
How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

author:Rakuten system waterdrop piT

How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

There has been a significant increase in the number of people applying for and obtaining Hong Kong status in 2023, but not everyone is satisfied or well prepared. Some people may face challenges, especially those who have obtained status through the QMAS and TTPS.

Since the Hong Kong SAR government launched a number of "talent grabbing" measures at the end of 2022, the number of Hong Kong identity applicants has surged several times compared with previous years. As at the end of April this year, about 290,000 applications had been received under the various talent admission schemes in Hong Kong, and nearly 180,000 were approved.

How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

It is learnt that 95% of the people who apply for and are approved for Hong Kong identity are from the mainland. In this unprecedentedly hot talent introduction war, there is no doubt that Hong Kong has attracted a large number of mainland talents by virtue of its strength.

These challenges are mainly focused on the issue of renewals. According to the related Zhihu article, there is a hunch that the first batch of people who have obtained Hong Kong status may encounter difficulties in renewing their visas, which may make some people feel "devastated". Specifically, the problems are mainly focused on the following aspects:

1. Insufficient preparation for renewal: Many applicants may not have fully considered how to meet the renewal conditions, such as the requirements for continuous work and MPF contributions. In 2024, the first batch of people to get a 2-year visa will need to renew, but some may not have found a job or are unclear about the specific requirements for renewal.

2. Incomplete understanding of the policy: Some applicants may only see the benefits of Hong Kong identity, such as the advantages of the joint entrance examination for overseas Chinese students, education and medical benefits, but ignore the conditions required to maintain their status, such as the need to cancel their mainland status to take advantage of certain educational advantages, and the requirement of long-term residence.

3. Strict renewal requirements: The Hong Kong government strictly enforces the conditions for renewal and eventual permanent residence, such as the actual length of residence, and temporary preparation may not be accepted.

4. Future policy uncertainty: With the success of the Hong Kong Talent Scheme, the requirements for applicants may increase in the future, which may put pressure on some people who fail to adapt or plan for the future in time.

5. High cost of living: The high cost of living in Hong Kong, including education and daily expenses, may be unexpected by some people, and for families who migrate for their children's education, high education costs may become a burden.

However, not all people who have obtained Hong Kong status will encounter these problems, and many may have been well planned and prepared to enjoy the benefits that come with Hong Kong status. So, while there are some people who may face challenges, the specifics vary depending on the individual's planning and adaptability. It is important that applicants have a thorough understanding and plan ahead to ensure that their Hong Kong identity can be successfully maintained and utilized.

How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

Hong Kong Quality Talents Application Requirements:

Immigration through the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme does not require a very high level of achievement, but rather a series of eligibility requirements and scoring criteria. Here are the key points:

Basic Eligibility Requirements:

1. Age: Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

2. Financial self-sufficiency: can prove that they can independently bear the living and accommodation expenses of themselves and their dependents in Hong Kong, and do not rely on public assistance.

3. Good character: no criminal record or bad entry record.

4. Language ability: good written and spoken Chinese or English.

5. Education: A university degree is generally required, and under special circumstances, good technical qualifications, professional abilities or achievements can also be considered.

Points Mechanism: QMAS adopts two points systems:

Comprehensive Scoring System: Applicable to most people, through age, education, work experience, language proficiency and family background, etc., the full score is 245 points, the passing line is 80 points, usually the score of successful applicants is between 100 and 150 points, more than 150 points are regarded as high scores, of course, there are some low scores approved, these people are mainly concentrated in the age, fresh graduates, only a bachelor's degree but outstanding achievements in the industry.

Achievement-based Points Test (APT): For those with outstanding achievements, such as major awards or significant contributions to the industry, 245 points can be obtained directly if the conditions are met.

GPT Bonus Points:

Talent List: If the applicant's major is on the talent list, an additional 30 points can be obtained, which almost ensures a high pass rate.

International Work Experience: 15 points are added for 2 years of international work experience.

Work experience in famous enterprises: 20 points can be added if you have 3 years or more of famous enterprises (listed companies, Fortune 500 companies, etc.).

Prestigious university qualifications: Graduates from the world's top 100 universities can earn an additional 30 points.

Industry background: Engaging in industries that are urgently needed in Hong Kong, such as fintech, innovation and technology, etc., will increase the chances of approval, even if it does not directly add points.

If you also want to know your own conditions to apply for Hong Kong identity, you can click on the official website link below to do a free professional assessment, and you will be eligible to apply if you meet the assessment score of 80!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

QMAS Renewal Mode:

There are usually two renewal modes for Hong Kong QMAS, namely the renewal mode of "3 years + 3 years + 2 years" and the renewal mode of "3 years + 5 years".

3 years + 3 years + 2 years:

The 3-year + 3-year + 2-year renewal model applies to the vast majority of QMAS applicants. The first approval is 3 years, after which it needs to be renewed twice for 3 years + 2 years.

3 years after the first approval: Obtain a formal approval letter after obtaining the approval of QMAS status. Within the next 6 months, you will need to enter Hong Kong and activate your visa, and then apply for a 3-year stay visa. The calculation time for Hong Kong permanent residency will be calculated from the date of visa activation.

