
Zhu Lilun's speech in Taichung was given a cold reception, and Lu Xiuyan was invisible and estranged throughout the whole process!

author:Liang Cha the world

Next Thursday, the Legislative Yuan will vote on the recall amendment proposed by Mr. Fu Laiqing, and Xie Guoliang's stay may be finalized!

But at such a critical moment, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun turned a blind eye to the dismissal of Xie Guoliang and did not care about it, but went to various places in Taiwan to give speeches!


Zhu Lilun went to Miaoli on the 27th, Keelung on the 28th, and Taoyuan on the 29th.

Yesterday, Zhu Lilun came to Taichung, everyone knows that Taichung is Lu Xiuyan's territory, and Lu Xiuyan is definitely the rising star of the Kuomintang, for the arrival of the leader, it stands to reason that Lu Xiuyan should accompany the whole process, but what made Zhu Lilun lose face was that Lu Xiuyan not only participated in Zhu Lilun's speech throughout the whole process, but what was even more outrageous was that Lu Xiuyan simply did not show up, and Zhu Lilun did not even see Lu Xiuyan's shadow!

In my opinion, this is extraordinary, Lu Xiuyan is known as Lu's mother, and she is quite respected in Taichung, on the one hand, thanks to Lu Xiuyan's deep cultivation in Taichung, which has brought real benefits to the people of Taichung, and on the other hand, because Lu Xiuyan has a gentle personality, a person, and a harmonious work!

As for the arrival of the leader, Lu Xiuyan didn't even show her face, which is not in line with her character in the world, there must be a reason for this! In fact, the reason is not so complicated, that is, Lu Xiuyan and Zhu Lilun have an estrangement in the rotation of the chairman of the Kuomintang!

Zhu Lilun's speech in Taichung was given a cold reception, and Lu Xiuyan was invisible and estranged throughout the whole process!

We know that Zhu Lilun's chairmanship of the Kuomintang will expire next year, and as we all know, Zhu Lilun is determined to run for re-election, and his recent words and deeds have exposed his ambitions at a glance, and as everyone knows, Zhu Lilun is currently in a very weak position in the Kuomintang, and this has a lot to do with his character and ability, especially with his deeds since the beginning of this year!

Since the beginning of this year, under the leadership of Han Kuo-yu and Fu Laiqing, the Kuomintang has swept the Democratic Progressive Party in the Legislative Yuan, giving the Kuomintang a new lease of life. Let the members of the Kuomintang chill!

If Zhu Lilun wants to run for re-election, it can be said that it is difficult, his character is not good, his ability is not enough, and more importantly, the challenger is like a cloud, and Lu Xiuyan is the most powerful one of them!

As you know, Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan has recently changed her normal behavior and made frequent appearances, especially the warm interaction with the Democratic Progressive Party, which made the outside world speculate that Lu Xiuyan is warming up in advance for next year's KMT chairmanship! This speculation is not groundless, Lu Xiuyan's term of office will also expire the year after that, and if she can't go further, then her political career will be over! And Lu Xiuyan obviously won't choose to retire when she is in her prime! There is no doubt that Lu Xiuyan will become the biggest obstacle to Zhu Lilun's re-election next year!

Zhu Lilun's speech in Taichung was given a cold reception, and Lu Xiuyan was invisible and estranged throughout the whole process!

Interestingly, after Zhu Lilun's speech in Taichung yesterday, a "heartfelt" reporter asked Zhu: It is rumored that Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan may run for the next chairman of the Kuomintang, what do you think about this? Zhu Lilun's face suddenly changed, he said that Lu Xiuyan is a very good and outstanding mayor of Taichung, who has made great contributions to Taichung, and is also one of the most important team members and leaders of the Kuomintang, "Let's work together." He then left in a hurry, not responding positively to his views on Rowe's candidacy for party chairmanship.

Isn't the voiceover of "let's work together" just "work hard"? This may be the truest portrayal of Zhu Lilun's heart at this moment.

Perhaps, this time Zhu Lilun went to Taichung to give a speech, Lu Xiuyan's whole process was hidden, and the contradiction between the two will be completely made public, and the battle for the chairman of the Kuomintang will also start in advance, as for who can have the last laugh, we will wait and see, but in my opinion, Lu Xiuyan's victory may not be able to save the stormy Kuomintang, but Zhu Lilun's victory will definitely make the Kuomintang completely enter history!

Let time tell!

Zhu Lilun's speech in Taichung was given a cold reception, and Lu Xiuyan was invisible and estranged throughout the whole process!

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