
On her first date after marriage, she had the illusion that the two were really in love.

author:Sunshine sheets
On her first date after marriage, she had the illusion that the two were really in love.

The picture comes from the Internet

As soon as the car drove to the door of Xu's house, he saw three figures standing at the door.

Ah Cheng glanced at Xu Xiangdi behind him worriedly.

If you knew it, you should have driven slower.

The car had been seen by the three of them, and it was too late to hide, so Ah Cheng opened his mouth and reminded softly: "Boss, Mrs., Master and Miss Liang are at the door." ”

Xu Xiangdi didn't raise his eyelids, "Drive away directly." Just don't see it. ”

Ah Cheng looked embarrassed, "They have seen it. ”

Xu Xiangdi opened his eyes, and before he had time to think of any strategy, the car window was knocked on the next second.

He sighed slightly, straightened his clothes, and got out of the car.

Mother Xu was very dissatisfied with her son's grinding speed, and said coldly, "Why did you get out of the car?" ”

I saw the car stop in the morning, but she had to knock on the window to get down.

Xu Xiangdi's eyes were unwavering, as if he was lifeless, and he just said: "After drinking some wine, my brain is a little unclear." ”

Mother Xu frowned and asked, "Did you go to Huafu to party with your brothers again?" ”

"Hmm." He squeezed a low voice out of his nose.

"Don't go too long in the future, Liang Jin came today, you almost missed her."

Xu's mother knew that her son's brothers were all in a circle, and it was not a bad thing to have more contact, and maybe she could bring business to the Xu family.

Xu Xiangdi replied impatiently: "It's just right to miss it. I don't want to see her anyway. ”

Mother Xu was stunned and froze in place.

Her son, who had never disobeyed her, would say this!


Unexpectedly, Liang Jin also came over, and Mother Xu could only swallow the words back into her stomach.

smiled and said, "You two talk slowly, and Auntie goes in first." ”

Before leaving, he didn't forget to 'tell' Xu Xiangdi to take care of Liang Jin.

"Son, although you are busy, you also have to think more about the present, she is your fiancée after all."

After Mother Xu left, Liang Jinqing frowned and glanced at Xu Xiangdi, "Did you fight with someone?" ”

When he got closer and smelled the smell of cigarettes and alcohol on his body, Liang Jin covered his nose in disgust.

Under the street lamp, a cold face and opening its mouth are ruthless words.

"Xu Xiangdi, I hope you can understand that the reason why our Liang family chose you as a son-in-law is that you value your image as a gentle and polite gentleman."

"But since you got engaged, none of the things you've done have met my requirements. Well, now you've learned to fight with others! ”

"What's the difference between you and those street thugs out there!"

If it is seen by reporters, it will definitely be scribbled again, affecting the corporate image of the Liang family.

Xu Xiangdi snorted coldly, his mother only cared about whether the marriage with the Liang family was stable or not, and his fiancée only cared about whether his image would affect the reputation of the Liang family.

No one cared about his wounds.

No one cares if he is in pain or not, whether he is happy or not.

He's just a tool guy.

It wasn't like this before, at that time there was a little girl who only had him in her eyes, and cared if he was hungry, thirsty, whether he slept well, and how his academic performance was.

But he didn't cherish it, he lost his little girl.

At this moment, Xu Xiangdi suddenly didn't want to endure it. What bullshit family responsibilities, what corporate interests, he doesn't want them all!

Without Sisi, what is the point of him wanting all this.

His closed eyes opened suddenly, his face was terrifyingly dark, and Liang Jin unconsciously took a step back.

"If you're not satisfied, then get out of the marriage."

Then he turned around and walked towards the Xu family's mansion.

Liang Jin was stunned, what? She heard her right, right?

Xu Xiangdi actually dared to tell her to withdraw from the marriage???

How dare he!

"Xu Xiangdi, what do you mean? Do you have a woman out there? ”

In the past, he never dared to say such things, but today he suddenly changed, and Liang Jin suspected him of stealing outside.

But Xu Xiangdi's footsteps never stopped, and there was no sign of slowing down, so he continued to walk forward.

Liang Jin was furious, did he treat himself as air? I even disdain to ignore myself!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and after Xu Xiangdi's figure disappeared, she angrily took out her mobile phone and called her brother.

When he got home, Lu Si had already washed up and was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Xu Xinghai changed into slippers and sat beside her, "Is Sanhua still well-behaved?" ”

Speaking of this, Lu Si wanted to cry without tears, and stretched out a pair of hands, "Don't be good!" ”

I saw that her hands were covered with fine scratches, which looked like they were scratched by a kitten.

