
After the divorce, his mood was not as good as day by day, and his mind was full of her figure and her voice

author:Zhizhi excerpt
After the divorce, his mood was not as good as day by day, and his mind was full of her figure and her voice

The picture comes from the Internet

In the early morning, the sun shines through the window and spills lazily into the house.

Fan Xingyun slept in a daze, the pillow in his arms was tightly hugged by him, and his whole body was pressed against the pillow.

The face is like a skin hunger, and all the pores on the skin are expanding infinitely.

He buried his face under the pillow and lowered his voice, "Don't go, you're not allowed to push me away, you're not allowed to ......"

Mother Fan wore an apron and a plate of fruit in her hand, and her ears were close to the door.

The sound in the room was intermittent, and I couldn't hear what the people inside were muttering.

She tried to knock on the door, "Son, son~ Are you awake?" ”

The sound in the room died down, but no one responded.

"Son, wake up and have breakfast, right?"

Father Fan brought out two dishes from the kitchen, and counted her down as he walked back at a time: "What are you doing, Xingyun finally slept to this point, what are you doing to call him, such a big person, he can't die of hunger." ”

Besides, can you fall asleep hungry?

If he can sleep, he can't go hungry!

He pouted and shook his head helplessly, he had never seen her rare son before, and he had been chic abroad for a few years, and he hadn't seen him once a year.

Ever since her son's accident, she has been as nervous as an old hen.

Mother Fan glanced at him, "You know how to eat and eat, you have never taken care of your son, why is our family Nebula so unlucky, and you are a cool father." ”

"Bo Liang?"

Father Fan was speechless, lived for more than fifty years, and for the first time heard others say that he was thin and cold, and he was still his wife.

He shook his hand, "Okay, okay, you call, you call." ”

Mother Fan put down the tray in her hand, then tiptoed back to the door, pinched her throat, and raised her voice, "Son, it's time for breakfast!" ”

After shouting, he held his breath again, a pair of big eyes rolled around his bones, and finally a response came from the room.

"Here we are."

Van Xingyun was dressed in a pair of knee-length shorts, his upper body was bare, his muscles were like hard rocks, and the raised lines were clearly visible in the sun.

He lay on the bed on all fours, his psoas muscles rising and falling with his breathing, like a hungry wolf hibernating.

On his forehead and neck, fine beads of sweat oozed out.

The pillow was pressed under his armpit, and it was badly deformed and wet.

Why is it so hot?

He casually pulled the air conditioner quilt over his hand, wiped it around his neck, got up and went to open the door.

Mother Fan was originally lying on the door eavesdropping, but when the door opened, she almost fell into a dog and ate.

She smiled awkwardly, "Son, it's time to eat!" ”

"You eat first."

Van Xingyun took a set of clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom when he went out.

With the sound of rushing water, the couple looked at each other in pairs, what about taking a cold shower early in the morning?

The water heater didn't even light up.

Fan Xingyun drove into the underground garage of Funing Village, and saw Wu Youyou's red Porsche from a distance.

He took out his phone, and it was half past eight.

He parked his car in a dark corner.

After a while, the elevator door opened, and Wu Youyou walked out with Xiao Niannian in his arms, followed by the old man and Aunt Luo, as well as the woman named Su Jingyi.

The little guy waved sweetly to the old man, "Grandma bye, grandma bye, baby go to work, you have to be obedient at home." ”

The old man held her hand and was reluctant, "How hard it is to go to work at such a young age, baby, why don't you take you fishing?" There are a lot of fish in the mall, colorful fish. ”

When the little guy heard this, he was a little moved.

Although the fish pond in the mall is very fun, there are too many children and it is too noisy to catch fish.

Last time, her hands holding the pole were sore, and she was stunned that she hadn't caught a single fish.

The old man is like a robot, boasting with a clear conscience.

She got angry, threw away the pole and put her hands behind her back, and left in a huff like an old cadre.

Turning his head, he saw Wu Youyou holding back a smile, and the next second he put his arms around her neck, "Don't, the fish is not good, the baby doesn't like it." ”

"Grandpa, let's go first, you're bored at home, you can find a few old men in the community to play chess and rub mahjong."

The old man waved his hand, "Go ahead, it's really a big girl." ”

Xiao Niannian went to kindergarten for two days to try school, and she didn't want to stay at home.

Take it out to play, and he can't keep up with her legs and feet.

The small body is as flexible as a loach, and it can't be caught.

Fan Xingyun silently followed behind their car, and recently deliberately changed to a domestic car, which is affordable and not easy to be discovered.

When the car drove to the Great Xia, I saw a man holding a large bouquet of flowers in his hand from a distance.

The mix and match of champagne roses and carnations is particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

Van Xingyun looked at it twice.

Wu Youyou parked the car, Su Jingyi hugged the little guy, and the two walked towards the gate.

The man held the flower and greeted him, "Miss Wu." ”

Wu Youyou looked at him in disbelief, "Confucian Nian? Why are you here? ”

"I'm here for an interview, aren't you looking for a photographer?"

