
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

Feng De, who was doing business, was suddenly blocked at the door of his factory by his brother-in-law, and the brother-in-law also said: "Don't worry about my family's money", which made Feng De confused.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

After returning home, Feng De asked his wife what was going on, and his wife said that her ex had an accident and lost more than 900,000 yuan, and she lent her younger brother 560,000 yuan. I didn't borrow a penny, don't you talk nonsense? ”

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

We all know that even if we lend our money to sisters and brothers born to the same parents, we must understand it, and we can't have confused accounts. No, Ms. Wang from Hunan will have this "confused account".

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Forced to lend out her ex-husband's compensation money

Ms. Wang, who lent her brother the money, is the first child in the family, and there are younger siblings below. Wang Jingfu's ex-husband died in an accident, but fortunately, the other party lost nearly 900,000 yuan, so that Wang Jingfu and her two children would not be cornered.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Do you think her life has been quiet ever since? Of course not! Just before she and her current husband Feng De got married, her dear brother Wang Xiu was eyeing her 960,000 yuan in compensation. Wang Xiu is a typical "mom treasure man", his parents are patriarchal, and everything has to follow him. Under the banner of entrepreneurship, Wang Xiu has been pestering his sister to borrow money.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

At first, Wang Jingfu was determined not to borrow, but she couldn't stand her brother's soft grinding and hard bubbles, and even moved out of their old mother to persuade her. Wang Xiu cried about the difficulties of starting a business, and warned his sister: "Sister, if you don't lend me some money, in case your new husband Feng Dexuan remembers the 960,000, it's uncertain!" "You see, what you say is simply forcing people to take out the money.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

In the end, Wang Jingfu couldn't resist the pressure and lent her younger brother 560,000. She always felt unsteady in her heart, so she asked her brother to write an IOU, thinking that with black and white, her brother would never repay the debt, right? This is called "man is not as good as heaven".

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

A younger brother who owes a debt and does not pay it

In a blink of an eye, his son Chen Ji reached the age of talking about marriage and had to buy a house. Wang Jingfu remembered the money she had lent, so she asked her brother about repaying the money. As a result, when Wang Xiu heard this, his face immediately changed: "What house to buy?" Your son doesn't even have a girlfriend, what's the hurry? This made Wang Jingfu very angry, but she had no choice but to come to the door again and again to collect debts.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Every time I come to the door and ask my brother for money, he either hides from people and doesn't see anyone, or he says that he has no money, so he pushes tomorrow and tomorrow the day after tomorrow. The last time they met, Wang Jingfu took out the IOU, but Wang Xiu didn't say a word, grabbed it and tore it up: "Now there is no evidence, you go to the court to sue me!" "Good fellow, this is going to be a scoundrel.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Wang Jingfu was already depressed, but she didn't expect that greater trouble was yet to come. One day, just a few days after the start of Feng De's sand field, a car blocked the way in front of the door. Feng De came out to see that it was his brother-in-law Wang Xiu sitting in the car. Wang Xiu said to Feng De that their family's money has nothing to do with Feng De, so don't worry about it. Feng De's second monk was puzzled.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Feng De went home and asked, only to know what was going on, and now he was also angry, and went to Wang Xiu: "This is the money left to her by Jingfu's ex-husband, you hurry up and return it, and you can go to work on my battlefield in the future." "I didn't expect Wang Xiu to listen to his words, and he made a big fuss about Feng De, and it was even more impossible to repay the money.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

The family tragedy behind the debt collection turmoil

Seeing that things are so ugly, Wang Jingfu feels that there is no need to continue to endure it, her brother doesn't treat her as a sister, and she doesn't need to give her brother face, so let's sue for money. She consulted a lawyer, who said that although the IOU was torn, as long as there was a bank transfer record, the existence of the money could be proved. Wang Jingfu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and decided to go to court to sue her younger brother.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Who knew that this Wang Xiu heard that his sister was going to sue him, without any guilt or worry, and directly said to his sister: "Then you can go and sue." "The reason why he is so arrogant is that he has already asked someone to inquire, and there is no IOU, and the court can't do anything.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

In court, Wang Xiu made all kinds of quibbles, and even lied in court that the money was given to him voluntarily by Wang Jingfu, and there was no such thing as borrowing. But the judge is not a vegetarian, and when he saw this, he asked to check Wang Xiu's bank statements, and it turned out that he had spent a lot of money in recent years, but he did not have any legitimate source of income.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

The judge sneered: "You said that you earned all this money, do you have any evidence?" At this time, Wang Xiu was completely speechless, and his lies were self-defeating. In the end, under the fair judgment of the law, Wang Jingfu got back her own 560,000.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Sister and brother turned against each other

The money was returned, but the relationship between Wang Jingfu and her younger brother and mother was completely broken. It's strange for you to say this, it was Wang Jingfu's hard-earned money, and she got her money back, it stands to reason that everyone should be happy, but things are developing in the direction of bloody dramas.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Mother stood by Wang Xiu's side from beginning to end, as if Wang Xiu was her heart, what about Wang Jingfu? As if it was just picked up. Even in court, my mother protected the calf as always, testified on behalf of Wang Xiu, and said something with tears in her eyes: "This money is part of our family and cannot be returned." "Listen, what you said was as if the 560,000 yuan was taken out of Wang Xiu's pocket by Wang Jingfu.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Wang Jingfu's heart is cold, it is colder than no heating in winter. She never thought that her own brother, who she had worked so hard to raise, and the mother she had always respected, would be so ruthless in the face of interests. The usual saying that "family members should help each other" has become a joke at this time.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Wang Xiu was even more proud, as if he was a big winner. It's a pity that he didn't expect that the courtroom is a place to talk about evidence, not about emotion. His little trick was not worth mentioning in front of the judge. Although Wang Jingfu was cold, she finally got back her own money, which was finally a little comforting.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

But when the money was returned, the family relationship was shattered. This matter is really speechless, a family with such a close blood relationship actually made such a fuss for money. Wang Jingfu looked at the backs of her mother and younger brother, and could only sigh helplessly. She understands that some relationships can never be repaired.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

When she got home, Feng De saw her appearance, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's good to get the money back, let's deal with them less in the future." Wang Jingfu nodded, but there was an indescribable bitterness in her heart. She knew that although this family dispute was over, the scars would remain in her heart forever.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense

Feng De is worth mentioning, in the whole matter, he has always been Wang Jingfu's strong backing, not only did not blame her for this incident, but fully supported her, and was willing to come forward to solve the problem. Such a husband is really a blessing from his previous life.

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense
The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense


Wang Jingfu's story may be just one of many family disputes, but it profoundly reveals a truth: no matter how close the relationship is, it also needs to be settled in terms of money. There must be a clear agreement to write it down in black and white, so as not to hurt the feelings later. I hope that when facing similar problems, everyone can remember this lesson and not let family affection become so fragile in the face of money.

Here are the sources of information:

Romance 20220626 Period: The wife concealed the 960,000 compensation for her deceased husband and wife fell into a crisis of trust

The woman borrowed 560,000 yuan from her brother without telling her husband, but her brother didn't admit it when she asked for the account: I didn't borrow it, don't talk nonsense