Xu Xinghai frowned distressedly, "Fortunately, I vaccinated it." ”

Instead, he raised his eyes to look at Lu Si, "Does it hurt?" ”

Lu Si shook his head, "It doesn't hurt now." ”

Afraid that Xu Xinghai would punish the kitten, she said good things for Sanhua again: "It didn't mean it, it was still young, I thought I was playing with it, and I didn't do it lightly." ”


Xu Xinghai turned around and went to the bedroom to take out an alcohol cotton to disinfect her hands, "Although I have been vaccinated, I still have the poison, so I am more relieved." ”

Lu Si obediently stretched out her hand and let the man wipe it for her. She is now very accustomed to Xu Xinghai's care for her.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of Xu Xinghai's right hand joints being a little red, and if she looked closely, she could see a few bruises.

"Xu Xinghai, are you injured?"

Didn't you say you went to a party with your brothers?

Xu Xinghai subconsciously covered the wound and said with a smile: "No." I met a wild dog on the road. ”


Lu thought that this had anything to do with the injury on his hand, could it be that this man was angry and beat wild dogs on the street?

Tsk, it's a pity that he didn't join the city dog fighting team! It must have been a beautiful picture, she didn't dare to think about it!

"It's a lie again, it's definitely a fight with someone else."

Lu Si took out an alcohol swab and wiped the joint of his right hand in turn.

It's the same when I think of the last time he was injured......

Blessed to the heart, Lu Si suddenly thought of a possibility, wiped her hand paused, she asked softly, "Have you met Xu Xiangdi?" ”

There is nothing to hide, Xu Xinghai nodded, "Hmm." The party happened to coincide. ”

Eh, a fluttering sentence, people who don't know still think this is some kind of game trigger device, and if they meet, they have to beat each other.

"And you hit him?"

"Well, if he is disrespectful, I will beat him up."


Lu Si smiled and continued to wipe his hand joints. After wiping it up, she thought about it and told Xu Xinghai what was in her heart.

"Stay away from him and ignore him."

Xu Xinghai narrowed his eyes, his dark eyes stared at Lu Si for a moment, and then slowly spit out a sentence.

"Mrs. Xu, your vision was really bad before."

Lu Si's face was hot, his mouth opened and opened, and finally he confessed: "I used to be young and ignorant. ”

Hearing this, Xu Xinghai was in a good mood and even laughed, touching the top of the little girl's hair, "It's good to know that it's wrong." ”

It is not in vain that he has been wounded.

"Xu Xinghai" Lu Si suddenly looked at him seriously, "Promise me, don't do anything with him in the future, okay?" Because it's not worth it for that kind of person to do it. ”

She licked her lips and continued, "I'm afraid you'll get hurt, and I'm even more afraid you'll be framed and put in prison. ”

Xu Xinghai only felt warm in his heart, and gently hugged Lu Si into his arms.

"Thank you Mrs. Xu for your concern, but your husband is strong and not afraid of him."

Lu Si was a little speechless about his stinky fart, but he tried to persuade him as much as he could.

"Compared with before, Xu Xiangdi is like a different person, and he is terribly paranoid. Last time he was blocking me on the road. ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, "Huh? Why haven't I heard you talk about it? ”

"It's just a small thing, you're so busy, I don't want to trouble you."

Xu Xinghai exhaled heavily, and taught her a lesson with a straight face, "Your affairs are not trivial, they are all big things." Can you tell me the details of what happened? ”

Lu Si lay in his arms and told him about the last time he met Xu Xiangdi and Ah Cheng on the road after work.

Xu Xiangdi also pretended to be a stranger to add her WeChat and sent her some inexplicable remarks.

As for what remarks, and the fact that he almost messed up his mind because of those remarks, Lu Si didn't say a word.

When she was done, she added, "I don't know what he wants to do." ”

Xu Xinghai's face was gloomy, and the air pressure on his body was instantly depressed.

"Looks like I'm going to have to get you a bodyguard."

Lu Si's face was instantly full of red, and he got up from his arms, "No, this battle is too big." ”

Originally, the people in the company deliberately alienated her, and with a bodyguard, good guy, she didn't know what kind of eyes the people in the company had to look at herself.

"It's okay if you don't have to," Xu Xinghai decided to take a step back, "Then don't take the subway from now on, take my car to work." ”

Ah, this ......

Seeing that Xu Xinghai didn't have the slightest intention of making concessions, Lu Si could only compromise, "Okay." ”

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, Lu Si was about to go to wash, but suddenly remembered something.

"Oh no, I almost forgot!"

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "What's the matter?" ”

Lu Si trotted to the kitchen to bring a bowl of Chinese medicine, "Aunt Wu said to help you boil it up, let me stare at you and finish drinking." ”

The jet-black Chinese medicine soup exuded an indescribable taste, and Lu Si pinched his nose and sat aside, "Drink it." ”

At the same time, she was silently glad in her heart, fortunately she didn't have to drink Chinese medicine, otherwise she would not only not be able to drink it, but she would probably vomit out her dinner.