"You're just Liunian?"

Someone added her WeChat last night, and the other party said straight to the point that she wanted to interview for the position of photographer.

He said that he is an astronomy enthusiast and loves to take pictures, take pictures, take pictures, etc.

and showed Wu Youyou his past works.

Perfect for sunrise and sunset.

As you can see from the work, the artist's control of light and composition is quite good, and the photos and videos taken are very infectious.

Presumably, the author must be a person of great taste in life.

Wu Youyou wanted to keep the other party, but he was worried that he would not be able to offer a satisfactory salary to the other party.

She decided to interview people first and then make the next decision.

It's just that she didn't expect that the person who came was a Confucian year.

The owner of the Jiangnan courtyard.

"I am a passing year, and I am also a Confucian year."

Liunian is the screen name, and Confucian Nian is the real name.

It's just met once, Su Jingyi didn't think the two were very familiar.

She asked suspiciously, "Boss Ru, how do you know that we are recruiting photographers here?" ”

"Last night when the family had dinner, my aunt mentioned it."

"Your aunt?"

Wu Youyou frowned, "Who is your aunt?" ”

"The head of Funing Village Kindergarten."


Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi suddenly realized that Boss Confucianism had come to experience life.

Ru Nian handed the flowers to Wu Youyou, and the little guy on the side stretched out his arms and took the bouquet from him.

Then he buried his head in the flowers, closed his eyes, and had an expression of enjoyment, "Mommy, baby has flowers, fragrant." ”

Wu Youyou smiled helplessly, "Why do you take everything?" ”

Ru Nian hugged the little guy, "It was originally for her!" He turned his head and asked Xiao Niannian, "Do you like it?" ”

"I don't like it!"

An unexpected answer.

The little guy shook his head, then stretched out a white finger, pointed to the flowers, and said with difficulty, "There is no red, baby likes red." ”

Su Jingyi glanced at her with disgust, "You still picked it." ”

The three of them talked as they walked.

"If you come to guide me in my work, I welcome you, but you said that you came for an interview, I am a little puzzled? A Jiangnan courtyard is not enough for you to be busy? ”

"Jiangnan courtyard is a career, usually handed over to people to take care of, photography is a hobby, this has to come in person."

This is also reasonable, in line with the lifestyle of wealthy people.

"But when I work here, I can't afford to be distracted, and I can't afford to hire a god-level person like you."

Ru Nian turned his head sideways, a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Why, Wu always plans to empty the gloves of the white wolf?" ”

As soon as these words came out, the two smiled tacitly.

Looking at the backs of several people leaving, Fan Xingyun's face became more and more solemn.

After the divorce, his mood was not as good as day by day, and his mind was full of her figure and her voice.

Even in his dreams, he could really feel her softness and warmth.

But Wu Youyou was good, and a trumped-up charge dragged him into the palace of marriage.

When leaving, he also set himself on fire, making him want to stop.

Turning around, she is like a flower butterfly, playing among the flowers.

"Wu Youyou, what is your heart made of?"

Fan Xingyun sneakily followed to the eighth floor, got out of the elevator and around the corner, saw a newly opened company.

The two glass doors were closed, and the company's name could be seen from the outside, and the occasional laughter like a silver bell could be heard inside.

This can't be a leisurely company, right?

He took out his mobile phone and typed in "Youman Media", and sure enough, the legal person of this newly established media company was Wu Youyou.

The corners of Fan Xingyun's mouth raised slightly, he grew up, he was assertive, he dared to practice, very good!

At this time, the glass door opened, and Wu Youyou walked out with the man just now.

The little guy chased to the door on his short legs, raising his hands and chattering.

Wu Youyou picked her up and walked towards the elevator with the man.

The person around the corner immediately lowered his hat and hid at the staircase.

"Confucian Nian, thank you."

Ru Nian stretched out his hand, "Which of us is ...... with whom?"

Back at the company, Fan Xingyun turned on the computer and checked the information about the Confucian Year.

When he saw the photographs published by the other party, his sense of crisis became more and more serious.

Young, handsome, talented and wealthy.

is still a native of Funing, which is a symbol of wealth.

The whole of Yongzhou is very inclusive.

But only Funing Village, the villagers of Funing Village are relatively xenophobic.

They are only superficially polite to outsiders, but they generally do not allow their children to marry or marry outside.

More than ten years ago, the village raised funds to rebuild Funing Village, and more than 10,000 Funing people lived in the village.

There are only some outsiders, such as cleaners, nannies, cashiers and other low-level workers.

There are schools, hospitals, banks, parks, shopping malls, office buildings, etc. in the village.

There is even a dedicated metro station.

Funing people love to have babies and pay attention to both children and daughters, so every family has a male baby.

Although the dowry of the daughter's marriage is rich, it cannot take away the family property, because the family property is left to the son.

Especially the land in the village, dividends, etc.

Therefore, an only daughter like Wu Youyou, who has a net worth of hundreds of millions, is the most sought after by Funing men.

