
Zhao Ke, a well-known media person, made a big statement: "I bet that more than 90% of China's families can't even take out 100,000 yuan, maybe they can't even get together 50,000 yuan at a time!" ”

author:The ocean says history

Zhao Ke, a well-known media person, made a big statement: "I bet that more than 90% of China's families can't even take out 100,000 yuan, maybe they can't even get together 50,000 yuan at a time!" This has caused controversy, is he exaggerating, or is it true?

In March 2024, Zhao Keke posted a video of his speech on his personal social media, and one sentence instantly ignited the Internet: "More than 90% of Chinese families can't even come up with 100,000 yuan, or even 50,000 yuan." "

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately set off a heated discussion on the Internet, with supporters and opponents arguing endlessly.

Zhao Ke is no ordinary Internet celebrity. As a media veteran, he is also a guest lecturer for many large corporations and has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media.

Zhao Ke is known for his incisive rhetoric and unique opinions, and although his remarks are often out of line, they often reveal the truth behind them when you think about it.

This remark on the financial situation of Chinese families once again shows his outspoken characteristic.

In the controversial speech, Zhao Ke divided the people who could not come up with 100,000 yuan in cash into three categories: unmarried young people, married middle-aged people and retired seniors.

He provides a detailed analysis of the specific economic difficulties faced by each group, which makes one think deeply.

For unmarried young people, Zhao Ke pointed out a surprising phenomenon. Although these young people do not have the burden of providing for their families, they are often the ones who spend the most money.

They love vanity, they like to wear famous brands, and they can always find a reason to spend money on themselves.

A new phone, a luxury brand bag, or a trip can easily drain months of savings.

This type of spending makes it difficult for them to accumulate savings, let alone come up with 100,000 yuan.

The situation is even more difficult for middle-aged married. Zhao Ke believes that this group is facing the greatest economic pressure. There are old and young, and they have to maintain cars and houses, and the burden of life weighs them down.

The cost of a child's education is rising, and every stage from kindergarten to university is a significant expense. The medical expenses of the elderly are also a significant burden, especially in today's increasingly aging population.

Coupled with fixed expenses such as housing loans and car loans, it is difficult for middle-aged people with ordinary income to save money, let alone take out 100,000 yuan at any time.

The situation of the retired elderly is also not optimistic. Although there is a pension, most people do not have a high pension.

Zhao Ke pointed out that many elderly people's life savings are often spent on their children's marriage and house. They give everything they have for the happiness of their children, but in their old age they can only live on a limited pension.

The increase in medical costs is even worse, and a serious illness can deplete all savings.

Mr. Zhao's remarks sparked two very different reactions online. Supporters believe that Zhao Ke spoke about the real living conditions of ordinary people at the grassroots level.

They point out that for young and middle-aged families living and working in big cities, high mortgages, car loans, and daily expenses can indeed make it difficult to accumulate large sums of money.

Housing prices in first-tier cities are often tens of thousands of square meters, and even if it is a down payment, it takes hundreds of thousands or even millions. The monthly mortgage stress leaves many people struggling to make ends meet.

For elderly families in rural areas, the situation is even more dire. Due to the small or no pension and the large medical expenses, accumulating a deposit of 100,000 yuan is simply impossible for them.

Income levels in rural areas are generally low, and many elderly people rely on farming to make ends meet, and their incomes are meager and unstable. If you get sick, your medical bills can deplete your savings over the years.

However, the voices of the naysayers are just as strong. They pointed out that the data on Chinese per capita GDP and average wages in 2023 showed that Zhao Ke's remarks did not seem to be in line with the facts.

According to official data, the per capita GDP of Chinese in 2023 has exceeded 12,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 80,000 yuan at the current exchange rate.

Average wage data also shows that the average annual salary in many cities has exceeded 100,000 yuan. In this context, it seems an exaggeration to say that more than 90% of families cannot come up with 100,000 yuan.

In the face of doubts, Zhao Ke further explained his views. He pointed out that while it is true that modern people's incomes are much higher than in the past, their expenses are also rising.

He gave examples of the various economic pressures faced by young people, such as mortgages, car loans, the cost of raising children and the elderly, as well as the various expenses of city living (property fees, parking fees, etc.).

Together, these expenses can often make it difficult to make ends meet, making it difficult to accumulate large amounts of cash.

The discussion sparked by Zhao Ke's remarks has made more people start to share their real experiences. A large number of comments from netizens have sprung up online, showing the economic difficulties faced by ordinary people.

Some young people who have just graduated said that their monthly salary is just enough to cover rent and daily expenses, and they cannot save money at all. Middle-aged people with debts complained that almost all of their monthly wages were used to repay loans, and their lives were stretched.

These authentic voices provide practical examples of Zhao's views and allow people to think more deeply about the current state of the economy.

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(Information source: Zhao Kejiao's personal account of life) #头条创作挑战赛#

Zhao Ke, a well-known media person, made a big statement: "I bet that more than 90% of China's families can't even take out 100,000 yuan, maybe they can't even get together 50,000 yuan at a time!" ”
Zhao Ke, a well-known media person, made a big statement: "I bet that more than 90% of China's families can't even take out 100,000 yuan, maybe they can't even get together 50,000 yuan at a time!" ”
Zhao Ke, a well-known media person, made a big statement: "I bet that more than 90% of China's families can't even take out 100,000 yuan, maybe they can't even get together 50,000 yuan at a time!" ”

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