
Li Jingyun, a female student from Zhejiang University: The real choice and social repercussions behind the slogan


Li Jingyun, a student of Zhejiang University, delivered a touching speech at the graduation ceremony, calling on the students to dedicate their youth to the motherland and to the western region, to the frontiers, and to the places where the motherland needs it most. Her impassioned words and sincere emotions touched everyone present, and the applause lasted for a long time. Li Jingyun's face looked particularly bright on stage, and the video of her speech quickly spread on the Internet, with many people calling her "a patriotic youth in the new era"

Li Jingyun, a female student from Zhejiang University: The real choice and social repercussions behind the slogan

However, it wasn't long before Li Jingyun made a surprising choice. She gave up a high-paying job offer at a well-known company in China and instead applied for a master's program at a top university in the United States. As soon as this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet. People have questioned her original intentions, believing that her speech was only to attract attention and applause, while her actual actions deviated from the patriotic spirit she advocated

The news of Li Jingyun's study in the United States has disappointed and confused many people who have been touched by her. They questioned what exactly was the "most difficult road" mentioned by Li Jingyun in her speech. She called on her classmates to build the western part of the motherland, but she chose to fly across the Pacific Ocean to study in the United States, is this a manifestation of inconsistency between words and deeds? Some netizens commented: "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." What's more, he quoted an ancient poem: "Waiting for leisure to change but the heart of the people, but the heart of the old people is changeable."

Li Jingyun, a female student from Zhejiang University: The real choice and social repercussions behind the slogan

Such doubts are not unfounded. There have been similar "slogan loyal ministers" in history. At the end of the Ming Dynasty's Jingyan Campaign, Zhu Di's army was about to enter the Forbidden City, and the four ministers of the court, Xie Jin, Wang Gen, Wu Pu, and Hu Guang, met at Wu Pu's house and expressed their willingness to sacrifice their lives for the country. The champion Xie Jin's righteousness was awe-inspiring, and he scolded Zhu Di for being a thief of the country; Bangyan Hu Guang is like a bell, threatening to repay the country with death; Tanhua Wang Gen wept silently, with a tragic heart

However, when Zhu Di's army invaded the capital, the performance of the four ministers was very different. Hu Guang instructed the servants to close the doors and windows and keep the family's belongings; Xie Jin hurriedly went to meet Zhu Di and expressed his loyalty; Only Wang Gen committed suicide at home as a sign of loyalty. In the aftermath, people lamented that the performance of these ministers in times of crisis was in stark contrast to the slogans of loyalty that they shouted on a daily basis

So, in response to the Li Jingyun incident, how can we better guide young people to truly practice the spirit of patriotism? First of all, education departments and schools should strengthen patriotic education and integrate it into daily teaching, so that students can establish correct values and outlook on life from an early age. Second, the government and all sectors of society should provide more practical opportunities for aspiring young people and encourage them to go to places where the motherland needs them most, such as infrastructure construction in the western region and educational support in poor areas. Through hands-on practice, they can not only increase their abilities, but also deeply understand and feel the true meaning of patriotism

In addition, the media and the public should give more attention and support to these young people. Those who have truly contributed to the country and the people should be fully affirmed and commended, so that they can become role models and models for society. On the contrary, for those who are inconsistent with their words and deeds, and whose slogans are greater than their actions, appropriate criticism and reminders should be given to encourage them to reflect and correct

In the end, we must realize that patriotism is not just a slogan, but also a kind of responsibility and responsibility. No matter where they are, every Chinese should keep in mind their mission and contribute their own strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland. Only in this way can we truly realize the oath of "entering China without regrets in this life" and become true patriots in the new era

Li Jingyun, a female student from Zhejiang University: The real choice and social repercussions behind the slogan

In view of the phenomenon like Li Jingyun, how can we better guide young people to truly practice the spirit of patriotism? First of all, education departments and schools should strengthen patriotic education and integrate it into daily teaching, so that students can establish correct values and outlook on life from an early age. Second, the government and all sectors of society should provide more practical opportunities for aspiring young people and encourage them to go to places where the motherland needs them most, such as infrastructure construction in the western region and educational support in poor areas. Through hands-on practice, they can not only increase their abilities, but also deeply understand and feel the true meaning of patriotism

In addition, the media and the public should give more attention and support to these young people. Those who have truly contributed to the country and the people should be fully affirmed and commended, so that they can become role models and models for society. On the contrary, for those who are inconsistent with their words and deeds, and whose slogans are greater than their actions, appropriate criticism and reminders should be given to encourage them to reflect and correct

In the end, we must realize that patriotism is not just a slogan, but also a kind of responsibility and responsibility. No matter where they are, every Chinese should keep in mind their mission and contribute their own strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland. Only in this way can we truly realize the oath of "entering China without regrets in this life" and become true patriots in the new era

Li Jingyun, a female student from Zhejiang University: The real choice and social repercussions behind the slogan

Li Jingyun's experience and choice have aroused widespread concern and thinking in society. Her inconsistencies in words and deeds have given people a deeper understanding of the so-called "patriotic performing artists". Through education, practice, and public opinion guidance, we should help the younger generation establish a correct outlook on patriotism, so that they can understand that patriotism is not just about shouting slogans, but about making contributions to the development of the country and the happiness of the people with practical actions. Only in this way will we be able to identify true patriots in peacetime and make them the pillars of the country

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