
Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months

author:Zhu Zhu believes in love

Hello! I am a working girl Zhuzhu, and I have a dream of using words to warm and inspire the weak heart, and I look forward to your "attention" and reward [heart]

Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months
Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months

Monday, July 1, 2024

Dear Zhumi,

Let me tell you quietly, out of all the meat foods, I love chicken the most.

I don't know if it's been two months or three months, but today I finally ate chicken again, and it was the smell of chicken that I had been hungry for a long time. The chicken was bought by Aunt Qian, who bought garlic sticks and fried them with red peppers.

I feel so happy when I eat very well.

I remember when I was a child, my grandmother also raised chickens, but she couldn't eat them until the Chinese New Year, and my grandmother was also a master of stir-frying at that time.

After the rooster was plucked, there was almost no throwing. Even the intestines of the chicken will be left to fry a dish with green peppers. Chicken thighs and chicken are stewed on a plate as the main course, which is usually reserved for guests to come to eat for the New Year. So there aren't many opportunities for me to eat.

One of the reasons why I like to eat chicken is that I think the chicken is very delicate and fragrant, and the chewiness is just right.

But there is a special case, Guangdong's white-cut chicken, which I have never been used to. Although I have been working in this book for many years, the taste of white-cut chicken is too light, especially with that kind of garlic paste or something, it is simply unpalatable.

Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months

Zhu Zhu's cooking skills today

I didn't want to show off, but I also wanted to eat as well as possible, so that my friends who cared about me could watch me live a good life. Although I have to share the burden for my family, I will occasionally improve my food and reward myself.

If you go out to work, you can cook by yourself as much as possible, which is not only clean and hygienic and can save money, but also make your cooking skills continue to improve, share it and record a better life.

As long as you don't spend money indiscriminately, you can eat better if you eat less. In the future, if I am in charge, I will spend the least amount of money to make the best food, and the economy will not be wasted, and my life will get better and better.

You say, right?

Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months

Author: @珠珠相信爱

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Zhuzhu Diary: Finally ate chicken once in two months

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About the Author

Liu Zhuzhu, a young creator, dreams of becoming a poet and writer, has published more than 1,700 headline works, with more than 5 million reads on the whole network, and has published works "How to Get the Love of Your Life", "Write a Poem", "Longing for Marriage" in the collection "You Make a Question, I Create", "Zhuzhu Original Short Story Collection", "Reading the Tao Te Ching" and so on. Follow me, with you the collision of thoughts and thoughts, the soul affects the soul, and there may have been a you in my writings.