
Is he spying on his ex-wife? Could it be that he faked the memory of losing three years?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
Is he spying on his ex-wife? Could it be that he faked the memory of losing three years?

The picture comes from the Internet

Fan Xingyun sat in front of the computer, looking through the photos of him and Wu Youyou over and over again.

In front of the camera, the young little Yoyo is sometimes funny, sometimes pretending to be angry, and sometimes pouting to kiss Fanyun Xingyun.

And the young Fan Xingyun, although he didn't have any big expression on his face, he could faintly see the hidden smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes floated slightly.

When they grew up, the only photo of the two was their wedding photo.

Wu Youyou is still smiling brightly, and he is still the same poker face for thousands of years.

Fan Xingyun smiled bitterly, a boring person like him, no wonder she would leave resolutely.

He closed his computer and got up and walked out of the office.

Sun Xiaobing was about to come in, "Mr. Fan, where are you going?" ”

"Wander around."

Is the sun coming out of the west? Van Xingyun actually said that he was going out for a walk?

"And what about these documents?"

There are a bunch of documents waiting for him to sign, otherwise a lot of work will not be carried out.

"Leave it on and come back to deal with it."

Wu Youyou and the two were counting the props needed for the kindergarten to start filming, coaxing the children's gadgets, and they bought a basket of them.

Xiao Niannian pouted her little buttocks, buried her upper body in the box and rummaged through, and picked out a big red fist for a while.

She sat on the ground and put her hand into her fist, but she wouldn't button it.

After several attempts, she asked Su Jingyi for help.


This thing has only been seen on video, and it is specially used for pranks, and is suitable for close-range punch attacks.

She put her fist into the little one's hand, but couldn't find the switch.

"Here, baby see, the switch is here!"

Xiao Niannian pointed to his wrist with his other hand and stomped his foot excitedly.

"Where, godmother."

As soon as Su Jingyi approached, the big red soft fist quickly slapped her in the face.


Su Jingyi covered her face and shouted exaggeratedly, making the little guy anxious, "What's wrong with Godmother, Godmother, the baby didn't mean it, does Godmother hurt?" Forgive the baby? Baby Whoo~"

She broke Su Jingyi's hand and exhaled into the other party's face.

The two of them laughed and bent over.

"Although this thing is not lethal, it is better not to take it to kindergarten, for fear that children will fall or bump when they dodge."

Wu Youyou stretched out his hand to take it away from Xiao Niannian's hand, and the little guy immediately put his hand behind his back, "Baby drop, Mommy can't take it." ”

She puffed up her breath, like an old lady running away with dense little broken steps.

Su Jingyi looked at her cute appearance and laughed out loud.

For this kind of cute thing, she really can't refuse.

"Yoyo, leave this thing to our daughter."

After returning to China, online shopping has become convenient, and their family has express delivery every day.

Almost all of them were toys and clothes for the little ones, and four adults under one roof bought, bought, bought, and bought, and bought, and bough

Wu Youyou shook his head helplessly, "If you are so used to her again, you won't be able to let go of it at home." ”

"Ding Dong~"

A bell rang outside the door, and Su Jingyi got up and walked towards the door, "Who?" ”

A man greeted her through the glass door, "Hello, I'm a salesperson at World Vision, a company specializing in cameras, my name is Bao Xuehai." ”

The door opened, and the man presented a business card with both hands, so humble and polite that people couldn't bear to expel it.

Su Jingyi took the business card and asked casually, "How much does it cost to install a monitor?" ”

The man replied respectfully, "We are now holding an event, and customers who install it during the event can enjoy a 50% discount." ”


"Yes, only today."

Monitoring this thing, even if it's a small façade, it has to be installed, not to mention that they Youman will become bigger and stronger in the future.

In line with the principle of taking advantage of nothing, Su Jingyi decided to invite someone in and consult carefully.

Wu Youyou took out a drink from the refrigerator to entertain the other party, and the man held the drink and nodded in thanks.

A few days after the company opened, the coffee table, water dispenser and so on didn't have time to prepare.

To get back to the point, "How much is 50 percent off?" ”

Wu Youyou, the eldest lady who has no concept of money, can only go into battle when it comes to bargaining.

The man held out three fingers, "Three thousand." ”

"How many shots?"

"How many shots do you want?"

Su Jingyi looked around the interior of the office, and the total area was only about 100 square meters.

In addition to the hall, there is only an office of more than 20 square meters, and a utility room of three or four square meters.

If you want to put surveillance, there must be one at the door, one in the hall, and as for the office, some important documents and items will be placed in the future, so naturally one must also be placed.

"How much is three?"

"Three thousand."

Wu Youyou also has a monitor installed at home, and he usually occasionally looks at what his grandfather is doing at home?

Although she didn't know how much the original installation cost was, she also knew that 3,000 would definitely not be able to do it.

She asked the man, "What about four?" ”

The man replied without thinking, "It's also three thousand." ”

"What if there are five?"

"It's still three thousand."

Wu Youyou is a little unbelievable, this charge is obviously unreasonable, how can you install a few at this price?

This man can't be a liar, right?

Su Jingyi pulled her clothes, "Yoyo, don't you squeeze it hard while others don't charge more?" This boss has not been in office for a few days before he has learned the capitalist method of exploitation.

Besides, do we need to dress so much? I don't want to look up in the future, and I'll have eyes staring everywhere, and just thinking about it will make people see. ”

She craned her neck and shook her head deliberately.

"I ......"

Wu Youyou was so stunned by her that she couldn't speak.

The scene was awkward for a moment, and the air was so quiet that a pin could be heard.

