
Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

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Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

As night fell, Li Jing tiredly pushed open the door, looking forward to the quiet moment after a day's work. However, she was awakened to the sight of her home, with drawers wide open and clothes scattered.

Her hands trembled and she checked the safe, her heart racing—it was empty. Thousands of dollars in cash, jewelry that has been treasured for many years, and her husband's beloved watch are all gone.

, the once dominant CCTV host, feels unprecedented fear and helplessness in his home at the moment. Who is it that is spying on her life and coveting her belongings? A disturbing thought arose in her mind: Could it be the person who gets along day and night? A heart-wrenching family suspense drama kicked off.

In 1993, with her love for television, Li Jing joined Beijing TV immediately after graduating from university. With her unique hosting style and keen insight, she quickly made a name for herself in the morning news program "Beijing Your Morning".

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

The audience was attracted by her fresh and natural hosting style, and the ratings of the show continued to climb. Li Jing's talent is like a rising star, which soon attracted the attention of a bigger stage.

In 1995, the opportunity came. CCTV extended an olive branch to the young and promising host. For Li Jing, this is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She accepted the invitation without hesitation and stepped into the hall that countless hosts have dreamed of. On the stage of CCTV, Li Jing has hosted many popular programs such as "Gathering Together", "Weekend Roundabout", "Love Malatang", "Wonderful Ten", etc., and it seems that her career is developing rapidly in the ideal direction.

However, on this star-studded platform, Li Jing gradually felt a trace of unease and loss. Whenever a pillar-level host like Ni Ping and Zhou Tao appears, she always feels as if she has become a supporting role in the set.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Despite all her efforts, she was never able to be the brightest star. This frustration builds up over time, and Li Jing begins to question her choice.

Four years have passed, and Li Jing's heart has become more and more anxious. She longs for a stage where she can fully display her talents, and is eager to break through the status quo and create her own brilliance.

In 1999, when everyone thought she was about to usher in the peak of her career, Li Jing made a shocking decision - to leave CCTV and start a business from scratch.

This decision caused quite a stir in the industry. Many people didn't understand, and some even ridiculed her for not being self-sufficient. But Li Jing firmly believes that only by stepping out of her comfort zone can she stimulate her full potential.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Her eyes are burning with ambition, vowing to carve out a world of her own in this highly competitive industry.

In this way, Li Jing resolutely embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. She believes that with her talent and years of accumulated experience, she will definitely be able to create new glories in the TV industry. This decision not only changed the trajectory of her career, but also laid the foundation for her future success.

In 2002, just as Li Jing's career was booming, her life ushered in another important moment. She tied the knot with Huang Xiaomao, who is engaged in the music industry, and soon after, her lovely daughter "Muer" came to the world, bringing infinite joy to the family.

However, Li Jing, a first-time mother, soon fell into a dilemma. As a loving mother, she longs to be by her daughter's side at all times and witness her every moment of growth.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

But on the other hand, the vigorous development of her career made it difficult for her to give up. Whenever she hugged her daughter, but unconsciously glanced at the work messages that kept pouring in on her phone, there was always a feeling of guilt in her heart.

Just when Li Jing is struggling with how to balance her family and career, a seemingly perfect nanny appears. Not only is this nanny a great cook, but she also takes care of the household chores in an orderly manner.

What's more, she takes good care of Xiao Muer, as if she was born to protect this family.

Li Jing was relieved, as if she had found the key to solving all the problems. She did not hesitate to increase the salary of her nanny, and often gave expensive gifts, hoping to keep this right-hand man.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Every night, when she dragged her tired body home, saw the neat home environment, smelled the aroma of food, and heard her daughter's cheerful laughter, Li Jing would feel a burst of warmth in her heart.

She is convinced that she has found the perfect balance between career and family. Outside, she's a radiant host; At home, she has a cosy haven. Li Jing even began to be complacent about her clever decision, but she didn't know that behind this seemingly perfect balance, there was a time bomb buried in it.

As time went on, Li Jing's career went to the next level. The children's variety show "Eagle Catches Chicken" launched by her cooperation with her friend Dai Jun has swept the country and has become an indispensable part of the childhood memories of countless post-80s and post-90s.

With her keen insight and excellent eloquence, Li Jing won the love of the audience and won the honor of "Best Talk Show Host" by New Weekly.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

The success of her career has brought Li Jing great satisfaction, but it has also taken up a lot of her time and energy. She began to rely more and more on a nanny to take care of her family and children, and she was content to devote more attention to her work.

In Li Jing's opinion, this arrangement is simply perfect: she can devote herself to her career without worrying about her family being neglected.

