
The birthday party held by her son, and she was not the protagonist? Besides, her birthday is early, huh?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
The birthday party held by her son, and she was not the protagonist? Besides, her birthday is early, huh?

The picture comes from the Internet

met Jiang Meiqi today, but I heard from the other party that her son gave him a grand birthday.

The whole company arrived, and that day, Fan Xingyun was very happy, and he also took the initiative to toast with the Confucian son, and even drunk the other party.

Mother Fan was puzzled, "Since it's a birthday banquet for me, why hasn't anyone informed me?" Besides, my birthday is early. ”

As soon as these words came out, the people present felt even more strange.

Jiang Meiqi took the opportunity to shake out the recent Lin Lin of Fan Xingyun.

"Yoyo, that girl, really hurt him completely, when he was a child, he looked at such a strange person, but when he grew up, he did such a big rebellious thing.

Not only did I cheat in marriage and have children, but after the divorce, I was entangled with all kinds of men, and I was ......"

"Youyou is not that kind of person, is it appropriate for Miss Jiang to talk about people like this behind her back?"

Mother Fan interrupted her, her face displeased.

Father Van scolded directly, "It's just nonsense." ”

Wu Youyou grew up under their watch, this child has been relatively insecure since he was a child, a little pampered and arrogant.

But it's not an inferior child.

Your own children can be scolded if you can say it, but others definitely can't.

In order to confirm her words, Jiang Meiqi took out her mobile phone and flipped the photos of Wu Youyou, Ryan, and Runian together to the two old men.

"Uncle, aunt, not only you, but Xingyun and I can't believe that Yoyo is such a person, but the truth is in front of us.

Nebula just watched the photos, and he couldn't stand such stimulation before the accident happened. ”

Mother Fan held her mobile phone, looked at the girl in the photo, and silently shed tears.

She looks forward to the stars and the moon, but she looks forward to the granddaughter born to her daughter-in-law and someone else.

"Alas, you've been watching for a long time, go to sleep."

Father Van reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, but melatonin did not bring sleepiness, but made people more awake.

"No, I have to go and verify with the old man tomorrow, I don't believe it, such a cute child is not the flesh and blood of our Fanjia, there must be something hidden in this."

"You can't mess around, the sons are divorced, let them be okay and don't disturb each other."

"Do you think my son is well?"

In the dark, Mother Fan gritted her teeth and punched her husband.

For a whole day, they didn't contact Fanyun Xingyun, the phone was not connected, and the message was not returned.

Now, it's so late, and I haven't come home yet.

No one knows his whereabouts, and no one knows what he was thinking.

Fan's mother wanted to call the police, but she learned from Sun Xiaobing that at nine o'clock at night, he was still hanging out near the International Trade Building, saying that he wanted to be alone.

Sun Xiaobing assured the two that they would find their son.

"Ah~ what are you hitting me for??"

Father Fan covered his chest and complained, this punch was no less powerful than a broken boulder in his chest.

A muffled whimper was heard from his side.

"Shuyun, don't worry......"

As a father, it is false to say that he is not worried, his son has just been in a car accident, and whether his brain is normal or not, even they dare not make up their minds.

What if the car overturns somewhere, and no one sees it......

Father Van was both remorseful and frightened for the idea that popped up for him.

As the old saying goes, the good is not good, the bad is bad, how can he think of this kind of unlucky?

The whimpering sound next to my ears is getting louder and louder, and there is a feeling of being out of control.

"Jingle Bell~"

A phone rings to break the darkness of the night, like a ray of hope, illuminating the whole room.

"It's my son's phone!"

The two old men sat up with a sigh.


"Nebula, you...... You okay? Father Fan held his mobile phone in both hands and asked cautiously.

"Son, where are you? Why don't you answer the phone or reply to the message, you're killing your parents!! ”

Listening to his mother's cry, Fan Xingyun immediately sat down to comfort the other party:

"Mom, I'm fine, my phone is out of battery at night, I'm sleeping in the office, and I still have some things to deal with."

He didn't want his parents to know where he was, otherwise they would be more worried.

From the moment he saw Wu Youyou in the library, he had been following them.

I saw her stop to save people, and saw her follow the ambulance.

In the hospital, pay the medical bills for the patient in advance and leave your contact information.

She is still kind, compared to three years ago, she has less edge, and her body is shining with a soft light all the time.

After briefly comforting his parents, Van Xingyun hung up the phone.

He sat back on the floor, picked up the instructions on the floor, and proceeded to install the children's bed.

The pink and glutinous colors, the guardrails are erected, like a dollhouse, and the bed is piled with fluffy toys.

The merchant also comes with many stickers, vivid cartoon characters, and anthropomorphic critters.

As soon as it was pasted, the whole room immediately came alive.

The blanket spread on the ground is soft and pink, and even if a child falls, it will not cause much harm.

A straight man who has always despised pink, but at the moment, he is in love with pink.

Early the next morning.

After breakfast, the old man took Xiao Niannian downstairs to play.

Because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up with her, he even called Aunt Luo together.

Aunt Luo carried a basket and followed her grandparents into the elevator.

At home, two young people are still asleep.

Three generations walked slowly through the mall, full of exquisite goods, which instantly attracted the attention of the little guy.


She threw her hands up and ran, her little mouth whirling like a spinning music box.

The old man pushed the cart, Aunt Luo followed the little guy, and before the vegetables were bought, the snacks and toys were full of carts.

The old man introduced everyone to me, this is my great-granddaughter, the child is solid, and it consumes energy when brought out.

He picked up Xiao Niannian, pointed to the rows of meat and asked her, which one you want to eat, you can order whichever you want.

"This, this, and that!"

But everything she pointed out was packed.

Aunt Luo pushed the previous car to the service desk, and then pushed an empty car over.

