
2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: There is a treasure in your heart, move forward bravely

author:Guanhua composition

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: There is a treasure in your heart, move forward bravely

Read the material below and write as requested.

Some entrepreneurs say that there are "four majors" in life:

First, the great strategy of life is to build the quality of the soul and thus develop the spiritual treasure to dominate the behavior. That is, "after going through ice and snow, we can cherish the beauty of spring".

The second article, "Witness the spring and autumn fruits, and only then can you understand the truth of spring", which reveals the major truth of life, "action and reaction".

The third article, "only by understanding spring, summer, autumn and winter, can we believe in the inevitability of spring", the great value of life is to achieve others to build spiritual quality, so as to develop spiritual treasures and dominate behavior.

Fourth, "reclaiming 10,000 acres of fertile land is the secret of spring", and the major secret of life is "having endless treasures in my heart".

By understanding and experiencing the four major aspects of life, life has a direction, a goal, a path and a driving force.

The above material is very revealing. Please choose one or two of them to write an essay that reflects your feelings and thoughts.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

[Essay Analysis]: This is a task-driven material essay question.

With the help of the "four majors" mentioned by entrepreneurs, the material is intended to provoke us to think about how we can achieve our life goals.

When we fully realize our strengths and weaknesses, and strive to build a beautiful spiritual quality, that is, to continuously improve our excellent qualities and correct our own shortcomings, we can continue to build a better self, so as to develop the treasure of the soul to have the ability to improve ourselves.

Second, the relationship between "action and reaction" is not one-way, but interactive. Our behavior is not only influenced by the external environment, but also has an impact on the external environment. Every choice we make, every action we make, invisibly affects our destiny. Positive behaviors can lead to positive experiences and learning opportunities, as well as personal and social development. Negative behaviors can lead to negative outcomes and consequences, hindering our development and progress. This negative reaction not only puts our lives in trouble, but can also have a negative impact on others and society.

The third is to "achieve others", that is, to tell us to have the ability to cooperate with others. If a person wants to succeed, many times it is not enough to rely on themselves, therefore, we must learn to cooperate with others, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Fourth, it can be said that the last step to achieve a successful life, when we have infinite treasures in our hearts, we will not be too affected by the outside world, suffer from gains and losses, but can stick to the goal, the heart of the year, the past. Or, even if you encounter a temporary failure, you will not be overly anxious, but can face the adversity with a full and relaxed mindset and move forward with optimism.

The test asks you to choose one or two of them to start writing. In this regard, first of all, you should choose the one that you are most comfortable with or want to challenge, or choose the two that are intrinsically related, and analyze their relationship with the realization of "great life". For example, if we choose the self and the environment, we can first explain that the importance of behavior as a bridge between us and the outside world is self-evident. And the environment can also have an important counter-effect on our behavior. For example, when we choose to help others and actively participate in social activities, our hearts will be filled with joy and satisfaction, and at the same time, we will also build good interpersonal relationships in society. When we choose to avoid responsibility and indulge in bad habits, our hearts may be filled with anxiety and guilt, and at the same time, we will lose trust and respect in society.


1. The environment affects the youth, and the youth change the future.

2. There is a treasure in the heart, and you can move forward bravely.

3. Mutual benefit and win-win, beauty and beauty.

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: There is a treasure in your heart, move forward bravely

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: The developer of the treasure of the soul

In the long river of life, each of us is an explorer, exploring the treasures of our hearts. The "four majors" mentioned by entrepreneurs are like a beacon that illuminates our way forward and allows us to understand how to develop the treasures of the soul and dominate our own behavior. I choose one of them, and I think the most important one: "The important strategy of life is to build the quality of the soul and thus develop the spiritual treasure to dominate the behavior." ”

On the road of life, we often encounter difficulties and setbacks, just like ice and snow. Only after experiencing the cold and hardships can we cherish the beauty of spring even more. I once heard a story about a young man who was on the verge of collapse when he encountered a lot of difficulties in his career and life. However, instead of giving up, he chose a difficult path and worked hard to build his spiritual qualities. After a long period of practice, he finally got out of the predicament and became a successful entrepreneur. He often said, "If it wasn't for those tough times, I wouldn't be where I am today." It is precisely because he has experienced the ice and snow that he cherishes the beauty of spring even more.

