
Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

author:Wilderness Trailblazer PT
Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

In the bustling city, there is a post-00s girl who has a special job - bathing assistant

Because of the particularity of this job, she has seen a lot of the true side of society, and it has also given her a deeper understanding of the word "filial piety".


She said that some people ignore the old people when they are still alive, but as soon as the old people leave, they suddenly start to "behave", holding luxurious funerals, and crying to death

This kind of filial piety of "temporary cramming", she feels that it is not a taste in her heart when she looks at it

Her words really made many people feel the same way. Yes, there is no shortage of examples like this around us

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

Therefore, a person's life is very short, and taking care of oneself first is the first priority, and everything else is false and nothing

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

Funerals are held for the living, for relatives and friends, and for neighbors to see, because children are still living in other people's mouths, and they need face

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

Originally, filial piety in life is better than thousands of piles of ashes after death

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

One day my sister was sick and hung in the emergency room, there was an old man on the ventilator lying on the bed next to me, I watched his electrocardiogram become a straight line, and it took more than ten minutes for the family to rush over, two men and women about 50 years old, they didn't show a little reluctance at all after they came, they stayed next to the side, and after a few minutes, the funeral came to change clothes, the two people were still standing next to them, expressionless, the old man finished changing his clothes, was pushed into the funeral car, and the emergency nurse quickly put on new sheets and bedding, as if nothing had happenedIt's really sad

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

Alas, it makes people feel uncomfortable to hear

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

I don't understand some of the customs in the countryside now. There are some customs that are obviously more meaningless than the form. As some people say, "A bowl of water in life is better than a pile of ashes after death", how true this is! When the person is still there, you treat him well, better than anything else. But some people just don't understand this truth, and they have to wait until people are gone to remember to fulfill their filial piety, isn't it too late?

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

So what does true filial piety look like? True filial piety is not superficial, but comes from the heart

It is not only about buying food and clothes for the elderly, but more importantly, it is necessary to care about their inner world, accompany them more, and listen to their hearts

When the elderly are still alive, we should accompany them more, so that they can feel the warmth of home and the care of their children

In this way, when the old man leaves, we can be at ease and will not feel regret and guilt

We have to abandon the "hypocritical" filial piety and pursue the true way of filial piety

Finally, I want to say something from my heart: filial piety does not start when the old man is gone

Have you ever seen the filial piety of "hypocrisy"?00 The words of the post-00 bathing assistant reveal the abomination of human nature! Review the fryer

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