
54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

"This line of 'Da Lang, it's time to drink medicine' has undoubtedly become an immortal masterpiece in the history of film and television, and its far-reaching influence has transcended the limitations of the times and has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of generations of audiences.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Looking back on the past, in the 98 version of "Water Margin", Ms. Wang Siyi's role of Pan Jinlian has won the admiration and intoxication of countless audiences with her excellent appearance and superb acting skills.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Time passes, time flies, even the beauty of the past is difficult to resist the baptism of the years.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Now, Ms. Wang Siyi, who has entered the age of 54, although her appearance is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, her calmness and calmness have become more and more prominent after her unique charm after years of precipitation. Time has left a unique trace on Wang Siyi's body. "

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

The "most beautiful Pan Jinlian" in "Water Margin" used to be the white moonlight in the hearts of many audiences. At that time, as long as Wang Siyi appeared on the stage, her delicate appearance was enough to make countless people dream. However, the years are really unforgiving, and now at the age of 54, she looks much worse than before.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

In the recently exposed photos, Wang Siyi's short hair is combed back, and her hairline has moved back significantly, looking a little bald.

In addition, with the loss of collagen, the apple muscle is no longer as full and firm as when it was young, and the face has aged a lot. Who would have thought that the "Pan Jinlian" of the year also had what it is today?

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

However, although time has taken away her youth, her smart facial features and temperament are still fresh in people's memories. Judging from the photos and videos posted by Wang Siyi on social platforms, although she used some beautification and skin grinding skills, it is still difficult to hide her former beauty. Wang Siyi is still the same Wang Siyi, the beauty is twilight, and she still has her unique charm.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

That elegant temperament can still make people feel the style of "Pan Jinlian" back then. Even though the years are merciless, her beauty still has a lingering charm. This is probably the best interpretation of "beauty is twilight, and the charm still exists".

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Who says you can't be beautiful when you're old? Wang Siyi told us with her true state that although the years have taken away youth, they can't take away that confidence and elegance.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, he is a child who has been thoroughly influenced by art since he was a child. Her mom was a dance teacher, so at home, dance was almost compulsory. At a young age, Wang Siyi was exposed to dance under the influence of her mother and showed amazing talent.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Look at Wang Siyi's dancing appearance, like a smart deer, plus she can play the piano and dance ballet, she is simply an all-round literary girl.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

If it develops according to common sense, Wang Siyi's dance road should be a green light and smooth sailing. However, life always likes to give people some problems.

An accidental injury forced Wang Siyi to say goodbye to the stage and ended her originally bright dance career. This is really distressing, after all, her performance on stage has always been so good.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

However, when God closes a door, it often opens a window for you. Although the dream of dance was shattered, Wang Siyi's artistic life did not end there.

After all, she is such a talented and good-looking girl, no matter what field she is in, she will shine. This setback has given her more possibilities in life.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Wang Siyi did not collapse because of this, but changed careers to become a model. With the elegance and dignified demeanor brought by dance training, Wang Siyi quickly emerged in the modeling circle.

Within a few years, she won the title of "Top Ten Models in Taipei". It was during this time that she was tapped by entertainment companies and entered the film and television industry.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

In 1998, Wang Siyi's life ushered in a bright star. Pan Jinlian, who she played in "Water Margin", has become a classic image of an era and is unforgettable.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

For the casting of this role, the director undoubtedly gave high praise. Wang Siyi has a delicate little face like a slap, clear and bright big eyes, as moving as autumn water, and her inadvertent charming temperament adds endless charm to this role.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

The audience's emotions about the role of Pan Jinlian are complex and contradictory. On the one hand, they are deeply disgusted by the character's behavior and question his morality; However, on the other hand, they couldn't resist Wang Siyi's unique beauty and superb acting skills. This intricate feeling made Wang Siyi leave an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Even if the years go by and time flies, when people mention the role of Pan Jinlian, Wang Siyi's amazing performance will still come to people's minds. With her extraordinary acting skills and outstanding appearance, she successfully shaped this role into a timeless classic and became a precious memory in the hearts of the audience.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

After successfully playing Pan Jinlian, Wang Siyi once fell into the dilemma of role stereotyping. The audience always habitually associates her with Pan Jinlian, causing her to frequently "string plays" when taking on other roles. In order to break this dilemma, Wang Siyi decided to try different types of roles, but the effect was not ideal.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

In this case, Wang Siyi gradually reduced the shooting of film and television works and began to seek a new direction. She participated in variety shows and even appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but she was never able to get rid of Pan Jinlian's shadow.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Faced with such a predicament, Wang Siyi chose a more pragmatic path, gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, and devoted more time to life.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

While her career is gradually declining, Wang Siyi's personal life has also experienced many twists and turns. There were once rumors that she had an underground affair with Ding Haifeng, but this was not the case.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

At the age of 35, Wang Siyi finally joined hands with outsiders to enter the marriage hall, but this marriage did not last. The conflict between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, coupled with her husband's coldness, made her finally choose to divorce.

After the divorce, Wang Siyi shifted her focus to philanthropy and began to enjoy her life. She shares her daily life on social platforms, shows her tea culture brand, and lives a free and comfortable life.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Time, this merciless judge, shows no mercy to everyone. Even if she was once a beautiful woman of the peerless generation, Wang Siyi could not resist the baptism of time. Today, at the age of 54, although her face has passed away, her tree of life is still flourishing and full of vitality.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Wang Siyi no longer pursues the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, but chooses her own path and finds a new chapter in her life. In the sea of tea culture, she found a new passion and enthusiasm that continues to leave her mark on the world in her own unique way.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Wang Siyi's story is like a mirror, reflecting the colorful and colorful life. She shows us that every stage of life has its own unique charm and beauty. The enthusiasm and passion of youth are as brilliant as the rising sun;

The tranquility and calmness of the twilight years are as deep as the sunset. With her attitude towards life, Wang Siyi showed us how to face the flow of time gracefully, and how to maintain her own light and enthusiasm in the long river of years.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old


From the most beautiful Pan Jinlian to the old age, Wang Siyi's life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. But she always maintained an optimistic attitude and bravely faced every challenge in life.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

Her story is not only a legend of a star, but also a true portrayal of how a woman walks forward with strength and grace in the face of adversity in life.

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

I hope that every reader can gain strength from Wang Siyi's experience, face their own life, and live their own wonderful life.

Sources of this article:

[1] Actor Wang Siyi - personal official media account

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old

[2] CCTV International: 2007-01-21 released "Wang Siyi - I play Pan Jinlian at the age of 25"

54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old
54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old
[4] Variety show "I Love My Home": Wang Siyi revealed that she had a flash marriage and divorce
54-year-old Wang Siyi was shocked! In the past, Pan Jinlian now has thinning hair, swollen apple muscles, and looks old
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