
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

author:Rice narration

Text | Beckoning Lamb

Edit | Beckoning Lamb

"Originally, I just went to participate in a badminton competition, why didn't the rescue work?"

"How can a place with imperfect medical facilities be qualified to hold such a competition!"

When I heard the news that Zhang Zhijie, who was only 17 years old and had won many awards for the national badminton team, passed away in the competition, the hearts of the Chinese people were broken!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

Early in the morning of July 1, the news of the death of this high-achieving young general was officially announced.

But it was the Indonesian Badminton Association that announced the news of his death.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
It turned out that after more than 3 months of intensive training, the badminton national youth team came to Yogyakarta, Indonesia to participate in this year's Asian Youth Badminton Championships.

The match started on June 28, and Zhang Zhijie did not play until June 30 for the first two days.

Originally, he went to the battlefield with confidence, but in the end he was carried out of the arena!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
In the announcement of the Indonesian Badminton Association, they said:
"The event doctor and medical team rescued him and was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than 2 minutes!"
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

But in fact, whether it is Zhang Zhijie's family or netizens, they do not recognize this statement, and even question it!


The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Zhang Zhijie, Baidu Encyclopedia], [Red Star News], [Beijing Daily], [Xiamen Evening News], [Oriental Net], [Douyin], [China Blue News], [Weibo] (detailed sources are attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

1. My sister grieved and posted a question about the organizer, and the coach had been stopped from inspecting the suspect

"He is only 17 years old, you said that he was rescued as soon as possible, and you said that the local medical conditions are too poor, but I still can't accept it!"

Compared with netizens, Zhang Zhijie's family knew earlier that he had problems on the field.

But in fact, they didn't know much from netizens, and in the end, they only got a sentence "The rescue is ineffective!" ”

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

These 4 words seem so simple, but for them, it hurts more than pricking them with a needle in the palm of their hand!

And his sister said even more sadly:

"After Zhang Zhijie fell for a long time, there were no medical staff at all!"

And after watching the video of the scene, many people have the same idea!


After watching the video above, did you also notice anything?

As his sister said, after Zhang Zhijie collapsed and began to have convulsions, there were still signs of life, and he looked up for help.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

But whether it is the player on the opposite side, the referee in the field, or the medical staff outside the field, the arrival is not fast.

On July 1, the Xiamen Evening News reported the incident and made it clear that when its coach came on the field to check, he was directly stopped by the referee.
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

We can also see from the picture that when Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell, everyone seemed to be a little confused.

When he began to convulse, the coach rushed straight to the side to get in, but seemed to be stopped.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

And even with convulsions, his hands were always tightly gripping his racket and he didn't give up.

Then he saw that Zhang Zhijie was still convulsing, and his coach walked to his side expectantly, but he just wanted to check, but he was directly stopped by the referee.
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

At that time, Zhang Zhijie actually made the action he remembered, but it seemed that he couldn't stand up with all his strength.

The coach standing next to him had no choice but to urgently call the ambulance staff, and even ran out to call the paramedics himself.

Then only one paramedic ran unhurriedly, and then two more paramedics came slowly.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

However, according to the live broadcast, the medical staff did not bring defibrillators into the venue.

Instead, the person was quickly carried away on a stretcher!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

In this regard, an emergency doctor from the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University also expressed his opinion and made it clear

"The level of first aid in Indonesia is indeed not as high as in our first-tier cities in China!"

According to his analysis, in response to a situation like Zhang Zhijie, the first time is to judge the situation and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
But the most heart-wrenching thing is that just one day before he died, the college certificate he was escorted to was sent home!

According to his sister, after seeing his brother faint, his family members who were far away in China rushed to contact his coach.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
But I didn't get in touch until 9:30 p.m., and the statement given at that time was that I needed to be transferred to the hospital.

But two hours later, at 11:20 p.m. that night, I was told that I had died!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

In fact, that night, he was still sharing his dinner with his mother, and said that he would go home for a few days after the game.

But now, all this can only be a memory!