Xu Xinghai took the Chinese medicine, frowned slightly, and turned to look at Lu Si.

His eyes were deep, and his dark eyes were full of question marks.

"What's wrong? Don't... Do you think Chinese medicine is bitter? ”

It was as if he had discovered a new continent, and his bright eyes sparkled.

A fairy-like person like Xu Xinghai rarely has obvious weaknesses, and Lu Si can't stop being happy every time he finds one.

She felt as if she had some serious illness and was committed to pulling Xu Xinghai into the ranks of mortals. Tsk, it's her heart that is dark.

However, Lu Si still showed an expression of eating melons, as strong as Xu Xinghai, are she afraid of drinking Chinese medicine?

The man looked at her directly and suddenly smiled, "Well, I'm as afraid of hardship as Mrs. Xu." ”

"But," his eyes twinkled slightly, and he smiled playfully, "Mrs. Xu, do you know what's in this Chinese medicine?" ”

Well, Lu Si didn't notice this.

After arriving home, she directly handed over the bag containing Chinese medicine to Aunt Wu, only remembering that the bag was dark and smelled very weird.

"Should it be ginseng, cordyceps sinensis or something?"

After all, Mrs. Xu is famous for loving her grandson, and the Xu family has a big business, so what she bought must be top-notch Chinese medicinal materials.

Xu Xinghai smiled lowly, "No, our Xu family has always advocated diligence and thrift, except for the house where we live, we don't pay much attention to anything else." I haven't even seen those precious Chinese medicinal materials you mentioned. ”

It's incredible, but Lu Si thinks it's reasonable, after all, Xu Xinghai, as the head of Xu's Group, only drives a Mercedes-Benz SUV to and from work. Even Xu Xiangdi's car is better than his.

Lu Si was even more curious, "Then what's in this Chinese medicine?" ”

Xu Xinghai's Adam's apple rolled, and he said lightly: "It should be wolfberry, Morinda officinalis, Niu Dali, burdock, black beans and the like." ”

Oh, but Lu Si didn't know Chinese medicine, so he just thought that these were ordinary medicinal materials for strengthening the body, and persuaded him to drink them quickly.

"If you don't drink it again, it's cold."

"Mrs. Xu, do you know the medicinal effect of this Chinese medicine?"

Lu Si shook his head, "I don't know. ”

His ignorant and innocent appearance made Xu Xinghai a little helpless.

"It's... Medicinal herbs for tonifying the kidney and aiding pregnancy. ”

Lu Si's back stiffened, his face was flushed, tonifying the kidney and helping him conceive?

Is it the four words she was thinking...

Xu Xinghai was very caring, and answered the doubts in her heart in the next second.

"That's right, Mrs. Xu, that's the four words you think. Grandma probably meant that we wanted us to give her a grandson or granddaughter sooner. ”

Lu Si touched his hot ears and peeked around.

After confessing his thoughts to Xu Xinghai, and then facing his tiger and wolf words, Lu Si could no longer pretend not to hear it as before.

After a moment, she lowered her eyes and clasped her palms, "... Xu Xinghai, I, I think it's good that we progress like an ordinary couple, if it's too fast, I'll be afraid. ”

Xu Xinghai approached her, took her hand and interlocked his fingers, "Well, I respect all your thoughts." Take your time, we have a lot of time anyway. ”

"As for what your family thinks, don't take it to heart, and don't put pressure on yourself. If my grandmother asked, I could bear it alone. ”

He said it very seriously, which made Lu Si embarrassed.

"It's not your business alone, I'll explain it to grandma with you when necessary."

Xu Xinghai hooked his lips and smiled, "Okay." ”

It's really late, and if you don't go to bed, I'm afraid you'll have insomnia again tonight, Lu Si got up and deliberately didn't look at the Chinese medicine bowl on the table, "I'll go wash up first, and you go to bed early." ”

After saying that, he quickly walked to the bathroom as if he was running away.

By the time she came out of the wash, the bowl was empty.

Lu Si blinked, then looked at the closed door of the master bedroom, and wondered in his heart, was the Chinese medicine poured or drunk?

In the early morning of the next day, after breakfast, Xu Xinghai and Lu Si took a car to the company. The car was parked in the underground garage of the Xu Building, and at Lu Si's repeated request, the two took the elevator to the top floor of the company separately.

As soon as he sat down, Lu Si received a gossip message from Xu Qing.

"I heard that several people in the marketing department have left, including the newcomers who joined us together."

Lu Si's heart suddenly jumped, "So suddenly! ”

And then I felt that it was wrong, which was too much of a coincidence.

The resignation of several people from the same department is also a big deal for Xu's family, why haven't I heard Xu Xinghai mention it at home.

