
The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

author:Little Red watches the movie


The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely
The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely
Sources: All information stated in this article is based on reliable information, and is summarized at the end of this article

At the international conference, the United States once again threw the blame off, and the spearhead was again aimed at China, the 32 countries or the united front.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

North Korea openly choked back to the United States, and South Korea openly warned Russia that the situation on the peninsula will eventually be chaotic.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Peninsula Conference Held US Ambitions "Asian Version of NATO"

The United States' attempt to engage in small groups is not a whim, to be precise, its intentions have been clear for many years, but with the Russia-Ukraine conflict now aimed at the Korean Peninsula, it is obvious that the United States is a little anxious, and the United States is really here.

And this time, the United States is so anxious because of Putin's successive visits to the two countries.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

From his visit to the DPRK on the 18th and 19th to his visit to Vietnam on the 19th and 20th, Putin's tight itinerary also made the United States unable to sit still, and the reason was not anything else, first, he was worried that the relations between North Korea, Vietnam and Russia would go further, and second, he disrupted the layout of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

No matter how you look at it, it is not good news for Putin's close visit to China.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

On the 21st, Daniel Kritenbulin, assistant secretary of state for U.S. and Pacific affairs, made an official trip to Vietnam, reaffirming the U.S. commitment to implementing the comprehensive U.S.-Vietnam relationship, and even reaffirming the U.S. support for a strong, independent, resilient, and prosperous Vietnam.

Flowery rhetoric, only after Putin's visit to Vietnam, the tension of the United States at this time naturally caused the outside world to speculate about the deep meaning, apart from preventing Vietnam from making peace with Russia, it is difficult to think of a second reason.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Yellen even denied the speculation that the United States was further "worried" about Russia's exchanges with Vietnam, and Yellen emphasized that the United States' exchanges with Vietnam do not mean that Vietnam should be severed from Russia or China.

Even though the statement sounds good, the United States knows very well that what the United States cares about is Vietnam itself, Vietnam's geographical location, and the layout of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Of course, when it comes to the layout of the Asia-Pacific region, although Vietnam is important, it cannot resist North Korea's inability to be underestimated.

The Korean Peninsula has dragged on for decades as a remnant of the Cold War, and the lack of mutual trust between the United States and North Korea and the absence of a peace mechanism have created tensions between the United States and North Korea.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Over the years, the collusion of the United States, Japan, and the ROK has caused chaos on the Korean Peninsula several times, and in addition, in the eyes of the United States, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has affected the speed at which the United States can get involved in the Asia-Pacific region, and the DPRK has long been regarded as a "threat" by the United States.

To be precise, since the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has led Western countries to suppress and sanction Russia several times, and even successively provided military aid to Ukraine, in order to force Russia to obey.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

However, Russia's several escapes and even kicking Russia out of SWIFT will hardly affect Russia's becoming the largest economy in Europe in 2023, and Ukraine has openly sought support from the United States and the West several times, all of which have made the United States know that Russia has been out of control, to be precise, out of the controllable scope of US "hegemonism".

It is also because of the "delisting" of the United States and the West that Russia has accelerated friendly exchanges with China, but in the eyes of the United States, this is a label that is opposed to US "hegemonism".

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Therefore, stigmatizing normal exchanges between China and Russia as "allies", slandering China's "military support" to Russia, and euphemistically justifying the United States' own defeat on the battlefield between Russia and Ukraine have become a new means for the United States.

And it is also because of this that Russian military experts bluntly said that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is no longer a simple war conflict, but has evolved into a change in the control of the United States and the world regime, and in the eyes of the United States, it is China and Russia that have disrupted the United States' involvement in the Asia-Pacific region and the United States' ambition to expand "hegemonism" to the world.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

In addition, the United States is now jealous of the unity and cooperation of the forces of the three countries in the Asia-Pacific region now that China, the DPRK, and Russia are trying to step up joint construction on the Tumen River, and now that Putin visited the DPRK on 18 June and the two countries signed the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" on 19 June, it is not difficult to understand that the United States is anxious.

This time, however, the United States seized the opportunity to "point the finger" at China again, but this time we were not used to it.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

China counterattacks the United States, North Korea accuses the United States of "hegemonic intentions"

In the past, US officials visited Vietnam to stabilize its Asia-Pacific layout, and then Yellen said in a high-profile manner that it would not affect the exchanges between these countries and China and Russia, but all the efforts of the United States were completely vented in the Security Council.

On June 28, when a meeting on the Korean Peninsula was held, the United States preemptively pointed out that China and China are not using its influence to "maintain regional and global security."

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

In response to the groundless accusations made by the United States, Geng Shuang, China's deputy representative to the United Nations, immediately responded to the accusations made by the United States and named the United States as to why the situation on the Korean Peninsula has reached this point, and the United States should think clearly about it on its own, instead of looking for problems from others.

Obviously, for the United States, blaming China is only part of the American plan.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

From 27 to 29 June, the United States, Japan, and South Korea held large-scale joint military exercises, in which the United States dispatched nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Japan and South Korea are only part of the US plan, from the so-called "quadrilateral mechanism" concocted by the United States in recent years by wooing Japan, Australia, and India to the joint exercises of the United States, Japan, and the Philippines.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

In July 2023, NATO upgraded its cooperative relationship with Japan, South Korea and Australia to a "tailor-made partnership project", it is clear that under the pull of the United States, NATO is entering the Asia-Pacific region to serve US hegemony and contain China, the ultimate target.

NATO's eastward expansion and NATO's "Asia-Pacificization" are even courting Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan, South Korea, and India as the core platform of their "Indo-Pacific strategy", so as to achieve US hegemony in Asia.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

On June 30, in response to the so-called "Blade of Freedom" military exercises of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the DPRK pointed out that this is the "Asian version of NATO."

North Korea said it would respond aggressively and overwhelmingly to protect regional peace, and as early as June 23, South Korea openly warned Russia that if Russia provided North Korea with sophisticated weapons, South Korea's support for Ukraine would be "unlimited."

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

Obviously, the "Asian version of NATO" that the United States is trying to create, South Korea has already taken shape as a "small group" by openly shouting at Russia.

The other Japan, which has been revealed by Russian media, will hold a series of joint military exercises with Germany and Spain in Hokkaido, near the Russian border, from July 19 to 25.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

NATO is gradually leaning toward the Asia-Pacific region, and Japan and South Korea have already made efforts to become members of the "Asian version of NATO" in the Asia-Pacific region of the United States, and the hegemonic ambitions of the United States are now pressing step by step, from NATO to Japan and South Korea, or they may become pawns of US hegemony and fight together against China.

This time, the United States has finally laid out the big picture. However, whether it is really as the United States wants to fight with it and not have two hearts is a mixed bag after all.

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

After all, China is really not to be underestimated, and if it is really easy to deal with, from the beginning of the United States shouting the "China threat theory" in 2019 to the present, there is no need to make great efforts to win over everywhere.


China: Resolutely oppose the US attack and accusations against China on the Korean Peninsula issue——China News Network

Rather than "dumping" China, the United States should change its course-China Daily

Japan and NATO want to conduct military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region Experts say the international community should be highly vigilant - international online

Foreign media: North Korea criticizes the United States, Japan and South Korea for engaging in an "Asian version of NATO" - reference news

The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely
The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely
The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely
The United Nations Peninsula Conference was held, and 32 countries united the front against China? North Korea took the lead and fought fiercely

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