In this supermarket, if you spend more than 5,000 pounds at a time, or buy more than 200 pounds, you can enjoy free home delivery.


When I came back, I didn't see the little guy next to the old man.



The two split up to search, shouting as they ran.

The old man grabbed a waiter, described Xiao Niannian's appearance in detail to her, and asked them to help find her through surveillance and broadcasting.

Mother Fan squatted on the ground, holding a doll in her hand, and asked the little milk baby in front of her softly.

"Tell grandma, what's your name?"

Xiao Niannian reached out and grabbed the doll, "Aisha." ”

She held the doll in her arms and turned her head to look for the old man and Aunt Luo.

Not far away, the call of the two was heard, and she ran towards the source.

was lazily hugged from behind, "Aisha is the name of the doll, so what is your name?" ”

The little guy innocently replied, "It's baby." ”


"Well, I... I have two names, one is baby, and the other reads... Read. ”

"Nian Nian, what a good name, what is Nian Nian's surname?"

The clip couldn't help but rise.

"Treasure Treasure~"

Seeing that in the mouth of this little milk baby, I can't ask anything useful.

She glanced at the person behind her, frowning.

Father Van urged her to send the child back.

The old man has always protected his calves.

If the old man gets angry because the two of them secretly see the child, they won't want to enter Funing Village again in the future.

But in the face of such a cute child, she was reluctant to let go.

Youyou went abroad for three years and brought back a two-year-old child, no matter how you look at it, it is the flesh and blood of their Fanjia.

"Don't you see that these arms and legs are exactly the same as when your son was a child?"

"This little mouth is smart, just like Youyou."

A pair of hands kneaded on her body, the soft and glutinous feel is simply lovely.

"Don't move!"

The little guy puffed out his mouth, broke his hands alive, a pair of big dripping eyes, and his milk was fierce.

This momentum actually frightened people.

When the other party let go, she ran away, "Zuzu! Zuzu! ”

Holding the doll in both hands, he lost his balance when he ran, and the little one fell on all fours.

Seeing all this, the Van couple gasped.


The next second, the little guy ran up, patted the dust on the doll's body, and muttered with his little mouth, "No, no, baby is not afraid, baby is not crying." ”

"Nian Nian!"

The old man passed by and turned his head to see the little guy holding a doll, looking dazed.

"My little ancestor, be careful of your liver, don't scare me to death."

Looking at the little thing in his arms, the old man was so excited that he burst into tears.

He called Aunt Luo and told her that the child had been found and asked her to wait for him at the cash register.

"Zuzu, baby hurts, baby feet hurt!"

Xiao Niannian lowered her head and pointed to her knees, her eyes were full of water, and her small mouth was deflated, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

"Zuzu look."

After checking up and down, except for a little skin on the knee, no injuries were found.

The old man was distressed, but he didn't dare to touch it.

I can't buy anything now, so I have to take the little guy to the hospital to treat the wound first.

The old man asked where to get the doll and asked her to put it back in its place.

The little hand pointed to the place where the Van couple had just stayed, and quickly ran away.


Seeing the grandparents and grandchildren walking towards them, before the Fans could hide, they were stopped by the little guy's grandmother.

Because of the two young people, the couple didn't go to visit the old man for so long, which is really ashamed.

For more than ten years, the two sides have been like relatives.

Now I encounter it again, but I only feel embarrassed.

Mother Fan turned around and squatted down, "Hello, little baby." ”


Xiao Niannian only remembered that Zuzu said to put the doll back in its place.

stepped forward in three or two steps, stuffed the doll into Mother Fan's arms, and the movements were neat.

As soon as I looked up, I saw the old man's murderous eyes.

It turned out to be these two guys, what are they going to do?

Stealing children?

caused him to search for a long time, and also caused his little baby to break his knee.

Obviously, they did not teach their sons well to cherish and love their wives.

Now that the two children are divorced, do they still have the face to shake their faces at Yoyo?

"Uncle Wu."

The husband and wife greeted people in unison, and they didn't dare to raise their heads.


The old man picked up Xiao Nian's book, turned around and left, and didn't give them a look.

"Uncle Wu, wait, Uncle Wu."

Father Fan caught up, he didn't want to ruin their father-son relationship because of the child's affairs.

The old man has never been an unreasonable person, and in this matter, if it is really Youyo who did something wrong, then he should be the first to whisper.

"There must be some misunderstanding."

The old man turned around, "What misunderstanding?" Who is misunderstanding you? ”

I couldn't explain it for a while, "Uncle Wu, let's find a place to sit down and talk, shall we?" ”

"Excuse me, because of you, my little grandson fell and was injured, and I haven't settled accounts with you yet?"


When Aunt Luo heard this, she trotted over all the way, hugged Xiao Niannian and looked left and right, "Good, let Grandma Luo take a look." ”

Everyone's eyes are precisely projected on the little guy.

"Baby hurts, Grandma Luo, baby hurts here."

It's okay not to ask, but this question is wronged again.

The little white finger pointed to his knee and cried to the people present, tears rolling down one by one.

"Hey, our little darling, don't cry, don't cry, let's go to the hospital."

Pediatric clinics.

The doctor cleaned Xiao Niannian's wound and put a band-aid printed with cartoon characters by the way.

"Kid, do you know him?"

"Strong, it's my strong."

The small mouth snorted at the bald head, and the next second, he raised his head and laughed.

Seeing her innocent smiling face, the nervous hearts of the four adults present were suspended.

We all know that children are expensive now, but it is the first time that the doctor has seen them for such a precious time.

It's just a little bit of broken skin, and you don't even have to care about it, it will be fine in two days.

In this family, three generations all crowded into the consultation room, which made the doctors nervous.

The emotions of the four adults are not as stable as a two-year-old child.