As if remembering something, her typing hand was a little unsteady, "These people are implicated in Emma's affairs?" ”

Xu Qing quickly replied to her: "I don't know." Harm, I thought my brother must have told you, but you don't know, my brother's mouth is really tight. ”

Xu Qing, who hadn't eaten the melon, walked away, but he was afraid that he would inadvertently say something that he shouldn't say, so he sent Lu Si an emoji with his mouth sewn on.

My cousin is too doggy, and if you offend him, you will have to do it for nothing this month.

Lu Si put the phone aside, turned on the computer and started working.

Xu Xinghai will handle these things, and she can't worry about what she shouldn't be in charge of.

Moreover, Xu Xinghai's ability and character are obvious to her, and she believes that Xu Xinghai will not fire innocent people regardless of right or wrong.

Unconsciously, she trusted Xu Xinghai to this extent. It seems that he can solve all the difficulties in the world.

Sorting out last week's work log, by the way, I applied for the printing of a few documents, and when I was almost busy, Lu Si took the opportunity to fish - go to the part-time website to see if there are any new design tasks.

After the last design draft was submitted, Party A was quite satisfied, but also made it clear to Lu Si that there was no new demand in the near future. Lu Si had no choice but to find another way out.

She clicked on the advertisement and looked at the specific recruitment requirements, and she met them quite well, so she sent an email and past design drawings to the other party according to the contact information on the advertisement.

Unexpectedly, the other party replied to her quickly and added her WeChat.

"Hello Miss Lu, your past drawings are very good, but we also have high requirements for part-time designers, and we are recruited by comparing them to regular employees, so in addition to the basic hardware, we also have a trial draft."

Lu Si also heard that some companies do require candidates to test their drafts when recruiting, so he also agreed to the other party's request.

"Okay, no problem."

Then the other party sent her a design task.

Lu Si's scalp was numb when he looked at the task description, do you need to submit three design manuscripts for the trial draft?

"Yes, we are more strict, and only the works in three different directions can reflect the quality of the designer."

Lu Si reluctantly agreed with the other party's statement, and instead cared about the delivery time, "When will the manuscript be delivered at the earliest?" ”

"Within two weeks."

Time is a little tight, Lu Si has high requirements for his works, and every time he strives for perfection and is committed to originality. But thinking that part-time jobs themselves were hard to find, she didn't want to miss the opportunity at hand, so she agreed, "Okay." ”

At the same time, I have already begun to calculate the time arrangement.

When that's done, she's back to replying to work messages.

With the mouse moving, Lu Si saw a message sent to her by Wang Yang: "I'm leaving, I'll go through the resignation procedures today." ”

Lu Si thought of Xu Qing and her gossip again, and she suddenly wanted to know the real reason for the resignation of these colleagues in the marketing department.

So following Wang Yang's news, she then asked: "Why is it so sudden, it's a pity that you took the initiative to leave after only a few months of employment." ”

Although there are many employment opportunities in Jiangcheng, Xu's Group is the dream of many young people, with a large platform, good benefits, and a salary that is also a leader in the entire industry.

After working in Xu's for a few years and then going out to see a new job, the value will also rise. But a person like Wang Yang who only worked for a few months and then left, these invisible benefits cannot be enjoyed.

Therefore, Lu Si felt that it was a pity that he chose to 'voluntarily resign'.

But what if he didn't leave on his own initiative?

Wang Yang quickly replied to her message: "It's not a voluntary resignation. ”

Lu Si only felt that his heart was beating faster, and he didn't take the initiative to resign, that is, he was dismissed, and the reason for his dismissal was ......

Hands were faster than brains, and by the time she could react, the words were already flying out.

"Dismissed? Why? ”

After a few minutes, Wang Yang replied to her, and after Lu Si saw the message he replied, he was so angry that he decisively blocked him without saying a word.

Because Wang Yang actually asked her: "Didn't you ask Mr. Xu to dismiss us?" ”

The two met in newcomer training activities, and because of the occasional intersection of work, Lu Si was also happy to reach out for some small favors that he could usually help, but he asked him like this.

Lu Si was depressed.

When Xu Xinghai came out of the office, he saw her with her hands on her cheeks, looking at her laptop with resentment in her eyes, looking bitter and hateful.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Si raised his head when he heard his voice, and when he saw that there were only the two of them in the office, he boldly asked, "Were all those people in the marketing department dismissed by you?" ”

Xu Xinghai's dark eyes looked at him and he was silent for a long time before he said lightly: "Well, yes." ”

Lu Si wanted to ask again, Xu Xinghai pointed to the watch on his wrist, "It's already 12:30, let's go eat first." ”

On the way to the restaurant, Lu Si took the initiative to confess.

"Wang Yang looked for me on WeChat just now."

Xu Xinghai's footsteps froze, frowning, and there was concern on his face, "Did he say anything nonsense?" ”

He subconsciously linked Lu Si's depressed performance with Wang Yang.

Lu Si had to admire him, he was worthy of being the president, and his acumen and speculation ability were strong.

