
Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

author:Keco said entertainment


Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: Life is not easy, it all depends on acting skills

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

In this spring season, the golden duo of Shen Teng and Ma Li joined hands again to bring us a hilarious and thought-provoking movie - "Catching the Doll". At the beginning of the movie, we staged a big drama of "no hard work", which made the audience exclaim: "Shen Teng, you pretended to be here again this time!" ”

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

At the end of one's resources? Or is it a burst of acting?

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

The story begins with Shen Teng's character Li Daring, who stands in a dilapidated alley with a sad face, telling the camera about the hardships of life. As soon as the camera turned, it was his young son Xiao Ming, holding a few empty bottles in his hands, rummaging carefully by the trash can. Anyone who sees this scene will feel pity, thinking that the Li family is really too poor to open the pot. But don't worry, this is just a "bitter love drama" carefully planned by Li Daring. It turned out that he heard that there was a doll catching competition in the community with huge prizes, so he decided to take his son to participate in the competition, and by the way, he took the opportunity to earn some extra money for himself and his son. So, there is the opening scene - a big test of acting skills about "poverty". Netizens left messages: "Shen Teng's acting skills are simply Oscar owing him a little golden man!" "This is the end of the road, it is clearly the road to freedom to wealth! ”

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

Doll Catching Contest: Full of jokes and warmth

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

As the plot of the movie progresses, we follow Li Daring and Xiao Ming into the arena of the doll catching competition. There are masters from all walks of life here, including masters of technical flow, as well as "ingenious" players like Li Daring. During the competition, Shen Teng's funny talent was brought into full play. He pretended to be injured to attract sympathy points, and then used exaggerated body language to distract his opponents, causing the audience to laugh constantly. And Xiao Ming, although he is young, his skills in catching dolls should not be underestimated, and the cooperation between father and son is seamless. Whenever Xiao Ming successfully caught a doll, Li Daring would cheer exaggeratedly, as if he had won the whole world. This kind of warm and funny scene made many viewers shed tears of emotion during the movie. Some netizens commented: "This movie, with tears in laughter, laughter in tears, I have mixed feelings when I watch it!" ”

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

The truth is revealed: I can't laugh anymore, but the thinking continues

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

Just when everyone thought that the movie would end with Li Daring and Xiao Ming winning the competition and living a happy life from then on, the director gave us an unexpected twist. It turned out that all this was carefully designed by Li Daring in order to inspire his son to face life bravely. He hopes that through this competition, Xiao Ming will understand that as long as he works hard, nothing is impossible. When the truth was revealed, the audience's laughter came to an abrupt halt and was replaced by deep emotion and thought. Some netizens left a message saying: "This movie is really laughable!" But after laughing, it makes people fall into deep thought. ”

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

Controversial summary: The bitterness and sweetness of life are all up to us to define

Shen Teng Ma Li's new film: From "picking up bottles" to catching dolls, the counterattack road from laughing to abdominal muscle pain!

The movie "Catching the Doll" tells a story about life, dreams, and family in a relaxed and witty way. It allows us to see the infinite possibilities of Shen Teng and Ma Li, the golden pair, and also makes us feel the ups and downs of life in laughter. But more importantly, it provokes us to think about life: What is real poverty? What is really rich? Perhaps, as the movie shows, the bitterness and sweetness of life do not depend entirely on the amount of material, but more on our mentality and choices. Each of us has the ability to create our own happy life, as long as we have dreams, courage and action. So, what are you waiting for? Come and share your thoughts in the comment section! Let's discuss how to deduce your own wonderful chapter on the stage of life!

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