Su Jingyi looked inside, "Where is our daughter?" ”

As the saying goes, if the baby is quiet, she must be a demon.

Wu Youyou walked inside and saw the little guy standing quietly around the corner, pouting his buttocks, his little face flushed.

This is the rhythm of the ...... to pull the flight. ”

Su Jingyi covered her ears, not wanting to hear the smelly scream.

The sun at noon was really hot, and Fan Xingyun sat in the car with the air conditioner on, still feeling uncomfortable sticky.

Bao Xuehai trotted over to him with a bag, and as soon as he got in the car, he reported the good news, "Brother, it's done." ”

Fan Xingyun patted him on the shoulder, "Xiaobao, hard work, go, I'll invite you to dinner." ”

The two drove to a Western restaurant, and Bao Xuehai hugged his bag tightly, looking quite restrained.

He had never been to such a high-end restaurant.

The big brother in front of him who has a generous hand, he is also seeing it for the first time.

This person drove a car worth more than 200,000 yuan, and when he came to the door, he asked him to install a monitor for people, and he also formulated a script for him.

This is the first time he has seen someone who has spent 20,000 oceans to install monitoring for others, and he still doesn't let the other party know.

This is either a live Lei Feng, or a voyeur.

But no matter which one it is, since he has received tens of thousands of yuan in hush money, he has to keep it secret for others.

"Brother, is there something wrong with you?"

This monitoring is all installed, this product will not regret it, right?

Fan Xingyun sat down beside him, took out his mobile phone, and handed it to him.

Bao Xuehai took the phone, his hands trembled, and he still had tens of thousands of red tickets in his bag.

Such a strong and oppressive man, leaning towards him, even if he took his bag on the spot, he didn't dare to resist.

"Big brother, what are you going to do?"

He spoke with a trill, and he almost cried.

For the first time in his life, he did something bad for money, and he was really afraid.

Fan Xingyun frowned, quite dissatisfied with his performance, he was not a man-eating tiger.

"Put my phone on."

Bao Xuehai breathed a sigh of relief, this tone sounded like her husband was catching his wife's adultery.

As a fellow man, he can understand.

After all, such a beautiful wife is still a media, so I don't feel at ease if I change any man.

The eighth floor of the International Trade Building.

Wu Youyou was wearing a mask and had just changed into clean clothes for Xiao Niannian.

The whole person was tired and sweating profusely.

The point is that there is no toilet in the company, and the little one needs to be carried to the public toilet and put under the water hose to rinse his butt.

The little one gets excited when he touches the water, and he sits in the sink and has a lot of fun.

When someone came in, she greeted them warmly, and she didn't know who inherited the cow disease.

Earlier, he also mentioned giving her a break from diapers, but Wu Youyou didn't dare to mention it now.

If I didn't have diapers, I'm afraid I would have to wash 800 pairs of pants a day.

The little guy walked in slowly from the door like an old cadre on patrol, with his hands behind his back.

Su Jingyi shook her head and smiled bitterly, she couldn't bear to look at it directly.

She handed Wu Youyou a dozen business cards, saying that it was given by the little brother just now, and he usually runs around for business and collects some business cards.

"Try it, maybe we can produce a few customers, after the kindergarten shooting, we have no orders, we have to find a way to get customers."

"You're quite good at it, and you're in the role so quickly."

"What's the solution, now, I'm an actor, an assistant, a salesman, a human resources, and a logistic, in short, I'm just a miscellaneous worker!"

Her eyes were blank, if it weren't for the shares, she would casually sign a third-rate company than stay here.

"It's too late for you to regret it."

Wu Youyou sat back on the chair weakly, not to mention that Su Jingyi retreated, she had this idea herself.

I used to look down on the charter women, and felt that they were rubbing the light of reform and opening up, but they didn't do anything to contribute to the society.

Now I know that chartering a wife is the ultimate pursuit of life.

This kind of good fortune that even God favors, how many people can't envy it.

Among them, including Jiang Meiqi and Su Jingyi.

"Bah, bah, bah! What do you say, am I the kind of person who can only share joys and sorrows, but not sorrows? You're underestimating me, too. ”

Su Jingyi arranged the dozen business cards on the table, then picked up her mobile phone and called it according to the phone on it.

She trembled with nervousness when she heard the sound of beeps on the other side, and the upper and lower rows of teeth were fighting.

After a few seconds of ringing the phone, she finally broke the defense, and hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to answer.

It's like the king of Hades on the other end of the phone.

Her eyes rolled around, never daring to look at the phone screen.

Wu Youyou was annoyed by her appearance.

"Don't be reluctant to do it, first do the order at hand, as the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, we do a good job, and the order will come naturally."

Su Jingyi nodded in agreement.

The two were just about to pack up their things and go out to eat, when they called out, and they called back.

"What to do? What to do? ”

Su Jingyi was about to cry when she heard the phone ringing.

Wu Youyou picked up her mobile phone and walked to the window, "Hello, this is Youman Media, can I ask if there is anything I can do to help you?" ”

"Youman Media? Shoot commercials? ”

Opposite was the voice of a young woman.


Xiao Niannian replied in a milky voice, and as soon as she spoke, she was covered by Su Jingyi's mouth.


The little guy nodded, as if someone had pointed at an acupuncture point, and froze.

"Yes, what do you do?"

"Our company makes toothpaste, so it's convenient to ask you how much you charge for shooting a promotional advertisement?"

Wu Youyou listened to it, and it was right.

Su Jingyi handed her a brochure and pointed it to her to read it, don't make a mistake.

Wu Youyou explained the company's charging standards and service items in detail.

