
My junior brother and I have been dating dolls since childhood. But he was so gifted that he thought I was as stupid as a pig like a mortal

author:Little Plum pushes the book

My junior brother and I have been dating dolls since childhood.

But he was so gifted that he thought I was as stupid as a pig like a mortal.

When I handed him the token of my relatives, he was busy meeting the others and smashed the jade pendant with one hand.

"If you go, our marriage contract will not be counted."

And he didn't care, and turned away.

But he decided that I was still angry, and he had to do it.

But he lowered his posture and came to the tavern to look for me.

He broke open the door with a sword and angrily asked me, "Do you know what the man next to you is?"

I snuck my foxtail under the quilt, shook my head, and said, "I don't know the dew, I just slept for one night."

My junior brother and I have been dating dolls since childhood. But he was so gifted that he thought I was as stupid as a pig like a mortal


I like my junior brother.

The Master asked me to marry him, and I was glad to do so.

But the junior brother was not happy.

Because he is very talented and good-looking, he has made a baby kiss with me since he was a child.

Whether it is appearance or wealth, I am more than enough for him.

But he didn't care about this, but he hated me for not cultivating as an immortal cultivator.

As the daughter of the first head, she is as stupid as a pig like a mortal.

But I was mortal, and I was only found when I was eight years old.

When I was sending treasures to Xie Jingyan again, he confiscated it as always, and still refused to give me half a look.

"That's what the waste needs, I don't need it."

In the years I have been following my junior brother, I have always thought that he would be able to take a look at me.

As long as I get a treasure, I am always the first to give it to him, hoping that he will accept it.

He was the same to everyone except me.

He only gave me a cold face, and the whole sect knew that he hated me, but I didn't care about his attitude towards me.

When I delivered him things as usual, I didn't come up with anything out of the ordinary.

Just handed him the jade pendant of the marriage.

His face was gloomy and he didn't take it.

In the distance, the junior brother hurriedly came.

Just said a word, but it made his face change from gloomy to happy in an instant.

I thought he was finally willing to accept me.

"Senior Brother Xie, Senior Sister is out of the customs!"

Xie Jingyan looked at me, turned around and wanted to leave.

The first time I opened my mouth to stop him, it was also the last time.

"Do you still want Yu Pei, do you really want to leave? If you don't accept it, you won't count it."

Xie Jingyan paused and took the jade pendant.

He slammed it on the ground in front of me and sneered, "Yes, you are a waste, how can you deserve me? Let this marriage contract disappear with this jade."

What's more, I chased him for so long.

He will only believe that I can't live without him.

With that, Xie Jingyan turned around and left.

I didn't catch up with him.

I didn't cry or make a fuss, I leaned over to pick up the jade pendant on the ground.

But my heart was shattered to the ground like this jade.

I tried to bend down and pick it up, but my hand was cut.

Blood flowed out, but for the first time, my severed hand made me feel ten fingers connected to my heart.

Listen to Daddy and Shizun's words and marry Xie Jingyan.

Am I really wrong.


I can't hold on anymore.

Maybe my junior brother is not my lover.

I don't want to be obedient either.

He doesn't like me, so I'll go find someone who will love me.

I went down the hill and ran to a tavern for a drink.

Everyone comes and goes, and the owner is dressed up in a showy way, and it is a very serious good store at a glance.

But thinking of Xie Jingyan, I still gritted my teeth and followed her to the second floor, and the old bustard looked at me stupidly and deceiving, so he pushed open the door with a familiar way.

"Girl, go."

After that, the powdery bustard closed the door and pushed me hard, and I fell into the arms of the beautiful man in three or two steps.

raised his head, but met his peach blossom eyes that flashed with spring water.

I swallowed and looked straight at him.

"I'm the one here..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I was interrupted by a lap on the table.

"Don't worry, I have money!"

I patted my chest magnificently, and the beautiful man in front of me smiled, and didn't speak again, just poured me a glass of wine.

What can be solved with money is not a thing.

I grinned and drank, and the more I thought about it, the more sad I became, and I touched his hand, and he just looked at me with a smile.

is not as stinky as Xie Jingyan.

I realized that it was me who was not serious.

Bitter wine hurts in the throat and heart.

The liquor was on top, and I cried and didn't know what I was doing.

I took out all the belongings on my body, and gave him half of the jade pendant that Xie Jingyan didn't want.

The man almost tried to fall into his arms.

I can only cry out of breath.

But he still took the trouble to pat me on the back and coax me.

"Girl, don't sell your body in the next place."