"Sun Xiaobing!"


Sun Xiaobing hurriedly ran over, "Mr. Fan, are you looking for me?" ”

"Inform all employees, especially female employees, dress up well tonight, let's go to have a big meal, just go to Jiangnan Courtyard, you go to arrange!"


Sun Xiaobing only verbally agreed, but he didn't take action, and he couldn't guess what his boss meant.

Why do you suddenly notice to eat in the middle of the day?

If you want female employees to dress up well, is there any mysterious task?

"Why are you stunned, go!"


Sun Xiaobing walked to the door and turned back, "Mr. Fan, what's the reason?" ”

It can't be an impromptu attack, going to the Jiangnan courtyard is not just a matter of whether the wallet is thick or not.

Fan Xingyun replied without thinking, "My mother's birthday!" ”


Sun Xiaobing ran out in a hurry, since it was his aunt's birthday, it was naturally a big deal.

This is the first time that Mr. Fan celebrates his mother's birthday in such a high-profile manner.

He had to go to the cake shop himself to choose a luxurious and magnificent cake for the big birthday star.

Gangnam Xiaowon.

Many people came one after another, and they were all young men and women, and the women were all dressed up to attend.

This meeting is comparable to a large-scale blind date banquet.

As soon as the young women entered the store, they held their mobile phones and took various selfies in every corner.

I heard that this is the favorite restaurant of Funing Village, the taste is relatively light, and although the place is small, the consumption is extremely high.

It is not suitable for migrant workers from all over the world.

Therefore, as the world's top 500 enterprises, they also came to the Eden of this Funing people for the first time.

Sun Xiaobing pulled over a six-layer cake, and everyone gathered around to take photos.

Jiang Meiqi carried a beautifully packaged bag in her hand and posed for photos in various poses.

Before coming, Sun Xiaobing had already explained that no one was allowed to buy gifts.

But where is Jiang Meiqi willing to let go of this opportunity to be in the limelight, everyone doesn't send it, only she sends it, isn't her intention reflected?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Several young women were a little unhappy when they saw her so showy.

"Mr. Fan introduced his wife in public not long ago, and Jiang Meiqi is still so attentive and attentive, doesn't this know what to do?"

"Eh, how did I hear that Mr. Fan is divorced, or the woman is having an affair or something."

"You can't say this casually, Assistant Sun has explained, and you can't mention any private matters about President Fan."

The woman merges her fingers and makes a palm-mouth pose.

"I just went to work, I feel like I'm in the CIA, I can't say this, I can't talk about that, if it weren't for the high salary, good benefits, and handsome boss, I would have run away a long time ago."

As soon as these words came out, several women burst into laughter.

More than 100 strange customers poured in at once, and the waiters, who were accustomed to speaking Yongzhou dialect, often made a lot of jokes because of their accents.

There are also people who, just by looking at the menu, feel that the dishes are not to their liking.

Several people gathered around the service desk and asked all kinds of strange questions.

For example, can you put chili peppers, big spicy, medium spicy, small spicy, etc., and even perverted spicy.

Some people also asked, is there any aged vinegar, is there any Northeast garlic.

Anyway, Mr. Fan let it go, saying that they paid a lot of money to feel the food of the Funing people, how comfortable they came.

The manager couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't do it with the customer openly, so he had to call Ru Nian and ask him how to deal with it.

Ru Nian was about to dine with his family at this time, and when he heard that the president of Guanren Real Estate was also at the scene, he immediately drove over.

At noon, the people were basically there, and the Van Xingyun appeared slowly.

Everyone looked behind him expectantly, and waited for a long time, but they didn't see the Van couple appear.

Fan Xingyun walked to the seat in the main hall and poured himself a cup of tea.

Sun Xiaobing walked up to him suspiciously, "Mr. Fan, where is my uncle and aunt?" Are you stuck in traffic, do you want me to pick it up? ”

Van Xingyun didn't raise his head, "I didn't say they were coming." ”

He waved his hand to everyone to find a place to sit down, looked up and told the waiter that the food could be served.

Everyone's jaws dropped, the birthday star is not coming, which immortal will celebrate his birthday?

Fan can't be a problem, since the last car accident, he has not only changed his previous dressing style, but also his temperament.

used to be a handsome guy in the ascetic department, a workaholic, but now he has become a lazy uncle who sees the head and the end of the dragon.

Jiang Meiqi looked at the gift in her hand, and her face immediately collapsed.

This necklace cost her more than a month's salary.

In order to show his heart, he also wrote a blessing by hand on the box, and even the date was written.

Nowadays, it is impossible to retreat.

"Nebula, has something happened to my aunt?"

Otherwise, who is such an excellent son, leading hundreds of people in the company to celebrate his mother's birthday, but he is not at the scene.

Fan Xingyun raised the water glass and looked at Jiang Meiqi lazily, "Do you want to see her?" ”

"Oh, not ......"

"Since you don't want to see it, why are you asking this?"

Jiang Meiqi was speechless, thinking, she must think, why don't you want her to spend this money to buy gifts?

