
2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: The Power to Forget

author:Guanhua composition

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: The Power to Forget

Read the material below and write according to the prompts. (60 minutes)

Gibran said that forgetting is a freedom. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Márquez says that the forgetfulness caused by "insomnia" can make people end up "idiots with no past"; Today, however, digital technology seems to have deprived society of the ability to forget, and the past is engraved on our digital skin like tattoos, causing us to carry more and more bags on the way forward.

What associations and thoughts do the above materials trigger for you to "forget"? Please write an essay that reflects your understanding and thinking.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

【Title Analysis】:


This essay title uses famous sayings and famous works to lead the topic, points to the reality of today's society, and embodies the concept of paying attention to reality and life. The material offers three references to "oblivion", one by the Lebanese poet Gibran, the Colombian writer Marquez, and the other by real life. The first piece of material is a quote that points directly to the core concept of "forgetting" and states that "forgetting is a freedom". The second material uses the example of "insomnia" in the famous book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" that causes people to "become idiots with no past" to illustrate the consequences of forgetting. The third material is a real-world phenomenon, pointing out that the development of digital technology in modern society has made it difficult to "forget". These three materials go from theory to reality and then to the phenomena in reality, layer by layer, guiding candidates to think deeply about "forgetting".


  1. Forgetting is a kind of freedom, and it is also a state of life.
  2. In the face of the past, we must learn to choose, take the initiative to forget, and move forward bravely.
  3. Forget the past, cherish the present, and plan for the future.
  4. Digital technology makes it hard for us to forget, and it makes it easier for us to remember the good.
  5. Forgetting and remembering: how to make trade-offs on the way forward?


  1. The ancients said: "In the world, the rich and noble cannot be lewd, the poor and the lowly cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be bent, this is called a great husband." The "mighty and unyielding" here is a kind of realm, a realm that can still adhere to discipline and move forward bravely in the face of difficulties and adversity. In the same way, forgetting is also a state of affairs. In the face of past setbacks, pain, and unbearableness, it is also a state of mind to choose to forget and move forward bravely.
  2. Newton was the founder of modern physics, and he made remarkable achievements in scientific research. However, he was not so successful at first. In his youth, he suffered many setbacks and even fell into confusion for a while. But he chose to forget about his past failures and focus on the research of the present, which eventually led to a great achievement.
  3. In real life, many people are unable to move forward because they cannot forget the past and carry a heavy psychological burden. And those who can take the initiative to forget the past and face the reality bravely are often better able to grasp the present and realize their life value.

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: Forgotten music

Under Gibran's brush, forgetting is portrayed as a kind of freedom. It is a relief, a release, a letting go of the past, allowing people to re-examine themselves and embrace new beginnings. However, in Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, forgetting is portrayed as a disaster. It is an inescapable past, a constant haunting, a captivity of memory, which makes people sink into the abyss of history.

Today, in an age where digital technology reigns, forgetting seems to have become a luxury. Every moment, every heartbeat, every breath we take is captured by digital memories and fixed in a virtual space. The joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the past are engraved on our digital skin like tattoos, which cannot be erased or forgotten. On the way forward, we carry heavier and heavier bags, which are full of memories of the past, and we cannot move forward easily.

However, I would like to say that forgetting should not be completely denied. Forgetting, in fact, is a choice, an attitude towards life. We can choose to remember those beautiful moments, those moments that make us laugh and move, and let them be our motivation to move forward. We can also choose to forget those painful memories, those experiences that make us sad and troubled, so that they no longer become a burden on our hearts.

I think of the girl I once loved, her smile, her gentleness, every detail of her, etched deeply in my memory. However, when I chose to forget, I realized that I had not actually forgotten her, but had chosen to make her a part of my life. Her existence has taught me to love, to give, and to cherish. And that's what keeps me going.

I also remembered the mistakes I had made, the moments that made me regret and blame myself. I've tried to memorize them as a reminder not to make the same mistakes again. However, when I chose to forget, I realized that I didn't actually forget them, but chose to make them a part of my growth. These mistakes have taught me to be humble, to be cautious, and to be brave. And that's what keeps me going.

In this age of digital technology, we may not be able to completely forget, but we can choose how to face the memories of the past. We can choose to remember what is good for us and forget what is bad for us. We can choose to let our past experiences be our motivation rather than a burden.

Forgetting is a kind of freedom, a kind of choice, and an attitude towards life. In this digital age, let's learn to forget, learn to choose, and learn to face. Let us carry the experience and lessons of the past, instead of the pain and troubles of the past, and move forward on the road of life. Because only in this way can we be truly free, truly live, and truly move forward.

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: The Power to Forget

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: The power to forget

In Gibran's view, forgetting is a kind of freedom. It's a release, a relief, a power that allows us to move forward. However, in the age of digital technology, we seem to have lost this freedom. Our past, like a tattoo, is deeply etched into our digital skin, beyond erasure. This reminds me of a story.

I have a friend who is a keen social media person. His circle of friends is full of bits and pieces of his life, and every detail is recorded by him and shared with everyone. However, one day, he suddenly felt tired, and he began to wonder if these pasts really belonged to him. He began to delete some photos and texts from the past, but he found that these pasts were like shadows, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get rid of them.

This reminds me of the "insomnia" that Márquez describes in One Hundred Years of Solitude. People lose the ability to forget because of insomnia and end up being idiots with no past. It is a fear of the past, a confusion about the future. We are afraid of forgetting because we are afraid of being alone. We are afraid of losing those memories that once accompanied us.

However, forgetting is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, forgetting is a relief, a release. When we forget the pain and distress of the past, we can face the future better. When we let go of the baggage of the past, we can move forward more easily. Forgetting is a freedom, the power we give to ourselves.

I am reminded of another quote from Gibran: "Leave the past to the years; The future is left to time to tell. "We can't change the past, but we have the ability to choose to forget. We can't predict the future, but we can choose not to be bound by the past. We can choose to let go and choose to look forward.

In this age of digital technology, we need to re-examine the value of forgetting. We need to learn to remember selectively and forget selectively. We can use digital technology to record our past, but we also need the courage and wisdom to sift through and organize these memories. We must not let the past be our burden, but let it be our strength.

Forgetting is not an escape, but a growth. Through forgetting, we can understand ourselves better and face life better. We can learn from the mistakes of the past, but we cannot let them hold us back in the future. We can remember those good memories, but we can't let them hold us back.

In this era of information explosion, we need to remember selectively and forget selectively. We need to learn to let go and learn to look forward. Only in this way can we truly have the freedom to forget, and we can truly have the strength to move forward.

Let us remember Gibran's words: "Forgetting is a freedom." "Let's use this freedom to create our own future.

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