
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

author:Xi'an Rui Review
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

On June 27, the Party Committee of Xi'an Daxing Hospital carried out the theme party day activity of "Dedicated to the Party with Full of Enthusiasm" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. Branch secretaries, branch members, party member representatives of 25 party branches, and all party members of the first and second branches of the organ participated in the event.

Hatsushin Nyoban Hisaku Faith

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

Review the oath of joining the party

Li Zhenbin, deputy secretary of the party committee, sent political birthday cards and a compilation of party affairs knowledge to 25 branch secretaries, and he said that this is not only a gift, but also a responsibility and expectation. Encourage everyone to continue to boost the "spirit" of the team, give full play to the role of party members as the "vanguard", and contribute to the development of the hospital.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

Xu Yan and Yang Xiaojuan, representatives of the party branch secretary, He Xinghua and Zhou Guoxiu, representatives of party members, and Lin Wanlin and Tan Yongfang, representatives of probationary party members, respectively shared their experiences on the self-construction of the party branch, the role of party members, abiding by party rules and party discipline, and serving patients attentively.

After the meeting, each party branch organized themed party day activities to celebrate the party's birthday. Party members have expressed that they should always maintain their love and enthusiasm for the medical cause, and promote the development of hospitals and discipline construction with practical actions.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

Medical hearts escort the party and party discipline

In order to promote the study and education of party discipline in the hospital, clarify discipline with cases, promote reform with cases, learn lessons, and sound the alarm bell, on June 27, Xi'an Daxing Hospital held a "Medical Heart to the Party and Party Discipline Escort" - Party Discipline Learning and Education Warning Education Conference.

The secretary of the party branch, branch members, department directors, head nurses, and party member representatives of the whole hospital attended the conference.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

Li Changwu, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, made a report on warning education. In light of the overall situation of the "two centralized rectifications" of corruption in the medical and medical fields and the instructions and requirements of the provinces and municipalities at all levels, he emphatically pointed out that in the face of the general situation of anti-corruption, it is necessary to consciously abide by the six disciplines of political discipline, organizational discipline, honesty discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline. It is necessary to maintain political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and resolutely not touch the "red line" of discipline in action. The key minority should take the lead; Five key points of prevention; correct thinking and understanding; Continuously improve the medical experience; Pay attention to the prevention of public opinion.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

He Jianjun, secretary of the party committee, emphatically pointed out that it is necessary to be clear in the face of major events. We must always keep a clear head, maintain political determination, and improve our understanding, so that the direction is not biased and the steps are not chaotic. The policy red line should be understood in place. Know what you can do and what you can't. Do your job well. Low-key, pragmatic and unassuming, serving every patient with heart and affection.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

A vow of a lifetime commitment

On June 29, the hospital organized probationary party members and party member representatives to visit the memorial hall of the Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army and held an oath-taking ceremony for joining the party.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

By listening to the explanation, visiting the martyrs' relics, and revisiting the magnificent revolutionary history, everyone further understood the history of the Eighth Office, felt the noble spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, and strengthened their beliefs. He said that he would strive to be a qualified Communist Party member.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

Genuine care and warmth of the organization

On July 1, Deputy Secretary Liang Hongjuan, on behalf of the Party Committee of the hospital, expressed her condolences to the representatives of veteran party members with more than 30 years of party experience, sent political birthday cards and a compilation of party affairs knowledge, and sent a sincere greeting.

Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million
Full of enthusiasm for the party | I'm proud, I'm one in 99.185 million

The old party members have expressed that they will continue to give full play to their residual heat and contribute to the development of the hospital.

Full of enthusiasm for the party

Warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Forge ahead and act positively

Make greater contributions to the construction of a healthy China

Greet the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with concrete actions

Source: Xi'an Daxing Hospital