, Lan Xi turned his head to avoid it, not looking at Lu Zhan.

She pursed her lips tightly.

"Didn't warm up before getting in?" Lu Zhan's low voice.

Looking up at the girl on the recliner, Lan Xi's eyes drifted away, not looking at him.

"Look at me, Squish." Lu Zhan said softly.

Lan Xi turned his head slowly, and the moment his eyes met, the sole of his foot held by Lu Zhan became extremely sensitive, and there was an itchy feeling on the soles of his feet.

"Yes, maybe it's because I haven't swam for too long." Lan Xi was uncomfortable.

Especially when she looked at Lu Zhan, her broad shoulders and narrow waist came into view, and her cheeks were hot.

I really want to touch my little uncle's abs.


The corners of Lu Zhan's lips twitched, seeing her careful thoughts.

"Do you want to try it?"


Lan Xi looked confused.

Lu Zhan re-wet the towel and covered Lan Xi's instep.

Walked up to her side, picked up the soft little hand, and gently placed it on his abs, "Try touching me." ”


The land war sentence break is interesting.

The hard and distinct touch under the palm made Lan Xi stunned, and her fingers passed through her like electricity, trembling all over her body.

Lan Xi was a little flustered and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was tightly held by Lu Zhan.

"Don't you want to?"

"Little uncle, I want to go back."

"Wait, I haven't swam yet."

Lu Zhan saw that she was really shy and let go of her hand.

Lan Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and when she caught a glimpse of the perfect muscle line, her heart still couldn't help but ripple slightly.

Lu Zhan poured out safflower oil and helped her massage the cramped area.

"Wait for me here."

The words fell, and the land war had already jumped into the water.

His movements are fluid and natural, with a sense of rhythm with every undulation, and his figure looms in the water.

Lan Xi watched stunned by the pool, looking at Lu Zhan with black apricot eyes without blinking, his eyes were full of admiration and admiration, the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and he couldn't help but applaud.

Lu Zhan came out of the pool and saw the adoring gaze in Lan Xi's eyes.

Joy and contentment are in the heart.

The apricot eyes that shone with water shone into his heart.

"Little uncle, you are so amazing!" Lan Xi stood up and applauded.

Lu Zhan strode over, Meiyu worried, "Slow down, your feet are recovering?" ”


"Little uncle, can you teach me to swim?"

"I haven't been able to learn the little uncle's swimming moves just now, and the coach said I'm not suitable, I don't believe it, but I haven't learned it well."


"Xiao Aunt?"

Lan Xi found that Lu Zhan was looking at her directly, and stretched out his finger to poke Lu Zhan's abdominal muscles, "Little uncle, have you listened to me?" ”

"Okay, teach you." Lu Zhan hooked his lips.

The corners of his mouth were a triumphant smile again.


Lan Xi quietly entered the Lu Zhan room again at night.


This time it was while I was asleep in the landing battle.

The lights in the room were turned off, Lan Xi couldn't see, she slowly got used to it, and squatted to the side of Lu Zhan's bed.

"Little uncle......" Lan Xi's low and soft voice.

"Little Uncle."

Lan Xi shouted softly again.

There was no response from Lu Zhan, and she confirmed that Lu Zhan was asleep.

Turn on your phone light.

Petite figures walked around the room.

Lu Zhan half-closed his eyes and secretly looked at Lan Xi.

I don't know what she's looking for, her brows have been furrowed, and there is a hint of nervousness on her delicate little face, like a thief.

"Why can't you find it?" Lan Xi muttered quietly.

That's right!

Little uncle's phone!

Lan Xi turned around and walked back to the bed.

Lu Zhan's mobile phone was on the bedside table.

She picked it up, and the phone displayed a lock screen, aiming at Lu Zhan's face, and she couldn't unlock it at all.

Lu Zhan's eyes opened a small slit.

Also know to look at his phone.

Lan Xi tried to point the phone at Lu Zhan's face again, and Lu Zhan's slightly open eyes were tightly closed.