Not long ago, I spent 20,000 oceans to take photos of Wu Youyou and other men from Jiang Qiqi's hands.

Fortunately, the money was not unjustly spent, and with the help of this set of photos, the bad fate that Fan Xingyun had dragged on for three years was finally broken.

It's her turn, too.

"I'm worried about my uncle and aunt ......"

"Don't bother you, today's dinner is for them."

A mixture of astonishment and confusion ensued.

Is it an illusion, just now she actually saw disgust in the eyes of Fan Xingyun.

Van Xingyun is tired of her and annoyed her?

Or, he never really had an ulterior purpose for himself?

Jiang Meiqi quietly put away the gift and silently withdrew.

There was a commotion outside the door, and all the waiters in the front hall passed,

It seems that a big man is coming, and Jiang Meiqi quietly followed over to take a peek.

I saw a man in his thirties, explaining the precautions to the employees.

With that noble temperament, I think it should be the boss of the Jiangnan courtyard.

Behind him, there was a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman, carrying the latest Hermes bag in her hand, which she couldn't take without a hundred thousand.

I heard that Confucian went abroad to study in the early years and married a blonde woman as his wife.

But the identity of the other party is not treated by the man's parents.

The unruly character of Western women is completely unable to endure the control and pickiness of the man's parents.

The two finally parted unhappily.

In the past few years, because of the urging of his parents to marry and give birth, coupled with the misfortune of his emotional life, Confucian finally obeyed his parents' arrangement and returned to China to develop his career.

Jiangnan Xiaoyuan is held by him alone, and it has been prosperous in recent years.

Looking at the man's gentle and elegant appearance, Jiang Meiqi was moved again.

As the saying goes, the west is not bright, and the east is bright.

Even if you can't get Fannebula, it's not bad to be able to catch the golden beetle son-in-law of Ru Nian.

Although Confucian Nian does not have the business acumen of Fanxing Yun, he is better than having a good background and is a native of Funing.

Confucian Nian explained clearly, and entered the hall alone.

Jiang Meiqi immediately followed, "Hello, Mr. Ru, I am the designer of Guaner Real Estate, my name is Jiang Meiqi." ”

Ru Nian's head tilted back slightly, because the smell of her perfume was a little stronger, a little up.


"I'm really sorry to come here today and didn't say hello in advance."

"I am the one who should apologize, in the past, I didn't have so many people here to eat at the same time, and the shortcomings of insufficient manpower and insufficient preparation of materials have been exposed, and I am really sorry for my negligence today."

Ru Nian was talking to Jiang Meiqi, but his eyes were looking for Fan Xingyun, the president of Guanren Real Estate.

Fan Xingyun took two wine glasses, walked straight over, and handed him one of the glasses, "Mr. Ru, fortunately, fortunately." ”

Ru Nian took the wine glass with both hands, a little flattered.

A few years after he returned to China, he was like an idle ancient prince on weekdays, although he also used his father's light to mix idle positions in the Yongzhou Chamber of Commerce, and occasionally showed his face.

But he didn't expect that the legendary president of Guanren, who never formed a gang, actually knew him.

"Mr. Fan, today's hospitality is not good, please forgive me, in order to show sincerity, I will do it first for respect!"

After a glass of wine, Fan Xingyun raised his hand and took the lead in shouting, "Mr. Ru, good amount of wine!" ”

Then he took the bottle and filled the glasses of the two men.

"Mr. Ru, when we meet for the first time, I hope you and I will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Mr. Fan is too modest, I am still ready to open a small courtyard in Jiangnan in your leisurely Yun Mansion."

Fan Xingyun raised his eyebrows, "Being able to be favored by President Confucianism is the pride of our leisurely cloud mansion." ”


He held the goblet and collided with the cup in Ru Nian's hand, then tilted his head and drank it all.

"Mr. Fan, he is really a hero among people!"

Ru Nian also followed closely after finishing a glass of wine.

"Little soldier, when you come to Mr. Confucian's place, how can you not respect Mr. Confucian."

"Respect, respect, must respect, we don't line up."

Sun Xiaobing turned around and said to the onlookers behind him, "Do you say it?" ”


The response of everyone was magnificent.

Sun Xiaobing hurriedly replaced the wine bottle in his hand with a wine glass, and he poured it for himself.

Holding it in both hands, full of respect.

"Mr. Ru, I am Mr. Fan's assistant Sun Xiaobing, forgive me for being stupid, today I will punish myself with a glass of wine, I have dried this glass of wine, you are free!"

A glass of wine was in his stomach, and the person was even more excited, he pushed the wine glass in Ru Nian's hand, "Mr. Ru, drink!" You and I are not drunk today! ”

The wine glasses are all handed to the lips, and you can't drink them.

The facial features of the Confucian Nian were all huddled together, and he had to have another drink.

But Sun Xiaobing obviously didn't mean to let him go, he had been by Fan Xingyun's side for many years, and he knew that Fan was on the same page as someone else.

