
"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

A chance encounter completely changed the fate of Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming. At that time, Ran Yingying was the host of CCTV and had graduated from Peking University, while Zou Shiming was still working hard for the dream of becoming a world champion.

When they first met, Ran Yingying didn't have any feelings for the boxer, and it wasn't until she learned that they were both fellow villagers in Guizhou that she started talking to Zou Shiming.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

After exchanging contact information, the two exchanged contact information for five days via text message, and established a romantic relationship in this short period of time. However, the relationship soon faced a severe test.

Due to their respective careers, Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming have been in a long-distance relationship for a long time. As a national athlete, Zou Shiming's training is very heavy, and sometimes it takes a day or two to reply to a text message from Ran Yingying.

This situation made Zou Shiming's heart full of regret, he was worried that he would delay Ran Yingying's future, and he didn't want her to take care of himself who was full of injuries in the future.

Ran Yingying told Zou Shiming firmly: "I'm not afraid of hard work, I'm just afraid of missing an excellent person like you." She showed her determination with her actions, and withstood the test of distance and time with love.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

The grinding of this relationship did not end there. In order to prepare for the Olympic Games, Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying agreed on three chapters of the law, and almost cut off contact for more than a year. This is undoubtedly a great challenge for the young lovers.

However, Ran Yingying chose to wait silently and supported Zou Shiming's dream in her own way.

In the difficult times we have experienced together, Ran Yingying has always believed that sincere feelings will eventually come to fruition. Her persistence and dedication injected strong strength into the relationship and paved the way for future happiness.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

In order to prepare for the Olympic Games, Zou Shiming and Ran Yingying signed a "Three Chapters of the Law". For more than a year, they all but cut off contact. This is undoubtedly a huge test for young lovers.

However, Ran Yingying chose to wait silently, supporting Zou Shiming's dream in her own way, she knows that love sometimes needs not only companionship, but also understanding and fulfillment.

The hard work paid off, and Zou Shiming's efforts finally paid off. He struck the glory of the World Championship with a single punch and successfully stood at the pinnacle of his life. At this exciting moment, Zou Shiming had only one thought in his heart: to give Ran Yingying a promise and a future that belonged to them.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Zou Shiming was excited, carefully took the hard-won gold medal, and then, without any warning, he knelt in front of Ran Yingying and handed her the gold medal and ring together.

At this moment, all the waiting and dedication have been rewardedFacing Zou Shiming's sincere confession, Ran Yingying cried with joy and happily agreed, and the years of waiting finally came to fruition, and their love finally ushered in the dawn of victory.

However, this relationship was not supported by Ran Yingying's mother. As the daughter of a sports coach, her mother is well aware of the hardships of an athlete's family, and is worried that her daughter will be like other athletes' wives, taking on the responsibilities of the family alone, while her husband is just an ornament at home.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Her mother's opposition put Ran Yingying in a dilemma.

But Ran Yingying resolutely supported and chose her own life. She had many in-depth conversations with her mother and expressed her deep trust and love for Zou Shiming. She promised to face the difficulties of the future with Zou Shiming and strive to build a happy family.

In the end, with Ran Yingying's persistence and sincerity, her family finally gave her blessings.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

The wedding was held as scheduled, but Zou Shiming did not slack off in training. Ran Yingying took care of most of the wedding matters, while Zou Shiming rushed back to the training venue immediately after the wedding.

Despite this, the hearts of the two are filled with happiness and anticipation for the future.

This hard-won marriage is not only the victory of their love, but also the beginning of their common struggle and mutual support. They tell us with their practical actions that as long as there is love in their hearts, they will be able to overcome any difficulties.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

After marriage, Ran Yingying made a decision that surprised everyone: she resigned from her job as a CCTV host and devoted herself to her family. This decision turned her from a top student at Peking University and a famous voice of CCTV to a full-time housewife.

In the face of doubts and incomprehension from the outside world, Ran Yingying has never regretted it, and she firmly believes that she has chosen a path full of love and happiness.

