
The U.S. military came up with two pieces of "ruthless goods", one for Scarborough Shoal and one for use in unexpected places

author:Armament Aspiration

In order to confront China, the US military seems to be doing its best to make "combat preparations", and in recent days, two "ruthless goods" have been revealed one after another, one is used in Huangyan Island, and the other is used in where?

The U.S. military came up with two pieces of "ruthless goods", one for Scarborough Shoal and one for use in unexpected places

First of all, in the direction of Scarborough Shoal, due to the escalation of Sino-Philippine conflicts, the US military has gradually found an opportunity to intervene in the South China Sea.

Not long ago, the United States and the Philippines jointly held a special bilateral exercise for the first time, which not only demonstrated the depth of military cooperation between the two countries, but also sent a strong strategic signal to the region and beyond.

Of particular concern is the fact that on the eve of rising tensions at Second Thomas Shoal, the exercise, with the theme of "Fifth-Generation Aircraft Strikes at Sea", highlighted the advanced capabilities of the U.S. Marine Corps' F-35B stealth fighters and their potential role in regional security.

During the exercise, four F-35B stealth fighters from the U.S. Marine Corps carried out precision strikes off the coast of West Luzon Island in the Philippines, dropping seven GBU-32 guided bombs with the goal of improving the capabilities of joint U.S.-Philippine operations.

The US media stressed that this is not only the first time that the United States and the Philippines have held such a special exercise, but also that it was conducted on Luzon Island, which is only 230 kilometers away from the sensitive area of Scarborough Shoal, and its geographical and strategic significance is self-evident.

The U.S. military came up with two pieces of "ruthless goods", one for Scarborough Shoal and one for use in unexpected places

The U.S. military used the C-130 transport aircraft as an air command platform, and through the real-time intelligence provided by the Philippine military's drones, the process of coordinated operations demonstrated the possible future combat modes: information sharing, rapid response and precision strikes, and the exercise verified the ability of the United States and the Philippines to cooperate with each other in data link integration, intelligence sharing and cooperative operations.

On the one hand, this type of exercise enhances interoperability and strategic synergy between the two sides, strengthens the response capabilities of both sides to existing threats, and ensures that the two countries can act together quickly and effectively when needed.

On the other hand, through such exercises, the United States and the Philippines intend to show their "muscles" to neighboring countries for deterrence purposes, especially for tensions in the South China Sea, which undoubtedly increases regional uncertainty.

It is undeniable that this is indeed a point that China needs to be wary of.

As for the second "ruthless cargo," it is the "capable" reconnaissance ship deployed by the US military in the East China Sea.

The U.S. military came up with two pieces of "ruthless goods", one for Scarborough Shoal and one for use in unexpected places

The technical equipment carried by the ship, especially its low-frequency active sonar array, gives it a powerful information-gathering and submarine detection capability. Such reconnaissance in the vicinity of enemy territorial waters has undoubtedly pushed regional tensions to new heights.

It was revealed that the towed sonar of the "Able" reached a staggering length of 2,000 meters, which not only allowed it to effectively detect lurking submarines, but also to map the topography of the seabed, which in turn provided accurate geographic information for possible combat operations. Military experts interpret this as a so-called "battlefield preparation" for the US military, suggesting that the US may be planning further military activities.

In the face of the current complex security situation, especially the ongoing tensions in the two sensitive regions of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the PLA needs to be prepared for both multilateral defenses.

Judging by the actual actions, it is clear that the PLA has already begun!

According to the report, the joint fleet of three 055-class destroyers recently conducted a six-day and five-night combat exercise in the South China Sea. The exercise was not only a test of the PLA's maritime combat capabilities, but also sent a clear signal to the outside world that China is capable and ready to meet any challenge.

The U.S. military came up with two pieces of "ruthless goods", one for Scarborough Shoal and one for use in unexpected places

However, the core strength of the PLA is not limited to the navy. Ground-based missile forces, aviation forces, and their integration with the navy and strategic support arms together form a multi-layered, highly effective defense and attack system. The existence of this system ensures China's military superiority in the region, which remains solid even in the face of large-scale deployments by the U.S. Navy.

Against this backdrop, the United States' vain attempt to force China to make concessions through military pressure is obviously unworkable.

China has always maintained an open attitude and is willing to resolve differences through dialogue, but at the same time resolutely opposes any form of coercion. This firm stance reflects China's self-confidence and decisiveness in safeguarding its own security and interests.

On the whole, the current situation in the region does not allow for any degree of dangerous temptation, and any behavior that may lead to miscalculation and escalation of the conflict will be condemned by the international community, and it will swallow the bitter fruit of arrogance and ignorance.