"This injury is not in the way, don't let the wound touch the water for these two days, touching the water will aggravate the pain, the band-aid can be removed tomorrow, no treatment is required, if you are not at ease, clean the wound with disinfectant cotton."

Wu Youyou opened the door and looked at the empty living room, knowing that the little guy must have gone out to hang out.

"Heh, day by day, I can't be idle."

She poured herself a glass of milk and casually opened the guest room where Su Jingyi slept.

The woman on the bed is sleeping soundly with her pillow in her arms.

I don't know what I'm dreaming about, my mouth is chirping, and my saliva is flowing out.

Most likely, I slept with my child last night and didn't sleep well.

A slap was slapped on her round buttocks, "Jingyi, wake up, didn't you make an appointment with a toothpaste manufacturer today?" ”

Su Jingyi sat up violently, lazy and lazy, and couldn't delay things at work, "Yes, why did I forget?" ”

She flipped through the covers to find her phone, "What time is it?" ”

"Nine-point, multi-point."

When I opened my phone, I saw an unread message, which was sent by the customer, Sister Zhang.

"These two days are busy, and another day will be made."

Su Jingyi was circled, were they rejected?

"Yoyo, the customer Sister Zhang canceled the meeting ......"

She handed over the phone, her expression was so aggrieved that she was about to cry, "Did I mess up?" ”

Now there is only finishing work left for the kindergarten's orders, but she can't do these jobs.

If the film is not delivered, you will not receive the money.

The expenses in the early stage of the company's operation were paid by Wu Youyou alone.

Except for one face, she has an empty mouth, which is quite oily.

But she couldn't even talk to a single client.

Such a blow made her begin to doubt herself.

Wu Youyou knew what she meant, in the early days of the company's business, there was a serious shortage of personnel.

Since she is responsible for the money, Su Jingyi hopes that she can contribute more.

Otherwise, she couldn't help it.

"Don't think about it, didn't the other party say that it would be another day, besides, the kindergarten film has to be busy for a few days, and you will contact someone in two days.

It doesn't matter if we can't talk about it, it's a big deal to develop other customers, so many business cards, if we can develop 20%, it will be enough for us to be busy for more than half a year. ”

Su Jingyi nodded, doing business, how can there be anything that will not be rejected.

She had to correct her mindset and get back to work.

"Give me a drink." As he spoke, his hand had already reached over and took Wu Youyou's milk.

Blew the air conditioner all night and had a dry mouth.

A sip of warm milk makes the whole person feel much more comfortable.

"You didn't brush your teeth?"

"The world is big, and the food is the biggest!"

Su Jingyi returned the cup to her, then stretched her waist, and sighed that she had a really comfortable life, and she didn't dare to sleep like this at home.

Every day before dawn, my parents were busy working in the messy yard.

All kinds of small three-wheelers, large trucks, etc., send all kinds of waste products to her home.

The sound of all kinds of whistles, noises, metal collisions, car exhaust, and the rotten smell of paper made her afraid to open the windows.

After a few days, whenever a young man came to the house, her mother would take her downstairs to meet someone.

followed people to serve tea and pour water, for fear that others would not look down on her daughter.

"Yoyo, when I make money, I will definitely buy a house in Yongzhou, and you and I will be best friends for life."

Coming out of the house, a message came from the phone, "Come down, wait for you in the garage." ”

When the news was sent, Fan Xingyun sat in the car nervously, and his fingers were biting his bald skin.

He was actually quite afraid to come here, because he was afraid of running into the old man, and even more afraid of touching that little thing.

The last time the candid shooting was discovered, the other party pointed directly at him and said that he was a bad rat.

Xu was the last time in front of her, he pulled Wu Youyou away and left a shadow on her.

He had no experience as a father, and he hadn't read the books thoroughly.

Tall, cold-faced, flat-headed, and a hideous scar.

These are all elements that little babies are afraid of.

Before going out, deliberately place a few plush toys in the car, in case you really come across that little thing.

These toys may be an excellent weapon for him to win over children.

The elevator opens.

Wu Youyou wore a black tight sundress, a small white knitted coat on the outside, and a pair of flip-flops on her feet.

Showing fair and delicate toes, as well as neatly trimmed nail pieces, pink and tender.

Half-length curly hair, casually curled into a loose ball head.

The whole person looks like a newly awakened rose.

She stood outside the car window, her hands crossed over her chest, "Why are you here?" ”

"I'll get you the medicine."

Fan Xingyun lifted a small bag from the co-pilot, and the bag contained antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and a small ointment.

"It's applied, it's applied three times a day, and the body is cleansed before applying the medicine."

"Use this."

He handed over a pack of wet wipes.

Looking back on the three years since the two of them, there have only been a few negative distance contacts, and she will always be injured when she is young.

The guilt in my heart arises spontaneously.

He secretly swore in his heart that next time, he would do better.

I will never let her suffer any more damage.

Taking the ointment, Wu Youyou asked curiously, "Where to apply?" ”

If she remembers correctly, the ointment was for wounds on the body.

Fan Xingyun stared at her with straight eyes, as if to confirm whether the other party really wanted him to say it.

"Where it hurts, apply it."

In addition to the stomach pain, of course, there was another place that made her feel deeply uncomfortable, but subconsciously, she did not classify this feeling as pain.

She mistakenly thought that it was an afterthought, a little spicy, and a little stinging.

Such a vigorous operation will not leave no trace.

This man does this like a puppy, and likes to leave his mark on her.

"Stomach ache, also apply belly?"

She shook her head and sneered, blaming him for his concern coming too late and inexplicably.

It's just menstrual cramps, how many women in the world don't have menstrual cramps?

"If your stomach hurts, you can compress it with a warm water bottle."