"He came to me to say goodbye and asked me if I was asking you to dismiss them, which is of course nonsense."

"But.... I wonder if you fired them because you wanted to be angry with me. ”

Xu Xinghai lowered his eyes, swallowed his throat, and then said in a low voice, "Mrs. Xu, you are too worried, it is not because of you, the reason why several of them were dismissed was because they were found to have committed major disciplinary violations by the company." ”

Where Lu Si didn't notice, Xu Xinghai's eyes became gloomy by the way.

It seems that the punishment for a few of them is still too light.

Lu Si was immediately relieved when he heard this, it turned out that this was the case. She was really afraid that Xu Xinghai would fire these colleagues in order to be angry with herself.

Looking at her instantly relaxed expression, Lu Si lowered his eyes and took her hand and walked towards the restaurant.

"What do you want to eat?"

Lu Si touched the flesh on his waist and said decisively: "Eat light food." During this time at home, I ate too well, and I didn't exercise, and I gained a lot of weight."

Xu Xinghai disagreed, "It's just right now." I was so thin before that I didn't feel like I was holding it. ”

Do you feel it?

Where to hold?

Where doesn't it feel?

Could it be the first few times I slept in his arms......

“… Ahem, in fact, Mrs. Xu's figure has always been quite good, and now it is better. ”

Xu Xinghai spoke out in time to interrupt her reminiscence.

But his straight eyes still looked at his chest...... Lu Si only felt that his face was as hot as boiling hot water.

"Turn your head around!"

Seeing that she was so anxious that she stomped her feet, Xu Xinghai only felt that his little wife was cute.

"You're crooked."

"Mrs. Xu, I must seriously criticize you, don't always think about unhealthy things in your head at a young age."


However, Xu Xinghai finally took care of Lu Si and chose a vegetarian restaurant. It can not only meet her appeal for fat loss, but also not eat raw and cold light food that is not good for the stomach.

As a result, Lu Si discovered a dusty treasure restaurant.

"I really didn't expect that vegetarian dishes can be so delicious!"

She has never liked vegetarian food from the bottom of her heart, but only eats it because of a balanced diet.

Xu Xinghai looked at her with a smile and asked gently, "Which ones do you like?" ”

Lu Si pointed to the four things in front of him.

Then I saw Xu Xinghai pick up the mobile phone on the table and take a photo, and then typed with his fingers quickly.

Lu Si couldn't help but wonder, "Who did you send the photo to?" ”

She seems to have seen Xu Xinghai share it with a "friend" after taking a photo.

Xu Xinghai put the phone back on the table and said lightly, "It's sent to Aunt Wu." ”

"Let her cook it for you often at home in the future."

Lu Si was stunned for a moment, and then his heart seemed to be wrapped in sweetness, glowing with joy.

She remembered that when the two first got married, Aunt Wu cooked the first meal, and the table was full of her favorite food.

And when he returned to Xu's house for the first time, it was Xu Xinghai who greeted Xu's helper in advance.

Xu Xinghai is really a person who pays attention to details.

Also, it's nice to be taken seriously like this.

In the afternoon, Lu Si was busy with work for a while, and then began to conceive the design draft, so it was time to get off work unconsciously.

She subconsciously wanted to turn off the computer, pack up her things and go straight to the subway, but remembering the agreement with Xu Xinghai, she sat back on the chair again.

After thinking about it, he still sent a WeChat message to Xu Xinghai.

"Off work?"

She was quite afraid that Xu Xinghai would tell her that she would work overtime tonight, if he worked overtime, would she have to accompany him? It's scary to think about!

Fortunately, Xu Xinghai quickly replied to WeChat: "Get off work." ”

A smile bloomed on Lu Si's face, and in order to avoid suspicion, she put on a hat and a mask and went to the underground parking lot to wait for Xu Xinghai in advance.

When Xu Xinghai arrived, he only felt funny when he saw her wearing a hat and looking left and right, with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes.

"Mrs. Xu, people who don't know still think that we have that special relationship."

Lu Si saw him raise his eyebrows and smile, and understood in seconds.

His face turned red, and then he muttered, "It's not your fault. ”

The two got into the car, and the car slowly drove into the main road, and then turned into a side road.

Although Lu Si is usually a road idiot, he is still very familiar with the way home.

She looked at the man beside her suspiciously, "This road is not the way home, where are we going?" ”

The man's languid voice sounded in the car: "Mall." ”

Lu Si looked dazed: ?

"What are you doing at the mall?"

"Eat, watch movies."


"Dating, to be exact."



Until the car slowly stopped, Xu Xinghai helped Lu Si unbuckle the seat belt and touched her head by the way, Lu Si was still stunned.

“... Why do you want to go out on a date? ”

Aunt Wu is still at home waiting for them to go back to dinner.

The parking lot is dimly lit, but it is more and more advantageous for people like Xu Xinghai who have a superior side profile.

