
Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

author:Dong Wu Cheng Yu

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China Resources Vanguard Tianfu Avenue store

The announcement said

It will be closed on July 15, 2024

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

According to the announcement, China Resources Vanguard Tianfu Avenue Store will close its offline and online business after the end of business on July 15, 2024; The Vanguard membership card and shopping card held by the member can continue to be used in the stores of Vanguard according to the instructions for use.

This notice surprised many customers

The supermarket has been open for less than 2 years

It has brought a lot of convenience to the daily life of the surrounding residents

Now that the store has suddenly been announced, it is inevitable that it will be embarrassing


On-site investigation, the supermarket is clearing promotion

Recently, Yangyang came to the China Resources Vanguard supermarket located on the first floor of Sanli Plaza and found that the scale of the entire supermarket is not small, and the division of various areas such as fruit area, fresh food area, and snack area is very obvious.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

When I entered the supermarket, I found that the goods in the fruit and vegetable area were quite sufficient, and the shelves were full of dazzling goods.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

In the snack area, many items on the shelves have been snapped up, and from time to time there are staff who are replenishing, but according to the staff, many items are out of stock.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

There is a clearance sale in the daily necessities area, but it may not be a big deal, and there are still many items in stock.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

Aquatic areas, on the other hand, were snapped up early.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

At present, the goods are labeled with yellow discount labels, according to the staff, according to the type of goods, consumers can enjoy 3~5% discounts.

However, after a round of shopping, Yangyang found that the actual discount was not so large, and some goods did have a certain degree of discount, but there was no "broken bones" as everyone expected.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...
Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...
Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

However, there are still citizens who regret the imminent closure of Wanjia. "I used to come here at two ends in three days, but it's really inconvenient to close the store." An aunt at the scene said that she usually comes here to buy things, but it is a pity that the store is suddenly closed.

"It is estimated that it will be a supermarket in the future, and it depends on who takes over." Another aunt at the scene said.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

What will happen to the membership card in the hands of consumers after the store closes? According to the staff, either consume all the money before the store closes, or continue to use it in the rest of the stores under CR Vanguard.

When asked whether there would be other brands to take over in the future, the staff said that they were not too clear, and it depended on the arrangements after the mall.


A number of supermarkets have announced their closures

How can traditional supermarkets turn around against the wind?

Wanjia is not the first supermarket to leave.

Previously, the BBK supermarket in the Jinjiang Ecological Belt left the scene, and the Carrefour Huayang store announced the closure...... One after another once lively large-scale supermarkets announced the closure of stores, and people can't help but sigh: those shopping paradises that accompanied us to grow up seem to be really disappearing.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

Behind the "wave of store closures" is the impact of Internet e-commerce, the increase in operating costs, and the change of consumer concepts.

In recent years, the rise of Internet e-commerce has had a huge impact on traditional supermarkets. After all, who doesn't love the convenience of online shopping? Sit at home, move your fingers, and get what you want delivered to your door in no time.

In contrast, traditional supermarkets that require us to go to the store and may have to wait in long lines to check out are less attractive.

In addition, the increase in operating costs is also an issue that cannot be ignored. Many supermarkets are located in prime locations in the center of the city, with high rents, and when sales are not enough to cover costs, closing stores becomes the best option to stop losses in time.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

Different from the decline of traditional supermarkets, now, membership-based supermarkets and new retailers such as Hema Fresh and Jingdong Daojia are copying their cool scripts from decades ago, and they are thriving.

For example, the well-known Sam's Club. According to the data, as of 2023, Sam's has 48 stores in China, with more than 4 million members. Last year, Sam's Club's sales were about 80 billion, and if you average each store, it is 1.67 billion, which is enough to match some large shopping malls.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

In addition, the savage growth of fresh e-commerce, community group buying and other new retail, also little by little encroached on the market share of traditional supermarkets.

On June 27, Hema announced that the total number of Hema stores (including Hema Fresh and Hema MINI) exceeded 400.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

△ Source: Hema Xiansheng WeChat public account

According to the "2023 China Chain Top 100" list released by the China Chain Store & Franchise Association, Hema Fresh ranks eighth, with total sales of 59 billion yuan in 2023 and a year-on-year increase of 20% in the number of stores.

And all this, Hema only took eight years. After all, with the rise of the internet, consumer perceptions have changed with it. For young people who have witnessed the rise of the Internet, Hema, Pupu, and are at home...... These new retail platforms that are convenient and fast enough are more in line with the word "supermarket".

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

In fact, many people still like to visit supermarkets, but the purpose of visiting supermarkets has changed: young people have changed from simple "shopping" and "consumption" in the past to a "leisure and relaxation" lifestyle.

In the three words "go to the supermarket", their focus is no longer on the "supermarket" itself, and "shopping" has slowly become their core demand for offline physical stores.

For many seniors, going to the supermarket has become an indispensable part of life. They may not know "6.18" and "Double 11", but they definitely remember which supermarket will send eggs today and carry out promotions tomorrow.

Oh no! This supermarket in Tianfu New Area announced the closure of its store...

From the prosperity of the past to the loneliness of today, traditional supermarkets are undergoing a profound change. At the crossroads of "survival with broken tails" or "transformation and upgrading", I don't know how many can go to the end.

But in any case, Yangyang hopes that these supermarkets that accompanied us in childhood can be reborn in this revolution and bloom with new brilliance.

Source: Huayang Those things

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