
Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect

author:Cang'er Network Technology Studio, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City

0684-Notes of the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals

Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect

Title: Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect

Engraving: Manuscript

Format: PDF eBook

Number of volumes: 1 volume

Size: 202MB

Number of pages: 110 pages

Date: Unknown

Author: Unknown

Brief introduction:

The Great Sage Sect The Great Sage Sect is also called "Sun Taizu Sect". Now the source that can still be verified is that the teacher Zhang Farong of Longhu Mountain passed down, and then it was passed down to Nanyang and picked up by Zhu Faying, and settled in Jiexi Shangsha to preach. Among them, the eye pain first eye charm, the villain avoidance charm, the snow mountain charm. wait

Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect
Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect
Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect

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Notes on the Great Sage Ten Thousand Immortals Sect