After getting the news, his family was sleepless all night, and they just wanted to fly to Indonesia to see him as soon as possible.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

My sister even posted an unfair name for her younger brother in the early morning.

Even Cai Yun, a former badminton Olympic champion, said that he had physical problems, which is intended to show that medical protection is very important for athletes!
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

And not long before his death, he was also interviewed by CCTV!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

2. The mother posted many times to celebrate her son's victory, and was interviewed by CCTV a few days before his death

Readers who don't follow the sporting side of events may not be familiar with the athlete on the national youth team.

But no one can deny the excellence of this boy born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province in 2007.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

He started practicing badminton in early childhood, and was later sent to specialized physical education, and later directly entered the provincial and national teams of Zhejiang Province.

He has had a lot of love and hard work along the way, winning several team and individual championships.

In March of this year, he won the Dutch Youth Badminton International Grand Prix with a score of 2:1.
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

At that time, his mother specially posted a message to congratulate her son and thank all the coaches.

And looking carefully at her mother's dynamics, every time her son wins an award, she always has to post a message to celebrate in person.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
On 11 March, he won a second prize in the German Junior International.

His mother also celebrates his birthday in person every birthday, and the two have also taken a photo in the cinema!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
When I won the championship this year and got the prize money, I used it all to buy gifts for my grandparents and family.

For example, my sister received a lipstick from him!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

On the day of Women's Day, Zhang Zhijie's mother also posted a chat record between the two.

At that time, Zhang Zhijie bought a gift for his mother on the Internet and told his mother to remember to get it.

It's a pity that in the future, there will be no more such pictures!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

Until now, his mother's Douyin has not been updated, and according to people familiar with the matter, the family has already traveled to Indonesia.

During the training camp of the competition, as an outstanding member of the national team, Zhang Zhijie also accepted an interview with CCTV reporters.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

At that time, he was still training urgently, hoping to achieve better results.

"Because of the defeat in the competition last year, he is very emotionally anxious and wants to prove it through his results and competitions!"

After all, for athletes, performance is the best proof.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

And how gratifying it was to watch these speeches at the beginning, and how heartbreaking it is to see them now!

On the morning of July 1, the Chinese Badminton Association also published an obituary.

But no one knows the real cause of his death!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

3. The Chinese Badminton Association mourns, the real cause of death is not clear, and netizens regret it

In a post from the Chinese Badminton Association, they said:

"When Zhang Zhijie participated in the last game of the group stage of the team competition, he suddenly fainted on the field, and the Chinese team leader, coach, team doctor, translator, etc., and the medical staff of the organizing committee immediately organized rescue and sent him to the hospital in time."

But in fact, not only his family, but even some netizens who don't know him also disagree!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
In the announcement of the Indonesian Badminton Association, it was said that it would be sent to the hospital within 2 minutes, but everyone did not know when it would arrive at the hospital.

And when the rescue was carried out at that time, the method was not professional.

Especially in stark contrast to the previous footballer Eriksen fainting on the field!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
Three years ago in the group stage of the European Championships, Eriksen suddenly collapsed without warning during the game, and his teammates quickly stopped the game.

And shouted to the doctor to rush over, and the doctor on one side arrived in time and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation until he successfully woke up.

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

And in June of this year, he was on his own pitch again, and he played well!

But unfortunately, Zhang Zhijie is not as lucky as him!

And there is no clear news about what exactly is the cause of him!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

Write at the end

From learning badminton in kindergarten to winning glory for the country at a young age, Zhang Zhijie must have a great love for badminton in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have won the championship many times, and he wouldn't have held the racket tightly in his hand all the time after falling to the ground!

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

Maybe he was really born for badminton, but this life is really too short!

I hope his family mourns, and I hope he will go all the way and meet badminton again in another world! #长文创作激励计划#

National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.
Source of information in this article: [Zhang Zhijie Baidu Encyclopedia] [Red Star News] [Beijing News Network] [Xiamen Evening News] [Oriental Net] [Douyin] [China Blue News] [Weibo]
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key
National feather Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game! My sister and Olympic champion revealed hidden details, and the coach became the key

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