
Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
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Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Zhao Wei's mother, Wei Qiying, the rich lady who used to be beautiful. Zhao Wei, I think everyone must be familiar with it, right? must have seen "Huanzhu Gege", which is popular all over the country.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

But, you know what? Her mother, Wei Qiying, was also a legend. However, Wei Qiying's life has not always been smooth, especially in recent years, her life has undergone tremendous changes. Let's take a look at the story behind this mother!

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Wei Qiying is not an ordinary person, she is a veritable rich daughter. Her ancestors are famous businessmen in Wuhu, who have lived in top mansions since she was a child, living a life of fine clothes and food. Wei Qiying's parents are very fond of her, and they almost want to give anything.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Fate is always a trick on people. In that turbulent era, the Wei family's enterprises were not spared. Wei Qiying has changed from a rich daughter to an ordinary person, which is quite a big change.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

However, Wei Qiying was not defeated by difficulties, she worked hard and eventually became a primary school teacher and lived an ordinary and happy life.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Wei Qiying's marriage is also legendary. She married Zhao Jiahai, the "third generation of red", and the two fell in love with each other very much. In order to be able to accompany his wife, Zhao Jiahai even did not hesitate to transfer his job and lived a sweet married life with Wei Qiying.

They gave birth to a pair of children, son Zhao Jian, and daughter is the smash hit female star Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Zhao Wei's acting career is really legendary! When she was a child, she was not a child who kept to herself, she was always naughty and mischievous, and her grades were not good, and she knew how to play every day. However, her artistic talent is quite remarkable, she is very talented in singing and dancing, and she is proficient in everything.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

With the firm support of her mother Wei Qiying, Zhao Wei resolutely applied for Xie Jin Hengtong Star School and started her extraordinary acting career.

Subsequently, she was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, and with her tenacious efforts and natural talent, she soon made a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Zhao Wei relied on the role of Xiaoyanzi in Qiong Yao's drama "Huanzhu Gege", which was an instant hit and was deeply loved by the public. She became a household name.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Then, Zhao Wei starred in many popular dramas and movies, becoming one of the most sought-after actresses at the time.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Zhao Wei's acting career is a legend, but she is not satisfied with the shine on the screen. With bigger dreams, she decided to enter the business world. She teamed up with her brother Zhao Jian to start a film and television production company, which is no joke.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Zhao Jian, a business tycoon, served as the company's director and was fully responsible for the day-to-day operation and management. His mind and sweat have made the company grow rapidly, and even foreign trade and real estate have begun to intervene, which can be described as a great ambition.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Zhao Wei's business ambitions are really not small. She was a keen investor in Alibaba and suddenly became a significant shareholder. She has a very sharp eye in the business field and has reaped a lot of wealth and glory.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

It can be said that Zhao Wei is not only thriving in the entertainment industry, but also in the business world, becoming a high-profile successful woman.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

But the good times didn't last long, and Zhao Wei's former scenery did not last long. As recently as 2016, Zhao Jian and his wife were subjected to a wave of severe scrutiny on suspicion of dereliction of duty, and were even denied access to the stock market. This incident not only worsened Zhao Jian's business reputation, but also cast a shadow on Zhao Wei's career.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

What's even more shocking is that some of Zhao Wei's past controversial behaviors have also been ruthlessly revealed. She once appeared in a costume with a Japanese military flag pattern, a move that immediately drew public outrage and outcry. It has also successfully attracted widespread attention from citizens.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Although she was later forced to apologize under the pressure of public opinion, her image has suffered an irreparable blow, and the public's trust in her has been greatly reduced.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

In 2018, Zhao Wei and her husband were completely banned because of a series of messy and ugly things, and the circumstances were serious. Her hard-working works were all taken off the shelves at once, and the super talk on Weibo was also shut down, and she simply disappeared from public view.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died
Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

These are undoubtedly a huge blow to Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying. But worse is yet to come. Zhao Jian and his wife Chen Rong's marriage was soon in jeopardy, and finally came to an end and chose to divorce.

After the divorce, a large amount of Zhao Jian's property was divided equally, and the market value of the company's shares was swept away by Chen Rong by 520 million alone. I don't know if Chen Rong has been planning for a long time.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Just when Wei Qiying was anxious about her children's affairs, tired of coping, and busy, the news of her husband Zhao Jiahai's death due to illness came again. This was undoubtedly the last straw that crushed Wei Qiying and made her fall into deep despair.

She lost her husband who had been with her all her life, and she was alone and helpless to face these ensuing changes. At this time, her heart was full of pain and helplessness, as if she had fallen into endless darkness.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

The death of her husband made the already exhausted Wei Qiying even worse, she didn't know how to face her future life, how to take care of her children and deal with various problems.

But life has to go on, Wei Qiying must be strong, for the sake of her children, for the expectations of her late husband, she must cheer up and bravely face all challenges.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

After a series of setbacks and challenges, Wei Qiying's living situation has undergone a radical and dramatic transformation. In the past, she was the jewel of a wealthy family with a happy family and a successful career, enjoying the warmth of family and the aura of career.

However, time has passed, and now she can only face the ups and downs of life alone and has become a lonely old man. Although her life path was full of bumps and hardships, filled with countless challenges and tribulations, Wei Qiying was not crushed by these difficulties.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

She firmly chose to live alone, enjoying each day with a calm mind, full of peace and serenity despite her loneliness.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died


Wei Qiying's story tells us that fate is impermanent, and there will always be unexpected changes in life. But no matter what the adversity is, as long as we remain strong and optimistic, we can get through it. I hope that Wei Qiying can find inner peace and live a happy life in the future.

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died

Sources of information:

Primary sources

The original article was published in Xinmin Evening News in 2019 About Zhao Wei, who "loves to cut leeks", has a big event! 17 shareholders just won her, and another 67 shareholders "joined the battle group" report

The original article was published in the Beijing News on July 30, 2004, on "Negative News Rises Again, Zhao Wei Instructs the Driver to Beat a Pregnant Woman?" ”

The original article was published on Shanxi News Network on April 9, 2005 on "Zhao Wei wears a Japanese military flag and pretends to hate!" ".

The original article was published in the Beijing News on October 12, 2017 on "Tangde Film and Television's two shareholders divorced and were divided into 500 million yuan of shares".

The original article was published in Luzhong Morning News on April 16, 2024, about "Zhao Wei's equity has been frozen again!" The amount involved is 5 million yuan".

Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying's tragic life: her daughter-in-law took away 520 million, her daughter was banned, and her husband died
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