
There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

author:Fog and rain review room

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There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

In daily life, it is very common to encounter some small scratches while driving. Generally, the vehicle has insurance, whether it is a private settlement or a traffic police responsibility, it is not a trouble to deal with it.

But I'm afraid that there are some people who don't know what to do, so they have to compete on the spot, which makes everyone's face look bad. On June 28, a video of a quarrel at the scene of a car accident was circulated on the Internet.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

The woman in the video can be described as "dancing with her teeth and claws", and repeatedly spoke ill of a middle-aged woman who fell to the ground. In the end, he even threw out a sentence: I even have the phone number of the head of the police station. The threat is palpable.

Who is this woman, and what is her relationship with the head of the local police station? The local police responded quickly.

1. The video of the car accident scene was leaked

On the 28th of this month, a video taken by a mobile phone began to spread on social platforms. The video was recorded at the scene of the crash, in which a middle-aged woman fell on the road with the electric car tilted to one side.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

However, a young woman who is suspected to be the other party has been accusing the middle-aged woman of being a liar, accusing her of deliberately posing as injured.

Next to her was a young man who had been fiddling with his phone and looked nervous. After listening carefully to the conversation of several people, I realized that the young man driving the vehicle accidentally scratched the middle-aged woman.

The young woman kept saying insulting words next to her, and even said that you are lucky to meet me today. Even when there were onlookers around, she kept threatening the middle-aged woman on the ground.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

The most interesting thing in the whole video is that the young woman said: I even have the phone number of the head of the police station. The onlookers were also quite angry about this, and pointed out in the video that they saw the man reversing and hitting the middle-aged woman.

After the video was leaked, it naturally aroused heated discussions, in the face of the victim being so arrogant, is there really any force behind this woman? For a while, everyone asked the police to respond.

The police made a report in the early hours of the morning

With the fermentation of the video, the local police responded very quickly, and in the early morning of the second day after the accident, it was convenient to urgently release a police report on the official public account, and gave a complete response and explanation of the entire incident.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

First of all, the relationship between the three people involved in the video was explained, and the middle-aged woman had a slight scraping with the young man. The young woman was not a party to the traffic accident, simply because she worked nearby and had a young man acquaintance.

In other words, the woman who flaunts her power in the video has no idea what happened. Just because they know one of the parties, they choose to stand up and support young men. At present, the traffic accident is being processed.

Of course, for the questions that everyone is most concerned about, the police also gave serious answers. The woman did have the mobile phone number of the relevant personnel of the local police station, but she was not the head of the police station.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

The reason why there is a mobile phone number of the relevant personnel of the police station is also because the woman had a dispute with others in May 2017 and kept it when the police station handled the dispute.

For the above various responses, netizens are still more accepting. After all, in the video, the woman's behavior and speech seem more unreasonable and arrogant, and no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like she really has "connections".

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

At the same time, netizens are also very satisfied with the police's ability to respond quickly and respond positively. When a problem arises, it should not be to hide the past, but to choose to solve the problem openly and honestly. Such an attitude is commendable!

Third, there are many similar news

In fact, there are really not a few people who play demons at the scene of traffic accidents. This has also caused many netizens to wonder why they always want to show their connections at the scene of the accident? Is it possible to avoid liability in this way?

In today's Internet age, everyone should cherish their feathers, otherwise they will be sent online for trial every minute. On June 16, a woman in Beijing parked illegally and threw out her identity as an embassy staff member on the spot when passers-by came forward to negotiate with her.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

In the video, the Beijing woman said she had diplomatic immunity to show that she would not be punished even if she stopped in the middle of the road. After the video was leaked, the majority of netizens naturally couldn't stand her arrogant face.

Soon, with the help of enthusiastic netizens, the woman's identity was confirmed. The fact that the woman was a staff member of the embassy did not mean that she really enjoyed privileges over others.

There are long calls! The woman supported the driver who caused the accident, and the police reported that they did not know each other and had no personal relationship

On June 19, the woman chose to apologize publicly because she could not bear public opinion. In the apology video, she spoke sincerely, and she has long lost her former domineering, but netizens obviously don't buy this formalistic way of apologizing.

If you really feel that your behavior is wrong, you should not stop at words, but put it into practice. As embassy staff, we must be more aware of our own identity and responsibilities, be honest and do things in a down-to-earth manner.


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