
Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

author:Bayu has a good life

In order to further improve the teamwork ability of teenagers, strengthen the spirit of mutual help among peers, and help the healthy growth of children in difficulty in Shizui community.

On June 30, under the guidance of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Pengshui Autonomous County and the Pengshui Autonomous County Committee of the Communist Youth League, Tongxin social workers and Shizui Community of Hanjia Street carried out the theme activity of "Working Together and Walking Together" in Mowei Mountain. A total of 20 children from the Shizui community participated in the event.

At the beginning of the activity, the social worker introduced the purpose, content and process of the activity to the children through story sharing, explained in detail the rules and safety precautions of the activity, and the children were also divided into two groups by lottery.

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Figure: Draw grouping

Immediately afterwards, a series of wonderful teamwork games such as "passing the ball", "back-to-back ball", and "sitting on the ground and getting up" were launched one by one. In each game, the children enhance the ability of the team to communicate with each other, build trust between the team, and also cultivate personal courage, self-confidence and sense of responsibility, and improve the cohesion and centripetal force of the whole team.

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Pictured: Back-to-back game

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Pictured: Back-to-back dribbles

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Pictured: Passing the ball game

The process of the activity was full of laughter and laughter, and you could always feel the power of teamwork, and the activities were carried out in an orderly manner under the leadership of the social worker, and the whole quality development training was carried out very smoothly.

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Pictured: Teenagers show off their winning prizes from the game

The quality development activity lasted for three hours, and the children who participated in the activity said that they had gained a lot.

Tongxin social workers carried out the "Work Together and Walk Together" peer teamwork quality development activity

Pictured: Group photo of the event

Through this activity, I not only cultivated a deep friendship with my teammates in the team, but also deeply experienced the power of peer support and trust. At the same time, the activities also help to enhance children's sense of teamwork, exercise their communication and collaboration skills, and motivate them to constantly challenge themselves, break through themselves, and forge ahead.

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