In order to go all out to support Zou Shiming's boxing career, Ran Yingying took on the responsibility of the family without hesitation. Not only does she have to take care of the family's three meals a day, but she also acts as an interpreter for Zou Shiming during the competition and cheers him on the field.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

When Zou Shiming was beaten by his opponent on the field and his nose was blue and his face was swollen, Ran Yingying was always the first to rush up to comfort and encourage him, and she strictly controlled Zou Shiming's diet and daily life, which became the most solid backing for his career.

During this time, Ran Yingying gave birth to three sons to Zou Shiming. She was filled with love for her family and husband every time she gave birth. Although Zou Shiming has always looked forward to having a daughter, Ran Yingying has never felt lost because of this.

She knows that whether it is a boy or a girl, it is the crystallization of her and Zou Shiming's love.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Ran Yingying's dedication is not limited to the family. She also became Zou Shiming's right-hand man, serving as his interpreter when attending various events to better help him communicate with the outside world.

At the scene of Zou Shiming's competition, she always attracted attention, she attracted many eyes with her elegant temperament and beautiful appearance, and became Zou Shiming's strongest backing with wisdom and gentleness.

Sometimes, Ran Yingying walks into the ring with a confident stride in a striking deep V fashion, while her husband, Zou Shiming, goes all out on the court to fight his opponents.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

This scene vividly depicts the emotional bond between their husband and wife: one is fighting for his dream on stage, and the other is silently giving full support off the stage.

From a top student at Peking University to a full-time housewife, Ran Yingying's choice makes everyone puzzled. However, she never complained. Because she feels that supporting her beloved wholeheartedly, especially when he needs it, is an incomparable happiness.

Her dedication has allowed Zou Shiming to devote himself wholeheartedly to training and competitions, and win honor for the country.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

First paragraph:

The story of Ran Yingying's dedication shows what true love is. Her understanding and perception of love is not only manifested in the fiery passion, but also in mutual understanding, support and selfless dedication.

This kind of mutual support is a solid cornerstone for building their happy marriage hall.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

As the wife of boxer Zou Shiming, Ran Yingying is always full of deep worries about Zou Shiming's health. She felt sorry for her husband's new and old scars, and was even more worried that he might suffer from serious sequelae due to his long-term involvement in boxing.

This concern is not groundless, the internationally renowned boxing champion Ali suffered from Parkinson's disease after retiring, and this cruel reality made Ran Yingying have to prepare in advance.

In order to cope with the eventuality, Ran Yingying began to actively collect information about the cure of Parkinson's disease. In her spare time, she read a lot of medical literature, hoping to find a path that would really guarantee her husband's future health.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

After a tireless effort, she saw a glimmer of hope in a magazine: that a baby's cord blood might cure Parkinson's disease.

This discovery made Ran Yingying's eyes shine, and she did not hesitate to decide to keep the child's umbilical cord blood after giving birth to her second child. However, she knew that this time the preservation might not be enough, in order to continue to store the umbilical cord blood, and in order to let Zou Shiming hold the daughter of her dreams as soon as possible, Ran Yingying decided to get pregnant again.

However, during Ran Yingying's third pregnancy, she faced unexpected challenges. During the prenatal check-up, the doctor told her the shocking news: the birth would most likely require the removal of the uterus.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

The reason is that the position of the fetus implantation is right on the scar from her previous caesarean section, and there is a risk of heavy bleeding.

Faced with this terrible risk, Ran Yingying fell into a deep entanglement. She realized that removing her uterus meant losing the chance to get pregnant again, a decision that no woman would want to take lightly.

And thinking that this might be an opportunity to store more umbilical cord blood for Zou Shiming, she resolutely chose to give birth to this child, and even prepared to remove her uterus.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Fortunately, under the close supervision of the doctor, the third child was successfully born, and the umbilical cord blood was also successfully saved. Although the process was thrilling, Ran Yingying's dedication made her extremely gratified.

Ran Yingying's fearless love is reflected in her efforts for her husband's health, and also in her courage to take huge risks. She uses her actions to interpret the true husband and wife are united and unconditional giving.

