
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

author:The old man has fun

Since May this year, India's tragic extreme heat weather has been frequently searched, almost swiping our circle of friends.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

But how many people know? Many parts of China are also suffering from a shocking natural disaster......

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Yes, that's right, as early as April, many places in the south have been suffering from torrential rains and floods.

However, apart from the locals who suffered from the floods, almost no other Chinese people knew about the disaster in the south, let alone that it was actually more serious than we thought.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

It wasn't until two days ago, when the Central Meteorological Observatory officially issued China's first red warning for heavy rain this year, on June 24, that it attracted national attention.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

But no one expected that the day after the first red warning was issued this year, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a red warning for heavy rain! The flood disaster in many places in the south is urgent again!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

So, just how bad is this year's torrential rains in southern China? When will this ongoing torrential rain stop? Please read on~

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

On April 17, the perennially rainy Guangzhou ushered in the last spring rain of the year, which I thought was just an ordinary drizzle.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

But I never expected that this rain would rain from April to June! It seems to have progressed step by step from spring rain to "dragon boat rain" and "summer rain",

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

According to the statistics of the Meteorological Observatory, there were only seven days without rain in 59 days in Guangzhou, and the houses where the locals lived were all musty, from the walls and wardrobes to the chopsticks and clothes.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Even the Guangzhou Grand Theatre is visibly moldy day by day......

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

However, although it rained every day in Guangzhou, it did not cause floods, but Meizhou, which is also located in Guangdong Province, did not have such good luck.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Since June 16, Meizhou has encountered a rare heavy rainfall weather, and violent storms and rains have fallen in an instant.

In less than 15 hours, the flood control emergency response was changed three times, from level 4 to level 1.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

This heavy rainstorm directly triggered a flash flood and mudslide, and almost all the cars on the side of the road were washed away.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The local water level is close to the third floor, and many villages immediately become "isolated islands".

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Even more terrifying, as the rain became heavier and the water level of the river continued to rise, countless houses were washed away.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

More than 2,000 houses have collapsed, and thousands of low-income households have lost their only home.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

However, on the second day of the flooding of Meizhou, Wuping, Fujian Province, which borders Meizhou, also suffered a heavy rainstorm that broke the historical extreme!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

As a result, 47,800 people were affected, 4 people died, 2 people went missing, and even villages were lost for more than 40 hours.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Coincidentally, the heavy precipitation in Guangdong and Fujian has not stopped, and there has also been heavy rain in Guangxi, causing Guilin to suffer the largest flood since 1998!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The once bustling roads and bridges were all flooded.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Even the crops are not immune.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Local residents were forced to row boats,

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Tourists who travel to Guilin can only walk with their luggage on their shoulders and wade through the water, while worrying about the poisonous snakes swimming in the water.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

But when the flood water in Guilin receded and the People's Liberation Army who came to the rescue began to clean up the silt,

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

It was the turn of the rainstorm in Anhui again, and the local river water also soared rapidly, and the locals exclaimed again and again, it was the first time in their lives that they had encountered such a big water!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

What's funny is that the famous scenic spot in Anhui - Peach Blossom Pond turned into the "sea" in an instant, causing the "Wang Lun" sculpture inside to disappear, leaving only "Li Bai" alone in the "sea" to raise a glass to invite the bright moon.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

At the same time, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan and other places also ushered in heavy rains, and the river began to pour back, causing many villages to be flooded.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Even the Changsha subway in Hunan Province, which has a well-developed drainage system, has been flooded.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Lingyin Temple was flooded, and the former mountain road became a turbulent stream.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Guizhou's crystal-clear waterholes on weekdays become muddy and tumble from time to time.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

It is extremely sad that the torrential rains in the south are incessant, in stark contrast to the persistent heat and drought in the north.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Since the beginning of summer, the four northern provinces have suffered from rare high temperatures and droughts, and the average temperature has reached the highest record in 80 years!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The high temperature for many days directly caused the local fields to crack vertically and horizontally, the soil was dry and the rice was smoking, and some grabbed the soil and turned it directly to ash.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The river used to irrigate crops has gradually turned into a cracked riverbed.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

To the despair of the local farmers, even the hard-earned pumping machine could not pump out a drop of water, so they could only pump out the silt.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Facts have proven that the floods and droughts in various parts of China this year have reached an unprecedented level of severity.

Not only is summer coming earlier and earlier, more and more places are experiencing frequent precipitation breaking through historical extremes, and high temperatures have been reaching record highs.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

But in fact, it is not only China that suffers from high temperatures and heavy precipitation.

As early as last year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: "The era of global warming is over, and the era of global "boiling" has arrived! ”

The world is inevitably suffering from extreme weather.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The important thing is that these extreme weather will also be concurrent, such as heat wave + drought, heavy precipitation + storm surge and other combination of multiple disasters, which will make the original "bad weather" worse.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

In addition, the continent is located in a globally climate-sensitive region, so it is more susceptible to warming and rainfall, and this year's floods in the south and drought in the north are expected to continue until around the end of July.

However, the state knows this better than us!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Therefore, when the natural disaster occurred, our People's Liberation Army took the lead!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Whether it is a flood, countless trapped people are at a loss,

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

When the flood waters receded, the People's Liberation Army and rescue workers from all over the country arrived in time.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

On the other hand, our Ministry of Finance also immediately allocated 499 million yuan and 443 million yuan respectively to support flood control in the south and drought control in the north.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

At the same time, measures have been taken to save themselves across the country......

In the south, in order to prevent the rivers and lakes from backfilling, the West Lake of Hangzhou was discharged in time, and the big fish in the lake "soared" in the flood discharge, and the scene was extremely shocking!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

The Xin'an River Reservoir also took the opportunity to immediately open the seven-hole flood discharge mode, eliminating the hidden danger of upstream towns being flooded.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

In the north, Henan seized the opportunity to implement artificial rain enhancement operations in conjunction with the weather conditions, bringing a timely rain to the local area!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Of course, in the face of natural disasters, especially floods, we cannot always wait for the country's help, and we still have to rely on ourselves at the critical moment!

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

Therefore, please keep in mind the following extreme weather response measures and forward them to every relative and friend around you, especially those in the southern region.

Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!
Note: The Central Meteorological Observatory has issued another red warning for heavy rain! Flooding began in many places in the south!

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