
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

author:Nanke Documentary


Zou Shiming and his wife Ran Yingying don't sleep together?

Many people know that Zou Shiming and his wife Ran Yingying are a loving couple, but recently Ran Yingying publicly stated the fact that they have slept in separate rooms.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?
This has aroused many netizens' questions, is it a marriage change? Or is there a relationship crisis between Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying?
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Zou Shiming and his wife Ran Yingying

Born into a boxing family, Zou Shiming has shown a strong interest and talent in boxing since he was a child, and after years of hard training, he has gradually emerged and won many good results in competitions at all levels at home and abroad.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?
In 2008, he represented China at the Beijing Olympics and successfully won the gold medal in the 48kg boxing class, which became a milestone in the history of Chinese boxing.
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Zou Shiming has made remarkable achievements in the international boxing arena with his outstanding strength and has become the pride of Chinese boxing.

Behind the success is inseparable from the support and companionship of his family, Zou Shiming's wife Ran Yingying, is his right-hand man in his career and a virtuous helper in life.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Ran Yingying is not only a beautiful host, but also a modern woman with a high degree of education and independent thinking, in order to support her husband's career, she gave up her career and dreams, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to her family and Zou Shiming's career.

She not only cheered for Zou Shiming during the competition, but also gave him warm comfort and encouragement when he was frustrated.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying's family life is also happy, the two have three children, they often participate in various parent-child activities together, and enjoy the warmth and happiness brought by the family.

Zou Shiming is also a loving father in the family, he will not only accompany the children to play and learn, but also teach them how to behave and how to face difficulties and challenges.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Ran Yingying is a virtuous wife and mother who not only takes care of the family's daily life, but also prepares delicious meals and a nutritious and balanced diet for the family.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

The family relationship between the two who support each other, understand each other, and respect each other has also won wide praise from the outside world.

In addition to their family and career success, Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying are also actively involved in public welfare undertakings and charity activities, and they have donated money and materials to support the people in poor areas and disaster-stricken areas many times.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

And actively participate in various public welfare activities to make their own contributions to the society.

The two have also won wide recognition and respect from the society, and Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying are a model couple full of love and positive energy.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

They have achieved great success and happiness in their careers and families, and have also made positive contributions to society. Their stories tell us that only by supporting each other, understanding each other, and respecting each other can we create a better future together.

Because Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying are a model couple in the entertainment industry, it is not easy for the two of them to be together, and they have broken up dozens of times in the middle, so it can be said that the road to love is very bumpy.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?
After being married for so many years and having three lovely children, married life should be said to be very happy, but the recent speech of Zou Shiming's wife on social platforms has caused a series of discussions among netizens.
Ran Yingying said that she had been sleeping in a separate room with Zou Shiming for three years, and netizens were shocked as soon as the news came out, could it be that there was a problem with the relationship?
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

So many netizens discussed this matter, and the comment area exploded for a while, saying everything, all in all, I felt that there must be a problem with sleeping in a separate room.

Because normal loving couples generally sleep in the same bed, few people sleep in separate rooms, and Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming are still so young, it is impossible to sleep in separate rooms with a good relationship.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Seeing that netizens were more and more concerned about this matter, Ran Yingying came out to explain, because sometimes she came back very late, and Ran Yingying was already asleep at that time.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

So it's inconvenient to disturb my wife anymore, in fact, I'm afraid that it will affect Ran Yingying's rest, and netizens don't buy this answer.

Sleeping in a separate house is also considered

Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming, one is a well-known host, the other is a world boxing champion, and the combination of the two was originally a highlight in the sports and entertainment circles.
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Their married life has always attracted much attention from the outside world, and the choice of sleeping in a separate room this time has made many people curious.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

In fact, because Zou Shiming is an athlete, athletes must be indispensable for training, so they come back very late every day, and athletes must have a good rest.

In this regard, Ran Yingying also understands her husband very well, so she also very much agrees to sleep separately from Zou Shiming, so that Zou Shiming can have a good sleep.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

It should be said that two people should understand each other and trust each other when they are together, Ran Yingying has always done a very good job in this regard, no matter what her husband wants to do, she is the first to support her husband.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Sometimes Ran Yingying comforts her husband, not only Ran Yingying but also their son Xuanxuan, but also often comforts, and Zou Shiming is also very pleased to be able to get his son's encouragement.

The reason why Zou Shiming worked so hard was to set a good example for his son, so that his son would learn from him in the future, and then Yingying would also say to Zou Shiming, you are my son and my son's heaven, and my son and I are protected by you.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

In fact, the reason why Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming chose to sleep in separate rooms was not because of emotional problems, but because of the dual pressure of work and life.

In order to better take care of each other, they decided to sleep in separate rooms to ensure that both parties can have a good rest environment.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

It's not uncommon for people to sleep in separate rooms in modern society, but for this pair of public figures, such a choice will undoubtedly spark more speculation and discussion.

But Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming did not explain or respond to these comments too much, and they chose to use practical actions to prove that their relationship was not affected by this.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Sleeping in separate rooms does not mean emotional estrangement, it may be a rational choice made by couples in order to better take care of each other and maintain personal space.

It is in this way that Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming show their mature attitude towards marriage and life.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Because everyone's married life is unique, and there is no fixed model to apply, Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming's choice may not be suitable for everyone, but it at least provides us with a perspective to think about.

How can we better take care of each other and maintain harmony and happiness in marriage?

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

Although the news that Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming slept in separate rooms has aroused concern, it is more important that we should respect their choices and understand the considerations and efforts behind them.

Therefore, on the road of marriage, everyone is looking for the most suitable way for themselves to manage and protect this precious relationship.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?


In fact, it is understandable that Zou Shiming and his wife sleep in separate rooms, because every husband and wife have their own way of getting along, as long as it is harmonious, it is appropriate.

Everyone's marriage model is different, as long as two people's hearts are together, just like the marriage of Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying, although it is unreasonable in the eyes of outsiders.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

But it has no impact on their husband and wife, at least it has not affected their feelings, as for the opinions of netizens on this matter, they don't care about it, as long as they feel right.

Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?


The news released by Ran Yingying on the Douyin platform
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?
CCTV on "Zou Shiming: Sweat and Hardship Cast Brilliant"
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?
Huanqiu.com2019-11-19"Zou Shiming: Building an International Brand of Chinese Boxing"
Zou Shiming's wife blew up "privacy"! The husband and wife have slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship is in crisis?

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