
Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

author:Zigong observes

Zigong network reporter Zhou Xinyu

On July 1, the reporter learned from Dangui Street in the High-tech Zone that since mid-June, the Party Working Committee of Dangui Street has carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, comprehensively reviewed the glorious history of the party, carried forward the great spirit of party building, carried forward the party's fine traditions, further enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and stimulated the enthusiasm and vitality of the majority of party members and cadres.

The "Ten Ones" activity gathers and develops synergy

It is understood that the "Ten Ones" series of activities are a series of commemorative activities with rich content and various forms carried out before and after the "July 1st" by the comprehensive mobilization of the grassroots party organizations in Dangui Street and the participation of the majority of party members.

What exactly are the ten "ten ones"?

A "two excellent and one first" selection activity. Dangui Street carries out the selection activities of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations, and encourages the advanced by setting an example, creating a strong atmosphere of advocating the advanced, learning the advanced, striving to be the advanced, and catching up with the advanced.

A party member group political birthday activity. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China......" Dangui Street Party Working Committee organized new party members in 2024 to carry out centralized party membership oath activities, and presented "political birthday cards" to each party member, guiding party members not to forget their original intention of joining the party and always maintain a high-spirited passion for struggle.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

A party day activity with the theme of "law and discipline education". Dangui Street organized all party members and cadres of all organs and secretaries of various communities to visit and study at the Municipal Clean Government Education Center, promote learning and discipline with cases, strengthen party members and cadres, strengthen the sense of discipline and rules of party members and cadres, build a solid bottom line against corruption and degeneration, and promote party discipline learning and education into the brain and heart, and go deep and practical.

A "send warmth and feel the party's kindness" visit and condolence activities. The members of the leading group of the Party Working Committee and the Office of Dangui Street visited 8 party members in difficulty in the district, cared for and comforted 544 old party members and 138 party members in difficulty, sent them the party's care and organizational warmth, and extended high respect and holiday greetings to the Communist Party members who worked all fronts.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

A party day activity with the theme of "inheriting the red gene". On June 25, the Party Branch of Dangui Street organized all Party members and party activists to go to the Red Education Base in Sister Jiang's hometown to carry out theme party day activities, strengthen ideological refining, guide party members and cadres to keep up with revolutionary martyrs and advanced examples, and stimulate the sense of responsibility, mission and honor of party members and cadres to start a business.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

A vivid special party class. On June 27, Dangui Street invited Wang Kai, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of the High-tech Zone, and Xu Huaidong, professor of the School of Marxism of Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology, to give special lectures to nearly 200 party members and community party members and cadres of the street organ branch, and guide the party members and cadres to adhere to the guidance of party building, remember the glorious history, practice the original mission, and help the grassroots governance of the street with practical actions.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

A caring for the "two new" enterprises to promote the development of activities. The Party and Government Office of Dangui Street and the Social Affairs Office jointly carried out the activities of caring for the "two new" party organizations to promote the development of enterprises, and sent "policy gift packages" to 18 "two new" party organizations in the jurisdiction, publicizing the basic knowledge of grassroots party building and the policies of benefiting enterprises, etc., to understand the development and development of the party building work of the enterprise and the difficulties faced, and to issue enterprise connection cards, give play to the leading role of party building, and promote the healthy development of the private economy.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

A party building leads grassroots governance activities. Hold a "Party Building Leads Cohesion and Seeks a New Chapter of Governance" Dangui Street Party Building Leading Grassroots Governance Work Case Competition, showing the typical cases and advanced experience of grassroots governance of community party committees and two new party organizations, building an open and shared grassroots governance learning and exchange platform, gathering grassroots efforts, and improving the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance and serving the masses.

A volunteer service activity of "I add glory to the party flag". Recently, the party branch of Dangui sub-district organs and the party committees of various communities have actively organized party members and cadres to carry out more than 60 volunteer service activities in the community and in the courtyard, mobilizing more than 1,300 volunteers to help residents improve the environmental sanitation of the community, resolve neighborhood conflicts and disputes, etc., and further expand the work idea of "party building leading + volunteer service" and expand the coverage of volunteer service.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

One time to watch the "red" movie event. The Dangui Street Cultural Comprehensive Service Center organized and carried out the activity of watching positive energy red movies, with a total of 9 screenings in the jurisdiction, covering 1,500 people, enriching the "night" life of the residents, at the same time, let the red culture enter the brain and heart, and enhance the national pride of the residents in the jurisdiction.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

The "red engine" stimulates the vitality of grassroots governance

The "Ten Ones" system activity is not only a phased activity, but also a reflection of Dangui Street's insistence on the "red engine" of party building and the "quality and efficiency" of grassroots governance.

"In recent years, under the leadership of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the High-tech Zone, we have deepened the leadership of party building, strengthened our efforts in the five aspects of 'political construction, grassroots governance, serving the people, escorting economic development, and party style and clean government', and worked hard to gradually improve the social governance model of 'five governance integration', and continued to improve the efficiency of street grassroots governance." Wang Yuzhen, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dangui Street, said.

Dangui Street has carried out a series of "Ten Ones" activities to promote development

In order to further play the leading role of party building, Dangui Street has built a five-level structure system of "Street Party Working Committee - Community Party Organization - Community Party Branch - Building Party Group - Party Member Center Household", and the community has established a five-level grid governance service system of "Area Grid Chief-Community Grid Chief-Building Chief-Neighborhood Chief-Red Grid Member", established a sinking grid system mechanism for organ staff and double-registered party members, and continued to carry out the three-year action of building a party-mass service center, so as to transform the advantages of party building into grid governance and platform governance efficiency.

Grassroots governance involves a plurality of subjects. To this end, Dangui Street has improved the system and mechanism, built a communication platform, and gathered various fields to work together to solve grassroots problems. In addition, the street also makes full use of modern information technology to further promote the construction of an intelligent community system and improve the efficiency and accuracy of governance.

According to Wang Yuzhen, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dangui Street, in the next step, the street will adhere to the guidance of party building, strengthen the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the street party organization, open up the "micro-circulation" of urban grassroots governance, and continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness and security, and write a new chapter in grassroots governance with stronger responsibility, more practical work style and higher work efficiency.

(Photo courtesy of Dangui Street)

Editor: Zhou Xinyu

Editor: Yu Jia

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