He leaned back in the chair with a lazy expression, hooked his lips and smiled: "Mrs. Xu, you said you wanted to try, what's the matter, now you want to regret it?" ”


Almost instantly, these two words instantly evoked Lu Si's memory.

On the afternoon of returning to Langyi from Xu's house, she said to Xu Xinghai in the car, "Let's try to be together".

Thinking of this, Lu Si's cheeks were slightly red, he didn't expect Xu Xinghai to be a man of action, he couldn't say it, he had to do it.

“... So what are we going to do first? Speaking of this, her palms were actually a little sweaty, and she also had some anticipation in her heart.

The first real date with Xu Xinghai sounds very good.

The man who had been doing a strategy all afternoon was strategizing at the moment and knew the dating process well.

"Let's go eat first."

He deliberately chose the most well-known Western restaurant in Jiangcheng and called in advance to reserve a seat.

The western restaurant is on the fifth floor, and there is an elevator in the parking lot to the fifth floor, and the two of them stand in front of the elevator and wait quietly for the elevator.

"Ding", the elevator door opened, and the two walked in, and the elevator at this time had two couples, which was not crowded.

But when I got to the first floor, a group of people came up, and the small space immediately seemed cramped.

Lu Si was forced into a corner, and the people in front of her retreated, Lu Si had no choice but to take a small step back, only this small step, her whole back was tightly attached to Xu Xinghai, as if she was sticking to a wall.

Xu Xinghai was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, so he whispered in her ear, "Turn around." ”

Lu Si obediently turned around, and then was hugged head-on by the man into his arms, and his voice came from his hard chest, "Well, that's it. ”

Lu Si only felt that his face was blushing, and it was really embarrassing for the two of them to be so intimate in the overcrowded elevator room.

"Don't be embarrassed, look to the left."

The whisper in his ear guided Lu Si to look to the left, but he saw that a man and a woman on the left couldn't help kissing passionately......

On the other hand, other people calmly played with their mobile phones and hugged their arms, as if they had long been surprised.

Lu Si was shocked, this ...... After going abroad for a few years, I have fallen into the customs and can't keep up with the pace of development in Jiangcheng.

The elevator soon reached the fifth floor, and most of the people went out on this floor, but Xu Xinghai held Lu Si's hand tightly, and said: "There are too many people, I'm afraid you will get separated." ”

Lu Si only thought that this person was funny, and the excuse he made was too lame.

However, there are indeed a lot of people in the mall today, and those who don't know think it's the weekend.

The two came to the restaurant, Xu Xing posted the mobile phone number of the reservation, and then the waiter lady politely took the two to the private room.

After ordering the meal, the young lady went out for a while and then returned to the box, smiling at Lu Siyan, "Good evening, Mrs. Xu, these are the flowers that your husband ordered for you." Happy Tanabata to both of you! Then he bowed slightly and exited the box.

The blue enchantress on the table was too dazzling, and Lu Si's gaze reluctantly moved from the flower to Xu Xinghai's face.

"Is it Tanabata today?"

No wonder there are so many people in the mall today, it turns out that everyone is here for the holiday.

Xu Xinghai's dark eyes flashed with a smile, "Yes." Mrs. Xu, this is our first Valentine's Day. ”

His eyes were too hot, and Lu Si suddenly had the illusion that the two were really in love.

No, it's not an illusion, after all, the two are really dating...

First date after marriage......

Soon, a plate of big meals was served on the table, Xu Xinghai naturally pushed the two plates of steak in front of him, and said to Lu Si lightly: "You eat the rest first, I'll cut the steak and then give it to you." ”

Lu thought about the lunch that was rewarded for training, and Xu Xinghai also hung his head and cut the steak for her carefully and carefully.

"Xu Xinghai, the first prize of training is to have lunch with the president, you came up with this idea, right?"

Xu Xinghai's hand holding the knife paused and smiled, "How do you know?" ”

Lu Si's heart moved slightly, "So that's the case." I'll just say, how can a company as big as Xu's be so shabby! ”

"Shabby?" Xu Xinghai frowned slightly, "Why are you shabby when I invite you to dinner?" ”

"I think the company will smash me with money, and I will have a lunch, of course, it will look shabby!"

The corners of Xu Xinghai's mouth twitched, "... That meal costs more than your monthly salary. ”

Lu Si whined, beating his chest and stoning, "Then it's better to convert it into cash for me!" ”

Xu Xinghai: ......

It was his negligence that he didn't know that his wife was so short of money to spend.

After eating, Lu Si hugged the flowers and asked him, "What's next?" ”

She just wants to be a brainless person tonight, follow Mr. Xu's steps throughout the whole process, and let him arrange it.