After getting out of the car, Fan Xingyun stuffed a warm water bag into her arms.

The little expression with his mouth pursed looked a little shy, and a little proud.

It seems to be saying that the books that have not been read these days have come in handy so quickly.

He didn't look at the contract so carefully.

When he returned home, Wu Youyou was like being dementored, and his brain was full of Fanxing Nebula.

Such a man is unpredictable.

It's hard to refuse.

Su Jingyi held chopsticks in one hand and quietly watched her keep stirring soy milk.

The food on the table was cold, and I didn't see her move.

"Don't stir it, it's making my head pop!"

The person who was suddenly awakened didn't realize his problem, but looked at her suspiciously, "What's wrong?" ”

"What's wrong? What else do I want to ask you? Where did you go just now, as soon as you came back, it was like losing your soul, don't tell me, the person you just saw is black and white! ”

"I ...... I'm thinking......"

Su Jingyi waited patiently for her reply, "What do you want, what do you want to be a man?" ”

The phone on this table shook Wu Youyou.


"You're good."

Since the last time, bring his son back.

Hu Youwei was very kind to her and treated her as a benefactor.

Hu Youwei told her that the person he saved last night was his only sister.

If you suddenly fall ill while crossing the street, you may lose your life at any time if you do not take you to the hospital in time.

On the phone, Hu Youwei thanked him for his kindness, and said that when his sister was discharged from the hospital, he must go to the house for dinner.

Under the hospitality, Wu Youyou had no choice but to reply to him, and when Ryan came back, he would serve his dinner.

The other party was silent for a while before he trembled and asked, "You said A-Yuan is coming back?" When? How long does it take to come back? ”

On weekdays, they have a lot of contact, but the son doesn't mention anything about returning to China.

Wu Youyou didn't expect Lao Hu to be unaware, so he could only comfort the other party and say that maybe his son wanted to surprise his father.

"At the beginning of next month, he just received an offer from the hospital, and this time, he may live in China for a long time."

"Good good ......"

Lao Hu was so excited that he was incoherent.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Hu Youwei transferred 20,000 yuan to her.

The attached text said that this was to repay her medical expenses in advance, and the remaining 10,000 yuan was a reward for her.

Wu Youyou didn't accept it, insisting that as long as he advanced the money, Hu Youwei had no choice but to transfer another 10,000 yuan alone.

"Let's go, accompany me to see the house."

"For whom?"

Su Jingyi also has the idea of moving out.

However, I don't have much money on hand, and it's not easy to ask my parents for it, so I can only live here with a cheeky face.

Fortunately, Wu Youyou's family treated her like a relative, and it didn't make her feel the slightest discomfort.

"Ryan, he's back home at the beginning of the month."

In the call with Lao Hu just now, Su Jingyi heard it clearly.

Ryan returned to China to develop, and even his father didn't know about it.

My father doesn't live in so many houses, but he asked Wu Youyou to choose a house for him, this won't choose a small "honey" room for two people in advance, right?

Two Yongzhou people, the year Lane disappeared, Wu Youyou was just born.

The people who had the opportunity to meet were just missed.

Later, fate made the two meet in California, and they had to create such a big hijacking incident.

The man is affectionate, the sister is interested, and whether the two can come together in the end, please look forward to it.

Su Jingyi's silent brain made up the plots of various TV series, and she laughed awkwardly.


Sun Xiaobing yawned as he drove.

As soon as he retracted his jaw, Van Xingyun was infected.

It was the first time he had seen his boss yawn like a beast napping.

"Mr. Fan, didn't you sleep well last night?"

This dark circle is heavy, and it looks like overindulgence.

Of course, he himself is no better.

I chatted with Su Jingyi last night, I was tired of chatting, and I wanted to send a video to see each other.

but was rejected.

Su Jingyi told him that the child was lying next to him, and he woke up a lot of noise.

also told in detail about Wu Youyou's rescue and following the ambulance to the hospital.

It's just a distance of more than a kilometer, and Wu Youyou hasn't come back at eleven o'clock, so he can't say anything.

Sun Xiaobing didn't think much about it until Fan's mother called him to ask him about Fan's nebula.

That night, in a drizzle, he knocked on the door of Van Xingyun's villa.

Walking up to the second floor, you will smell a fresh and natural aroma of shower gel.

But if you look closely at the Van Nebula, there is no trace of taking a bath.

He blindly guessed that Wu Youyou had come.

Fan Xingyun didn't hide it, and only asked him why he came here at night.

He shrugged, "I promised my aunt that I would find you." ”

"Got it, I'll call back later, you go back first."

Looking at him sideways, there was a sense of exploration.

Van Xingyun flicked his finger on the door of his head, looking blaming.

But the curvature of the corners of his mouth told Sun Xiaobing that his boss was in a happy mood today.

At the beginning of the year, I received a few pieces of land in Guancheng, and after several setbacks, I got all kinds of documents, and today I am going to go to the field to investigate.

By the way, see the project.

This is his first time to do an industrial park, and there are many old factories in Guancheng, which cannot meet some high-tech industries.

Entering Guancheng District, there are many people who greet the car.

Looking at it from a distance, it was all men wearing hard hats, and at first glance, it was brought by the old director of the project.

This person has never cooperated before, and I heard that in the past ten years, he has built the nearby industrial parks, and he is also familiar with the local government.

Before coming, Sun Xiaobing talked to people on the phone, and it sounded very professional, and there were many ways, and he was generous and bold.

As soon as the two got out of the car, Lao Dong walked over to the two of them, wiped his hand on his clothes, and then stretched out his hand to Fan Xingyun.

"Oh, Mr. Fan, I have admired the name for a long time, I have admired the name for a long time, I know that Mr. Fan is young and promising, I really didn't expect that you yourself are so young."