Face unlocking doesn't work, she can also try fingerprint unlocking.

Holding Lu Zhan's left hand, she tried finger by finger, and her left hand tried again, but she couldn't untie it, and she was in a hurry.

"Still won't work."

Squatting on the edge of the bed, my feet were numb.

Get up on the edge of the bed and sit on the edge of the bed.

Her body was very light, and the mattress was only sunk in a small position, and she picked up Lu Zhan's other hand and continued to try, Lan Xi held her breath.

Just now the little uncle moved.

Lan Xi held Lu Zhan's hand, the soft touch at his wrist, he remembered that when he was in the pool just now, Lan Xi's graceful posture, his body was hot for a while, and he turned around slightly.

Make sure that the land war is not woken up.

Lan Xi started with the thumb of his right hand.

The thumb to the ring finger can't be unlocked, and in the end there is only the little finger, and the last finger can be blessed.

Lan Xi breathed nervously.

Keep your eyes glued to your phone screen.

"Failed to unlock, please try again in 2 hours."

Lan Xi frowned and muttered in a low voice, "The face is not good, the fingerprint is not good, there is only a password, is it possible that the little uncle is set to unlock the toes?" ”

Lan Xi's mind was opened.

Land Warfare: "......"


Turned over again, this time Lan Xi was encircled in his arms.

Lan Xi's face was embarrassed, and his brows furrowed slightly.


How can she leave now?

The clear apricot eyes revealed a touch of worry, and he couldn't help but sigh, "I can only wait for the little uncle to let go and go back to the room." ”

Lu Zhan's eyes were closed, and when he heard the words, he unconsciously hugged them tighter.

Lan Xi held on to prevent herself from falling asleep.

The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, and Lan Xi fell asleep after a while.

The sound of even breathing came, and Lu Zhan opened his eyes, his eyes were gentle, and he crawled into his bed softly.

He turned off the mobile phone with the light on, put it at the head of the bed, and charged it intimately.

"Want to know if I'm a 1 or a 0? Who told you I like men? ”

"I can't believe the rumors in Beijing, but I am willing not to explain if I can let you come to me because of this."

"Squish." Lu Zhan slowly approached, his forehead rubbing against her forehead.

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

The temperature from his forehead made Lu Zhan's heart very soft, and his foreheads were tightly pressed together, and Lu Zhan closed his eyes to enjoy the intimate moment that belonged to them.

Lan Xi will not be woken up easily after falling asleep.

Perhaps this is God's compensation for her, so that she can sleep well every day.

Everything is not important, he will accompany her.

"Soft, I will accompany you for treatment until you recover." Lu Zhan's voice is soft, and he only has it when he is facing Lan Xi.

Lan Xi hugged Lu Zhan in his sleep and rubbed his chest, "Little uncle, what's the name of the person you like?" ”

Lan Xi fell asleep and did not forget her purpose.

Lu Zhan's rough fingertips ran across her soft lips and whispered in her ear, "I like this little fool softly, remember." ”

The person in his arms did not respond and slept soundly.


Next day.

The alarm went off.

Lan Xi habitually touched the head of the bed, took the phone to his hand, and then turned it off.

Lu Zhan had already woken up.

I just saw that she was still sleeping, and I didn't get up in a hurry.

Seeing her wake up, Lu Zhan pulled the quilt up, and looked at Lan Xi with his pupils full of surprise, "Soft, why are you in my bed?" ”

The exaggerated expression, the exaggerated tone, as if he was the one who was bullied.

Lan Xi was in a daze, and when he heard Lu Zhan's words, he suddenly opened his eyes, which was unbelievable.

She was actually in the little uncle's bed!

Last night, she came to inquire about the secret of the little uncle, but she didn't find anything, and was held in the arms of the little uncle before leaving.


She fell asleep in her little uncle's arms!


How could she explain it?

Lan Xi quickly thought of an excuse, "Little uncle, I'm ...... I sleepwalked last night. ”

That's right, sleepwalking!

