
Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

author:Comfort remembering the psychology
Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things
Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

There are many sugar pills who say that the education they may have received since childhood says that stress is a good thing, that they can improve their motivation to do things better, and that they will slack off if they don't have pressure, etc., but after going to school or working, they often feel "crushed" by pressure, and even have a lot of physical or psychological problems, enriching a lot of things in the "medical record...... How can stress be a motivator rather than a medical record? Here are 7 things to try:

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

The reason why many sugar pills are under great pressure is that they often see the input as a one-time event, rather than an ongoing process. They will say to themselves, "As long as I can lose 20 pounds in half a year, I will be satisfied; As long as I can get a 20% salary increase in a year, I'm successful......" rather than falling in love with the process of consistent exercise and maintaining daily effort.

It's our natural tendency to focus on outcomes and goals, but focusing on the process leads to more results in the long run. We often mistakenly define success as a single event, and trying to "do it all in one battle" can inevitably be "stressful". In fact, focusing on the process rather than the outcome of things is the only way to protect the inner "fuel" from running out.

For example, Gu Ailing once fell her head after a race and couldn't continue the race, which she found difficult to accept, but her ski coach told her, "Competitive sports are a process, and if you care too much about the result, the result often doesn't come." After hearing these words, Gu Ailing withdrew from that match, and then she began to strengthen her strength training and showed more outstanding performances in the following races.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

This is an era of information explosion, and we are exposed to a large number of people who are better than us and have a richer life than us in social media and the Internet, which is not only easy to cause people to be stressed, but also easy to cause information overload in the mind. If there is a new idea that tries to distract us, putting it aside for a while and keeping our minds focused can help us deal with the present situation more peacefully and easily.

The mind is like the stomach, and excessive intake of a lot of fragmented information can lead to discomfort and indigestion. Here are a few tips to help you install a message "filter" on your mind and save more space:

1. Close the mobile phone social software at the right time every day; 2. Adopt the pomodoro work method when working; 3. Maintain the habit of meditation and be aware of chaotic thoughts; 4. Moderate the brushing of entertainment news and short videos.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

Multi-threaded work has become the norm for modern people, and it can be overwhelming and stressful. Saying "no" can help us preserve the right to use our time, while saying "yes" invisibly increases our time debt. Many times we have to deal with a lot of things, so we don't have time to do the things that really matter, but we don't know that doing less is a better solution to be more efficient and less stressful, and it can also help us save time and do what we really want to do.

In the book Chaos: How to Become the Master of the Age of Time and Space, it is argued: "A good way to do this is to ask yourself: 'If I had to do this today, would I agree?'" ’。 "Sugar pills may wish to try this method, it can help us test our inner thoughts, because no matter how far away the promise of the future is, it will eventually become imminent.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things
Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

Doing nothing, watching TV series, watching Tik Tok, and indulging in games are not the same as resting, real rest, just like running or drawing, can wake up your cells, so that you can enjoy the immersion of work at the same time, without the stress of work. True deep rest is a "skill" and can be continuously improved with active practice.

Winston Churchill once said, "It is useless to simply tell myself that I want to lie down and not want anything." It is only when new cells are activated and new stars rise to dominate the sky that we can truly relax, rest, and rejuvenate. "Sugar pills can try a few of the methods in the book "Deep Rest" to help them get a better deep rest: painting, hiking, art, running, and other ways that require immersion, skill, and clarity of purpose.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

Try to imagine that if most of a person's accomplishments in their life were focused on only one focus, the whole life would appear unbalanced. When we concentrate on pursuing a goal, we are also easily limited by a single focus, and failure or failure will inevitably make people feel stressed.

To "unbind" the pressure, we need to re-understand the meaning of success and enrich success. Economist Laura Nash and others have developed the concept of a "kaleidoscope of success": a balanced and colorful "kaleidoscope" of success can only be created by setting and achieving goals in multiple areas. Sugar pills can also refer to the following areas to enrich their "kaleidoscope of success":

1. Happiness, which refers to the pleasure or satisfaction of life; 2. Achievements refer to the excellent results achieved in social competition; 3. Meaning, which refers to having a specific impact on the people you care about; 4. Passing on means helping others succeed in the future.

Each goal is like adding a brightly colored petal that enriches your unique kaleidoscopic pattern.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

In addition to relaxation, we can also consider stress as an "ally" when facing life's important challenges, and embracing it can strengthen our self-confidence and improve our self-performance to a certain extent. According to the book "Self-Control", stress hormones can make people nervous, but they are also important emotional resources.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

Imagine a scenario when you stand on the podium and face a black, oppressed audience, your breathing becomes rapid, your heart pounds, and you feel nervous and stressed. If you tell yourself that nervousness is actually a signal, it means that your body is ready, that you are more excited, that you are more excited, that you will perform better, that will help you reach your greater potential. At the same time, the next time you take on a challenge, it will be easier for you to trust yourself when you have more experience working with pressure.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

When stress is present, sugar pills may feel lonely, anxious, angry, disappointed, self-doubting, painful, and other emotions...... Tell yourself that these emotions are reasonable, allow them to exist, and learn to take care of your inner feelings.

At the same time, seeking support groups, sharing what we are currently experiencing with those around us, actively seeking help and building an interpersonal support network also gives us more confidence to face pressure and not be easily defeated.

Throughout a person's life, stress is often always there. But don't forget that it's also a resource you can rely on, not an enemy. Perhaps behind the pressure is the meaning of life.

Let stress be the motivation instead of the "medical record" and try these 7 things

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