Xu Xinghai: "I originally wanted to go to the movies, but Mrs. Xu had to go to bed at ten o'clock, so I had to cancel it first." ”

There is no need to spend a day stumbling for a long time, Mrs. Xu's sleep is the most important.

Lu Si also agreed, but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he went home like this.

Happiness came to an abrupt end at the top, and then fell endlessly, and this sense of disappointment hit her.

She licked her lips, "That's... Let's go home? ”

Xu Xinghai shook her arm, "Wait a minute, we'll go home after one more project." ”

Lu Si blinked, his eyes bright, "What project?" ”

It's like a playful child.

Xu Xinghai raised the hand that the two of them were holding tightly together and pointed forward, "Grab the doll." ”

Lu Si didn't expect Xu Xinghai to be so innocent, and he still loved to play with catching dolls, so he couldn't help but tease: "The high Xu is always going to fall off the altar." ”

Xu Xinghai chuckled, when did he ever be high, he had already fallen into the dust in order to chase his wife.

However, when he saw that the crane machine was full of Ahri and Peaches, Lu Si's eyes jumped with light, "Wow, these dolls are so cute!" ”

She was too excited to notice the two elementary schoolboy-looking boys and girls next to her.

The little girl wore two braids, the whole person was pink and tender, and asked Lu Si with a childish face: "Sister, do you also like Ahri and Peaches?" ”

"Uh-huh," Lu Si nodded and said with a smile, "yes, I like it very much." Do you like it too? ”

The little girl nodded vigorously, and then looked at Xu Xinghai next to her, "Uncle, will you catch the doll?" ”


Aunt ......

Xu Xinghai rolled up his sleeves, glanced at the little girl, the corners of his mouth were straight, and he decided not to worry about the child.

But the little girl didn't realize that there was a problem with her title, and continued: "My boyfriend hasn't caught it for a long time, and he said it's because there is a problem with the machine settings here." But I really like Ahri and Peaches, uncle, and when you catch it, can you sell me one? The price is easy to say, my boyfriend pays. ”


Lu Si couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she heard her "boyfriend", now the children are too precocious, how old are they.

But looking at the little girl's eager and expectant eyes, she couldn't say anything if she refused, so Lu Si had no choice but to say, "Wait a while, my uncle will catch it and give you one." Can you go home as soon as you get it? ”

If you come out so late, your family must be dying in a hurry.

The little girl didn't speak, but the little boy looked disdainful, "You can catch it first." I've tried, and the grippers of these machines have been so passive that it's almost impossible to catch. ”

Xu Xinghai, who had already changed the coins, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and went straight to the machine in the middle.

I only heard him say in a deep voice: "Three children, look at it, uncle will catch the doll for you." ”

Three children?

Lu Si's face turned red, and he dared to love Xu Xinghai to count himself as a child.

"Mrs. Xu, which one do you like?"

Xu Xinghai threw the coin into the machine and skillfully shook the lever.

Facing her fiery eyes, Lu Si's heart trembled, and he pointed to the pink "peach" and said, "I want that." ”

But thinking of the one she had promised to be the first to give to the little girl, she said, "Wait a minute. ”

She bent down and asked the little girl softly, "Little sister, which one do you like?" The first one is for you~"

The little girl clapped her hands happily, "Thank you, sister, I want to wear a hat Ahri." Ahri and Jiang Li in hats are the best match! ”

The little boy next to him was Jiang Li, and when he heard the little girl's voice, his face was very unnatural, he frowned lightly and protested in a low voice: "I don't want this kind of doll, naïve." ”

Although his mouth was disgusted, his eyes were staring directly at the hat-wearing Ahri.

Tsk, it's really honest!

Lu Si couldn't help but chuckle when he saw his cool expression and the way he crossed his hands. Well, most boys at this age have such awkward personalities.

"Xu Xinghai, then I want the innermost Ahri with a hat~"

Xu Xinghai turned his head to the side, looked at Jiang Li, and said in a low voice: "Little ghost, see clearly, I will only teach you once, and you will catch your girlfriend after you learn it." ”

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li's face turned red, and he retorted loudly: "She's not my girlfriend!" We're just classmates! ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically, "Oh, is it?" ”

"It turns out that ordinary students will also come out for Tanabata."

Jiang Li's face was still red, and his sharp eyes stared at Xu Xinghai to divert the topic, "So long-winded, don't you know how to catch dolls at all, uncle?" ”

"You chirp like this, and you don't know what kind of woman will marry you!"

Lu Si's jaw fell to the ground in shock, where is this Jiang Li, this is clearly a man like a fox!

Xu Xinghai pursed his lips, sneered, and then operated the machine with lightning speed.

I only heard a "clang", and a doll fell in response.

The little girl was the first to react and ran under the machine to pull it out.

"Wow, got it!"

She looked at Xu Xinghai with adoring eyes, "Wow, uncle, you are so amazing!" You're the most powerful man I've ever met! ”

Ahem, this comment......