I raised my eyes and touched the mole in the corner of his eye.

"Then are you laughing bitterly? Are you tired of being here? Is the bustard good to you? I'll redeem you, okay?"

He took my hand with his backhand.

"I'm expensive."

I clapped his hands angrily and repeated what I had said, "I have money, and I mean what I say."

Chong Guan was angry and red-faced.

He is better looking than Xie Jingyan, and he will coax me better than Xie Jingyan, even if it is a dew relationship, he doesn't know my name, and I am willing to redeem him.

"What's your name?"

The boy asked me.

"If I want to redeem you, you have to do my laundry and cook for me, and you have to know how to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, because I can't. I'm too tired from cultivating, you can still raise a cow with me and farm with me... By the way, my name is Jiang Li."

With that, I raised my hand again to touch the wine in my hand.

The little guy hugged me and didn't let me touch the wine, he couldn't tell the difference between the host and the guest.

"I spent money, I won't let you sell your art, and I won't let you coax me, just let me drink."

The little guy didn't get past me.


Maybe I'm giving too much.

For the first time, the bustard asked the little man to take me around.

He took me by the hand, he didn't hate my touch, he didn't dislike me for being stupid, he didn't know how to settle accounts.

He took my money and checked it out for me.

I'm a wretch.

"Ah Li, do you like that purse over there?"

The boy asked me.

Although he is very good-looking, I don't need a purse, and my master won't let me wear it. I followed his gaze and saw that the embroidery was exquisite, and it was indeed good.

But I shook my head.

"I don't like it, let's go to the bridge."

He said yes.

There are many couples on the bridge, both ordinary people and immortal cultivators. There are those who watch fireworks, those who watch fish, and those who set off lanterns.

He was tall and I walked behind him.

After a few steps, he looked back at me, afraid that I would be gone.

I felt like crying.

Because Xie Jingyan wished I could stay away from him, he never let me get so close to him, even if he lost it, he never looked back to me.

When I got to the open area, I resisted the urge to vomit and found a place, shook off his hand and went to vomit.

Drinking too much.

When he finished spitting, he wiped my mouth with a handkerchief, but his eyes were full of concern. Through his eyes, I saw myself.

A true self that makes no secret of his joys and sorrows.

He's trying to play his role well.

But I was intoxicated.

I had no choice but to pat his hand lightly and whisper:

"I'm fine."


There are scars on the little guy's hands.

The money is still enough, and I am reluctant to let him have a scar.

It turns out that the little ones who sell art make so little, so they should care about their appearance the most.

I pulled him to find a medicine hall.

"Doctor, my cousin is injured, I want to buy him a wound medicine, it should be good and not scarred, the price is not a problem."

The words of treating the little man as a husband are indeed embarrassing.

I took the little man's hand and opened his clothes to show the doctor.

The doctor gave him a shallow look of disdain, sighed and went to prescribe medicine.

"Ali, I'm fine."

I had to give him a look back and signal him to stop talking.

The little man blushed.

I painted him outside, but I heard the cry outside the door.

I put down his hand and ran out the door.

A lady was holding a child, crying and begging, with a sign and a bowl standing in front of her.

It probably says that the child is seriously ill, and the family can't open the pot.

The child's face was blue and purple, which seemed to be very serious.

But someone next to him complained loudly: "In this world, there are people who use children's sympathy to deceive, and even children are willing to pinch purple."

But I'm not a miracle doctor, I can't see it, and I can't save it.

And the eldest lady cried that she didn't, but she couldn't say that she came and went many times.

I threw some silver coins into my aunt.

It was enough for her to heal and use for a while.

"Thank you, girl, thank you, you are such a good man."

The eldest lady wanted to kowtow to me, so I hurriedly supported her.

"It's okay, let's go in and see a doctor."

The people around me scolded me for singing with them and singing and harmonizing.

The little man was thin and wanted to go up and beat the tall and strong men, and seeing their poor size, I was so frightened that I hurriedly stopped him.

"I'm fine."

I pulled him away, and he silently withdrew his hand.

It seems that Qinglou's treatment is not very good, he is so thin.


"I was hungry just now, shall we go eat?"

Naturally, Xiao Qi accompanied me, and I ordered a lot of dishes.

I can't finish it, but he can.

I was eaten more than half of it at once, and I watched him eat with a grin.

"Well, what happened just now, don't you scold me?"

Only then did the little man raise his head.

Usually when Xie Jingyan and I come to the world, I give beggars and do my best to help other women, and he always inevitably scolds me.

"You're really stupid, that's lying to you people who don't have long eyes, can't you see it?"