Although he didn't know what the grudge was between the two.

He beckoned to everyone, "Everyone salutes Confucianism!" ”

"Mr. Respect!"

Others heard the call and rushed in with wine glasses.

Confucian Nian has also seen China's wine table culture, and knows that in China, refusing to drink cannot be a business.

In the warm applause of everyone, he had to continue drinking one by one.

Finally drunk a little shaky, Jiang Meiqi took the opportunity to take his arm, "Mr. Ru, be careful, don't fall." ”

Jiang Meiqi helped the person to the smoking area and sat down, and took out handkerchiefs, wet wipes, etc. to wipe him carefully.

"Who are you?"

A woman's voice sounded behind her, and even if she didn't look back, she knew it was Ru Nian's mother.

Jiang Meiqi turned around respectfully, "Hello, aunt, my name is Jiang Meiqi, and I am currently working as an interior designer in Guanren Real Estate. ”

Mrs. Ru squinted her triangular eyes and her eyes were sharp, "Do you know my son?" ”

"Mr. Ru is a promising young man in our generation, I work with Mr. Fan, and I often come into contact with these industry bosses, and I have long heard of Mr. Ru."

Maybe it's because of the rich family, maybe it's because his father is still doing something in the business world, and Runian is not as ambitious as his father.

Even though Jiangnan Xiaoyuan is doing well, he has no idea of expanding his career to other fields.

Get rid of a rich and idle son.

But Mrs. Ru was very satisfied with Jiang Meiqi's answer.

Once a woman becomes a mother, what she likes to compare with others the most is her child, who is smarter and better looking when she is a child.

When you grow up, you will be more accomplished than anyone's children.

She smiled and sat down beside her son.

Sensing his mother's approach, he rested his head on her shoulder.

He was so dizzy that he dared to relax only in front of people he trusted so much.

Mrs. Confucian saw that Jiang Meiqi had no intention of leaving, so she asked her, "Miss Jiang, is there anything else?" ”

"Oh! Not. ”

She pointed to the sleeping Confucian Nian, "Auntie, I think Confucianism is always very drunk, otherwise I will drive you back first?" ”

By the way, take this opportunity to go to Funing Village to see the top luxury villas in the Confucian years.

I heard that Wu Youyou has also moved into the village for more than ten years, but he only lives in a large flat.

She hasn't really been to Funing Village, which has the first village in the world.

Because of the strict security, cars and people who are not registered are not allowed to enter.

This is why everyone says that Funing Village is xenophobic.

"Don't bother Miss Jiang, we have a special driver."

Mrs. Confucian has been in the society for many years, and she has seen a lot of this kind of fishing girl.

It's just that I just want to take the opportunity to go to her house and bring her relatives or something.

Or when his son is drunk, he lures people into bed.

Such a woman, she has dealt with a lot in thirty years.

Although there are many warblers and swallows around Lao Ru, they have never been brought home.

This is due to the fact that she is a native of Funing Village, as long as she does not marry outside and does not move her household registration, she will enjoy the benefits of the village for the rest of her life.

Jiang Meiqi was slightly embarrassed after being rejected, and she handed the gift to Mrs. Ru.

"Auntie, this is a gift I bought for my mother, I really liked it, I bought an extra one, today you and I met, it can be regarded as fate, this is for you."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party's reaction, she put down the gift and turned around elegantly.

At noon the next day, Ru Nian was woken up by a ringing phone.

His eyelids were so heavy that he never opened them, he reached out and touched the bedside table, "Hey~"

"Mr. Ru, it's me."

A woman's excited voice came over the phone.


I didn't hear who it was, and I was embarrassed to ask.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the phone screen, but it was a strange call.

The woman didn't hear a response from the other side of the phone for a long time, so she had to report to her home.

"Mr. Ru is really a noble person, I am Jiang Meiqi, you drank a lot of wine yesterday, I was worried that your throat would not be able to stand it, so I called and asked."

"Maggie Jiang?"

A beautiful figure flashed in his mind, "I'm sorry, I'm ...... Just woke up. ”

He was choking enough last night, and if it weren't for this phone call today, he might have slept until the afternoon.

Thinking that he had to bring tools and go to Wu Youyou's side to test the lens in the afternoon, he immediately got up and walked outside the living room.

Turn on the amplification and place it on the table.

Then take out a bottle of ice water from the fridge.

There was a coquettish laugh on the other end of the phone, "I expected it, otherwise I'll send you sobering soup?" I'm good at cooking this. ”

Perhaps realizing that it was inappropriate to say this, the other party was busy correcting it.

"Don't get me wrong, lonely and widowed old people like us inevitably need to drink at work, and no one takes care of them, so we can only learn by ourselves."

The two sides were silent for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Ru Nian cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, Miss Jiang, I made an appointment in the afternoon." ”

By implication, I'm going to hang up.

Jiang Meiqi is also chic, "Busy with you, have time to chat." ”

Mrs. Ru stood at the door of the room with her hands on her chest, "Xiao Nian, you tell your mother the truth, are you talking to someone?" ”

"Mom, look at what you said, is your son so easy to fall in love?"