This deep and unwavering love became the cornerstone of their marriage and a source of strength for them to face the challenges of the future together.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

In the eyes of others, Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming are an enviable star couple, and their children should live a life of fine clothes and food. However, the reality is far from the same.

Ran Yingying has her own unique and strict philosophy and method in educating children, and she firmly believes that only strict education can cultivate excellent children.

Ran Yingying is very strict with her children, and she will not let go easily even if it is just a small thing. Once, when she was shopping with her mother and two sons, her youngest son, Haohao, stole candy from the store.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

After Ran Yingying found out, she immediately stopped and criticized him harshly, no matter how young Hao Hao is, she will not be biased because of her age In her opinion, small things are also related to the cultivation of character, and there can be no slackness.

Ran Yingying's scene in the parent-child show left a deep impression on many viewers because she scolded Xuanxuan for wasting food. At that time, out of curiosity, Xuan Xuan mixed drinking water and cake to play.

When Ran Yingying found out, she immediately stopped Xuan Xuan's behavior and began to educate him harshly.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Ran Yingying's approach to education is really eye-catching. Her original intention was to narrate Xuanxuan's past politeness and sensibility, and everyone liked him, but in the process, she began to reprimand harshly, and even said heavy words like "You are not worthy of being my son".

This emotionally fluctuating education method made Xuanxuan deeply realize his mistakes.

In order to let Xuan Xuan understand the truth of "can't waste food" more deeply, Ran Yingying took him to the scene of Zou Shiming's competition. She hopes that her son can see his father's hard work for the family, so that he can know how to cherish the hard-won food.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

This way of combining life education with practical experience makes it easier for children to understand and accept.

In addition to strict education, Ran Yingying also adheres to the concept of "raising her son poorly" in her daily life. Although her family conditions are superior, she never buys expensive toys for her children, and the clothes she usually wears are ordinary clothes that cost dozens of yuan a piece.

In this way, she hopes to prevent children from forming the bad habit of "pampering and pride".

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Although Ran Yingying's education method seems to be harsh, it is actually a well-intentioned way to cultivate children's sense of responsibility and gratitude. She wants her children to be independent thinkers and responsible people, rather than children living under the halo of their parents, so this kind of education shows her wisdom and vision as a mother.

The story of Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming fully demonstrates a sincere and tenacious love. From being dumped 23 times in one year when they first met, to sticking to more than a year of disconnection during the preparation for the Zou Shiming Olympics, Ran Yingying interpreted true love with practical actions.

She is fearless and firmly believes that she has affirmed Zou Shiming with her own eyes.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

The preciousness of this relationship lies not only in Ran Yingying's incomparable dedication to her family, but also in her great dedication to her family. From giving up her job as a CCTV host to devoting herself to her family, Ran Yingying showed a wife's full support for her husband's career.

She is not only Zou Shiming's virtuous helper, but also an indispensable part of his career, serving as a translator during Zou Shiming's competition, cheering him on the field, strictly controlling his diet and daily life, Ran Yingying guards this home in her own way.

The couple faced difficulties together in life and supported each other. When Zou Shiming was frustrated in the game, Ran Yingying was always the first to stand up to comfort him and give him encouragement and support.

"Boxing King Wife" Ran Yingying: She was dumped 23 times a year, saving blood to save Zou Mingsheng's third child?

Her companionship and dedication have made Zou Shiming successful in his career, and the story of this couple tells us that true love requires the efforts and dedication of both parties, and it needs to advance and retreat together in the face of difficulties.

Ran Yingying, from an outstanding graduate of Peking University, to a full-time housewife, to a CCTV host and the wife of a boxing champion, her life has undergone tremendous changes. However, she has never regretted her choice, and in her opinion, wholeheartedly supporting the person she loves is the greatest happiness.

The story of Ran Yingying, the "wife of the boxing king", is not only a love legend, but also an inspirational story about perseverance, dedication and growth. She proved with her own actions that true love can overcome all difficulties, and this relationship not only warmed them deeply, but also inspired countless audiences.

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