Sleepwalkers don't remember what they did while sleepwalking, and that's a good excuse.

She feigned composure and got out of bed.

"Little uncle, I'll go back to the room and wash up first." Lan Xi's voice was a little flustered, wrapped in a sweet and greasy taste, and melted into Lu Zhan's heart.

She ran as fast as she could, disappearing into the doorway of the room.

Lu Zhan looked at her back as she fled into the wilderness, the corners of her mouth rose, and the emotions in her eyes were satisfied, joyful, and expectant.


Lan Xi returned to the room, with a depressed face, constantly walking back and forth in the room, muttering to himself.

"Uncle believes it, right?"

"What are you really doing, only the first place in the professional class, why can't other aspects be as good as the professional class?"

"How will I see Uncle Xiao in the future?"

The room reverberated with a sigh.


Lan Xi was embarrassed to have breakfast with Lu Zhan.

She put her bag on her back, and when she went downstairs, her steps were windy, and she walked very fast, and she didn't look at the dining room, only a hurried voice, "Little uncle, I don't eat at home, I'll go to school to eat." ”

She struggled to straighten her back and lifted her chin slightly to make herself look calm.

His eyes seemed calm, but his heart was already flustered.

"Come back." The voice of the land war sounded behind him.

Lan Xi paused slightly, and did not turn around, "Little uncle, there is an urgent matter at school, I'll go out first." ”

"I have something to tell you." Lu Zhan didn't give her a chance.

Lan Xi's footsteps that he had just raised stopped.

It's just that she never dared to turn around and look at Lu Zhan, "Little uncle, is there anything wrong with you?" ”

There was a sound of footsteps behind her, getting closer and closer, and it seemed to stop behind her, Lan Xi clenched her bag, and her breathing was unconsciously nervous.

Is the little uncle planning to settle accounts with her?

Suddenly, Lu Zhan rubbed the top of her hair with his big palm, and his voice was not slow, "Are there any classes this afternoon and tomorrow morning?" Lu's and Lan's cooperation project needs to be followed up, and it takes 2 days to travel. ”

Hearing him talk about work, Lan Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's easy to talk about work, it's not just about settling accounts with her.

"I'll look at the schedule." Clicking on the chat history of the class group, there was no class in the afternoon and tomorrow morning, she replied with a smile, "Free." ”

"I'll pick you up at school at noon, and I'll tell the maid to clean up your clothes." Lu Zhan's thin lips opened lightly, and the thought of going out alone with her was full of pleasure.

Sens College.

Lan Xi had a sad face, when she looked at the class schedule just now, she realized that there was no class in the morning, and she would sit in the school garden, the cold wind was blowing.

Lu Shiguan received the news and came to him.

"Why are you sitting here, it's cold."

"Give the brain a clear and sober mind." Lan Xi sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shiguan asked with concern.

"Last night I went to my little uncle's room while he was asleep to see if I could find something, but I didn't find it, and then I thought about his mobile phone......"

Lan Xi told Lu Shiguan what happened last night word for word, and Lu Shiguan laughed.

She held her stomach and couldn't help it.

His face turned red with laughter.


"Xixi, it's really funny, you make me laugh a little longer."


She's really embarrassed, okay!

"Why is it so funny, how did you think that Uncle Xiao might set the toe unlock, then did you try Uncle Xiao's toe, haha." Lu Shiwan laughed mercilessly.

Lan Xi covered her mouth, "You are still laughing, this is a matter of the two of us, he is your little uncle." ”

Lu Shiguan made a sighing sound and motioned for her to take her hand first.

Lan Xi let go.

"I don't laugh anymore, it's a matter of the two of us, I've worked hard for you, but it's a pity that I'm supervised by my father, and I can't live in the Rose Manor with you, the strength of two people is always greater than one person, and I'm annoyed." Lu Shiguan said seriously, entangled and distressed.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

The two sighed softly, their voices full of helplessness and annoyance.

Turning his head to look at each other, he sneered.

"I can, my little uncle's happiness depends on us."

"Oh, I believe you can too."