"There are more than thirty people, if you don't let your mother hold your grandson, I will go to the ground with regrets."

Ru Nian walked over and hugged his mother, "What stupid thing to say, you have to live to be 100 years old, and I will give you a string of grandchildren in the future." ”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help laughing, "You know the skin!" ”

She followed behind her son and admonished, "Mom has said ugly things in front, a woman like Jiang Meiqi can play with her, but she can't take it home, and it is impossible for her to become our Confucian daughter-in-law." ”

Ru Nian reluctantly raised his hand in surrender, "I know, I will marry a Funing woman in this life, okay?" ”

"That's pretty much it!"

Outside Funing Village, before Jiang Qiqi finished smoking a cigarette, he saw a black Mercedes-Benz passing in front of him.

He hurriedly got into a taxi, "Master, follow the car in front of you and don't let the other party find out." ”

The driver's eldest brother understood, and as soon as he said please buckle his seat belt, he immediately started the car to catch up.

The people in the car, blinking their tired eyes, still couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts.

The black Mercedes stopped at the International Trade Building Plaza, and Ru Nian took out a toolbox from the trunk, then walked into the lobby and entered the elevator.

"Eh, eh, wait, wait, wait."

Jiang Qiqi stretched out his hand to block the elevator that was about to close, and Ru Nian pressed and held the door opening button from inside, and when he stood firmly, he asked, "How many floors?" ”

"Just like you, eighth floor."

Anyway, apart from him in the elevator, there is only one person in the elevator, and which button is on, he will go to which floor.

You won't lose it.

This time, let his sister break the bank, which is much faster than going to work.

Out of the elevator, Jiang Qiqi secretly followed behind the person and saw him enter room 808.

Through the glass, I didn't see anyone, and even the position of the front desk was empty.

"Youman Media?"

Jiang Qiqi pinched his chin, "Newly opened?" ”

He pulled out his phone and clicked to take a few photos.

"Miss Wu, I'm sorry, I drank some wine yesterday and got up late today."

Ru Nian pushed the box and walked in, and apologized when he saw Wu Youyou, his attitude was very sincere.

Wu Youyou sat in front of the computer, biting the tip of the pen in his mouth, looking thoughtful.

She put down the pen in her hand and walked towards Ru Nian, "You are a friendship cameo, you can come, I am already very moved." ”

The two of them squatted on the ground and examined the tools to be used for a while, cameras, various long and short lenses, a triangular stand, etc.

This equipment, Wu Youyou looked excited.

She picked up her camera and pretended to take a few pictures of Ru Nian.

"Don't shoot, I'm so ugly today."

Ru Nian reached out to block the camera, kneading his temples with one hand.

Even though he was still a little dizzy, in order not to miss this meeting, he still rushed over with his spirits.

Wu Youyou put down the camera with a smile, looked up and saw the clock on the wall, it was already past twelve o'clock.

"Have you eaten?"

Before going out, the nanny made him a sandwich with a slice of chicken breast in it.

There is also a fruit platter after the meal.

He was really a little full, but thinking that Wu Youyou might not have eaten lunch yet, Ru Nian shook his head.

Wu Youyou stood up, "Let's go, I'll invite you to dinner, just to thank you for your help." ”

"Then you're welcome."

Jiang Qiqi hid in the corridor, and the whole person was so hot that he was about to melt.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard the sound of the door opening.

Wu Youyou turned around and locked the door.

Jiang Qiqi peeked through the crack in the door, feeling that this back was a little familiar, and turned around, "Why is her?" ”

The last time I followed this woman for a few days, I easily got a reward of 20,000 oceans.

Today's target was originally the man next to her, but unexpectedly, she bumped into this woman again.

Jiang Qiqi rubbed his cheeks and sighed in his heart, this woman is really his living god of wealth.

He followed the two of them to eat at the food stall, watching them chatting all over the world, so unhappy.

The two also went to the Maple Grove, which is known as the most romantic place in Yongzhou and the best place for couples to have a tryst.

Wu Youyou was intoxicated by this golden scene, and the camera in Ru Nian's hand always revolved around her.

And Jiang Qiqi's camera is aimed at the two of them.

In the afternoon, the sun was scorching, and Ru Nian was sweating profusely.

He and Wu Youyou begged for wet paper, and the moment they reached out to catch it, their eyes flashed with stars.


Seeing this, Wu Youyou immediately stretched out his hand to support him, "Ru Nian, what's wrong with you?" ”

"It's okay, just go back and rest tonight."

Leisurely cloud house.

Jiang Qiqi found a shady place and waited for someone while drinking coffee.

Sun Xiaobing passed by him and couldn't help but glance back.

Flat head, unshaven beard, balled black vest, and a pair of-yellow crotch pants.

The canvas shoes on the feet are also dirty.

In terms of clothing and temperament, this person is not worthy of the staff or the tourists.

More like a thief stepping on the spot.

