
Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

author:Mimi Entertainment

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Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Text: Mimi Entertainment

Edited by Mimi Entertainment

A bumpy life after a famous family

In Wuhu, Anhui Province, a former glorious business family gave birth to a girl, she is Wei Qiying. Born in a wealthy family, her childhood was colorful, but the gears of fate turned inadvertently,

The decline of the family business caused her to fall from the clouds and appreciate the impermanence of life. Despite the downfall of her family, Wei Qiying still has a good education and elegant temperament, and finally under the arrangement of her parents,

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

married Zhao Jiahai with a background. The life after marriage seems to be opening a new chapter to her. She and Zhao Jiahai have a pair of children - Zhao Jian and Zhao Wei, and the family seems to be happy.

But as a mother, Wei Qiying's life is not limited to the narrow circle of the family. When her daughter Zhao Wei showed a strong interest in performing arts, Wei Qiying resolutely decided to support her dream.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Even if it means facing the unknown and the risk. With Wei Qiying's encouragement and help, Zhao Wei gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, and all this also brought unprecedented challenges to the mother and daughter.

The mother's love behind the bright star journey

Under the discernment of her mother Wei Qiying, Zhao Wei's artistic path gradually unfolded. From the first electrocution in "Painting the Soul" to the smart interpretation of Xiaoyanzi in "Huanzhu Gege", Zhao Wei's every step embodies her mother's hard work.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Wei Qiying is not only her daughter's strong backing, but also her guiding light on the road of acting. When Zhao Wei became famous overnight because of the TV series, Wei Qiying's mood was undoubtedly joyful and proud,

She is sincerely happy for her daughter's achievement. Behind the glamour of the entertainment industry, there are countless challenges and unknowns. When Zhao Wei's career was in full swing, she suffered a heavy blow from Xuezang.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

This blow is not only a personal test for Zhao Wei, but also an impact on the entire family. During this difficult period, Wei Qiying chose to be silent, she did not say too much in front of the public,

Instead, he silently gave his daughter the greatest support and comfort behind his back. Her strength and calmness have become the motivation for her daughter to move forward in the wind and rain. In the face of doubts and dilemmas from the outside world, Wei Qiying showed the greatness of a mother.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Not only does she have to endure the psychological pressure of her daughter being hidden, but she also has to deal with all kinds of family and social problems that come with it. At that difficult moment, she used her actions to interpret what it means to never give up, and used the power of maternal love to support her daughter.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

A strong mother in the turmoil of her later years

In Wei Qiying's later years, the drama of life was staged again. She witnessed the breakdown of her son Zhao Jian's marriage, which is undoubtedly heart-wrenching for a mother. Zhao Jian's divorce from his wife not only brought discord to the family,

It also involves the division of a huge amount of property, and these changes make Wei Qiying feel pressured. And her husband also died of illness, leaving her to face the ups and downs of life alone. A cruel blow of fate,

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Wei Qiying's later life was not peaceful. From the aura of the former "star mother" to the loneliness and desolation now, her life trajectory is like a script with ups and downs. Even in the face of such adversity,

Wei Qiying remains strong and elegant. Instead of being crushed by adversity, she faced every challenge in her life with incredible courage. After so many changes,

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Wei Qiying chose to keep a low profile and retire. She avoided media attention as much as possible and lived a quiet and low-key life. Although the attention of the outside world to her has gradually decreased, her story and spirit are still worthy of our memory and respect.

Silent support in private

In the face of her daughter Zhao Wei's snow hiding and family changes, although Wei Qiying remained silent in public, in private, she gave her daughter endless comfort and support. She is well aware of her daughter's inner struggle and pain,

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Therefore, she used her mother's unique gentleness and strength to help Zhao Wei slowly get out of the trough. In dealing with a range of complex legal and economic issues, Wei Qiying also brings her wisdom and experience to the table.

Although she is not a person in the entertainment industry, she can give her daughter accurate advice and assistance at critical moments. Whether it is taking care of her granddaughter or taking care of family affairs, Wei Qiying does it herself.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

It shows the responsibility and responsibility of a mother. In the stormy days, Wei Qiying always stood by her daughter's side and proved the greatness of maternal love with practical actions.

Her support and dedication provided Zhao Wei with a strong backing, allowing her to bravely face difficulties, gradually regain her confidence, and continue to move forward.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

The power of mother's love and the tenacity of life

Wei Qiying's life is like a legendary novel that has experienced vicissitudes. She has experienced the rise and fall of her family, the success or failure of her children, and every ups and downs has tested her tenacity and wisdom.

When her daughter Zhao Wei became a household name, Wei Qiying was her solid backing; When Zhao Wei suffered a career setback, Wei Qiying was her warm harbor again. As a mother, Wei Qiying has always taken the happiness of her children as her own responsibility.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

Her life seems to be selfless dedication to her family and children, and her love is deep and powerful, as unwavering as a mountain. Her story is not only a mother's story, but also a story about tenacity,

A story of courage and selfless dedication. On the stage of life, Wei Qiying plays multiple roles - she is a teacher, a wife, and a mother. Every role, she performed it vividly,

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

It shows the gentleness and strength of women. Even in the face of various misfortunes in her later years, she still maintained an optimistic and positive attitude, and continued to write a wonderful chapter of her life in her own way.

A model of motherly love who has walked through the wind and rain

Wei Qiying's life journey is full of ups and downs and twists. From a wealthy family to a middle-of-the-road family, from her daughter Zhao Wei's star-studded to falling off the altar, every change tests her tenacity and wisdom.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

She is not only a mother, but also a witness of the times, and her experience reflects the great changes in Chinese society and the entertainment industry. In the stormy days, Wei Qiying has always been like a mountain,

With her strength and wisdom to support the whole family. Her story is the most profound tribute to mother's love and an ode to the indomitable spirit of life.

Wei Qiying: The daughter-in-law swept away 520 million, the daughter was completely hidden, and her husband also died

She uses her actions to tell us that no matter how unpredictable fate is, it cannot shake a mother's perseverance in her family and deep affection for her children.

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