Fan Xingyun responded politely, "Mr. Dong has won the award, and in Yongzhou, Mr. Dong's name is not small." ”

The group circled around the empty field.

Lao Dong kept introducing the industrial park he had built, and he also took out his mobile phone and opened it one by one for Fan Xingyun to see.

However, he really hasn't taken on such a big project.

The whole covers an area of more than 100,000 square meters, in addition to the factory building, staff dormitory building, but also designed a variety of research and development centers, housing buildings, and even shopping malls, playgrounds, schools, etc.

In order to meet the needs of those who drag their families out to work, in order to achieve employment at home, study at home.

I heard that many companies are ready to settle in.

After talking so much, his saliva dried up, but Fan Xingyun just nodded and responded occasionally.

Lao Dong thought he was thinking about money.

Also, after all, such a large venue can't be done without hundreds of millions.

If he takes it down, even if he changes hands to others, he can make a lot of money.

"Mr. Fan, on the question of the project payment...... It may be necessary for your company to provide detailed drawings, and I can quote from my side. ”

Lao Dong handed him a cigarette and cautiously.

"Money is not a problem, safety is, whether it is the construction process or after moving in, safety is always the lifeblood of the enterprise, so I must personally inspect all construction materials."

When he does this, he will naturally have banks, financial institutions, etc. to help him with advice on money.

It's a big deal to set up a fund, and in a few weeks, the money will be in place.

It's just that he has to be responsible for all investors and can't raise money blindly.

If you are not careful, the reputation you have accumulated for more than ten years will be ruined.

Lao Dong nervously wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Yes, yes, I can rest assured that I have made achievements in the past ten years. ”

This sworn look, the big belly shook one after another, and the wig on the door of the brain did not move at all.

Fan Xingyun motioned for him to continue walking, the sun was so hot, and the beads of sweat on his eyebrow bones could be seen when he raised his eyes.

Lao Dong originally wanted to smoke a cigarette to relieve his nervousness.

But before lighting a cigarette yourself, you have to light it for the customer first.

But the cigarette that was handed out just now had already been caught in his ears by Fanxing Nebula, and he was soaked with sweat.

In front, a young woman with big golden waves walked up, "Mr. Dong, Mr. Fan, the seat has been booked, do you want to go over now?" ”

Lao Dong turned his head and made a gesture of please, "Mr. Fan, enjoy your face and have a meal, and take you to taste the specialties of Guancheng today." ”

"No, I made an appointment in the afternoon."

Fan Xingyun was about to call Sun Xiaobing, but found that he had already chatted with the workers.

The sound of laughter reached his ears, and he couldn't help but frown.

After working as an assistant by his side for a long time, he is becoming more and more sleek, and he can mingle with people everywhere.

Lao Dong glanced at the big waves, and the other party instantly understood in seconds, and immediately went in the direction of Sun Xiaobing.

I don't know what was said in his ear, Sun Xiaobing turned around and followed the worker.

"Mr. Fan, please, Assistant Sun has already taken the lead with my brothers."

Entering the hotel lobby, a pair of men and women at the service desk attracted the attention of Fan Xingyun.

He knew the two of them, and they had appeared at Youman Media two days ago.

Following his line of sight, the man had just turned around, and Sun Xiaobing muttered quietly, "Why is he here?" ”

"You know him?"

"I don't know! It's quite familiar with Sister Maggie. ”

"You mean, he and Jiang Meiqi know each other?"

"Yes, why do you know Mr. Fan?"

Fan Xingyun shook his head, but from today on, he had to get to know each other.

Following the elevator directly to the top floor, the group arrived at a private club.

Out of the elevator, two men dressed as doormen, standing left and right, one stretched out his hand to block the elevator, and the two shouted slogans in unison:

"Welcome to Kang Minghuang, get rid of the noise, and show yourself."

Lao Dong walked in front to lead the way, and a young woman walked out of the clubhouse.

The two exchanged a few words, and the woman ushered them into a palatial hall.

The hall is decorated with several round tables, mainly used for eating, and there are menus on the tables, all kinds of foreign wine, liquor, etc.

By the window, there is a sofa that looks like a bright red color.

The other wall is divided into many small rooms of different styles.

There are Japanese, Korean, Russian, Thai, and so on.

Out of curiosity, Sun Xiaobing gently pushed open one of the doors.

Three women wearing kimonos with a layer of putty powder on their faces knelt on the ground with brushes.

"How many wows are empty~"

A pale face, a scarlet mouth, black teeth, a dim light, and an ambiguous interior.

This scene is even more uncomfortable than bumping into a female ghost.

Sun Xiaobing was so frightened that he slammed and quickly closed the door.

A few of his peers patted their thighs and laughed, as if they were laughing at him, they hadn't seen anything in the world.

The group sat down around the table and sofa, and the young woman came over and asked, "Mr. Dong, what kind of wind is blowing today?" ”

"Call them all out, and give me the eyes and ears of Mr. Fan."

He looked at Fan Xingyun proudly, thinking to himself, Japanese geisha don't like it, Korean girl groups, European and American hot girls, there is always something to like.

Otherwise, release them all and take his pick.

It is said that there is a knife on the head of the color word, as long as it enters his bureau, there is no man who does not kneel and disarm.

The young woman clapped her palms, and all the doors opened.

Women of various regional flavors, in groups of three, stand in a row.

Scratching their heads one by one, secretly sending autumn waves.

The men whistled, slapped their thighs, and laughed unusually lewdly.

Sun Xiaobing's eyes widened in surprise, it turned out that this was the characteristics of Guancheng that Lao Dong said.

It's really an eye-opener.

"I still like Japan, I speak softly and gently, and my ventriloquist is good."

"I like African, black is a black spot, but there is a lot of meat, and I can do a good job."