Grabbing a cup of coffee from Sanssouci Pavilion, he sat on the couch in the hallway, looking at the man looking around.

Suddenly, Jiang Meiqi came from a distance with a phone in her hand.

The man's mobile phone rang too, he got up and walked over, with a ruffian smile on his face, and the mobile phone went directly to Jiang Meiqi.

Jiang Meiqi's eyes widened, "Why is it Wu Youyou again?" ”

She flipped back and saw Ru Nian's various boyfriend perspectives, either squatting or kneeling to take pictures of Wu Youyou.

The happiness on his face is about to overflow the screen.

There are also photos of the two of them supporting each other, like an intimate couple.

She hated it.

What kind of goblin is this, is she the reincarnation of Tang Seng?

Why, all those unattainable men revolve around her?

Could it be that just because she is a Funing person worth more than 100 million?

"Sister, how much is this worth?"

Jiang Qiqi stroked his thumb and index finger and motioned for Jiang Meiqi to give money.

She slapped him away.

"Just know to ask for money, am I your ATM? What about the 20,000 yuan just given two days ago, where did it go? ”

Jiang Meiqi grabbed his collar, her face was full of anger, and her nostrils turned up to the sky.

Jiang Qiqi begged for mercy with a bitter face, "Sister, I don't want to do something by myself, how can I have enough money?" ”

Maggie Jiang re-examined the face.

With long narrow eyes, slightly raised eyebrow bones, and a unique curvature at the corners of the mouth, an uninhibited temperament, plus a tall man of 1.8 meters, this is completely a handsome man.

She gently lowered Jiang Qiqi's collar and smoothed it for him, with a malicious smile on her face.

I can see that the other party's legs are trembling.


"Let's go, sister will take you to buy clothes, and there is a task for you, if you do this well, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth."

"Sister, what are you doing with that money, it's not like I don't have clothes to wear, you just give me a discount."

Jiang Qiqi was dragged away by her, and had no choice but to make a final plea.

Dozens and thousands of pieces of clothes, it's all the same for him.

With this spare money, it is better to use it for drinking and picking up girls.

"Assistant Sun, what are you looking at?"

A waiter from the Sanssouci Pavilion walked up to Sun Xiaobing, followed his line of sight, and happened to see Jiang Meiqi and the two leaving.

"Is that Sister Maggie's boyfriend?"

Sun Xiaobing shook his head, "I don't see it." ”

When he got home, Aunt Shan, the nanny, stood at the door, reaching out to take the toolbox in his hand.

"Aunt Shan, I'll do it myself."

Ru Nian turned around and entered the house, closed the door casually, turned on the air conditioner, and sat down in front of the computer to check the photos.

The woman under the lens has picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and when she is quiet, her temperament is cold and elegant, like a blooming lotus flower.

When moving, the frivolous eyes and cheeks are slightly baby fat, and the whole person looks playful and smart.

Ten years ago, at Yongzhou Airport.

On that day, the sky was not completely bright, Wu Youyou was wearing a loose white dress and a pair of small silver leather shoes on her feet.

Holding a white bear doll in his arms, he didn't seem to wake up.

A small porcelain white face, thick and messy long hair.

She buried her face in a woman's arms, her little red mouth, and she felt like she was about to cry.

The woman touched her face and comforted her, "My brother just went to school, not to the execution ground." ”

The little man burst into tears and laughed.

Only that smile, like an elf who fell into the mortal world, crashed into the heart of Confucian Nian without warning.

In the face of such a young elf, who has graduated from college and is about to go to Europe to continue his studies, he can only bury this short heartbeat deep in his heart.

I didn't think about it, I would see her again ten years later, even if I was holding a milk doll like her in my hand, the love buds that sprouted at the beginning were once again dug deeply.

From my aunt's mouth, I learned that she was still a single mother.

That bud grew wildly.

The sound of his mother's footsteps sounded outside the door, and Ru Nian turned off the computer urgently, pretending to be idle and crossing Erlang's legs.

"Mom, I didn't look for your girlfriend group to go out for beauty, you see this face is dry."

"Is there one?"

Mrs. Ru hurriedly walked to a full-length mirror and looked at her face up close, except for a few crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, her skin looked quite smooth overall.

"Yes, your nose is peeling, and if you don't take care of it, my dad will change my stepmother."

Ru Nian smiled maliciously, and when he was a child, her mother often used to intimidate him.

He also said that stepmothers are vicious, and will put children in cages, eat hands today, feet tomorrow, and buttocks the day after tomorrow......

Since he was a child, he has been frightened by this terrible story, so much so that whenever a woman appears next to his father, he will make a fuss.

The Confucian father, who loved his son, had no choice but to restrain his ambitions in front of his son.

Madame Ru slapped him hard from behind, "Say!" Have you done something wrong? ”

Since he was a child, as long as he did something wrong, he had a lot of words, and he always had nothing to say.


Ru Nian hugged his arms and deliberately pretended to be in pain, being a mother, of course he knew that his son was pretending.