The other party did not ask too many questions, but said that she couldn't tell clearly on the phone, and it was inconvenient for her to have an interview.

"Absolutely! If it's convenient for Sister Zhang, let's add a WeChat to each other, you send me the location, and we'll make an appointment to talk in detail. ”

As soon as the two sides added WeChat, the other party's location was sent.

"This company, in an industrial park, has a lot of small companies in it, and it's rare for a company of this size to look for big productions, which is perfect for a new company like ours."

"The day after tomorrow, we will take the time to go over, remember to bring a business card, and strive to take down this piece of industrial park."

Wu Youyou is full of confidence, as long as customers have this demand, it doesn't matter if they lower the price.

The important thing is to open up the market first and make a reputation.

"Oh yes, you're amazing!"

Su Jingyi immediately jumped on Wu Youyou.

"Baby Drip Mommy, that's great!"

Xiao Niannian stretched out her arms and ran towards Wu Youyou, and then, holding her thighs and not letting go.

Two women, one big and one small, stuck to her like a dogskin plaster.

She was so tired that her neck was stretched.

Fan Xingyun saw the picture of them hugging each other through his mobile phone, and the tenderness in his eyes overflowed all over the screen.

The two walked into the restaurant, and the little one struggled to get down, and as soon as he landed, he ran over and hugged the panda statue at the door.

"Mommy, yes."

With one hand, he made a scissor gesture and motioned for Wu Youyou to take a picture of her.

"Godmother, come on, your mother's frustration skills will definitely make you a dwarf."

"She's a dwarf." Wu Youyou is still hard-mouthed.

"To tell the truth, our daughter is also long legs among her peers."

This height, thrown among the two-year-old dolls, seems to stand out from the crowd.

Su Jingyi squatted on the ground, taking turns in various positions from all angles, reminding the little guy to change a pose from time to time.

In the VIP box on the second floor, Fan Xingyun stood by the window and took a few photos with his mobile phone.

After a while, the little guy came running on his short legs, and Su Jingyi opened the photo to show her.

"Are you satisfied, my princess?"

During the meal, the little one sat on the children's high chair, holding a roast duck leg and nibbling, perhaps hungry, with a sense of immediacy of a hungry wolf.

The scum that fell out of her mouth was everywhere.

She was also frugal, pinching two fingers, and not letting go of the rice-sized meat on the dinner plate, picking it up and stuffing it into her mouth.

Su Jingyi couldn't help but shoot all kinds of things, this dazzling baby's desire, her mother didn't dare to compare.

Just as he was eating deliciously, the little guy suddenly looked upstairs, stretched out his oily little hand, and pointed to the second floor.

"Bad rat rat, Mommy has bad rat rat."

The two of them followed Xiao Niannian's line of sight, but only saw a flashing hat.

Looking back on these past few days, I always feel like someone is following me.

But in my impression, no acquaintance has ever worn this kind of cap.

"Look at Nian Nian, I'll go back when I go!"

Wu Youyou dropped a sentence and ran up to the second floor, she wanted to see who it was and what her intentions were.

Let her catch him, and she won't be able to spare him!

When she got to the second floor, she looked at the past, and it was all diners who had come to eat, and she turned around in a daze, but she didn't find any suspicious people.

Back in her seat again, Su Jingyi was chatting on the phone:

"Will you come over tomorrow morning? Will it delay your work, otherwise we will go over and take it ourselves. ”

"See you tomorrow!"

"Xiaowan called, saying that the clothes can be finished tonight, the uncles and aunts in the factory know that it is your order, and they all spontaneously work overtime, and everyone is still working at noon, just in order not to delay our work process, tomorrow morning, the clothes will be packed and sent to us in person."

Wu Youyou picked up the little guy and turned back as he walked, "Then another day, I have to thank them well, but then again, when did you and Miss Li become so familiar?" ”

I've only met once, and I screamed affectionately, and people who don't know think they are best friends.

Su Jingyi picked up the clothes and bags in the position, and followed behind her, "Of course, I'm Su Jingyi!" But then again, why did you just talk about it? ”

Wu Youyou is afraid that if he tells the truth, the other party will think wildly, "It's nothing, it's just that I recognized the wrong person." ”

Su Jingyi's gossip psychology was online, she kicked on her high heels, and caught up in three or two steps, "Who, it won't be a handsome guy in Confucianism, right?" Or is it Dr. Lane? ”

"Don't guess, it's neither!"

The next day, Wu Youyou went out early in the morning.

She and Ru Nian made an appointment to meet in kindergarten, and Su Jingyi stayed in the company.

When Li Xiaowan's clothes arrived, they were cleaned and dried before being taken to the kindergarten.

And Xiao Niannian, who is a little actor today, naturally arrived at the scene and quickly played with the children.

This kind of social cow baby, you don't have to worry about integrating into the problem anywhere, as long as you prevent human traffickers.

After all, children are easy to deceive.

Fan Xingyun saw Wu Youyou go out through the surveillance, but he didn't come back for a long time, and he was so anxious that he gnawed his nails on the spot.

Sun Xiaobing walked in from outside the door and frowned when he saw staring at the computer, several fingers were gnawed bald by him, and his nails were exposed with a layer of pink flesh inside.

He muttered in his heart, thinking that it was a good thing that Mr. Fan lost his memory for three years.

But his abnormality since he was discharged from the hospital makes people see it in their eyes and be anxious in their hearts.

Feeling the gaze from his head, Fan Xingyun retracted his fingers and looked at him suspiciously.

