
The artesian well area will carry out the 2024 disinfection skills competition

author:Zigong observes

Zigong reporter Lan Yan

Recently, the "2024 Disinfection Skills Competition" hosted by the Ziliujing District Health Bureau and the District Federation of Trade Unions, and undertaken by the District Center for Disease Control and Prevention was held in the conference room of the Ziliujing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, aiming to further improve the theoretical level, business skills and professionalism of disinfection and environmental sanitation professional and technical personnel in the district. Professional and technical personnel from various medical institutions in the jurisdiction engaged in disinfection or environmental sanitation related work participated in the competition.

The artesian well area will carry out the 2024 disinfection skills competition

It is reported that the judges of this competition are composed of the deputy director of the District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the chief of the Infectious Diseases Department of the District People's Hospital, the chief of the Infectious Diseases Department of the District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the chief of the Infectious Diseases Department of the District Second People's Hospital. The competition adopts a combination of theory and practice, in which the theoretical examination mainly assesses the mastery of the basic knowledge of the contestants, and the skill assessment requires the contestants to simulate the practice of the given scene or case, and investigate the contestants' mastery of environmental sanitation emergency response, on-site disinfection, disinfection effect evaluation and personal protection skills.

The artesian well area will carry out the 2024 disinfection skills competition

After the final evaluation, 2 contestants from Ziliujing District People's Hospital and 1 contestant from Rongbian Town Health Center won the top three in this competition. It is reported that the three winners will form a team of disinfection skills in Ziliujing District with the contestants of the District Center for Disease Control and Prevention to participate in the Zigong City Disinfection Skills Competition.

The artesian well area will carry out the 2024 disinfection skills competition

It is reported that through this competition, the skill level and professional ability of disinfection practitioners will be improved, and at the same time, all medical personnel will be informed of the importance and operability of standardized disinfection in their work, which will help accelerate the training of emergency disinfection skills in artesian well areas and expand the personnel team.

Editor: Zhang Cuina

Editor: Yu Jia

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