However, just as Li Jing is ecstatic about the double harvest of her career and family, a storm that can destroy it all is quietly brewing. What she doesn't realize is that excessive trust and dependence is laying the groundwork for future tragedies.

This seemingly perfect balance is actually on the verge of collapse, and a crisis is on the horizon that can turn her life upside down.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

At first, Li Jing did not notice the abnormality in the home. Until one day, when she tried to withdraw a sum of cash that she had deposited not long ago, she found that the safe was empty.

Li Jing frowned, trying to remember, but couldn't remember whether she had ever taken out the money.

She asked the nanny about this, but the answer was: "Sister Li, didn't you say you wanted to use this money a few days ago?" You must have taken it yourself, but you were too busy to forget.

Li Jing was skeptical, but looking at the nanny's sincere eyes, she felt that maybe she was really mistaken. After all, work has been really busy lately.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

However, similar things began to happen frequently. Sometimes it's some loose cash, sometimes it's expensive jewelry, and even a few of the watches that her husband treasures have inexplicably disappeared.

Every time she asked, the nanny would prevaricate with the same rhetoric, insisting that Li Jing had forgotten it after taking it herself. Li Jing begins to feel uneasy, and she tries to convince herself to believe in the nanny, but her inner doubts grow day by day.

This situation continued for a while, and Li Jing finally made up her mind to take action. She devised a trap: hide a thousand dollars in cash in a shoe closet and leave the house as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, she couldn't wait to check the shoe closet, and it turned out to be half cold—the money was gone.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Li Jing endured the anger and disappointment in her heart, and carefully observed the nanny's reaction. To her surprise, the nanny still looked as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Li Jing felt a whirlwind of the world. She couldn't believe that the nanny, whom she regarded as family, had been cheating on her and stealing her belongings.

After struggling inwardly for a long time, Li Jing finally decided to call the police. She knew that this decision could change her life completely, but she had no choice. The results of the police investigation shocked her even more: this seemingly honest nanny actually had a criminal record.

This discovery made Li Jing feel a chill, and she realized how lucky she was, but fortunately she found the truth in time.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Faced with police interrogation, the nanny finally confessed to her crime.

Hearing this, Li Jing only felt dizzy. She recalls the trust and generosity she had given to her nanny over the years, and the warm and harmonious family times, and all the good memories became ridiculous and ironic in this moment.

This betrayal not only cost Li Jing a lot of money, but more importantly, it destroyed her trust in humanity. She used to be optimistic and cheerful, but now she is cautious and suspicious.

However, despite suffering such a heavy blow, Li Jing was not crushed. On the contrary, the experience made her stronger and wiser. She understands that while pursuing career success, she must also be vigilant to protect the interests of herself and her family.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

As the old saying goes: "You can't have the heart to harm others, and you can't have the heart to prevent people." This betrayal of trust has become the most profound lesson in Li Jing's life.

The nanny incident has dealt a heavy blow to Li Jing, far beyond the scope of simple property loss. This experience deeply shook her trust in humanity and made her re-examine her lifestyle and values.

Li Jing, who used to be passionate about life and have beautiful expectations for human nature, has now become cautious and suspicious. She began to question her past decisions: Was she too gullible to trust others? Have you neglected the importance of family in your pursuit of career success? These questions hung over her like a dark cloud.

However, Li Jing is not a person who can be easily defeated. She began to reflect on the lessons of the experience. She realized that no matter how successful her career was, her family was the most important harbor.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

At the same time, she also learned that to gain a foothold in society, it is necessary to maintain both kindness and vigilance.

This incident made Li Jing re-examine her work-life balance. She began to get more involved in family matters and take care of her daughter herself, rather than being overly dependent on others.

At work, she has also learned to maintain a moderate level of vigilance while trusting others, building healthier professional relationships.

Li Jing understands that although this experience is painful, it is also a rare opportunity for growth. She is determined to turn this lesson into motivation for the future of her life, pursuing career success while protecting the interests of herself and her family.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Li Jing, who experienced the nanny incident, was not defeated by this turmoil. Instead, the experience became a turning point in her life, making her stronger and wiser.

She continues to struggle in her career, but also places more emphasis on family life, trying to find a balance between the two.

Li Jing has learned to maintain a moderate level of vigilance while trusting others, and not forgetting her original intention on the road to success. She turned this lesson into motivation to move forward and redefine her life values.

Today's Li Jing is still active in the public eye, but her eyes have more calmness and wisdom. Her story is not only a history of struggle for a successful woman, but also a human fable of trust, betrayal and rebirth.

Li Jing, who once left CCTV and started from scratch, personally sent her nanny who had taken care of her for many years to prison

Li Jing used her own experience to explain what it means to be truly reborn.

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