
Huang Guochang expressed his opposition to the blue camp in advance, and Fu Laiying's proposal to the Legislative Yuan may die!

author:Liang Cha the world

Recently, the biggest offensive and defense of Taiwan's government and opposition is undoubtedly the recall and anti-recall cases proposed by both the government and the opposition, and the Democratic Progressive Party has put forward a list of recalls, ready to attack some legislators of the Kuomintang, and the first to bear the brunt is Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang!


Faced with the crisis of the dismissal of the team members, Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Kuomintang, was busy giving speeches in various places, and yesterday he arrived in Taichung City, but Lu Xiuyan did not even show his face, which was tantamount to giving Zhu Lilun a closed door! The original open-air speech has also been changed to an indoor air-conditioned speech, even with such good conditions, there are few audiences at the scene, and some netizens joked that the audience of a huge party chairman's speech has not been as much as he chatters!

The Kuomintang has long been accustomed to Zhu Lilun's inaction, and in the face of the DPP's recall attack, the Kuomintang caucus summoned Fu Laiqing to propose a recall amendment, preparing to raise the recall threshold, and this proposal will be voted on in the Legislative Yuan this Thursday!

If Fu Laiqing's proposal can be successfully passed, then Xie Guoliang will be relatively safe, on the contrary, according to the joint signatures that the DPP has now collected, if the 25% threshold remains unchanged, then Xie Guoliang will definitely be ousted by the DPP, becoming the second county mayor of the KMT to be pulled down by the DPP after Han Kuo-yu!

Huang Guochang expressed his opposition to the blue camp in advance, and Fu Laiying's proposal to the Legislative Yuan may die!

Unlike in the past, this Thursday's vote was a small-scale vote, and because Gao Jin Sumei, who is not a party member, was unable to participate in the vote due to her leave of absence, this resulted in 6 seats in the blue and green camps and 1 seat in the white camp, which also means that the attitude of the white camp can affect the outcome of the outcome! Can the People's Party continue its cooperation with the KMT? Keep an eye out!

However, with three days to go until Thursday, the answer has already been revealed in advance!

Today, Mai Yuzhen, the representative of the people of the white camp, who has the key vote of the white camp, said that the People's Party will not push or amend the proposal to protect the blue camp, and bluntly said that it will follow the unanimous resolution of the white camp and will vote against the proposal of the blue camp!

In this regard, Huang Guochang, the chief of the People's Party Caucus, also stated that he had informed Mr. Fu Laiqing, the chief caller of the Kuomintang Caucus, that this was a deviation from Bai Ying's idea, and hoped to understand!

Huang Guochang expressed his opposition to the blue camp in advance, and Fu Laiying's proposal to the Legislative Yuan may die!

In fact, whether it is Mai Yuzhen or Huang Guochang's statement, it is no longer news, because before this, Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the People's Party, has taken the lead in expressing his disagreement with Fu Laiqing's proposal to raise the threshold, believing that this move will only exacerbate party contradictions, Ke Wenzhe's statement has been doomed to Thursday's vote, and the Kuomintang will only end in helpless failure!

Regarding Huang Guochang's statement, Fu Laiqing, the chief of the Kuomintang Caucus, did not respond directly today, but instead asked Hong Mengkai, the Blue Committee, to hold a meeting to explain and express the views of the Blue Camp! It stands to reason that judging from the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the People's Party some time ago, the two sides have a very tacit understanding, and the relationship between Fu Laiqing and Huang Guochang is so ironclad that they can be called brothers, but now, in the face of the interests of their respective political parties, the relationship between the two brothers is facing a test!

Today, Kuomintang legislator Hong Mengkai said that the blue camp has not set a timetable for revising and raising the recall threshold, and will discuss it with the white camp again to strive for mutual recognition, so that the blue and white can work together, if this proposal is rejected, it will continue to do it in the next session, and will not give up easily!

Huang Guochang expressed his opposition to the blue camp in advance, and Fu Laiying's proposal to the Legislative Yuan may die!

For the blue and white successive statements, the happiest is the DPP, the DPP caucus summoned Ke Jianming and his royal secretary Wu Siyao to sing and harmonize, held a press conference today, Wu Siyao said, seeing Bai Ying's statement, it seems that Bai Ying is going to revolt and return, but I hope to say what I say, don't say one thing, do another, and see the truth in the 4th Standing Yuan!

Although it has not yet reached Thursday, the result has been locked in advance, there is no suspense, there is no way, this is Taiwan's politics, the government and opposition parties are in their own positions, and the interests of political parties are always higher than the interests of the people! If the opposition parties cannot work together to effectively contain the ruling DPP, the DPP will only become more and more tyrannical in the future, and by the time the People's Party comes to its senses, I am afraid it will be too late!

Huang Guochang expressed his opposition to the blue camp in advance, and Fu Laiying's proposal to the Legislative Yuan may die!