She was so angry that she twisted his arm hard, and Ru Nian croaked in pain.

Aunt Shan, the nanny, walked to the door, "Ma'am." ”

The two of them looked at Aunt Shan at the same time.

"I want to take five days off, my son gets married the day after tomorrow, if I can, I'll leave in the afternoon."

Aunt Shan had a smile on her face.

I heard that her daughter-in-law entered the door while pregnant, and she had only seen it once.

When she thought that she would be able to hold her grandson in the near future, she was like an arrow.

Rich people always like to use gold to create a long-life lock for newborns, she doesn't have that much money, but she also wants to go to the gold store.

When the children of poor families get married, there are not so many particularities, as long as the money is in place.

Mrs. Confucian knew that this kind of thing was not good and did not agree, Aunt Shan had been cooking at their house for more than ten years, working diligently every day, and she couldn't take a few days off all year round.

But she was worried that she couldn't get used to the food cooked by other nannies.

Aunt Shan not only has a docile personality, but also cooks good dishes.

All four members of the Confucian family like to eat the dishes she cooks, including the elder sister of Confucian Nian, who has been married for many years.

Runian knew his mother's thoughts, "Mom, you will go to the Jiangnan courtyard to eat in the past few days, and you really don't want to go out, so I will ask people to bring you food at regular times." ”

The dishes in Jiangnan Courtyard are still more in line with his mother's appetite, and many dishes are made according to his preferences.

When Aunt Shan heard this, she knew that the matter of asking for leave was done, so she smiled and bowed in thanks, "Thank you, Mrs. and Young Master, for your success." ”

With that, she picked up her broom and turned away.

"Mom, do you have any cash on you?"


"Thirty or fifty thousand, right?"

In these days, everyone uses mobile payment, and few people have so much cash on hand.

"What are you used for?"

"To Aunt Shan, his son must always express his marriage when he gets married!"

Ru Nian opened the drawer to see if there were any red envelopes available.

Aunt Shan's monthly salary is more than 7,000 points, plus the red envelopes that she occasionally receives during the New Year's holidays, there are more than 100,000 yuan a year.

Confucianism also took care of her food and housing.

People in their forties have no less income than those white-collar workers who sit in the office.

And Ru Nian opened his mouth to give out a red envelope of 350,000 yuan, which is not a lot of money, but it is a lot for a nanny.

Mrs. Ru stopped him, "The cash will be free, your mother will give you this favor." ”

She went out and came back with a gift box in her hand.

It was the gift that Jiang Meiqi gave her that day, a gold necklace, worth more than 10,000 points.

Such a cheap thing, hanging around her neck, is equivalent to advertising for free.

If she takes her out, the ladies will not know how to laugh at her.

It's better to give it to Aunt Shan, this price is more than enough for her identity.


Although Mrs. Ru was a few years older than Aunt Shan, her voice was still as crisp and loud as a girl.

"Hey, madam, are you looking for me?"

She opened the box, took out the necklace, and put it on for Aunt Shan herself.

"I like it, I'll give it to you, this necklace is worth more than 10,000 yuan, don't sell it cheaply."

In previous years, he gave Aunt Shan some good things, and when he turned around, he asked his son to go to the second-hand market to exchange money.

What else to say, the money of the poor is the most practical.

Aunt Shan hurriedly shirked and wanted to take off the necklace, "Madam, this can't be done, can't be helped, it's too precious." ”

Over the years, although Confucianism has given her a lot of property, it is the first time that it is so valuable.

She was flattered and panicked.

"Since it's given to you, you can keep it, and you will be the hardest person for your son to get married."

Jiang Meiqi carried Jiang Qiqi into the house, and the two of them carried large bags of clothes in their hands.

As soon as she entered, she picked up a pen from the shoe cabinet and wrote Wu Youyou's message on the refrigerator.

Wu Youyou, female, 23 years old this year, from Funing, the only daughter in the family.

My parents died in an accident fifteen years ago and now live with an elderly grandfather.

He studied in California for three years, is currently divorced, and has a two-year-old girl.

is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions.

"Hundreds of millions?"

Jiang Qiqi gasped, "So rich, and you still open a hair company?" ”

The key is that it is still so small-scale, and this money is enough for several generations to be chic.

No wonder rich people often say that they are not afraid of their children being drunk and obsessed, but they are afraid that their children want to prove themselves.

"What company?"

Jiang Meiqi put down the pen in her hand, with a threatening look in her eyes.

This ruffian has two hearts, and he dares to hide something from her when he uses her money to do things.

Jiang Qiqi flipped through the photo album on his mobile phone and handed it to her, "Sister, I didn't want to hide it from you, but you haven't given me a chance to speak." ”

"Youman Media?"

"It's a match for her profession."

Jiang Meiqi smiled sinisterly and viciously, and was worried that she didn't have a chance to start, no, the opportunity was sent to the door by herself.


Continued from the next article;

Is he spying on his ex-wife? Could it be that he faked the memory of losing three years?

If it is invaded and deleted