Sun Xiaobing pointed to the documents on the table and asked, "Mr. Fan, have you signed these documents?" ”

Being asked by the other party, Fan Xingyun looked a little cramped, "I haven't had time to read it yet, you can repeat the specific content." ”

As the assistant to the president, Sun Xiaobing checked many of the company's documents for himself, and if he had any questions, he would personally contact the partner or let the legal department handle it.

If you can pass it here, there is basically no problem, and whether you can sign it depends on your own wishes.

But with so many documents, he didn't have the patience to read them carefully, so he simply asked Sun Xiaobing to repeat the main content.

Sun Xiaobing picked up the documents on the table and opened them one by one......

Li Xiaowan drove a van and prepared to enter the parking lot of the World Trade Plaza.

Due to the large number of vehicles in the parking lot, her car is relatively long, and the surrounding area is full of expensive luxury cars.

I am worried that my driving skills are not good, and I can't afford to pay for other people's cars.

When reversing, she was cautious.

Jiang Qiqi kept honking the horn behind her, this car was rented by his sister at his expense, in order to let him find a way to take Wu Youyou.

He is quite confident in his appearance, but he can't pursue a noble lady like Wu Youyou, just with a good skin.

You have to be knowledgeable and be able to make women happy.

You have to have a little money, at least the money for shopping, eating, and watching movies, and you can't let the other party out.

Seeing that it was almost the end of the park, I didn't expect a female driver to be killed halfway, and she couldn't reverse into the garage.

Li Xiaowan was pushed more nervous by the horn behind him, and his whole body trembled, and his palms were full of sweat.

Jiang Qiqi knocked on her car window from the outside, and when the window was rolled down, he found that the other party looked panicked, and he actually had a pitiful appearance.

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I've been here, you wait for me, I'll stop soon."

"You come down, I'll help you stop."

"Really, thank you, thank you very much!"

Li Xiaowan still felt that people were a little fierce, but now looking at this tall and mighty handsome guy, he was a little more kind for no reason.

Although he is wearing a straight suit, the temperament exuded by his body does not match this dress at all, and he feels a bit like a business boss in the old way.

This strong contrast adds a bit of mystery to him.

Li Xiaowan's right foot was burned in the fire, leaving a lifelong scar.

It looks ugly.

The hot pants and short skirts that girls love to wear have nothing to do with her.

Only a long skirt and pants can hide her low self-esteem.

It's just that I'm small, so it's hard to buy clothes that suit me.

She pulled the white T-shirt on her body, and for the first time she felt strongly how dirty she was.

"Thank you, what do you call you?"

Li Xiaowan hopes to meet people in the future, even if it is not as she expected, it is very satisfying for both parties to make friends.

Jiang Qiqi propped himself on the roof of the car with one hand and looked down at her.

Seeing her shyness, I was secretly happy in my heart, and I was impressed by Lao Tzu's handsomeness.

But such a poor and ordinary woman, he is not interested, it is good to try a fast food.

He pointed to the car and asked without answering, "Beauty, you make clothes, where are you going to send it?" ”

"Yes, our company specializes in the production of clothing, and the customer is urgent, so I will personally send it over, oh, by the way, my customer is Youman Media Company, which is on the eighth floor of this building."

"You mean, this batch of goods belongs to Youman Media?"

Li Xiaowan nodded, she was very happy to talk to the other party, "Yes." ”

Jiang Qiqi's eyes rolled, and he immediately asked flatteringly, "Do you want to send it up?" I'll help you move! ”

As soon as the two of them got out of the elevator, they saw Su Jingyi waiting at the door from a distance, and she beckoned, "Xiaowan, here, here." ”

After entering the company, Jiang Qiqi put down a bag of clothes, and Li Xiaowan thanked people for her kindness.

"Is it convenient to leave a contact information? As a thank you for your help, I'll treat you to dinner another day. ”

Jiang Qiqi deliberately looked at his watch, then pulled over a chair and sat down.

He didn't plan to leave like this, he was originally coming for Wu Youyou, how could he be willing not to see him?


Seeing Jiang Qiqi away, Li Xiaowan walked back unsatisfied.

Su Jingyi saw through her mind at a glance, so she didn't interfere with the conversation between the two.

Until Jiang Qiqi said that he opened a wire factory at home, and the customers he cooperated with were Huawei, Xiaomi, Apple and other big brands.

In the past, they only did the high-end market, but now the domestic electronic products are updated quickly, and they have also begun to enter the low-end market.

I hope to find an advertising agency and shoot an advertisement to promote my products.

This is a proper big customer.

Su Jingyi naturally will not let go of the opportunity to promote her company.

The two chatted for a while more and left each other's contact information.

But Jiang Qiqi made it clear that the two cooperated and hoped to meet with the person in charge of the company.

Su Jingyi agreed without hesitation, "Okay, Mr. Jiang, let's go back and make an appointment to meet." ”

After the people are gone.

"Xiaowan, it's the first time?"

"What first time?"

Li Xiaowan was puzzled and shy, this Su Jingyi is really, how could she say such a shameful thing?

"Where do you want to go? I ask you if you are the first man to be crushed? ”


Li Xiaowan touched her hot face and turned her back to deny.

"If you don't admit it, then I can make a move, but let me tell you, as long as I am willing, there will be no man that I Su Jingyi can't handle, and when the time comes, you can't blame me for snatching love."

Su Jingyi is much stronger than Li Xiaowan in terms of appearance, background, and knowledge.

The two are not on the same level at all.

Li Xiaowan knew that even if Su Jingyi had no intention of robbing her, she would not be able to win.

But she still wanted to give it a try, after all, it was her first time excited.