First Extension: Submit an application for extension of stay (i.e. extension) to the Immigration Department within 4 weeks before the expiry of the first 3-year limit of stay. Provide supporting documents that can be trusted by the Immigration Department to obtain a stay visa for another three years. (If the supporting documents are insufficient, the Immigration Department may refuse to renew the visa, or only give a one-year renewal to examine the subsequent development.)

Second renewal: At the end of the second 3-year stay, apply for a two-year stay visa again. After satisfying the condition of continuous stay for 7 years, apply for permanent residency in Hong Kong and become a permanent resident of Hong Kong.

3 years + 5 years:

The 3-year + 5-year renewal model was approved for the first time for 3 years, and if you meet the top talent criteria of the General Points Test (GPT), you will be directly granted a 5-year extension of stay.

Top Talent Criteria:

(1) the applicant has been in Hong Kong for not less than two years under the Quality Migrant Scheme;

(2) The applicant has a chargeable income of HK$2 million or above for salaries tax in the previous tax year.

How to renew QMAS visas:

In general, there are 4 ways to renew your QMAS subscription:

1. The applicant has settled in Hong Kong:

Regardless of the type of activity in Hong Kong, as long as the applicant continues to reside in Hong Kong, it is generally not a problem to renew the visa for another three years. This can be work, study, or other activities in Hong Kong, and as long as you continue to live in Hong Kong, your visa can usually be renewed smoothly.

2. The dependant is settled in Hong Kong and the main applicant is absent:

If your family members (spouse, children, etc.) are settled in Hong Kong and you are temporarily absent from Hong Kong, as long as your family members have close ties with Hong Kong, such as children studying in Hong Kong, spouse working in Hong Kong, etc., you can also renew your visa.

3. The applicant signs a contract with a Hong Kong company, but is not in Hong Kong:

Even if you are not in Hong Kong, if you sign a contract with a Hong Kong company for work, tax returns, payroll, etc., all in Hong Kong, you can generally get a three-year extension. Although your physical place of residence may not be in Hong Kong, having a contractual relationship with Hong Kong is an important renewal factor.

4. Living in two places:

In some cases, you may need to travel back and forth between the Mainland and Hong Kong on a regular basis for work or other reasons, or you may live in the Mainland yourself, but your family members have special circumstances in Hong Kong (e.g. children studying in Hong Kong). In this case, a three-year renewal is usually also possible.

In general, the Hong Kong Immigration Department has some flexibility in terms of the length of residence in Hong Kong for QMIS applicants, and the key is whether you can prove that you have stable connections and residence in Hong Kong.

How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

TTPS Hong Kong:

Launched at the end of December 2022, the Top Talent Pass Scheme, a new talent introduction scheme launched by the Hong Kong government, has been well received by everyone since its launch with its transparent application requirements, simple process and fast approval speed.

The high-level talent pass is mainly for similar groups:

The annual quota is on a first-come, first-served basis, and eligible applications are not guaranteed to be allocated places.

Category A: Applicants must have an annual salary of HK$2.5 million or above in the year preceding the application, there is no limit on the number of applicants, and there is no requirement for academic qualifications.

Category B: There is also no limit on the number of applicants for graduates of the top 100 universities in the four designated global university rankings who have accumulated at least three years of work experience in the past five years.

Category C: For those who have graduated from the top 100 universities in the past five years but have less than three years of work experience, there is a cap of 10,000 places per year.

Reference list of the top 100 universities:

1. Times Higher Education World University Rankings

2、Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)世界大学排名

3. U.S. News & World Report Global 100 University Rankings

4. Academic Ranking of World Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

TTP Renewal Mode:

There are two types of renewal periods, namely the General Application Category (2+3+3) and the Top Talent Category (2+6)

Normal Length of Stay Pattern: 2-3-3 Applicants will normally be granted an initial stay of 24 months without other conditions of stay. Apply for an extension of stay on a 3+3-year basis with the renewal of the visa.

Mode of stay under the Top Migrant Stream: 2-6 Criteria for defining "Top Talent" – the applicant has been approved to stay in the HKSAR for not less than two years under the TTPS Scheme; The applicant has an assessable income for salaries tax of HK$2 million or above in the previous year of assessment. (Such applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay for 6 years without other conditions of stay.) )

How many people who have taken Hong Kong identity in 2023 are going to collapse?

There are two main ways to renew the TTPS, namely working in Hong Kong (employed) or starting a company (self-employed).

【For employment in Hong Kong】

There are no requirements for the industry and position, it is reasonable, the monthly salary is recommended to be at least HK$20,000 or above (monthly salary is 3-50,000 Hong Kong dollars is preferred), and supporting documents such as paying taxes in Hong Kong, purchasing MPF, and having employment contracts and payroll records are required;

【For opening a company in Hong Kong (self-employed)】

The company needs to be registered in Hong Kong and have a real business, and needs to provide company introduction, business plan, financial documents, etc. At present, the Immigration Department does not have clear requirements on whether employees are needed, leasing offices, and turnover, and it is also reasonable to explain it.

If you also want to know your own conditions to apply for Hong Kong identity, you can click on the official link below to do a free professional assessment, and you will be eligible to apply if you meet the assessment score of 80!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

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