Lu Shiwan returned to the classroom after class.

Lan Xi didn't want to go back to the dormitory, so she turned around and went to the library.

In the quiet library, Lan Xi stayed until half past eleven, planning to go back after reading this book.

A figure shrouded in front of her, and the girl said, "Lan Xi, come out with me." ”

"What's the matter with you?" Lan Xi didn't know her.

At school, except for Lu Shiguan and the people in the dormitory, she has no contact with anyone else.

"I really have something to look for you." The girl smiled at her.

Lan Xi raised her eyes, thought for a moment and decided to go out with her.

On the roof of the library, the girl who had just smiled mildly changed her face, she raised her toes, and her eyes were disgusted with Lan Xi.

"I heard that Zhou Ran confessed to you on the day he dropped out of school, but you refused? Who do you think you are, you actually rejected Zhou Ran. Jealousy crossed the girl's eyes.

Lan Xi is also a girl, so she can naturally see the emotions in her eyes.

"You like Zhou Ran, you confessed, and he rejected it." Lan Xi affirmed.

"How do you know!" The girl was unbelievable.

"Zhou Ran is not a good person, he is a complete scumbag, you are not with him, you should be glad." Lan Xi said without saltiness.

"How is that possible?" The girl didn't believe it and her eyes widened.

"Otherwise, why do you think he dropped out of school, because he deceived other people's feelings and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, and he was forced to drop out." Lan Xi patiently explained to her.

It's all girls, and she doesn't want her to get hurt.

"You don't need to treat me as your imaginary enemy, Zhou Ran is not worth it." After Lan Xi finished speaking, he ignored her and turned to leave.

The entrance to the rooftop.

A long, tall figure stood there.

When did Uncle Junior come?

"Let's go." Lu Zhan's deep eyes looked over Lan Xi to the girl behind her, his eyes were slightly cold.

Lu Zhan held her wrist and wanted to help her support, "She bullied you? ”

"Little uncle, no, she didn't bully me." Lan Xi will not be bullied.

She wondered why her uncle had come, and she knew that she was on the roof of the library.

"Little uncle, how do you know I'm on the rooftop?" Without asking clearly, Lan Xi felt uncomfortable, as if he was being watched.

"Ask Shiwan." Lu Zhan replied.

"Impossible." Lan Xi denied his words this time, "Guan Guan didn't know that I came to the library." ”

"Little uncle, did you send someone to spy on me?" Lan Xi asked him with bright apricot eyes.

The corners of Lu Zhan's mouth twitched, this excuse is not good.

He wanted to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, but when he heard Lan Xi ask himself, "It shouldn't be possible, otherwise I would have found out a long time ago." ”

"In my soft heart, am I the one who does such a shady thing?" Lu Zhan asked her rhetorically.

Lan Xi felt that he had misunderstood.

"Little uncle, I didn't mean that, I just ......" Lan Xi's explanation looked flustered, she did have suspicions, since the little uncle said no, then no.

Why is the little uncle still wronged?

"I took your photo and asked all the way to find out that you were in the library, do you believe it?" Lu Zhan's cold eyebrows and eyes were full of seriousness, calmness and wisdom.

Lan Xi felt that he had misunderstood.

"Little uncle, I'm sorry, I misunderstood." Lan Xi apologized and admitted his mistakes.

Listening to her soft apology, Lu Zhan's heart seemed to be scratched by a feather, and he felt an itch.

The girl behind her was slightly embarrassed.

If they don't leave, can they get out of the way and don't block the door to the rooftop.

She was already sad.

It will also depend on them showing affection.

She walked over, "Lan Xi, can you and your boyfriend get out of the way first, I want to go down, thank you for telling me these words, whether it's true or not, thank you." ”

The land war gave up a position.

The girl went downstairs.

Lan Xi opened her mouth to explain, but she had already run away.

Misunderstood again.

It's still school people this time, what if it spreads?