"If you really want to, who can stop you?"

Li Xiaowan's mood fell to a low point in an instant.

When I was a child, my teacher always taught them not to judge people by their appearance.

When she grew up, after experiencing many encounters at work, she felt that her teacher's words might be nothing more than a white lie.

Today, she was so excited about the man she met for the first time.

Even if she didn't know anything about the man's situation, and she didn't even know the other party's name, she confessed her heart.

Is this the so-called love at first sight?

But love at first sight, to put it bluntly, isn't it just lust?

didn't think that one day, she would also judge people by their appearance.

Su Jingyi saw her stunned, and hurriedly put her arms around her shoulders, "Okay, I won't tease you, in order to thank you, I will invite you to dinner today." ”

Li Xiaowan shook her head, this was her job, and she was also paid for this trip.

As the saying goes, if you don't have merit, she can't rub someone else's meal in vain.

Besides, how expensive it is to eat here.

There are a lot of self-service fast food near their company, and during the holidays, the factory doesn't care about food, she occasionally eats a meal, and more than fifteen yuan hurts.

"You don't have to break the bank, I'm on a paid business trip, and the postage and food expenses can be reimbursed."

Even if she can be reimbursed, she can't bear to eat well, it is difficult in the factory, and it is a little bit to save a little.

"Who told you this, I said thank you for bringing us a potential customer to Youman Media, if this single is done, I will apply for a commission for you."

Su Jingyi pushed her out the door, "Let's go, I just sampled the goods, there is no problem, the car drove away leisurely, I don't have a car myself, and more than 400 sets of clothes can't fit in a taxi, just when I borrow your car to transport the clothes to the dry cleaners, you have time in the afternoon, let's go to the shooting site together, maybe we can pull some orders for you." ”

Leisurely cloud house.

As soon as Sun Xiaobing left, Fan Xingyun couldn't help but turn on the computer again.

The figure of a man jumped out of the screen, and the way his eyes were looking everywhere made Fan Xingyun very uncomfortable.

What the hell is this man looking for?

This sneaky appearance doesn't look like anyone's friend, nor does it look like a customer who comes to the door.

"Mr. Fan."

Jiang Meiqi closed the office door casually and walked to the desk, her voice without the excitement she had before.

"What's the matter?" Van Xingyun didn't raise his head.

"I ...... I want to ......"

She wanted to speak, but she stopped.

Recently, the expenses were too big, first I gave Jiang Qiqi 20,000 yuan, and then because of Fan Xingyun's mother's birthday, I spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a gold necklace.

Recently, in order to attack Wu Youyou, she pulled her younger brother to buy clothes, shoes, ties, watches and the like.

I also deliberately rented a second-hand luxury car.

Several credit cards have been maxed out, but in order to be a young grandmother or the president's wife as she wishes, she can't take care of it so much.

As the old saying goes, a reluctant child can't trap a wolf.

Now she has to pay rent again this month, and her credit card should be repaid, and she has no money at all.

Even if she only needed to repay the minimum repayment amount, she couldn't come up with the money, so she could only borrow it from Fan Xingyun cheekily.

Van Xingyun has always been generous, and he will never refuse her.

"If you have something, just say it."

He'll be patient.

Although Jiang Meiqi's style of acting is not pleasing to him, after all, there is no major fault, as a boss, he should not be harsh on employees.

Although since Wu Youyou came back, he had the heart to fire Jiang Meiqi.

But I don't want to do things that go against the principle because of selfishness.

Jiang Meiqi closed her eyes and mustered up the courage to say, "I want to borrow money." ”

Van Xingyun was not surprised, as if he had expected that this day would come, "How much to borrow?" ”

Jiang Meiqi was uncomfortable, her self-esteem was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

In the past, as long as she used a little trick, there were men who paid for her in various ways.

Now, she is thirty-three, and her only capital is beauty, which is gradually lost as she grows older.

Therefore, she must grab the tail of youth and fight for herself.

Even if she ends up as an abandoned wife of a rich man, as long as she has the opportunity to conceive the other party's child, she can get a high amount of child support.

From then on, mothers are more expensive than children.

This kind of thing is not without precedent.

Now the rich people are married late, some are still alone in their thirties and forties, and the rich people pay attention to their children, she feels that she can fight hard.

However, Fan Xingyun's bed, she couldn't get on, so she could only turn her target to other people.

"Something happened to my family, and my only brother didn't make a climate, I ......"

"How much to borrow?"

Van Xingyun didn't want to listen to her nonsense.

"Two hundred thousand."

"Write an IOU and give it to Sun Xiaobing along with the bank card."


He didn't transfer it to himself personally, but he even had to write an IOU himself?

What does this mean?

Are you afraid that she won't pay back?

Or do you want to draw a line with her?

"yes, is there a problem?"

"No ......"

Jiang Meiqi gritted her teeth, and now she has no other way to get 200,000 yuan.

At this moment, her hatred for Wu Youyou rose sharply.

On what basis could she be born with a golden key in her mouth? Why, she obviously didn't do anything, but she could enjoy all the glory and wealth.

"Thank you, Mr. Fan, do you have paper and pen here, lend me some of them."

She leaned on the table, pretending to be looking for paper and pen.

A casual glance at the computer revealed an office with 808 written on it.

It's exactly the same as the door view of Youman.

In fact, long before she made this move, she saw this scene through the reflection on the lenses of the Van Nebula.

Is this spying on Wu Youyou?

Could it be that he faked the memory of losing three years?

Walking out of the desk, Jiang Meiqi turned around and went into the stairwell to make a call, she remembered that today was the first day of Jiang Qiqi's new mission.