If I help someone in need, he will say that I am imposing cause and effect, interfering with the reincarnation of others, and that I am too much to do.

But I can't bear it.

I can only do my best, because Xie Jingyan will not help me.

But just now, the little man still wanted to help me beat the man who insulted me, even if he couldn't beat him, but he was still on my side.

Seeing that I was a little distracted, he spoke.

"Ali is very kind, and I am very lucky. Just blame yourself for being incompetent and letting you hear some bad things, sorry."

He only has me in his eyes.

I kind of want to get the Qinglou down, but the money is a little insufficient.

It's still okay not to let other women take care of him.

"Well, it's fine. Thank you, I'm happy."

It turns out that all men in the world are not as arrogant as Xie Jingyan.

It turns out that I was really wrong.

That marriage should be broken.

He hiccuped and smiled at me embarrassedly.

His palms were hot.


We are back in the Green House.

He was trying to amuse me along the way, but his jokes were so cold that I could barely laugh out.

Maybe he's new.

But it's also my first time playing.

He pulled me tightly and didn't let the other boys come near me.

I was in the guest room on the second floor, looking at the warblers downstairs.

And Xie Jingyan actually transmitted the voice to me, so I will let him listen to enough.

"Eh, this waist is so thin, looking at the weak willow Fufeng, this waist twist is really good..."

While eating melon seeds, I watched the hot dance downstairs, and by the way, I also commented.

"Eli, you! How can you be so debauched!"

Xie Jingyan's angry voice came, presumably he knew where I was. The marriage contract is not counted, why should I set up a memorial arch for him.

The person next to me covered his eyes and pulled me back.

He closed the door with his hand.

I told him to be lighter, so I had to cut off the transmission.

My heart was filled with music downstairs.

"What, you're jealous? I spent the money, why don't you let me see it."

But the little man stuck to it, took my hand and put it on his waist.

It's really sturdy.

No wonder the bustard said he was new and couldn't sing or dance.

Maybe there's something out of it.

It turned out to be played like this.

He turned out to be a fox, but a wounded fox. The foxtail dangled between my legs.

I have no resistance to this plush control at all.

"Please have mercy on you, master."

With that, the little guy took my hand.

It's pretty good.

"Then you're welcome! Some little foxes are born to be rua! Who is my little fox~"

He said it was him in a hoarse voice, and it was very charming.

Xie Jingyan never let me touch small animals, especially injured furry animals.

Just because he doesn't like it.


I drank a little during the day and got a little drunk at night.

At dawn, the boy stood by and looked at me, and I realized that my sleeping position was extremely ugly.

And my head hurts.

When I opened my eyes, he fed me water.

But Xie Jingyan came to the door unprecedentedly.

He was the best to be thrifty, and he kicked the doorway, and angrily pointed his sword at the man next to me.

Turns out he's going to be angry, too.

"If you don't go back to the sect for a day, you're fooling around in Fireworks Willow Lane? If you don't practice your sword well, you can have fun here?"

I blocked the little man behind me, raised my eyes and slammed my mouth at Xie Jingyan.

"Yes, you say I'm a waste, I can't learn no matter how I learn, I just don't want to waste time on you and sword training."

He said on weekdays that I will never go west in the east, and I will get out of here if I am told to go.

I can only blindly obey and please him, even if it is to give my things to others.

I wasn't annoyed, I just looked at him with a grin.

"It's just that I ignored you for a day, and you actually looked at him in the right eye?"

Xie Jingyan's eyebrows were full of anger, as if I was some kind of negative girl.

But the marriage contract is not counted.

"Yes, I will redeem him, he is a thousand times better, and you are not worthy to be compared with him."

Xie Jingyan smiled angrily, just staring at the person beside me.

"You are an immortal cultivator, do you know what he is?"

Dewy love, I don't think so.

"This is not the fairy world, you don't care if he is a human or some kind of demon, I just slept for one night."

After that, Xie Jingyan was so angry that he stunned me with one palm and brought me back to the sect.


When I woke up, I was kneeling in the middle of the hall.

I could not kneel long, but I was cursed.

I don't know if it's Xie Jingyan or Shizun.

I clutched the corners of my clothes, and I couldn't get up anyway. I could only stare blankly at the idol in front of me.

Suddenly, someone came in close to me and lifted the spell on me.

When I turned around, I was met with a pair of unfamiliar, watery eyes.

"Senior sister? I'm a new junior sister. Senior Brother Xie Jingyan has something to ask you to come over."

I was a little confused and looked at what she was wearing.