When Lu Zhan heard this misunderstanding, an indescribable joy surged into his heart like a tide, the corners of his mouth unconsciously hooked, and the happy emotion in his heart was so thick that he couldn't dissolve.

They look like a good match, so they are often misunderstood.

The two had different thoughts.

Lan Xi died of worry.

Lu Zhan died happily.


The Black Bentley stopped at the entrance of the Academy.

Lu Zhan opened the co-pilot's door and let her sit in.

"Little uncle, isn't Assistant Yue going?"

"He led the team behind us, and we went first."

"Oh." Lan Xi was convinced of Lu Zhan's words.

Lu Zhan looked ahead, the emotions in her eyes were unpredictable, her expression was calm and composed, Lan Xi couldn't help but be stunned, she had always felt that her little uncle was very handsome.

Up close, it's even more handsome.

"Little uncle, you are so handsome." She couldn't hold back her words.

"How about being your boyfriend?" Lu Zhan's uninhibited smile followed her words and asked.

Suddenly, Lan Xi was stunned, clutching the seat belt tightly, Sakura's lips opened slightly, and she seemed to have forgotten to close it.

Uncle Xiao was joking.

Or he was testing her to see if she would like to be his wife.

Guan Guan is right, the little uncle really has the idea of letting her be the same wife!

Lan Xi's mind has turned a thousand times.

Lu Zhan's low laughter broke the dull atmosphere, and the laughter pulled Lan Xi's thoughts back, "Soft, what do you think?" ”

Lan Xi thinks she's crazy before she says she misses you.

I miss you, I don't miss you.

However, the land war was misunderstood.

She wanted to say that she was thinking about her little uncle.

As a result, she only said two words, she wanted to explain, but Lu Zhan didn't listen, "I'll think of me softly." ”

Along the way, Lu Zhan was in a very good mood, only Lan Xi had a depressed face, not only was he misunderstood by the little uncle, but he was also regarded by the little uncle as the imaginary object of the same wife.

She urgently needed someone to ask what to do.

There were relaxing songs in the car, but cold sweat broke out on Lan Xi's forehead.

Lu Zhan was observing her out of the corner of his eye.

"Squish, what are you nervous about?" Lu Zhan reached over and touched her forehead, his fingertips stained with her beads of sweat, "I'm sweating nervously." ”

"Little uncle, it's just a little hot." Lan Xi smiled awkwardly.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the car was just right, she said that it was hot, and the land war lowered it by two or three degrees, "What now?" ”

"Alright, alright." Lan Xi stiffened.

What to do?

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Shiguan.

"Just now, the little uncle said, how about being my boyfriend, I seriously doubt that you are right, the little uncle wants to find me to be the same wife, what should I do."

Lu Shiguan replied quickly.

"Huh? Isn't it, isn't it? I'm a crow's mouth! Where are you now?"

"My uncle and I are on our way on a business trip."

Lu Shiguan: "......"

Why does the little uncle take the with him on a business trip.

At this time, Lu Shiwan confirmed even more that Lu Zhan wanted Lan Xi to be his wife.

"Don't be afraid, where are you going on a business trip, I'll go look for you."

"South City."

"Okay, don't be nervous, I'll be right here."

Lan Xi is going to be really nervous.

Some messy thoughts came to her mind, and when she wanted to verify whether the little uncle was 1 or 0, she didn't think deeply, and when she thought of the male **, she felt like crazy.

True love can be regardless of gender, but when a man is **, she really can't accept it.

Thinking about it, I felt like my brain was going to explode.

The kaolin flower in her heart.

It was she who asked her little uncle to be brave enough to pursue love, but she couldn't accept it, Lu Zhan's image in her heart suddenly fell off the altar, and she was no longer the flower of Kaolin.

Lu Zhan was still observing Lan Xi, her face was blue and white for a while, and she didn't know why.

Park your car on the side of the road.

Lu Zhan looked at her sideways, "Soft, what's going on?" The face is so pale. ”

"Little uncle, I'm fine, maybe motion sickness." Lan Xi raised his eyes, and when the four eyes met, there was a dizziness in front of him.