After the phone was dialed, he asked eagerly, "Have you seen Wu Youyou today?"

When she said the three words Wu Youyou, she deliberately lowered her voice and looked everywhere with her eyes.

The person on the other end of the phone looked proud, "No, I left my contact information, and it is estimated that it will not be long before they take the initiative to come to me." ”

"You went to Youman?"

"Yes, if I don't go to the company to talk about business, can I still go to her house to block her?"

It's over, it's over, Fan Xingyun can't figure out that he has already seen Jiang Qiqi's appearance, "Don't go in the future." ”

I have to find a way to let him move out, the sister and brother live in a one-bedroom apartment for a long time, not to mention the inconvenience, and there is a risk of being exposed.

After Jiang Meiqi left, Sun Xiaobing walked out from the corner of the next floor.

He concentrated on remembering what he had just heard, and a chill rose behind him.

The cigarette between his two fingers burned his flesh without paying attention, and he immediately shook off the cigarette butt.

In the afternoon, Su Jingyi and Li Xiaowan pulled a cart of clothes to the kindergarten.

The children happily put on new clothes.

Most of the kindergartens are women, and only two physical fitness teachers are men.

The emergence of the Confucian Year is particularly new for children.

They laughed around him and chased and fought in front of him.

Even if Confucian Nian gave them instructions to put on all kinds of cute and funny poses, they still enjoyed it.

Li Xiaowan raised her mobile phone to take a few photos and share them with Jiang Qiqi.

"The dismissal ceremony of Funing Village Kindergarten, the clothes worn by the children are made by our Fenghua, you see how good the children look when they wear them."

Jiang Qiqi was playing a game in the living room, opening the whole wheat, and the whole room was noisy.

The table was filled with beer, instant noodles, cigarettes, spicy duck neck, and more.

When the phone vibrates, he casually glances at it, but it is just an inconsequential person, and he continues to curse at the computer.

With a cigarette in his mouth, the air smelled of burning.

After not seeing the other party reply for a long time, Li Xiaowan was deflated, "Don't say that Mr. Jiang's family has a big business, it is impossible for people to fall in love with you with their appearance!" Wake up, Li Xiaowan! ”

She clutched her head in both hands and crouched on the ground dejectedly.

Wu Youyou handed her a bottle of drink, nodded slightly at her, and went back to work.

The two cameras started shooting at the same time, and the shooting task of the dismissal ceremony was quickly completed.

When packing up the tools, Wu Youyou proposed that everyone go to have a meal together, which should be the first celebration banquet since Youman's establishment.

At the same time, they also welcome Confucian Nian to join their group.

Not long after they walked out of the school gate, they bumped into Ru Nian's mother head-on.

Su Jingyi and Li Xiaowan greeted people politely, seeing that the other party did not look at them squarely.

The two of them got acquainted with each other, and took away the sleeping Xiao Niannian first.

And Wu Youyou was left behind by the Confucian year.

"Mom, this is my friend, Wu Youyou."

"Yoyo, this is my mother."

"Hello aunt."

Mrs. Ru did not respond to Wu Youyou's greeting, but closed her eyes slightly and looked her up and down, "Are you from Funing?" ”


Xiao Nian said that the wife he married in the future must be from Funing, could it be her?

"Who's in your house?"

"My parents died young, and now I only have a grandfather in his eighties and a child who is more than two years old."

Although Wu Youyou didn't like the feeling of being interrogated, out of politeness, he still answered the other party's questions truthfully.

"You're married? And kids? ”

The dissatisfaction and disgust in her eyes made people feel uncomfortable and inexplicable.

Come to think of it, Mrs. Confucian thought of herself as her son's suitor.

is still the kind of woman who can't recognize her identity and wants to marry into a wealthy family.


Wu Youyou met the other party's eyes without evasion, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Mrs. Ru snorted coldly, this is a sincere one.

Although her son is also divorced, she can't accept that a divorced woman with a baby enters the Confucian door, even if the other party is from Funing.

Ru Nian personally felt an invisible flames of war, "Mom, you go back first, and I'll explain to you when I get back." ”

He raised his hand and pushed his mother's arm, and turned his head to signal Wu Youyou to get into the car first.

But someone took advantage of the opportunity to grab the hand.

"Xiao Nian, you go back with your mother, Aunt Shan is not here, and your mother is bored at home."

As he spoke, he led the man forward.

"Mom, I'm going to have dinner with my friends, you go back first."

"Mom didn't eat either, otherwise you would bring Mom with you?"

Wu Youyou took two steps and turned his head, "Confucian Nian, you send your aunt back first, and I'll invite you to dinner another day." ”

Ru Nian was unhappy, looked at the back of Wu Youyou and the others leaving, turned around and walked towards the car, letting his mother run behind with high heels.

"Yoyo, Mrs. Confucian doesn't look easy to get along with."

When she saw Ru Nian's heart for Wu Youyou, Su Jingyi was also ready to work hard to match the two.

After all, the other party's conditions are so superior, and the two are also a good match, the key is that they have a gentle temperament, and they will not discriminate against outsiders.

Compared with Xiao Niannian's father, it looks much warmer.

"It doesn't matter, I don't get along with her, but we may have to hire another photographer, Ru Nian, I'm afraid the cooperation with us won't last long."

knew that Wu Youyou didn't mean that to Ru Nian, but she still couldn't stand the contempt of others for her good friends.

"I don't know where this dead old woman got her sense of superiority, I heard that her son's first marriage was caused by her, so I'm afraid that my son will be snatched away by other women, and it would be good to tie it to the belt of his trousers.