"I can't, I'm Yan Kong, I can do without, but a bed partner must have it, this time I also choose a blonde girl."

Listening to all kinds of foul language, Sun Xiaobing couldn't wait to flee immediately, while Fan Xingyun sat firmly with his back against the sand.

Lao Dong couldn't guess what he meant, and he didn't know if he liked it or not.

"Mr. Fan, if you don't like it, there are other ...... here."

It is rumored that this young boss, who is Chinese New Year's Eve years old this year, has never heard of dating any woman.

There is a rumored girlfriend next to him, but those who know it say that it is impossible for the two.

Fan Xingyun didn't say anything, just looked sideways and re-examined the man in front of him.

"Pass it on!"

Not long after, a row of twisting and kneading young people walked in outside the door.

They are dressed in all kinds of sexy clothes, their hair is dyed, they wear heavy makeup, their faces are not stubble, and even their long legs are white and clean.

As soon as he entered the door, all kinds of strong perfume smells rushed into his nose, and Sun Xiaobing, who was choking, kept sneezing.

"Mr. Fan, I'll go out to breathe."

Fan Xingyun nodded, signaling him not to go far, he would need to relieve himself in a while.

He didn't want to stay in this wild place with this rabble.

Jiang Meiqi hasn't seen her brother for two days.

With her money, she didn't do the truth, and looked at the messy sofa in the living room, and she got angry.

When the video was connected, Jiang Qiqi was sitting in the hall waiting for someone.

"Where did you die?"

I haven't seen anyone for two days, and I thought he was arrested for going out to prostitute.

"Sister, don't be angry first, I'll give you the whole big one."

He was in Guancheng for the past two days, and Li Xiaowan treated him as a VIP.

He ordered 3,000 sets of clothes in one go, and he didn't pay the deposit.

In fact, Li Xiaowan paid 30 percent of the deposit for him.

She had already made a secret promise, and of course her body was no exception.

She firmly believes that Jiang is the future heir of Red Leaf Wire.

Jiang Zeng personally took her to visit the Red Leaf Group.

Such a large company will naturally not rely on their little payment.

In the past, I cooperated with large companies, and basically monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually.

This is the first time she came to Fenghua to negotiate a big order, and even Mr. Guo encouraged her to make persistent efforts.

Jiang Qiqi held up his mobile phone and turned around, letting her see the environment she was in.

Jiang Meiqi glanced closer to the camera, and there was a familiar figure behind her.


"What's wrong?"

When the screenshot is zoomed in, it turns out to be the back of Sun Xiaobing bowing his head and making a call.

She had a plan in mind, and immediately transferred another 5,000 oceans to his younger brother.

Coming out of the elevator, Wu Youyou and Su Jingyi were already exhausted.

The real estate agent was too enthusiastic and showed them one house after another.

Su Jingyi also wanted to take this opportunity to familiarize herself with the surrounding environment and the nearby market prices.

It is convenient to find a house on your own in the future.

Xiao Niannian opened the door from the inside, "Mommy, Mommy." ”

The villain threw himself into Wu Youyou's arms and kissed each other, "Mommy, baby is injured!" ”

"Hurt? Mommy take a look. ”

"Baby didn't cry."

The little guy lifted his knee and pointed to the Band-Aid's location.

Wu Youyou was half-kneeling, carefully examining her wounds, but the little guy held on to prevent the band-aid from being removed.

Maybe it's because I'm afraid of pain, maybe I'm reluctant to be bald.

Judging from the skin around the wound, there was no obvious redness, swelling and bruising, and there was no oozing blood.

Besides, the little guy can still run, jump, and bend his knees, so it's not a big problem.

"It's okay, it'll be fine tomorrow."

Wu Youyou took her hand into the house, and when he heard the sound of the two greeting each other, the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, I was still worried about how to explain to my granddaughter that my little grandson was injured.

As a result, people didn't intend to ask at all.

As soon as I entered the door, I put down my things and went to the refrigerator to get ice milk, and suddenly remembered Fan Xingyun's advice, "You can't eat ice, you can't eat spicy." ”

She changed hands and handed the milk to Su Jingyi.

"Why is this damn so careless, and you don't ask how the child was hurt?"

The old man muttered quietly, Xiao Niannian's lotus root-like meat legs are now broken skin, if they are scarred in the future.

He certainly couldn't forgive himself.

"Isn't it harmless, children are naughty, it's normal to bump and bump, don't remove your arms and legs, and don't hurt your brain."

Hearing this, the little guy was so frightened that he hurriedly checked his arms and legs, and touched her head.

This move made Su Jingyi laugh.

Carrying the little guy down on the coffee table, Wu Youyou took two Band-Aids at her, and couldn't help but post a message in the circle of friends, "Little Warrior's Medal of Honor." ”

White and tender legs, fleshy little fingers.

Van Xingyun looked confused, the little thing was injured?

At his feet, a pair of white pointed-scalp shoes caught his attention.

The man had his head down, he was wearing clubhouse clothes, and in his breast pocket, where the handkerchief should have been placed, was now holding a mobile phone.

The shot of the black hole is facing the scene.

Looking at the waiters at the scene again, they were all dressed uniformly, but they were wearing black leather shoes on their feet.

Fan Xingyun hooked his fingers, "You, come here!" ”

The man's back stiffened, and he never dared to look up.

Lao Dong mistakenly thought that Fan Xingyun was good at this, so he started to drag people over, "If you are told to come over, come here, pretend to be reserved, don't enter this place!" ”

Jiang Qiqi was slammed to the ground, "Yes, I'm sorry, I ......"

Before he mixed in, he inquired about Lao Dong's identity, similar to the local head snake.

I heard that this guy eats everything in black and white, and ordinary people can't afford to mess with it.