Lu Si once again sighed that the children now really dare to speak.

After the little girl praised Xu Xinghai, she turned around and held the doll in the palm of her hand and handed it to Jiang Li next to her.

"Jiang Li, this is a Qixi gift for you!"

A trace of impatience flashed in Jiang Li's eyes, but he still obediently stretched out his hand and took it.

Lu Si and the little girl looked at each other, then laughed out loud.

Jiang Li's face was red again, he hung his head, kicked his feet and turned to leave first.

"Hey, you're waiting for me~"

The little girl said goodbye to Lu Si anxiously, and then rushed to chase Jiang Li.

Lu Si, who had witnessed a good scene, turned his head and saw Xu Xinghai's clear side outline.

Xu Xinghai said lightly: "This little ghost is really duplicitous, obviously he can't be happy in his heart, and he has to succeed in his mouth." ”

Boys are like this, Lu Si recalls his middle school days, "Boys at this age are like this, they have it in their hearts, but they have to pretend to be cool on their faces." ”

Instead, she asked curiously, "Xu Xinghai, were you like this when you were in middle school?" ”

Without waiting for Xu Xinghai to answer, Lu Si said to himself again, "It's not right, you have that kind of character in college, which can be seen even more in middle school." ”

Xu Xinghai: ......

"The rest of the little friend, do you want your uncle to teach you to catch dolls?"

When Lu Si heard this title, he couldn't cry or laugh, it turned out that this man still held a grudge.

She deliberately kept a straight face and pretended to be coquettish like a child.

"Okay, uncle, you teach me~"

Xu Xinghai pursed his lips and smiled, and his slender arm took her into his arms, "Come on." ”

Her little hand was wrapped by Xu Xinghai's wide palm, and with his guidance, back and forth, left and right, and then with a slight force, the small clip fell.

Unfortunately, it didn't hit.

"Hey~Why didn't you get caught in it~"

Seeing Lu Si's smiling face wrinkled into a bun, Xu Xinghai smiled dumbly.

"Mrs. Xu, don't you think I can really hit every shot?"

"Isn't it?"

Lu Si tilted his head, just in time to see his sharp jaw and clean chin. Well, pleasing to the eye.

Thinking of the 360-degree handsome guy with no dead ends often said on the Internet, she suddenly found that Xu Xinghai is also a leader in this area.

Xu Xinghai rested his chin on her hair, "Of course not." It was just luck. ”

"Mrs. Xu, do it again?"

Lu Si nodded, and the two came again, but the result was still unsuccessful.

"I'm so stupid~"

Xu Xinghai grabbed her shoulders and said seriously: "Mrs. Xu, don't say that you are stupid. ”

Xu Xinghai taught her a few more times, and finally caught a pink and tender doll.

Lu Si was almost moved to tears, "It turns out that I can also clip the doll!" ”

She touched the soft and glutinous doll, and then said to Xu Xinghai with a smile: "Uncle Xu, this doll has been given to you~"

Xu Xinghai took her hand, but did not pick up the doll.

"Children, my uncle is already an adult, so he doesn't need a doll."

Tsk, this stinky fart looks exactly like that little boy named Jiang Li!

When he got in the car, Lu Si was still immersed in the joy of catching the doll, and he was overjoyed to take several photos and send them to the circle of friends.

After the car drove a long way, she remembered and asked Xu Xinghai: "You are so good at catching dolls, have you practiced specially?" ”

The wind was howling outside the car, and the dark night was not terrible under the neon sentinel, but extremely gentle.

Xu Xinghai said softly, "I practiced it in college. ”

The voice was quickly carried away by the wind, but Lu Si still heard it clearly.

Her black and white eyes looked at him, and there was a trace of sweetness in her heart.

He practiced catching dolls for her when he was in college.

This skill has been maintained to this day.

It turned out that many things were traceable, but she didn't realize it at that time.

"Xu Xinghai, you are so good."

The two returned to Langyi, and as soon as they stepped into the house, Lu Si smelled a smell of Chinese medicine.

ran to the kitchen to take a look, and sure enough, Aunt Wu boiled up the tonic brought from Xu's house again.

Since Xu Xinghai told her about the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, she no longer dared to look directly at this medicine.

Lu Si looked at the man behind him, and opened his mouth to say, "Why did Aunt Wu cook it again, I told her not to cook it, maybe she forgot it." ”

She just wanted to dump the medicine into the trash, but was snatched away by Xu Xinghai.

"The old lady's thoughts, it's not good to waste it."

Then he drank it all with no fear on his face.

"Sooner or later, I'll need it."

After he left, Luth fell into deep thought alone.

Sooner or later, you can use it......

This man must have thought too far ahead!


Continued from the next part:

There is such a big thing in the company, and my cousin has not forgotten to date his sister-in-law, this is simply a love brain!

If it is invaded and deleted