In the past, I always felt that the old Confucian was distracted, the red flag at home did not fall, and the colorful flags fluttered outside, but now I think it is not all the man's fault, I care about my son, and I don't know how perverted my husband is. ”

The more Su Jingyi spoke, the more angry she became, as if this was the only way to vent her dissatisfaction.

Wu Youyou hurriedly stopped her, "Jingyi, don't say a word." ”

If someone as mean as Madam Confucian hears it, she may not be able to embarrass them.

Ru Nian is a warm-hearted person, and she doesn't want to break up because of this.

Li Xiaowan covered her mouth and didn't dare to laugh, Miss Su really had a real temperament, and she only dared to scold in her heart when she said this kind of thing.

In the apartment, the originally clean living room is now dirty.

Inside the house, the air conditioning was turned on to 20 degrees.

As soon as Jiang Meiqi pushed the door open, she felt the biting cold wind, which made goosebumps rise all over her body.

Walking into the house, watermelon peels, grape peels, melon seed peels, potato chip packaging bags, and clothes and blankets fell all over the floor.

And the person on the sofa slept just right with a pillow in his arms.

The snoring, and the sound coming from the computer, was deafening.

Seeing that the house she has always cherished has been ruined like this, Jiang Meiqi is angry.

He took off his shoes and slapped them against the man's arm.


The person who was slapped woke up from his sleep, covered his arms and screamed loudly, "Jiang Meiqi, you murdered your own brother?" ”

"I don't have your brother!"

There were tears, hatred, and even disgust in her eyes.

"The whole family is a parasite, when I was a half-grown child, just because I was a girl, just because I had a few more years of books, you exploited me hard?

Now, I'm in my thirties, and I still can't escape the torture of fate.

What kind of sin did I create in my last life to be reincarnated in your family, just have a pair of greedy parents, and you, a waste brother, I'm really fed up with you~Ah~~~"

She covered her head with her hands and vented her grievances and dissatisfaction, as well as the injustice to this society.

Jiang Qiqi was so frightened by him that he immediately sat up, he touched his head, not knowing what he had done wrong.

"Sister, what did I do wrong, you can find out directly, it's a big deal for me to change!"

"You go out, and you are not allowed to step into my house for half a step from now on, otherwise, I will not be able to spare you!"

Jiang Meiqi dragged the person from the sofa and wanted to push the person out of the door.

It is best to not get along in this life and this life.


She fell on all fours, and her pi slammed firmly on the floor, making a loud noise.

A piece of banana peel under his feet became the culprit.

Looking at the person lying on his back on the ground, his facial features wrinkled together because of pain, and he didn't squeak for a long time.

Jiang Qiqi realized that he had done something wrong.

He hurriedly helped the person up, trembling, "Sister, yes, I'm sorry, I'll clean it up now." ”

Lift the trash can under the table and scramble to pick up the things on the floor.

"Get the hell out of here."

This voice was weak.

"Sister, I'...... I'll rub it for you......"

He also wants to make up for his mistakes, otherwise he will leave here, and food and shelter will be a problem.

He stepped forward to help the person to the soft sofa, and as soon as the other party sat down, he picked up the pillow and threw him in a big pocket.

The brain is about to come out, and the sky is full of little stars.

"I told you to get out!"

Jiang Meiqi pointed to the door, and the sound was magnificent.

Suddenly, an oversized cell phone rings.

"One night in Beijing I left a lot of love, whether you love it or not, it is the dust of history.

One night in Beijing I left a lot of love, I didn't dare to ask for directions at midnight, for fear of going to the depths of a hundred flowers......"

Such a vulgar song, you will know whose mobile phone it is when you listen to it.

Jiang Qiqi flipped through the quilt and pillow to look for it, but he didn't see the phone.

I had no choice but to get under the sofa.

"Hey, oh, I'm sorry, I just held a commendation meeting for employees, and the overall sales increased by 30% this quarter, and my old bean was happy to take out 2 million as employee benefits."

"Yes, that's nature."

"Yes, where did we meet?"

"Youman Media?"

"Okay, everyone is here, what do you like to drink, I'll bring it to you."

The people under the sofa became more and more slippery the more they talked.

Jiang Meiqi couldn't help but sneer, she didn't have the ability to fart, but her kung fu was a set.

However, if he can bluff Wu Youyou, even if he can't be the fast son-in-law of Funing people, a few photos of Wu Youyou's bed will be enough to make her sister impressive.

Crawling out from underneath, Jiang Qiqi walked to the side of the hanger and picked out the clothes to wear when he went out.

He looked at Jiang Meiqi proudly, looking determined to win, "This time, don't drive me away." ”

If you drive him out again, you can either rent him a more luxurious house nearby.

Or, he will tell Wu Youyou everything when he goes out.

With this handle in his hand, see if he doesn't take Jiang Meiqi to death.

Jiang Meiqi sighed helplessly, if she didn't have this chess piece, it would be more difficult for her to succeed alone.

But if he is not within his control, as the mastermind behind the scenes, he is also worried about being backlashed.

Between her and Jiang Qiqi, what can be maintained is not family affection, but money.

In the bathroom, the sound of rushing water rushed down.

In the hazy mist, the man hummed a little song, which was extremely pleasant.

Jiang Meiqi leaned against the door and knocked on the glass door, "Are you going to see Wu Youyou?" ”

"Yes, my sister's words are holy decrees, brother, my mission will be achieved!"

A smile raised the corners of her mouth, it turned out that no matter how arrogant a woman was, she couldn't resist the temptation of a few stinky copper plates.