In order to escape as soon as possible, he could only bow his head and admit his mistake, but he couldn't say what his mistake was?

You can't shake out the things that he secretly filmed.

"Look up."

Fan Xingyun's voice was gentle, and before he had time to let people check him, he sent it to the door.

first approached Wu Youyou, and then approached him, saying that he had no ghost in his heart, and it was estimated that the other party would not dare to agree.

Jiang Qiqi went out, anyway, he didn't know any of the people present, and no one else knew him.

He raised his head, his eyes full of inquiry at the Shangfan Nebula.

"What's your name?"

Eyes rolled back and forth, "Kiki." ”

This kind of fireworks venue, everyone uses the name of the flower, so let them check it.

"Give me my phone."

Jiang Qiqi trembled with fear, and just wanted to beg for mercy, he was kicked on the back by Lao Dong, "What are you still doing in a daze?" ”

As he spoke, he grabbed the phone directly, and handed it to Fan Xingyun as if offering a treasure.

Fan Xingyun took the mobile phone, swept it at his face, and then opened his mobile phone album, WeChat, and address book.

The further back he went, the more solemn his eyes became.

"Tell me, why did you secretly film me?"

In addition to him, there are other people in the clubhouse in the album.

Flipping back, there are photos of Wu Youyou, Ru Nian, Lane and others.

WeChat, as well as Jiang Meiqi's transfer records, chat records, etc.

If he hadn't seen him in the surveillance before, his first suspicion would definitely be Lao Dong.

This man is treacherous and cunning, and it is not impossible to tie himself to them in the same boat by this means.

"I don't have any malice, I just want to get to know all the bigwigs here......"

When Sun Xiaobing came back, he saw a group of people surrounding Jiang Qiqi, fighting in a row, like a group of vultures waiting for corpses.

And Fan Xingyun cocked his long legs, sat on the sofa with a calm expression, and looked at the man condescendingly.

"Mr. Fan."

"Deal with it."

Fan Xingyun handed over a mobile phone, Sun Xiaobing held it in his hand, and knew what was going on.

"The photo was deleted?"

"Not a single one left."

", next time, you're not so lucky."

Fan Xingyun returned the phone to him and motioned for him to get out of here immediately!

If it falls into the hands of Lao Dong, I don't know how this group of people will torture him.

Jiang Qiqi crawled out with a roll.

When I came out of the clubhouse, it was not dark yet.

Lao Dong chased him out and persuaded, "Mr. Fan, this good thing hasn't started yet, you can't worry about that kind of little person, just this kind of little minion, you can't make a big wave if you give him ten guts......"

Van Xingyun had a poker face, if he knew that it was such an occasion, he would definitely not follow.

Sun Xiaobing stepped forward to stop, "Lao Dong, please go back, our President Fan still has something to do today, and we will make an appointment another day." ”

"Okay, okay, make an appointment another day, Assistant Sun, keep in touch."

After getting into the car, Van Xingyun navigated directly to a nearby clinic.

Sun Xiaobing asked him where he was injured, and he replied, "My knee may have broken some flesh." ”

Can you break some skin and flesh and use it to go to the clinic?

Sleep and you don't feel anything.

The car was parked in front of the clinic, and several scattered patients were queuing.

"You stay here, I'll go."

It's really the sun coming out of the west, and usually the wound is cracked and bleeding, and I haven't seen him care.

Not to mention taking the initiative and queuing up in person to buy medicine.

Fan Xingyun came back with a small packet of medicine, and when he got into the car, he received it in the pocket of his clothes, and pressed it down with his hand to prevent the pocket from bulging.

"Mr. Fan, go back to Yongzhou or?"

Before going out, I made an appointment.

Seeing that Fan Xingyun was in a bad mood just now, Sun Xiaobing asked tentatively, does today's itinerary count.

"Go to Sister Zhang."

In the evening, just after eating, Su Jingyi rushed to help Aunt Luo wash the dishes.

The two were talking and laughing in the kitchen, like a mother and daughter.

Wu Youyou held the computer and sat aside to edit the film, and the old man held a lantern to tease the little guy.

The family is happy.

Suddenly, Su Jingyi's mobile phone rang.

Her hands were covered with foam, and she only poked her head out and asked Wu Youyou to answer the phone for her.

Picked up the phone and walked out the door, and the little guy chased him out.

Wu Youyou had no choice but to signal her to be quiet, and then picked up the phone.

The call was from the customer, Sister Zhang, and she made an appointment to meet the day after tomorrow.

The other party also reminded her to remember to bring the contract and seal.

Wu Youyou immediately said that he would definitely go to the appointment on time.

The elevator opened, and the little guy pulled her into the elevator, and then pressed the button on the negative first floor.

The little head remembers that you can go out in the car to the first floor.

The car slowly drove into the garage, and I saw two figures, one large and one small, in the distance.

Wu Youyou picked up Xiao Niannian, turned his head and saw Fan Xingyun's car.

Why is it here again?

Didn't you just come here in the morning?

The little guy pointed at him, "Mommy, run, it's a bad rat, it's a bad rat!" ”

Wu Youyou held her hand, "You can't point at people, it's rude." ”

After parking the car, Fan Xingyun adjusted his mentality before picking up a bald doll from the back seat and getting out of the car.

The little guy kept his mouth open, as if he didn't want to see him, but he was worried about the bald head in his hand.

"Mommy, it's baby Diqiang."

"Yes, it's baby's, here you go."

Taking advantage of her efforts to pick up the doll, Fan Xingyun reached out and wanted to hug her too.

The little guy turned around and threw himself into Wu Youyou's arms again, not even wanting a puppet.

This atmosphere is really a bit embarrassing.

"Why are you here again?"

Last time it was to send medicine, this time it won't be to send a bald head.

