
The timber giant group announced a new round of shutdowns!

author:Wood cloud information platform

Canfor Sawmill in Fort St. John, British Columbia, has announced two major operational adjustments. These plans, which involve temporary downsizing of sawmill and planer equipment, are expected to have a significant impact on employee schedules and incomes.

The timber giant group announced a new round of shutdowns!

The first adjustment was announced in an internal memorandum dated May 8, which details the operational adjustments planned for June 28 to July 15.

The adjustment involves the temporary shutdown of sawmills and other production shifts, during which most employees will not be assigned to work. In response to possible economic pressures, the memorandum also specifically mentions that employees have the right to request early payment of holiday pay accrued since May to ensure a cushion in the event of an impact on income.

The timber giant group announced a new round of shutdowns!

This was followed by another memorandum dated June 12 detailing the second adjustment plan, which is scheduled to take place from August 26 to September 6. Similar to the first adjustment, this adjustment will also involve the shutdown of sawmills and other production shifts. In order to ensure that employees can return to work as soon as possible, the memorandum details the resumption of work and ensures that employees can return to work quickly after the adjustment is over.

Specifically, after the first adjustment, employees on weekend shifts will return to work on July 14, employees on weekday shifts will return to work on the 15th, and night shifts will resume on July 14. For the second temporary reduction, employees on weekend shifts will return to regular shifts on September 9, night shift employees will return to work one day earlier, on the 8th, and weekend shifts will resume on the 6th.

The timber giant group announced a new round of shutdowns!

This series of adjustments is aimed at optimizing the operational efficiency of the Canfor sawmill in response to the current market environment. Despite the impact of these adjustments on employees' work arrangements, Canfor said it has done its best to alleviate the financial pressure on employees by providing advance payment of holiday pay. At the same time, the company also actively communicates with employees to explain the reasons and necessity of adjustments to obtain their understanding and support.

With layoffs approaching in August and September, Canfor said it will provide more information to employees on operational adjustments so they can prepare accordingly.