
She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

author:Fog and rain review room

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She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

At that time, the hit broadcast of Hunan Satellite TV's variety show "Where Are You Going, Dad" made viewers who didn't know boxing know the "boxing king" Zou Shiming, as well as the lovely Xuanxuan. And Ran Yingying, who stands behind the father and son, is usually the wife of the boxing champion and the mother of the child.

Many people often forget that in addition to being a mother and wife, Ran Yingying is also a working woman, a host, the chairman of WBC China, the legal representative of many companies, and a master's degree from Peking University.

When Ran Yingying was admitted to Peking University for a master's degree, she was actually pregnant. But at that time, she didn't stop because she was pregnant, but prepared for the exam, took care of the family, and developed her career, which made people sigh at the strength of her energy, why did she work so hard?

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

[80 minutes is just right]

Many people call Ran Yingying Superman's mother because she is so powerful, but in fact, Ran Yingying doesn't like such titles and labels very much. And the reason why she was able to do these things well was because of her mother's influence.

When Ran Yingying was very young, her parents separated, so she was a child who grew up in a single-parent family. Her father was addicted to sports, derailed from the family for a long time, and did not take care of the whole family, and rarely cared about the mother and daughter.

Therefore, Ran Yingying has been very sensible since she was a child, and she can solve many things by herself. Although she didn't have a father by her side to grow up, her mother took good care of her, and in addition, Ran Yingying's mother was also very successful in her career.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

Perhaps it was this point in her mother that affected Ran Yingying, and the concept of being responsible for herself and learning to do everything well was engraved in her bones. Xueba is not her only halo, she is also excellent in her career, and she will work in a central enterprise after graduation.

In Ran Yingying's memory, her mother always has to do 100 percent in everything, and in order to do better, she always puts in a lot of effort and works hard. But as a daughter, Ran Yingying felt that her mother was too tired, and 80 points was her score for her life.

But judging from Ran Yingying's career development over the years, what she has achieved is more like a 100-point standard, no matter what she does, she does everything well, but she only has 80 points for others, and she does not seek to be 100% perfect.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

When she was with Zou Shiming back then, the two were actually not a good match. Although Zou Shiming is talented and famous in boxing, he is not outstanding in other aspects. Compared with Ran Yingying, Zou Shiming is not tall and handsome enough, nor is he rich enough.

Ran Yingying didn't take these evaluations to heart, she chose Zou Shiming with her own considerations, and there was no need to give up a good relationship for the sake of the so-called match. In Zou Shiming, she felt sincere love, so she chose the other party.

Ran Yingying knew that she had to face more challenges because she chose Zou Shiming because of love, so she had to become stronger.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

【Cultivation of Strong Women】

In this way, Ran Yingying married Zou Shiming with good expectations, she looked forward to her married life, and hoped that the two would work their respective tracks and break out of their own world. But the reality was not what she thought.

Soon after marriage, Ran Yingying became pregnant. While she was looking forward to the arrival of this new life, she was also embarrassed and worried about the situation in front of her. She was pregnant, but her husband was often away because he had to participate in competitions, and no one could take care of her.

In desperation, Ran Yingying chose to resign, in fact, it was a critical period for her career to rise, and the leaders of the unit were very optimistic about her. In her family and career, Ran Yingying chose to temporarily shift her focus to her family.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

But loss is inevitable, for Ran Yingying, who is energetic and likes to challenge herself, it is not an easy thing to be idle, she will think crankily in her spare time, Ran Yingying can only continue to comfort herself and satisfy the status quo.

After giving birth to Xuanxuan, Ran Yingying gave birth to two more children one after another, but in the past few years, she did not just give birth to children, but tried more new things, opened a company, continued her studies, helped her husband plan his career, and so on.

Zou Shiming's wife's dedication to the family over the years is in his eyes. He understands that he has missed a lot of important things because of professional competitions, and he also knows how great it is for Ran Yingying to be able to make so many sacrifices.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow

Zou Shiming once said in an interview that he would take on more family responsibilities after retiring, so that Ran Yingying would have more time to pursue her career. Over the years, Ran Yingying has never given up her further study in finance and economics, and she always wants to return to the workplace.

And in Ran Yingying's plans for the future, Zou Shiming has always been taken into account. She is ready to help her husband plan his career again after he retires, and use her professional advantages to enable Zou Shiming to achieve more long-term development.

Ran Yingying and Zou Shiming came together because of love, and their relationship has been good for many years. In contrast, Ran Yingying sacrificed a lot because of love and family, but fortunately, Zou Shiming also knows how to think about her and think about each other in order to make this relationship last for a long time.

She was admitted to Peking University in three months of pregnancy, and at the age of 40, she is worth hundreds of millions, and her "snake face" mother of three children is a good cow


Ran Yingying is full of energy and tenacity, and she has managed her life carefully to achieve today's beautiful scene. In addition to her business and academic breakthroughs, Ran Yingying is also trying to make bigger changes in herself.

The changing makeup, bold and avant-garde dress, and the mocking "snake spirit face" are all changes in Ran Yingying. These changes may be questionable, but they don't make a difference, because her heart is strong enough.


"Superman Mother" Ran Yingying: Touching Happiness with Rough Hands", New Youth (Treasure), 2016

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