Building the quality of the soul and developing the treasure of the soul is not achieved overnight. We need to continue to work hard like spring to witness the blossoms and autumn fruits. In the process, we gradually grasp the truth of spring, that is, action and reaction. Every action we take has an impact on ourselves and others, and that influence in turn affects our behavior. As the ancients of the mainland said: "Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans." "Our actions determine our fate, and our destiny determines our actions. Therefore, we need to constantly review our actions to ensure that they are positive and beneficial.

The great value of life lies in the achievement of others and the construction of spiritual quality. It is a process of mutual aid, and when we help others grow, we ourselves will grow as well. I once read a book about the story of a philanthropist, which tells the story of how a philanthropist used his power to help the development of a poor mountainous area. Not only did he provide educational opportunities for local children, but he also built roads and wells for them. I was deeply touched by the story of this philanthropist, who explained the great value of life with his actions.

Finally, the great secret of life is to have endless treasures in your heart. Everyone has endless potential, and as long as we are willing to dig in, we can find the treasure inside. This treasure includes not only wisdom, courage, and kindness, but also our love of life and the pursuit of our dreams. We need to work hard like cultivating 10,000 acres of fertile land in order to understand the secret of spring and find the treasure in our hearts.

In conclusion, the four major events of life are our compass on our way forward, and they tell us how to develop the treasures of the soul and govern our behavior. Let's continue to move forward in this direction, explore the treasures in our hearts, and write our own wonderful life.

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: There is a treasure in the heart, and you can move forward bravely

In the journey of life, we are like navigators looking for direction on the vast sea, longing for a guide to guide us forward. The "four major" concepts put forward by entrepreneurs are like a beacon on the vast sea, illuminating the path of our pursuit of success. I'm deeply interested in one of the most important ideas – "Treasure in your heart, move forward". Let's talk about my impressions.

The so-called "treasure in the heart" does not refer to material wealth, but to the strength and wisdom of our hearts. This kind of strength is the source of motivation for us to maintain firm faith and move forward bravely after experiencing the ups and downs of life. I have heard a thought-provoking story about how a young man can bounce back after a setback and eventually achieve a brilliant career.

The protagonist of the story is named Jack, and he is a young man full of dreams and passions. However, when he was about to touch the pinnacle of his dream, fate played a cruel joke on him, causing him to lose everything in an instant. He was once the leader of a company with a lot of promise, but overnight he became nothing. Confusion and self-doubt once occupied his mind. However, it was at this low point that he began to dig into the treasure inside him.

He began to reflect, to reflect on his past, to reflect on his actions. He realized that the great truth of life was "action and reaction", and his actions led to the present result. He began to re-examine himself and decided to change. He no longer complains about the injustice of fate, but actively looks for new opportunities and proves his worth with his actions.

He began to help others and achieve others. He found that when he helped others, his inner strength grew. He understood the great value of life - to achieve others and build spiritual qualities. This process allowed him to rediscover his direction, find his goal, find his path, and find his motivation.

I was deeply influenced by this story. I also began to wonder if I had such a treasure in my heart. Can I be like Jack, who has gone through the ice and snow and still cherish the beauty of spring? Can I also understand that the great secret of life is that "there are endless treasures in my heart"?

I believe that everyone has such treasures, it is just whether we are willing to dig and discover. When we truly understand and experience this, we will have direction, purpose, path, and motivation in our lives. We are no longer confused, no longer hesitant, because we know that our inner strength is enough for us to face any challenge in life.

That's what I think about "having endless treasures in my heart". I hope that everyone can find their own treasure and find their own direction and realize their own value in the long river of life.

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