"I'll bring you medicine."

"Sending medicine again? Did you use me like a medicine jar? ”

"It's not." He clicked on the picture of the circle of friends.

Wu Youyou sighed helplessly.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

If it goes on like this, it will make people nervous.

"I want to pursue you!" His eyes were sincere and warm.

Today, I heard Sun Xiaobing say that the man named Ryan is going back to China again.

This time, it's a long stay.

Her best friend also intends to match him with Yoyo.

How could Brahma Nebula tolerate such a thing?

He had heard that when the early education center was hijacked, Ryan had a life-saving grace for Xiao Niannian.

Yoyo has a good impression of his benefactor, which is the affection of ordinary people.

He was afraid that he would be late to confess, so the two moved out.

Wu Youyou turned a deaf ear to his words, and she turned around and left with the child in her arms.

Fan Xingyun hurriedly caught up with her, he wanted to confirm the other party's attitude, of course, no matter what her attitude was, he would not give up easily.

But he will combine the other party's attitude to advance his own progress, and try not to make her disgusted or resistant.

"Yu Yu?"

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and through the clothes, you could feel her shoulder bones hardening.

Xiao Niannian stared at the big hand in front of him, his round little face was full of protest, if it weren't for his limited vocabulary, it is estimated that he would have greeted his ancestors for eighteen generations.

"Alas! It's baby dripping mommy! ”

"Take it away, take it away!"

"Bad rat, mad baby!"

She mustered up the strength to feed, opened the bow left and right with her two hands, and broke Fan Xingyun's fingers one by one through gritted teeth.

After that, he made a gesture to beat him.

Wu Youyou gently patted her back to soothe, "Good, don't be angry, don't be angry, uncle and mommy are joking." ”

Unexpectedly, this little thing would reject him so much, and he felt a little lost and sad in his heart.

Because no matter how hard he tries, he will never get on a finger of this little thing in Wu Youyou's heart.

"Fan Xingyun, I know that it is easy to fall in love with someone, and it is indeed difficult to let go of someone, in the future, don't come over, forget me."

It also took her a long time to come out.

It is only when you have children that the emptiness in your heart is filled.

Now, she has to juggle her career and children, and her feelings no longer mean anything to her.

Fan Xingyun shook his head, his eyes moistened instantly, but he still held back his strength to prevent tears from slipping down.

It is said that the look of being late is cheaper than a dog.

He believed that tears would only make the other party sympathize with him and look down on him.

Shove the bald head into the arms of the little one.

His feet retreated a little, and his eyes were still on Wu Youyou, looking affectionate and sad.

"Yoyo, I tried, it didn't work, my pain intensified day and night.

I don't expect you to accept me immediately, I just hope you don't hide from me, when, my appearance disgusts you, I will be appropriately invisible. ”

Since that day when he was secretly filmed and was caught at the scene, Jiang Qiqi has been suspicious all day long.

If Fan Xingyun beat him on the spot, he would still be at ease.

But the other party just deleted the photos in his phone, and then there was no more.

Could it be that this is the calm before the storm?

Jiang Meiqi came back from work and saw him sitting in front of the computer in a daze.

I remembered that he had collected five thousand oceans from himself yesterday, but found nothing.

picked up the bag and threw it at his head, "Useless things, so much money has been wasted." ”

Recently, Van Xingyun has become more and more cold to her, which has made her in a difficult situation in the company, and she has participated in the design of a project in the three years of Guanren Real Estate.

The project over there in Guancheng, she has studied and understood for so long, but Fan Xingyun said that she wants to recruit openly,

Even if she is an internal employee, there is no green channel.

There is no progress in conquering the Confucian year, she doesn't even have a way to get the other party's itinerary and news, call and text, and the other party always ignores her.

The 200,000 borrowed, the credit card and a quarter's rent were repaid, and there was not much left.

Jiang Qiqi was stunned, he rubbed his head, and was aggrieved:

"Sister, how do you beat people, didn't I get in that day, this kind of private club is not open to the public, it is a place frequented by dignitaries, how can a little person like me get in so easily."

Yesterday, he followed a waiter to the staff locker room, knocked the person unconscious, and changed into the other person's clothes before sneaking in.

Unexpectedly, it was still discovered.

He still hasn't figured out how he showed his stuff.

But he would definitely not tell Jiang Meiqi about such a humiliating thing, otherwise, she would definitely go crazy.

When she came back yesterday, Jiang Meiqi chased after him and asked how the result was? Did you take any photos or something?

She specially checked that the people who went to that place all played with flowers.

If she can take a photo of an official or an industry boss, then she can't just send it for two or three hundred thousand.

She can also take this opportunity to find out the habits of those big guys, and then choose a chance to appear.

"It's you who fights, and it's more than enough to succeed!"

Although these words hurt people, they couldn't hurt Jiang Qiqi.

The sister and brother didn't have much affection, and Jiang Meiqi had a poisonous mouth since she was a child.

Anyway, for the sake of his younger brother, she was beaten no less.

"Sister, don't say it, my identity as the heir of the red leaves has not yet been recognized, hooking up with a divorced little rich woman with a baby, it is a matter of minutes.

I just don't want to make a move so quickly, I have to hang the other person and make her want to stop me! A man conquers a woman, not by money, but by the lower body. ”

He patted his chest and promised, "Believe in your brother, I am definitely a super expert in serving women." ”

Thinking of Li Xiaowan, in front of him, from the shy and introverted at the beginning, to the wandering wreckage at the back.

This kind of stupid woman either doesn't open her mind, and once she opens her mind, she can't extricate herself, let alone turn back.

Seeing that he was smiling obscenely, he poked Maggie in his temple and warned, "The money I spent on you, give me ten times and a hundred times to get it back!" ”


Continued from the next part