Suddenly, her eyes darkened, and she leaned limply back into the car seat.

Lu Zhan frowned, and there was tension between his eyebrows, "Soft!" Squish! ”

Lan Xi didn't react.

He started the car and searched for the nearest village and town health center.

The conditions of the hospital in the town are not good, Lu Zhan is not at ease, it is still an hour away from the next city, and he can only take a look closer.

"Doctor." Lu Zhan ran in with Lan Xi in his arms and put her on the emergency hospital bed.

The doctor came slowly, "What's going on?" ”

"I just fainted in the car suddenly." Lu Zhan's voice was nervous, and fine sweat oozed from his palms.

The doctor examined it.

"Get an infusion."

Then he turned around and went to the pharmacy, and he seemed to be the only doctor in the entire health center.

After dispensing the medicine, the doctor pricked Lan Xi with a needle.

"What's wrong with her?" Lu Zhan did not feel at ease to ask.

"Nervousness causes syncope, just take an infusion." The doctor understated.

Lu Zhan squinted slightly.

Nervousness causing syncope? What made her so nervous?

Lan Xi woke up, Lu Zhan sat on the edge of the bed, "Little uncle, what's wrong with me?" ”

"The doctor said you were nervous and fainted, soft, what made you so nervous?" Lu Zhan asked her.

Lan Xi's mind suddenly thought of the incident just now.

She casually made an excuse, "I was going to have my period recently, and I was worried about stomach pain, so I was nervous, but I didn't expect to faint." ”

Turning his head to look at the window, it was already dark.

Lan Xi felt sorry, "Little uncle, is it a delay?" ”

Lu Zhan only heard three words from her stomachache, "Will her stomach hurt?" ”

"The first day will be." Lan Xi nodded slightly.

That's when the doctor came in and interrupted the conversation.

Lan Xi pulls out the needle.

Lu Zhan looked at his watch, considering Lan Xi's body, he planned to find a hotel in the town for one night, and then continue to set off tomorrow morning.

Knowing that she would faint, he didn't mention letting her come.

Lu Zhan felt guilty, "Let's go first." ”


Lan Xi bent down to put on her shoes, and Lu Zhan picked up the shoes, helped her put them on, and took care of her.

Her heart was soft.

Uncle Xiao is such a good person, his boyfriend is so happy.

Get in.

Lu Zhan checked the nearby hotel on his phone, there was only one in the town, and he navigated to it.

Suddenly it rained heavily in the sky.

The car made a big splash as it stepped over puddles on the concrete floor, and in less than five minutes, the car was parked outside the hotel.

"Little uncle, shall we stay in a hotel tonight?"

"If you are not feeling well, don't rush first, it will rain, and it will be difficult to hurry." Lu Zhan wanted her to have a good rest.

Lu Zhan got out of the car, came to the passenger seat with an umbrella and opened the door.

Tucked the coat into Lan Xi's hand, "Put it on." ”

Lan Xi was obedient and dressed, the temperature in the town at night was very low, and she felt a chill as soon as she got out of the car, and the rain made her shiver even more cold.

Come to the front desk.

Lan Xi hurriedly said, "Two rooms." ”

"I'm sorry, we only have one last queen room left." The front desk staff said without changing their faces.

Lan Xi twisted his eyebrows, there was no car outside the hotel, how could there be only one room left.

The front desk saw that Lan Xi didn't believe it, and said: "The people from the power company came down to repair it, and they booked accommodation for these two days, and there is one room, you are very lucky." ”

"Let's open it." The land war was satisfied.

He wanted to sleep in the same bed with Squish.

Careful thinking was well hidden by him, and Lan Xi didn't find it.

After registering their information, the two of them went up the stairs, the hotel was only two floors, and their room was in the last room in the hallway.

The room is not big, one big bed, two chairs.

It's just style......

It's hard to put into words.

What kind of fun does a small town hotel also have?

Lan Xi's fair little face was dyed crimson, pink sheets, purple wallpaper, and various spotlights, and the moment the card was inserted and lit up, her cerebellum atrophied for a while.