"You and that side change the meeting place, it's good anywhere, but you can't be in Youman Media, where someone is already watching."

Now, the two of them are grasshoppers on a rope, and if something really happens to him, he can't be left alone.

Youman Media.

Li Xiaowan was wearing a white long skirt, a blue knitted sweater, and a pair of small white sneakers.

She stood in front of the two of them with a shy face, her head lowered, like an ugly daughter-in-law meeting her in-laws.

It's a very ordinary and ordinary outfit, but because the person you want to meet is your sweetheart, it's given a beautiful meaning.

It was her newly bought dress, and she put it on before she had time to wash it.

"This body is quite suitable for you, it makes you very quiet, like a kindergarten teacher, pure and quiet."

Wu Youyou sincerely commented that this change in style is already a big step for Li Xiaowan.

When Li Xiaowan heard this, she was immediately overjoyed.

The first time she spent so much money on clothes, she had been full of guilt before Wu Youyou opened her mouth.

Now, she's finally relieved.

It is said that people rely on clothing, and horses rely on saddles.

Maybe Mr. Jiang is like Wu Youyou said, he likes more traditional and introverted girls.

After all, not all men are so superficial, industrialists tend to be more inward-looking, and what they need is not the kind of vase that can be shown.

It's a virtuous helper who can take charge of the family.

But Su Jingyi shook her head frequently.

Originally, all the clothes she picked out were hot and spicy, but Li Xiaowan was always pulling and pulling, which was awkward.

It's like having fleas on my body, and I don't feel comfortable at all.

simply went with her, and finally picked a set of such a plain one.

"What is good about you, I can only say that nuns are better dressed than you."

In order not to put Li Xiaowan in the limelight on her clothes, Su Jingyi directly put on a black T-shirt, a pair of fat jeans on her lower body, and a pair of flip-flops on her feet.

As soon as the two went out, Xiao Niannian immediately chased her barefoot and chased them out.

Night falls.

Several people set the meeting place on the 26th floor of the International Trade Building.

In order to show his sincerity, Wu Youyou ordered a meal in advance, and several people chose a window seat to sit down.

Outside the window, the streets are lit up with neon lights.

There are rushing cars everywhere.

There are also handsome guys and beauties who go shopping leisurely.

Li Xiaowan was full of joy, she leaned against the window and looked out, searching for the figure of the person in the crowd.

Although she knew in her heart that the other party was not here for herself.

But she made the call, and it was a great honor to be able to make an appointment.

At the same time, she also hopes to use her business capabilities to talk about this customer for Youman Media.

Nervous and expectant, she leaned her hands on the window.

attracted Xiao Niannian to follow her example, leaning on the window and looking out.

"Mommy, look, baby is on TV, baby is a big star!"

She pointed out the window with one hand, took Wu Youyou's hand with the other, and jumped up excitedly.

On the big screen of another building outside the window, a public service announcement taken by Su Jingyi and Xiao Niannian is playing.

Under the big screen, it is clearly written: Guanren Real Estate.

More excited than Xiao Niannian is Su Jingyi, "Wow~ It was put on so quickly, and the whole screen is so big?" ”

There is so much traffic and traffic lights in this area, and the key is that there are more rich people.

This wave of precise delivery not only brought popularity to Guanren, but also enhanced Su Jingyi's popularity in the industry.

It must take a lot of money to place such a large bottle of advertising in this film.

Guanren Real Estate is really not an ordinary Hao.

It's no wonder that many young actors try their best to cooperate with some big brands even if they pay money.

"I'm invited for this meal, don't rob me of any of you."

"Jingyi, if you become a big star in the future, will you stop associating with me?"

Li Xiaowan asked cautiously, after all, the two had only met twice, and they were not familiar with each other.

Not even friends.

Even if she doesn't contact her again, she understands.

The big stars are already busy, and they have nothing to do with them.

Most people, when they have the opportunity to go to a higher circle, will choose to give up the useless social networking they used to have.

"Li Xiaowan! Am I such a person in your eyes? ”

Su Jingyi stared at her with her hands on her hips, her mouth bulging with anger, and Li Xiaowan was empty-hearted.

"Jingyi, I didn't mean that, it doesn't matter if you forget me, after all, you are a person who wants to make a lot of money, I will always bless you."

Wu Youyou watched the interaction between the two and only felt a little funny.

At this moment, the phone rang, and she picked up her phone and walked out the door.

Su Jingyi ordered Li Xiaowan, "Come here." ”

"Do what?" Hesitantly, he walked up to her.

Su Jingyi pressed the person on the chair, then put one hand around her shoulder, raised the mobile phone with the other, and made a few beautiful expressions to the camera.

Click, click

"Wait a minute."

Li Xiaowan held the glasses in her hand, and the whole person looked a little restrained, she was afraid that her image was too stereotypical.

I had to force a few stiff smiles.

It's just that she has a high degree of myopia, she can't see herself clearly in her mobile phone, and her eyes don't even have focus.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Su Jingyi knows how to P pictures, and all kinds of retouching software on her mobile phone, she is like a fish in water.

"I'll send you the photos later, if I forget you in the future, you can expose me, or sell it for money, so it's okay, right?"

Xiao Niannian hugged Su Jingyi's neck from behind, "Godmother, baby also wants to take pictures." ”

"Pat pat pat must be pat

Xiao Niannian was held in her arms, and the three women faced the mobile phone again, posing with various poses.


"Eggplant ~"

The little guy comes with his own sound effects, and the three of them quickly get into the groove.


Continued next:

is divorced, and she hopes that he can really let go of the past and start his own life.

If it is invaded and deleted

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