It's not lying, indeed.

"Senior sister, go quickly. Senior Brother Xie should be in a hurry in a moment."

The person in front of me pushed me.

When I walked outside the door, I realized that the night had darkened. At this time, everyone should rest.

"So why did he look for me?"

I couldn't help but find out, so I had to rush to Xie Jingyan's residence.

I'm all too familiar with it.

First to a rockery, then under a tree, and finally...

A man in black jumped down from under a tree and knocked me down with a single palm, the moonlight was too dark for me to see who it was.

I fainted again.


When I woke up, the elder sister was feeding me medicine.

I actually don't like the elder sister.

After all, Xie Jingyan is very good to her.

"Ah Li, what did you do before you fainted?"

My sister fed me and drank the medicine, staring at me with a heavy face.

"Me? I went to find Xie Jingyan, and then I fainted and didn't go anywhere."

Looking at my senior sister's face, I still don't understand.

I'm still alive, and I guess it was someone from the sect who attacked me.

I still have some pain in my shoulder, and my sister said that I have fainted for three days.

"Senior sister, you wait. I have something to tell you."

I got up and found the most precious silver coin in my room and gave it to my sister, who followed me.

I spoke weakly, a little ashamed.

"Senior sister, I'm actually..."

Senior Sister sighed.

"You say, we don't blame you for your mistakes."

Err? When I made a mistake.

I handed over all the money to my senior sister, after all, I am relieved of my senior sister's personality.

"Senior sister, I looked at the restaurant under the mountain... Qingqi, I don't like Senior Brother Xie anymore, I will cultivate well in the future. Seek someone to redeem him for me, in my name."

If my sister refuses, I will go myself.

It's just that I'm afraid Xie Jingyan will get sick again.

"Senior sister, you... That's all you have to tell me?"

I didn't know why, and nodded.

"Well, that's all."


I know why my sister looks at me like that.

I also understand why Xie Jingyan hates me even more.

When he broke in again and pulled me away, he pressed me with his sword and forced me to admit my mistake in front of my master.

The silver sword reflected his cold eyes, and there was no trust.

"Jiang Li, Lingxi just confessed her heart to me and went to see you with kindness, why did you hurt her?"

I was a little stunned.

"Who is Lingxi?"

Xie Jingyan glanced at me in disgust, and pointed to Xie Lingxi, who was lying on the bed and unconscious.

That's the guy who told me to go to him.

"I don't know her, she told me to find you. I have no grievances with her, and besides, my cultivation is not good, so why should I hurt her? Why was she hurt so badly?"

Shizun looked at all this coldly, but did not defend me.

Obviously, they all know me best.

But they didn't say a word at the moment.

The silence of the crowd pierced my heart like a knife.

I've lived with them for ten years, but I'm no match for a young sister who just arrived.

"She is the new junior sister, she is the daughter of the first master, and her cultivation is lower than yours. She just came back a day, and she fell with you, could it be that the junior sister who has no spiritual power is the one who hurt herself? You were jealous that she had robbed you of your things, and you killed her."

There was only shock in my eyes, and I shook my head again.

"I didn't."

"Haven't you always been like that? I don't like you, but you insist on sticking it up, you insist on following me, you want to make trouble for me, you don't like to be with you, and when you see her coming, you want to kill her."

The wounds on her body are indeed the moves I will make.

But I clearly didn't.

I am not the daughter of the head of the house, and I am not the one with whom he is engaged.

"Master, it wasn't Ah Li who did it."

But the master glanced at me, flicked his sleeves and left.

My tears fell to the ground.

No one will feel sorry for me, why?

I only heard Xie Jingyan coldly say the last sentence in my ear.

"If you murder your fellow sect, you should bear ninety-nine lashes, throw them down the mountain, and never be able to step into the sect."

Xie Jingyan executed on behalf of the head of the family.

He didn't believe me, and he wouldn't defend me.

His eyes were full of anger, and the strength in his hands was undiminished.

It was the Ancient Spirit Whip.

If I don't die, I'm afraid I won't be able to cultivate.

The senior sister is still helping me intercede.

I glanced at my sister, will she believe me?

"I'm sorry, senior sister, but I really don't."

It's not me who has a marriage contract with Xie Jingyan, he should be happy.


When I was tortured, the spiritual weapon that bound me was loosened.

I fell heavily from the air, and I didn't have any aura on me.

The skin that had been beaten was open and covered in blood.

Xie Jingyan won't touch me.

It will only feel like his hands are dirty.

My internal organs hurt all over my body, and my dantian was broken.

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