Lu Zhanrao has seen the world, and he can't help but sigh.

"It's going to be one night."

"Little uncle, there is only one bed, how can you sleep?" Lan Xi's earlobes were so red that they could drip blood.

"I sleep in a chair." In a short sentence, Lan Xi heard Lu Zhan's sigh.

How do you sleep in a chair?

She can't let the little uncle sleep on the chair, the little uncle has to drive tomorrow, and he has to rest well.

"Little uncle, let's sleep on one side ...... alone"

"Since Squishy invites, then I'll listen to Squish."

Lan Xi: "......"

She wasn't done yet.

The rest of the words choked in his throat, and suddenly there was a red-faced voice from next door, and none of Lan Xi's face was white.

There was a constant noise at the head of the bed, and the walls slammed.

The room was silent, and the sound was particularly harsh.

Lan Xi's face was dyed crimson, her neck was also flushed with pink, her body trembled unconsciously, and her apricot eyes were even more shy and flustered because of hearing this ambiguous voice.

Seeing this, Lu Zhan strode up to her, stretched out his hand, and covered her ears.

The roots of his ears were also dyed with a hint of redness, and the movement next door was getting louder and louder, and the sound was clear in his ears.

The air in the room seemed to become a little ambiguous.

Spotlights of various colors hit Lan Xi and Lu Zhan, and the lights were intertwined, adding a bit of charm to the room.

It took half an hour next door, and Lu Zhan's action of covering Lan Xi's ears also lasted for half an hour.

The whole time her eyes were fixed on Lan Xi, and her gentle eyes fell on her.

He took his hand down, "Squish, alright, you go take a shower first." ”

"Okay, little uncle." Lan Xi lowered his head slightly, embarrassed to look at Lu Zhan's eyes, and the flush on his cheeks did not disappear.

After Lan Xi entered the bathroom, Lu Zhan opened the door and went out.

He knocked on the door next door.

"Who?" An impatient man's voice came from inside.

Lu Zhan stood there quietly, exuding a cold aura all around him, his dark eyes were as deep and cold as a cold pool, without a trace of temperature, and his handsome cheeks were covered with frost.

The expressionless face is intimidating.

The man saw that he had an extraordinary bearing, wearing a delicate and structured suit, and guessed what kind of boss he was.

Thinking of the movement he made, and then seeing Lu Zhan standing in the direction of the next room, combined with the biting cold around him, the man shuddered.

"I, I'll be quiet." After the man finished speaking, he didn't close the door and go in.

Lu Zhan's eyes were a little more soothing than the coldness just now, and he dared to close the door, "I won't make any more noise to you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." ”

From beginning to end, Lu Zhan didn't say a word, just standing there can make people feel irrepressible creeps in their hearts.

He walked away.

After grabbing a change of clothes from the car, Lu Zhan returned to his room.

Lan Xi came out of the shower and washed her little face with cold water to return to its normal color.

"Little uncle, are you out?" Lan Xi saw an extra bag on the chair.

Lu Zhan nodded and took out the clothes in the bag, "I got you pajamas and underwear." ”

"Sticking ......"

Intimate clothing?

Lan Xi's slightly open lips bit tightly, too ashamed of her.

Taking the clothes handed over by Lu Zhan, Lan Xi quickly turned around and walked towards the bathroom, because the range of movement was too large, the tightly wrapped bath towel on his body loosened without warning and slid to the ground.

Lan Xi was startled and subconsciously grabbed the bath towel.

There was a small water stain on the floor, which she brought out after taking a shower, which would also become her helper in social death.

With a short exclamation, Lan Xi fell.

There was panic in his eyes, and Lu Zhan didn't expect it, thinking that he couldn't let Soft Soft get hurt.

He took a step forward and shackled Lan Xi in his arms.

"Ahhh Lan Xi hurriedly covered Lu Zhan's eyes, "Little uncle, don't look!" ”

Lu Zhan's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and under the rough palm was the soft skin, warm to the touch, fine and crispy, spreading from the palm of the whole body.

