
Didi made a move, strictly checked the account "whitewashing", and the black industry was completely cold now!

author:Ride-hailing observation room

What should I do if my Didi account violates the rules and can't receive an order?

In this case, there is also a legend in the market, go to find a "capable person", wash the account to him, your account can be cleared of the previous bad records such as random cancellation of orders and illegal operations, and the score of the account can also be restored to the initial state, and you can re-enter the "novice village" to take orders with the account of the newcomer.

In reality, there are still many such "capable people", casually flipping through the circle of friends, short video platforms, and second-hand trading platforms, there are people everywhere who can help you "launder" your account.

Didi made a move, strictly checked the account "whitewashing", and the black industry was completely cold now!

These so-called "capable people", claiming that the driver's account can be washed into a novice account in a special way, and the novice protection period can also be given priority to receive orders, these scalpers who can provide number washing services will generally require the driver's account has not been cancelled, and promise the driver that the service points and travel points are 125 points after the account is "washed", and enjoy the novice protection period, but there is no guarantee of a score increase.

In terms of fees, the price of whitewashing for scalpers ranges from a few hundred to several thousand.

Didi made a move, strictly checked the account "whitewashing", and the black industry was completely cold now!

Seeing this, many masters with low scores and poor account quality are very excited. After all, if you can spend some money to improve the quality of your account and make more money by taking more orders, it can be regarded as an investment. But can accounts really be whitewashed?

Everyone asks to upload their ID cards when they register for Didi, is it a joke? In the Didi system, each driver's account has an exclusive driver ID, and an ID number can only have one ID, which has nothing to do with how many mobile phone numbers you have.

Since we can't change our ID number, naturally we can't change our actual ID number, and your Didi driver account information has been saved in your ID number, so even if you cancel and re-register, you will keep your previous service points.

The account is still your original account, but the previous drop age, single volume and praise, these are all gone, and your previous serious violations of laws and regulations, platform agreements, platform regulations, etc. are all permanently stored in the platform system, so, masters, do you still want to cancel your account and re-register when you see this?

The so-called number washing is actually just a way for the black industry gang to use the driver's psychology of wanting to make money and take a shortcut to cut the driver's leeks. For example, last year, many scalpers claimed that they could buy the so-called internal dispatch background for 1099 yuan, and many drivers were deceived.

Didi made a move, strictly checked the account "whitewashing", and the black industry was completely cold now!

After the incident, Didi officially responded that the backstage of the online dispatch was forged, because it may involve black industry and fraud, and the platform has called the police.

Didi made a move, strictly checked the account "whitewashing", and the black industry was completely cold now!

You must know that there is no shortcut to running Didi, it can only be one step at a time, if you want to do it in this industry for a long time, and the income is not bad, you only have to pay more and better service than others, raise a good account and then use the right method.

In response to the chaos of the black industry, Didi has always said to the public that it will resolutely stand on the same front with the drivers and masters who abide by the rules, and resolutely cooperate with the police to continue to crack down on black industry plug-ins.

In 2015, Didi set up a "special task force to crack down on gangsters", investing a lot of resources and innovative technical means to continue to crack down on violations including false registration and cheating and swiping, and took a series of governance measures against drivers who installed cheating software, including telephone outbound call warnings, restrictions on car orders, and banning driver accounts. So far in 2023, the platform has identified and managed more than 200 cheats, and more than 1,000 drivers have been banned by the platform for cheating multiple times.

With the deepening of Didi's crackdown on the black industry, the risk of "number washing" is also increasing, and many businesses have said that they will suspend the number washing business. Here, the observer also reminds the majority of online car-hailing drivers not to be confused by the rhetoric of these unscrupulous merchants, let alone opportunistic to avoid being deceived.

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