Lan Xi's heart was pounding.

The land war was not far behind.

With such intimate physical contact, Lan Xi collapsed, his voice flustered and soft, with an unconscious Jiao, "Little uncle, don't open your eyes." ”

"Okay." Lu Zhan's voice was low and hoarse.

Lan Xi's palm covering Lu Zhan's eyes opened a little slit, confirming that his eyes were tightly closed.

Gently took away Lu Zhan's hand on his waist, "I'll go get dressed." ”

"Hmm." The softness of Lu Zhan's palm disappeared, and his deep voice had a somewhat ambiguous tail.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Lu Zhan opened his eyes and looked at the big palm that had held Lan Xi's waist, and he couldn't help but want to have a little more time and get closer to her.

His fingertips could still taste the touch of the soft waist, and the air was filled with the faint mint fragrance on Lan Xi's body, and he lowered his eyes to look at it, his eyes were slightly dark.

He thought......

in the bathroom.

Lan Xi clenched the clothes in his hand in a panic and bit his lower lip lightly.

It's really too much to die.

Did the little uncle see it?

It happened so suddenly, the little uncle shouldn't have seen it.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on his body, Lan Xi turned on the shower, and the bathroom was instantly filled with warm and humid heat, and after taking a shower again, he got dressed this time before going out.

Nothing happened to either of them.

Lan Xi didn't take the initiative to mention it, and Lu Zhan wouldn't ask.

"Little uncle, you go." Lan Xi reminded him.

Lu Zhan raised his eyes when he heard this, the dark eyes under his cold eyebrows were dyed red, and he smiled slightly, "Okay, you go to sleep first." He was afraid of Lan Xi's embarrassment.

Lan Xi is having this plan, "Good night, little uncle." ”

"Good night."

Lu Zhan walked into the bathroom, wearing only trousers and a shirt, and the black trousers made him not so obvious, and he didn't notice it.

Unbutton your shirt and drape it loosely over your body.

Turning on the shower, the water droplets instantly wet his shirt, and the wet shirt sticks to his body, outlining the muscle lines under the shirt.

The cold water in winter is especially biting.

It took more than ten minutes before the water temperature was slowly raised.

Lan Xi was lying on the bed, nervous and unable to sleep, holding the quilt tightly with both hands, the bed was not big, only one meter five, and it was just right for two people to sleep.

After what had just happened, she felt that the bed was really small.

But she couldn't bear to let Lu Zhan sleep in a chair.

Thinking about it, she fell asleep.

Lu Zhan came out of the bathroom, his peach blossom eyes were as deep as ink, a small bag bulged out on the bed, and Lan Xi fell asleep.

Walking over with a light step, I heard Lan Xi breathing evenly, confirming that she was asleep.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his hair dripping with water, and his face was cold and noble.

"Soft, how long do you want me to endure it?"

The warm fingertips of the bath swept across Lan Xi's cheeks, squinting slightly, and the bottom of the eyes was forbearant and restrained.

The person in the bed fell asleep and did not respond.

Land War sighed.

I got up and was going to the bathroom to dry my hair, when I heard Lan Xi muttering something.

He listened closely, and his face sank.

"Little uncle, don't, I don't want to be your wife."


Lan Xi kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

pinched Lan Xi's little face, Lu Zhan chuckled, "So I was so nervous in the car today that I fainted, just worried that I wanted you to be my wife?" ”

"Soft, what are you thinking about your little head?"

"What I like is you."

Originally, I just thought he liked the same sex, but later I had to check whether he was 1 or 0, and now I was worried about him finding a same-sex wife.

One by one, Lu Zhan really wanted to ask her why her brain hole was so big.

Think back to the phrase he said in the car in the afternoon, "How about being your boyfriend?" ”

It may have been this sentence that scared her.

Soft thought that he was hinting at her as a wife.

The smile on Lu Zhan's face was helpless, "Punish you for kissing me." ”


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